Simply Beautiful: Trump Posts Scorching Reply to Lawsuit Filed By ‘Failed’ New York Attorney General Letitia James

She's doing what the banksters & others wouldn't do for one reason or another. Which is to reveal what Trump really is. A crooked bastard who's been screwing the system over for decades.

If banking officials, regulators, tax officials & probably prosecutors had done their fucking jobs years ago we wouldn't be here right now & you Trump apologists wouldn't be bitching because he finally was caught.
Go ahead. Call us ultraMAGA's. We love it.
Because it is frivolous. She can't even come up with a plaintiff. Ever hear of buyer beware? Moron
Buyer beware? Didn't think of that that when you voted for that vile, deranged pile of shit & put the bastard in the W.H. didga, bedwetter?
We got him this time----LOLOLOLOLOLOL, What's this #5, there have been so many times that the democrats have said that and had NOTHING that I've lost count.
No case? Is that why you've launched into orbit over & over again in posts about this lawsuit?

That AG is going to rattle Trump's cage real good with this lawsuit until your guy cries "uncle" & settles. Just like he did when he got caught ripping off that children's "charity" that he used as a slush fund & the fake Trump University scam he was running.

You idiots can really pick em.
you know the difference between a civil case against a business and a actual criminal case?

and he has never declared personal bankruptcy…and so what? his business has…so? it’s a magical tool that allows business and people to move forward…you want debtor prisons back like they do in leftist nations?

you have not found anything to indict trump on let alone convict him of a crime…meanwhile many of your dembot tools have been…
Trump couldn't sell ice water in the middle of Death Valley in July & make a go of it.

But he did sucker you clueless dupes into putting him in the W.H.

Nice job.
Trump couldn't sell ice water in the middle of Death Valley in July & make a go of it.

But he did sucker you clueless dupes into putting him in the W.H.

Nice job.

Which kind of makes your claim a stupid one.

You MAGA hatters declared war on this Country the day Trump lost the election.

You're a bunch of pathetic sore losers because your guy got his ass beat. You idiots took a gangster & put him in the W.H. Go fuck yourself.
Call me a MAGA again. It gives me wood to see how terrified you are.
No case? Is that why you've launched into orbit over & over again in posts about this lawsuit?

That AG is going to rattle Trump's cage real good with this lawsuit until your guy cries "uncle" & settles. Just like he did when he got caught ripping off that children's "charity" that he used as a slush fund & the fake Trump University scam he was running.

You idiots can really pick em.
Oh please. First Russia, exonerated; then scam impeachment #1, acquitted; then scam impeachment #2, acquitted AGAIN; then scam J6 riot, no charges; now scam FBI raid, still nothing. Trump is the most investigated person on the face of the earth and you guys STILL have NOTHING. What was that definition of insanity. Give it up--changes are coming in 45 short days. LMAO. BTW, you seem to be the one that gets your panties in a wad daily with your third grade vocabulary, what does didga mean?
Having buyers remorse, eh? No other reason for you to be so angry and lashing out like this. Tsk, tsk, tsk.
Boy, you just can't over the AG lawsuit against your guy, can ya? Wonderful. Looks like AG James is rattling the cage of not only Trump's but yours also.

Sometimes life comes at ya hard, snowflake.

Tick tock tick tock.
Boy, you just can't over the AG lawsuit against your guy, can ya? Wonderful. Looks like AG James is rattling the cage of not only Trump's but yours also.

Sometimes life comes at ya hard, snowflake.

Tick tock tick tock.
46 days.

tick tock indeed!

Your fear becomes more and more precious to us by the second.

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