SIMPLY THE WORST=> Obama is First President Ever to Not See Single Year of 3% GDP Growth

8 years later and he still has done the worst job ever.

What a fucking whiner you are. Non stop.

Dude you are a failure. That's on you. Not Obama.
I made money. I recovered equity in real estate. My investments recovered.

The fact that you make bad decisions, have no marketable skills and no drive to succeed, makes you the pitiful loser that you are.

Now, whine some more. But quit blaming Obama. Or anyone else. Your failure is on you.
So if I recall, Obama when campaigning in in 2008, he said he would fix the economy in his first 4 years. You know, his one term POTUS comments.

8 years later and he still has done the worst job ever. No, this is not on the Pubs or Congress or Bush. It's Obama's clear inability to govern through compromise

The data is indicative of a POTUS who prefers to rule, instead of govern, from an Imperial Whitehouse


The rate of real economic growth is the single greatest determinate of both America’s strength as a nation and the well-being of the American people.

On Thursday the Commerce Department announced that the US economy expanded at the slowest pace in two years. GDP growth rose at an anemic 0.5% rate after a paltry 1.4% fourth quarter advance.

Ronald Reagan brought forth an annual real GDP growth of 3.5%.
Barack Obama will be lucky to average a 1.55% GDP growth rate.

This ranks Obama as the fourth worst presidency on record.

SIMPLY THE WORST=> Obama is First President Ever to Not See Single Year of 3% GDP Growth

It's really funny how you simpletons think that a president moves the GDP rate up and down like he has a big dial in the Oval Office he can turn any way he chooses.

Goddam you people are stupid.

It is amazing that you folks think that Obama only dials up the economy, down is just not his fault. HE said that he should be a one-term president if HE didn't turn around the economy. HE said that to YOU. Is he too stupid?

Looks to me like the economy turned around in 2009.

So if I recall, Obama when campaigning in in 2008, he said he would fix the economy in his first 4 years. You know, his one term POTUS comments.

8 years later and he still has done the worst job ever. No, this is not on the Pubs or Congress or Bush. It's Obama's clear inability to govern through compromise

The data is indicative of a POTUS who prefers to rule, instead of govern, from an Imperial Whitehouse


The rate of real economic growth is the single greatest determinate of both America’s strength as a nation and the well-being of the American people.

On Thursday the Commerce Department announced that the US economy expanded at the slowest pace in two years. GDP growth rose at an anemic 0.5% rate after a paltry 1.4% fourth quarter advance.

Ronald Reagan brought forth an annual real GDP growth of 3.5%.
Barack Obama will be lucky to average a 1.55% GDP growth rate.

This ranks Obama as the fourth worst presidency on record.

SIMPLY THE WORST=> Obama is First President Ever to Not See Single Year of 3% GDP Growth

It's really funny how you simpletons think that a president moves the GDP rate up and down like he has a big dial in the Oval Office he can turn any way he chooses.

Goddam you people are stupid.

Jobs effect GDP. Obama created part time jobs which effect GDP



I thought you people on the right believed that the government doesn't create jobs.

I never said they did


So you didn't just say 'Obama created part time jobs' even though it's right in the post above?

Obama's policies effect GDP. His anti- business taxation and bullying. Obama made 36 hours the standard work week.

I never said I didn't believe the government creates jobs. I believe they shouldn't. Their policies should embrace job growth, not discourage it as Obama's policies do

Thus dismal GDP

So if I recall, Obama when campaigning in in 2008, he said he would fix the economy in his first 4 years. You know, his one term POTUS comments.

8 years later and he still has done the worst job ever. No, this is not on the Pubs or Congress or Bush. It's Obama's clear inability to govern through compromise

The data is indicative of a POTUS who prefers to rule, instead of govern, from an Imperial Whitehouse


The rate of real economic growth is the single greatest determinate of both America’s strength as a nation and the well-being of the American people.

On Thursday the Commerce Department announced that the US economy expanded at the slowest pace in two years. GDP growth rose at an anemic 0.5% rate after a paltry 1.4% fourth quarter advance.

Ronald Reagan brought forth an annual real GDP growth of 3.5%.
Barack Obama will be lucky to average a 1.55% GDP growth rate.

This ranks Obama as the fourth worst presidency on record.

SIMPLY THE WORST=> Obama is First President Ever to Not See Single Year of 3% GDP Growth

It's really funny how you simpletons think that a president moves the GDP rate up and down like he has a big dial in the Oval Office he can turn any way he chooses.

Goddam you people are stupid.

Jobs effect GDP. Obama created part time jobs which effect GDP



Did Reagan cause the 16 month recession from July 1981 to November 1982?

Non- sequitor


You're blaming Obama for slow growth but you won't blame Reagan for a full on major recession.

Case closed.
It is really amazing looking back over the last 8 years. What a friggin nightmare. Not only is the economy in the crapper, but other issues Obama caused have led to the rising of the Phoenix. That is why Trump and Bernie are king. America has seen enough


If not for term limits, Obama could win another term with ease. Unless nutbag wishes come true and we have a major disaster of some kind in the next 8 months.....he'll leave office with approval ratings in the mid 50's.

