simple question for the WTC collapse

anybody ever watch a reality show where controlled demolitions bring down a building? There are literally weeks of preparation just to expose the areas so that the demolition engineers can see where to place the charges. Next there is another week or two while many, many holes are drilled in the concrete for the explosive charges. The incredible mass of wiring is carefully mapped out and attached to a computer for synchronized blasts. I guess the mtv generation who were raised in front of a tv set think that the cia and/or the fbi or some rogue us government agency could pull it off right in front of some of the best security networks in the world and keep it a secret but it's a freaking pipe dream. Why didn't it happen when the jihad tried it with a truck of explosives in the first year of the clinton administration? It certainly would have been easier to synchronize timed explosives with a freaking truck parked in the basement than coordinate with two crazy squads of suicide bombers in planes. Nothing makes sense except wishful thinking.

there are people vastly more knowledgeable than you including engineers who worked at the wtc that do not see anywhere near the same degree of difficulty you do and they are without question not a part of the mtv generation
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another empty statement backed by nothing...nist investigative process was completely lacking..

Dr. Quintiere said he originally “had high hopes” that nist would do a good job with the investigation. “they’re the central government lab for fire. There are good people there and they can do a good job. But what i also thought they would do is to enlist the service of the atf [bureau of alcohol, tobacco, firearms and explosives], which has an investigation force and a laboratory of their own for fire. And i thought they would put people out on the street and get gumshoe-type information. What prevented all of this? I think it’s the legal structure that cloaks the commerce department and therefore nist. And so, instead of lawyers as if they were acting on a civil case trying to get depositions and information subpoenaed, those lawyers did the opposite and blocked everything.”

opednews - article: Former chief of nist's fire science division calls for independent review of world trade center investigation

lynn margulis (phd - scientist) - 9/11 explosive evidence - experts speak out (ae911truth) - youtube
she was and is still unqualified to give evidence.

She is an expert in scientific method and fully qualified to comment on NIST lack of it
you wish....she has no experience in the necessary fields ...her opinion is is no better than non experienced nonscientists.
anybody ever watch a reality show where controlled demolitions bring down a building? There are literally weeks of preparation just to expose the areas so that the demolition engineers can see where to place the charges. Next there is another week or two while many, many holes are drilled in the concrete for the explosive charges. The incredible mass of wiring is carefully mapped out and attached to a computer for synchronized blasts. I guess the mtv generation who were raised in front of a tv set think that the cia and/or the fbi or some rogue us government agency could pull it off right in front of some of the best security networks in the world and keep it a secret but it's a freaking pipe dream. Why didn't it happen when the jihad tried it with a truck of explosives in the first year of the clinton administration? It certainly would have been easier to synchronize timed explosives with a freaking truck parked in the basement than coordinate with two crazy squads of suicide bombers in planes. Nothing makes sense except wishful thinking.

there are people vastly more knowledgeable than you including engineers who worked at the wtc that do not see anywhere near the same degree of difficulty you do and they are without question not a part of the mtv generation
[ame=]Richard Humenn P.E. - WTC Chief Electrical Design Engineer - - YouTube[/ame]

The burden is on the conspiracy theorists. I stated my opinion about the engineering difficulties of bringing down a building with controlled explosive and all I get is a you tube video.
anybody ever watch a reality show where controlled demolitions bring down a building? There are literally weeks of preparation just to expose the areas so that the demolition engineers can see where to place the charges. Next there is another week or two while many, many holes are drilled in the concrete for the explosive charges. The incredible mass of wiring is carefully mapped out and attached to a computer for synchronized blasts. I guess the mtv generation who were raised in front of a tv set think that the cia and/or the fbi or some rogue us government agency could pull it off right in front of some of the best security networks in the world and keep it a secret but it's a freaking pipe dream. Why didn't it happen when the jihad tried it with a truck of explosives in the first year of the clinton administration? It certainly would have been easier to synchronize timed explosives with a freaking truck parked in the basement than coordinate with two crazy squads of suicide bombers in planes. Nothing makes sense except wishful thinking.

there are people vastly more knowledgeable than you including engineers who worked at the wtc that do not see anywhere near the same degree of difficulty you do and they are without question not a part of the mtv generation
[ame=]Richard Humenn P.E. - WTC Chief Electrical Design Engineer - - YouTube[/ame]

The burden is on the conspiracy theorists. I stated my opinion about the engineering difficulties of bringing down a building with controlled explosive and all I get is a you tube video.
that's all his wife gets on their anniversary and christmas...
Anybody ever watch a reality show where controlled demolitions bring down a building? There are literally weeks of preparation just to expose the areas so that the demolition engineers can see where to place the charges. Next there is another week or two while many, many holes are drilled in the concrete for the explosive charges. The incredible mass of wiring is carefully mapped out and attached to a computer for synchronized blasts. I guess the MTV generation who were raised in front of a TV set think that the CIA and/or the FBI or some rogue US government agency could pull it off right in front of some of the best security networks in the world and keep it a secret but it's a freaking pipe dream. Why didn't it happen when the jihad tried it with a truck of explosives in the first year of the Clinton administration? It certainly would have been easier to synchronize timed explosives with a freaking truck parked in the basement than coordinate with two crazy squads of suicide bombers in planes. Nothing makes sense except wishful thinking.

