Simply Incredible: Massive Lines 10 Blocks Long To See Donald Trump In Orlando (Photos)

Yes, but you don't see them building some ridiculous wall along their borders either.
No but they do not have the same issues we seem to have on our southern border. The Mexican elitist don't do much for their own country men and I don't believe it is up to this country to take in every tom, dick and harry that is not willing to go through the proper channels for immigration.
Then American businesses shouldn't hire them.
Make the laws stiff enough and they won't .
False! If you had to make the choice between murder, starvation, etc. And maybe going to jail for what basically is trespass.
Which would you choose?
So you are saying Mexico is a failed state therefore we should let criminals just have a free pass into this country?

Isn't it amazing how stupid these leftwing douche nozzles sound when you translate their psycho-babble into plain English?
Muslims don't give a rats ass about this country. They come here to destroy it.

Thanks for proving my earlier point.
Do you support sharia?


How is it "irrelevant?" How can you claim someone who wants to impose Sharia in this country gives a rats ass about our values and our freedoms?

And there he goes with the "Sharia law" bullshit again.
The lefties playing the PC game are ridiculous, and don't have a leg to stand on. He never said he would deport this color, but not this color; or deport those from here, but not there. They are attempting to create there own narrative by supposition.

Just so all you people know------> if Cruz manages to pass Trump, you are going to hear thew same thing. It is how they spin, until you get to Rubio who will be a star, lol.

Just in case they lose, they have to have a back up illegal alien protector you know-)

If these were mostly white Canadians coming over the northern border we wouldn't hear anything near the outcry coming from you people.
I think you are in error. If Canadians for president was really popular Cruz would be in the lead.
Yes, but you don't see them building some ridiculous wall along their borders either.
No but they do not have the same issues we seem to have on our southern border. The Mexican elitist don't do much for their own country men and I don't believe it is up to this country to take in every tom, dick and harry that is not willing to go through the proper channels for immigration.
Then American businesses shouldn't hire them.
Make the laws stiff enough and they won't .
False! If you had to make the choice between murder, starvation, etc. And maybe going to jail for what basically is trespass.
Which would you choose?
So you are saying Mexico is a failed state therefore we should let criminals just have a free pass into this country?
No ,nice false assumption though.
Patriotism apparently now means xenophobia, populism, and white nationalism.

Idiots have a thousand ways to denigrate patriotism.

Kindly explain how "patriotism" = bigotry, hatred, violence, and general "MY LIFE SUX SO I NEED TO BLAME SOMEONE ELSE" OUTRAGE. Mmkay, thx.

Putting a stop to illegal immigration does not equate to bigotry. People who love their country don't want to see it overrun with labor from third world countries that is willing to work for a fraction of what Americans are used to getting. Only a traitor would endorse such a policy.
Patriotism apparently now means xenophobia, populism, and white nationalism.

Complete bull shit. Well almost complete. A case can be made that he's a populist.

It's no bullshit. His popularity soared the moment he can began talking about deporting brown people and walling us all in

Again bull shit. He never mentioned skin color, he's talking illegal aliens. And the wall is only on the southern border, hardly walking us all in. You are better than that.
mentioning skin color stating the obvious.
If the "Mexicans" were a few shades lighter, there would be no wall.

I guess we'll have to wait for the white invasion to find out wont we.
Muslims don't give a rats ass about this country. They come here to destroy it.

Thanks for proving my earlier point.
Do you support sharia?


How is it "irrelevant?" How can you claim someone who wants to impose Sharia in this country gives a rats ass about our values and our freedoms?

And there he goes with the "Sharia law" bullshit again.

That's because it's not bullshit. Muslims maintain values that are inimical to our culture and society and freedoms. Only a fucking moron or a traitor would want to import more of this into our country.
Patriotism apparently now means xenophobia, populism, and white nationalism.

Idiots have a thousand ways to denigrate patriotism.
If that's true they are not idiots.
What you call patriotism is nothing of the kind.

Opening the flood gates to illegal immigration is the exact opposite of patriotism, but you call anyone who wants to end it a xenophobe.
Exaggerate much.
Even if illegal immigration was at zero you'd still be a xenophobic a homophobe and ignorant.
No but they do not have the same issues we seem to have on our southern border. The Mexican elitist don't do much for their own country men and I don't believe it is up to this country to take in every tom, dick and harry that is not willing to go through the proper channels for immigration.
Then American businesses shouldn't hire them.
Make the laws stiff enough and they won't .
False! If you had to make the choice between murder, starvation, etc. And maybe going to jail for what basically is trespass.
Which would you choose?
So you are saying Mexico is a failed state therefore we should let criminals just have a free pass into this country?