You will doubtless enjoy the WH Correspondents Dinner tomorrow night. He's gonna be funny again....funnier than you could ever be.
8 years later and he still has done the worst job ever.

What a fucking whiner you are. Non stop.

Dude you are a failure. That's on you. Not Obama.
I made money. I recovered equity in real estate. My investments recovered.

The fact that you make bad decisions, have no marketable skills and no drive to succeed, makes you the pitiful loser that you are.

Now, whine some more. But quit blaming Obama. Or anyone else. Your failure is on you.

Try to stay on topic. Do you have anything to add addressing the OP?


It's really funny how you simpletons think that a president moves the GDP rate up and down like he has a big dial in the Oval Office he can turn any way he chooses.

Goddam you people are stupid.

Jobs effect GDP. Obama created part time jobs which effect GDP



I thought you people on the right believed that the government doesn't create jobs.

I never said they did


So you didn't just say 'Obama created part time jobs' even though it's right in the post above?

Obama's policies effect GDP. His anti- business taxation and bullying. Obama made 36 hours the standard work week.

I never said I didn't believe the government creates jobs. I believe they shouldn't. Their policies should embrace job growth, not discourage it as Obama's policies do

Thus dismal GDP


Did GW Bush cause the recession of 2007?
So if I recall, Obama when campaigning in in 2008, he said he would fix the economy in his first 4 years. You know, his one term POTUS comments.

8 years later and he still has done the worst job ever. No, this is not on the Pubs or Congress or Bush. It's Obama's clear inability to govern through compromise

The data is indicative of a POTUS who prefers to rule, instead of govern, from an Imperial Whitehouse


The rate of real economic growth is the single greatest determinate of both America’s strength as a nation and the well-being of the American people.

On Thursday the Commerce Department announced that the US economy expanded at the slowest pace in two years. GDP growth rose at an anemic 0.5% rate after a paltry 1.4% fourth quarter advance.

Ronald Reagan brought forth an annual real GDP growth of 3.5%.
Barack Obama will be lucky to average a 1.55% GDP growth rate.

This ranks Obama as the fourth worst presidency on record.

SIMPLY THE WORST=> Obama is First President Ever to Not See Single Year of 3% GDP Growth

It's really funny how you simpletons think that a president moves the GDP rate up and down like he has a big dial in the Oval Office he can turn any way he chooses.

Goddam you people are stupid.

Jobs effect GDP. Obama created part time jobs which effect GDP



Did Reagan cause the 16 month recession from July 1981 to November 1982?

Non- sequitor


You're blaming Obama for slow growth but you won't blame Reagan for a full on major recession.

Case closed.
So if I recall, Obama when campaigning in in 2008, he said he would fix the economy in his first 4 years. You know, his one term POTUS comments.

8 years later and he still has done the worst job ever. No, this is not on the Pubs or Congress or Bush. It's Obama's clear inability to govern through compromise

The data is indicative of a POTUS who prefers to rule, instead of govern, from an Imperial Whitehouse


The rate of real economic growth is the single greatest determinate of both America’s strength as a nation and the well-being of the American people.

On Thursday the Commerce Department announced that the US economy expanded at the slowest pace in two years. GDP growth rose at an anemic 0.5% rate after a paltry 1.4% fourth quarter advance.

Ronald Reagan brought forth an annual real GDP growth of 3.5%.
Barack Obama will be lucky to average a 1.55% GDP growth rate.

This ranks Obama as the fourth worst presidency on record.

SIMPLY THE WORST=> Obama is First President Ever to Not See Single Year of 3% GDP Growth

It's really funny how you simpletons think that a president moves the GDP rate up and down like he has a big dial in the Oval Office he can turn any way he chooses.

Goddam you people are stupid.

Jobs effect GDP. Obama created part time jobs which effect GDP



Did Reagan cause the 16 month recession from July 1981 to November 1982?

Non- sequitor


You're blaming Obama for slow growth but you won't blame Reagan for a full on major recession.

Case closed.

As we see with Obama's failure here in this OP it is important to remember how you finish.

Reagen came out on top

Obama circles the drain

Case closed for real this time


The numbers tell the story. Over the eight years of the Reagan Administration:

  • 20 million new jobs were created
  • Inflation dropped from 13.5% in 1980 to 4.1% by 1988
  • Unemployment fell from 7.6% to 5.5%
  • Net worth of families earning between $20,000 and $50,000 annually grew by 27%
  • Real gross national product rose 26%
  • The prime interest rate was slashed by more than half, from an unprecedented 21.5% in January 1981 to 10% in August 1988
Jobs effect GDP. Obama created part time jobs which effect GDP



I thought you people on the right believed that the government doesn't create jobs.

I never said they did


So you didn't just say 'Obama created part time jobs' even though it's right in the post above?