None of the wires, detonators, explosives, thermite etc etc etc was disrupted by a jumbo jet full of fuel crashing into the buildings. None of the explosive rigs was left undetonated and later discovered in the debris.

No one involved in the task came forward to spill the beans.
Unless they were the 19 highjackers?
Now it all makes sense. :cuckoo:
Anybody ever watch a reality show where controlled demolitions bring down a building? There are literally weeks of preparation just to expose the areas so that the demolition engineers can see where to place the charges. Next there is another week or two while many, many holes are drilled in the concrete for the explosive charges. The incredible mass of wiring is carefully mapped out and attached to a computer for synchronized blasts. I guess the MTV generation who were raised in front of a TV set think that the CIA and/or the FBI or some rogue US government agency could pull it off right in front of some of the best security networks in the world and keep it a secret but it's a freaking pipe dream. Why didn't it happen when the jihad tried it with a truck of explosives in the first year of the Clinton administration? It certainly would have been easier to synchronize timed explosives with a freaking truck parked in the basement than coordinate with two crazy squads of suicide bombers in planes. Nothing makes sense except wishful thinking.

None of the wires, detonators, explosives, thermite etc etc etc was disrupted by a jumbo jet full of fuel crashing into the buildings. None of the explosive rigs was left undetonated and later discovered in the debris.

No one involved in the task came forward to spill the beans.
Unless they were the 19 highjackers?
Now it all makes sense. :cuckoo:

It's interesting how the conspiracy theorists twist logic. The "expert" Richard Huminan is a qualified electrical engineer with many years experience. In the interview he tries to qualify himself as an explosive expert by citing "instruction" at Ft. Belvoir regarding explosives but he doesn't elaborate about the expertise he is relaying. Presumably the class on explosives was during a two year hitch in the Army many years ago. As an electrical engineer Mr Huminan had a unique responsibility for electrical maintenance in the WTT but he doesn't admit to being part of any plot nor does he state any instance where any one of the 60 employees he supervised thought something was wrong. He isn't qualified to an opinion about the preparation and effects of controlled demolition any more than anyone else who saw the video. It's wishful thinking swallowed only by people who can't think rationally.
NIST failed to explain the collapses with their fire theory..your assumptions of what technologies could be utilized to bring down a building and your imagined obstacles do not change the fact that the most rational explanation for buildings collapsing as they did three times on sept 11th is some form of controlled demolition
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Anybody ever watch a reality show where controlled demolitions bring down a building? There are literally weeks of preparation just to expose the areas so that the demolition engineers can see where to place the charges. Next there is another week or two while many, many holes are drilled in the concrete for the explosive charges. The incredible mass of wiring is carefully mapped out and attached to a computer for synchronized blasts. I guess the MTV generation who were raised in front of a TV set think that the CIA and/or the FBI or some rogue US government agency could pull it off right in front of some of the best security networks in the world and keep it a secret but it's a freaking pipe dream. Why didn't it happen when the jihad tried it with a truck of explosives in the first year of the Clinton administration? It certainly would have been easier to synchronize timed explosives with a freaking truck parked in the basement than coordinate with two crazy squads of suicide bombers in planes. Nothing makes sense except wishful thinking.

None of the wires, detonators, explosives, thermite etc etc etc was disrupted by a jumbo jet full of fuel crashing into the buildings. None of the explosive rigs was left undetonated and later discovered in the debris.

No one involved in the task came forward to spill the beans.
Unless they were the 19 highjackers?
Now it all makes sense. :cuckoo:

It's interesting how the conspiracy theorists twist logic. The "expert" Richard Huminan is a qualified electrical engineer with many years experience. In the interview he tries to qualify himself as an explosive expert by citing "instruction" at Ft. Belvoir regarding explosives but he doesn't elaborate about the expertise he is relaying. Presumably the class on explosives was during a two year hitch in the Army many years ago. As an electrical engineer Mr Huminan had a unique responsibility for electrical maintenance in the WTT but he doesn't admit to being part of any plot nor does he state any instance where any one of the 60 employees he supervised thought something was wrong. He isn't qualified to an opinion about the preparation and effects of controlled demolition any more than anyone else who saw the video. It's wishful thinking swallowed only by people who can't think rationally.

It's interesting how you twist logic and refer to highly homered men and woman of science as conspiracy theorists and make references to MTV generations and act as if they do not posses simply logic or how their testimony is referred to as "youtube videos "
she was and is still unqualified to give evidence.

She is an expert in scientific method and fully qualified to comment on NIST lack of it
you wish....she has no experience in the necessary fields ...her opinion is is no better than non experienced nonscientists.