Isn't it amazing how stupid these leftwing douche nozzles sound when you translate their psycho-babble into plain English?
More like the leaders thought they would send jobs and factories to Mexico and it would all get better down there as they would have a bigger input. It hasn't worked out and the mess just got bigger over the last thirty years.
Patriotism apparently now means xenophobia, populism, and white nationalism.

Idiots have a thousand ways to denigrate patriotism.

Kindly explain how "patriotism" = bigotry, hatred, violence, and general "MY LIFE SUX SO I NEED TO BLAME SOMEONE ELSE" OUTRAGE. Mmkay, thx.

Putting a stop to illegal immigration does not equate to bigotry. People who love their country don't want to see it overrun with labor from third world countries that is willing to work for a fraction of what Americans are used to getting. Only a traitor would endorse such a policy.

So you're saying your ancestors were wealthy folks who came here on vacation and decided to stay. Okay.
No but they do not have the same issues we seem to have on our southern border. The Mexican elitist don't do much for their own country men and I don't believe it is up to this country to take in every tom, dick and harry that is not willing to go through the proper channels for immigration.
Then American businesses shouldn't hire them.
Make the laws stiff enough and they won't .
False! If you had to make the choice between murder, starvation, etc. And maybe going to jail for what basically is trespass.
Which would you choose?
So you are saying Mexico is a failed state therefore we should let criminals just have a free pass into this country?
No ,nice false assumption though.
Then why are the money people there building factories and setting up places for all the people that are so unhappy they come here to work, pillage, etc. (by the way I know a lot of those answer but you can play the blame game if you like).
People forget he is a salesman, tells people what they want to hear, and knows how to sell an igloo in the desert. And that's pretty much what he has been doing.

The salesman only brings the customer in.
The rest is up to the quality of the product.
No but they do not have the same issues we seem to have on our southern border. The Mexican elitist don't do much for their own country men and I don't believe it is up to this country to take in every tom, dick and harry that is not willing to go through the proper channels for immigration.
Then American businesses shouldn't hire them.
Make the laws stiff enough and they won't .
False! If you had to make the choice between murder, starvation, etc. And maybe going to jail for what basically is trespass.
Which would you choose?
So you are saying Mexico is a failed state therefore we should let criminals just have a free pass into this country?

Isn't it amazing how stupid these leftwing douche nozzles sound when you translate their psycho-babble into plain English?
If you were applying fora job as a translator ,the best advice anyone could give you is to become fluent in your own language first.
You don't speak plain English but ignorant English and can't tell the difference.
Patriotism apparently now means xenophobia, populism, and white nationalism.

Complete bull shit. Well almost complete. A case can be made that he's a populist.

It's no bullshit. His popularity soared the moment he can began talking about deporting brown people and walling us all in

Again bull shit. He never mentioned skin color, he's talking illegal aliens. And the wall is only on the southern border, hardly walking us all in. You are better than that.
mentioning skin color stating the obvious.
If the "Mexicans" were a few shades lighter, there would be no wall.

I guess we'll have to wait for the white invasion to find out wont we.
If it were white it would be no invasion but a cultural exchange.
Then American businesses shouldn't hire them.
Make the laws stiff enough and they won't .
False! If you had to make the choice between murder, starvation, etc. And maybe going to jail for what basically is trespass.
Which would you choose?
So you are saying Mexico is a failed state therefore we should let criminals just have a free pass into this country?

Isn't it amazing how stupid these leftwing douche nozzles sound when you translate their psycho-babble into plain English?
If you were applying fora job as a translator ,the best advice anyone could give you is to become fluent in your own language first.
You don't speak plain English but ignorant English and can't tell the difference.
I understood what he said just fine.
Complete bull shit. Well almost complete. A case can be made that he's a populist.

It's no bullshit. His popularity soared the moment he can began talking about deporting brown people and walling us all in

Again bull shit. He never mentioned skin color, he's talking illegal aliens. And the wall is only on the southern border, hardly walking us all in. You are better than that.
mentioning skin color stating the obvious.
If the "Mexicans" were a few shades lighter, there would be no wall.

I guess we'll have to wait for the white invasion to find out wont we.
If it were white it would be no invasion but a cultural exchange.
You aren't getting it. These folks that live here are not wanting the type of cultural exchange that comes with some cultures. I don't either.
Complete bull shit. Well almost complete. A case can be made that he's a populist.

It's no bullshit. His popularity soared the moment he can began talking about deporting brown people and walling us all in

Again bull shit. He never mentioned skin color, he's talking illegal aliens. And the wall is only on the southern border, hardly walking us all in. You are better than that.
mentioning skin color stating the obvious.
If the "Mexicans" were a few shades lighter, there would be no wall.

I guess we'll have to wait for the white invasion to find out wont we.
If it were white it would be no invasion but a cultural exchange.

Hardly..they're smart enough to actually get those jobs that Americans want to do.
Who was it that recently said that if lawyers and politicians were losing their jobs to immigrants the problem would have been solved years ago?

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