Not I wish ..she has been singled out and honored by her esteemed peers in science as being among the very best
It's hard to believe you are a human, humans would make some semblance of sense, you are more likely to be some kind of posting software. It's been around.
disinformation. That's not frame 5:55. That's your stupid picture tossed in to mock the video, which was taken on 09/11. So here you expose yourself as someone who is attacking the thread with propaganda, not an honest poster.
She is an expert in scientific method and fully qualified to comment on NIST lack of it
you wish....she has no experience in the necessary fields ...her opinion is is no better than non experienced nonscientists.

Not I wish ..she has been singled out and honored by her esteemed peers in science as being among the very best

But the point, I think, is that being the best in one field does not make you the best in others. The best neurosurgeon in the world isn't someone you go to for information on plastic surgery. The top astrophysicist is not the best choice for explaining paleontology.

So if the woman in discussion doesn't have any education or experience in relevant fields, her opinion shouldn't necessarily hold more weight than any other layman's.

Also, who are the peers who honored her and what was it for being the best at? That was left vague.
you wish....she has no experience in the necessary fields ...her opinion is is no better than non experienced nonscientists.

Not I wish ..she has been singled out and honored by her esteemed peers in science as being among the very best

But the point, I think, is that being the best in one field does not make you the best in others. The best neurosurgeon in the world isn't someone you go to for information on plastic surgery. The top astrophysicist is not the best choice for explaining paleontology.

So if the woman in discussion doesn't have any education or experience in relevant fields, her opinion shouldn't necessarily hold more weight than any other layman's.

Also, who are the peers who honored her and what was it for being the best at? That was left vague.

She was honored by peers in a wide feild of sceintific expertise specifically for her ability to reason and proper use of scientific method and that is exactly what she was critiquing in regards to NIST
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Not I wish ..she has been singled out and honored by her esteemed peers in science as being among the very best

But the point, I think, is that being the best in one field does not make you the best in others. The best neurosurgeon in the world isn't someone you go to for information on plastic surgery. The top astrophysicist is not the best choice for explaining paleontology.

So if the woman in discussion doesn't have any education or experience in relevant fields, her opinion shouldn't necessarily hold more weight than any other layman's.

Also, who are the peers who honored her and what was it for being the best at? That was left vague.

She was honored by peers in a wide feild of sceintific expertise specifically for her ability to reason and proper use of scientific method and that is exactly what she was critiquing in regards to NIST

That still seems pretty vague. Ability to reason? What does that really mean?

Proper use of the scientific method? What, she's good at data gathering, communicating her findings, what? Or was it more that she didn't cheat on any of her research?

Your description sounds like a lifetime achievement type of thing, not something to show expertise in an unrelated field.

Not to disparage the woman's intelligence, education or experience; she may be qualified to speak on the subject of 9/11 with authority. I'm just saying your description doesn't really show that.
But the point, I think, is that being the best in one field does not make you the best in others. The best neurosurgeon in the world isn't someone you go to for information on plastic surgery. The top astrophysicist is not the best choice for explaining paleontology.

So if the woman in discussion doesn't have any education or experience in relevant fields, her opinion shouldn't necessarily hold more weight than any other layman's.

Also, who are the peers who honored her and what was it for being the best at? That was left vague.

She was honored by peers in a wide feild of sceintific expertise specifically for her ability to reason and proper use of scientific method and that is exactly what she was critiquing in regards to NIST

That still seems pretty vague. Ability to reason? What does that really mean?

Proper use of the scientific method? What, she's good at data gathering, communicating her findings, what? Or was it more that she didn't cheat on any of her research?

Your description sounds like a lifetime achievement type of thing, not something to show expertise in an unrelated field.

Not to disparage the woman's intelligence, education or experience; she may be qualified to speak on the subject of 9/11 with authority. I'm just saying your description doesn't really show that.

The reality is no level of expertise in any field will be recognized by those attempting to propagate the official 9/11 conspiracy theory.. a structural engineer of the highest caliber is not qualified because he is not a physicist...a physicist is not qualified because he is not a structural engineer.. presidents of the Air crash investigation board are not qualified because they were not part of the 9/11 the official 9/11 conspiracy theorist mind there is no level of qualification and achievement that is qualifies a person to question their theory
There are very simple answers to those questions. But before I answer your questions, you should answer the question in the top post. Can you see an intact 40 story structure bearing down on the lower floors in that picture? I don't see any intact structure, there's nothing but debris. What happened to 40 stories of vertical truss? What blew that to bits? In 5 seconds time?

No one answered the question. Everyone who entered the thread only came here to debunk the thread. Debunking is a really intelligent sounding term for acting an idiot and tossing tomatoes. When I answered the questions, later in the thread, they were already into tossing out negative reputation garnished with cuss words and the like abuse. Somehow this coarse base behavior thinks it is accomplishing a political agenda for someone,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

When you play internet Spades, there's a bunch of little tykes who like to roam the hands bidding 13 or double nil, they don't know how to play the game, but they want to be involved. When you come to message boards, you get the sewer equivalent from their parents. Politics in America is very very close in nature to dog shit. I don't have any posts in the political threads, I don't want this dog shit rubbed into my threads, but these dogs wander in here and do their duty.

How ironic coming from someone who has utterly failed to substantiate every single one of his conspiracy allegations.

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