Obama's policies effect GDP. His anti- business taxation and bullying. Obama made 36 hours the standard work week.

I never said I didn't believe the government creates jobs. I believe they shouldn't. Their policies should embrace job growth, not discourage it as Obama's policies do

Thus dismal GDP


Did GW Bush cause the recession of 2007?

Start another thread and I will join you there

It is Reagan. With an "a". Get unhooked from phonics.

Please cross match that list of Reagan accomplishment with those of Obama. Thanks.
I thought you people on the right believed that the government doesn't create jobs.

I never said they did


So you didn't just say 'Obama created part time jobs' even though it's right in the post above?

Obama's policies effect GDP. His anti- business taxation and bullying. Obama made 36 hours the standard work week.

I never said I didn't believe the government creates jobs. I believe they shouldn't. Their policies should embrace job growth, not discourage it as Obama's policies do

Thus dismal GDP


Did GW Bush cause the recession of 2007?

Start another thread and I will join you there


So if I recall, Obama when campaigning in in 2008, he said he would fix the economy in his first 4 years. You know, his one term POTUS comments.

8 years later and he still has done the worst job ever. No, this is not on the Pubs or Congress or Bush. It's Obama's clear inability to govern through compromise

The data is indicative of a POTUS who prefers to rule, instead of govern, from an Imperial Whitehouse


The rate of real economic growth is the single greatest determinate of both America’s strength as a nation and the well-being of the American people.

On Thursday the Commerce Department announced that the US economy expanded at the slowest pace in two years. GDP growth rose at an anemic 0.5% rate after a paltry 1.4% fourth quarter advance.

Ronald Reagan brought forth an annual real GDP growth of 3.5%.
Barack Obama will be lucky to average a 1.55% GDP growth rate.

This ranks Obama as the fourth worst presidency on record.

SIMPLY THE WORST=> Obama is First President Ever to Not See Single Year of 3% GDP Growth

poor winger liars. perhaps you should lay blame with the do-nothing you elected to congress because you hate this country.

just saying.

I ruled that out above due to Obama's lack of compromise, therefore, he refuses to govern


that's an outright lie.

you really should inform yourself.

even the ACA was a heritage foundation plan.

try again, and do stop parroting rightwingnut BS/.


btw, no one cares what you "ruled out" given the baseless, rightwingnut nonsense you shill for.
I never said they did


So you didn't just say 'Obama created part time jobs' even though it's right in the post above?

Obama's policies effect GDP. His anti- business taxation and bullying. Obama made 36 hours the standard work week.

I never said I didn't believe the government creates jobs. I believe they shouldn't. Their policies should embrace job growth, not discourage it as Obama's policies do

Thus dismal GDP


Did GW Bush cause the recession of 2007?

Start another thread and I will join you there



he can'd address what doesn't fit his idiotic assertions.
So if I recall, Obama when campaigning in in 2008, he said he would fix the economy in his first 4 years. You know, his one term POTUS comments.

8 years later and he still has done the worst job ever. No, this is not on the Pubs or Congress or Bush. It's Obama's clear inability to govern through compromise

The data is indicative of a POTUS who prefers to rule, instead of govern, from an Imperial Whitehouse


The rate of real economic growth is the single greatest determinate of both America’s strength as a nation and the well-being of the American people.

On Thursday the Commerce Department announced that the US economy expanded at the slowest pace in two years. GDP growth rose at an anemic 0.5% rate after a paltry 1.4% fourth quarter advance.

Ronald Reagan brought forth an annual real GDP growth of 3.5%.
Barack Obama will be lucky to average a 1.55% GDP growth rate.

This ranks Obama as the fourth worst presidency on record.

SIMPLY THE WORST=> Obama is First President Ever to Not See Single Year of 3% GDP Growth

poor winger liars. perhaps you should lay blame with the do-nothing you elected to congress because you hate this country.

just saying.
Just excuses, big government sucks ass at everything. No business can function worth a shit under a socialist inspired federal government. Dumbass
Obama CLAIMS recovery but the numbers only sat stagnant.
In short he has done nothing and it shows.

Agreed. He chose to alienate the people who do the hiring that make the middle class. All that has happened is Obama has made his 1% friends richer and the poor more destitute. And you in the middle class, you took the brunt of Obama's hatred of America


So if I recall, Obama when campaigning in in 2008, he said he would fix the economy in his first 4 years. You know, his one term POTUS comments.

8 years later and he still has done the worst job ever. No, this is not on the Pubs or Congress or Bush. It's Obama's clear inability to govern through compromise

The data is indicative of a POTUS who prefers to rule, instead of govern, from an Imperial Whitehouse


The rate of real economic growth is the single greatest determinate of both America’s strength as a nation and the well-being of the American people.

On Thursday the Commerce Department announced that the US economy expanded at the slowest pace in two years. GDP growth rose at an anemic 0.5% rate after a paltry 1.4% fourth quarter advance.

Ronald Reagan brought forth an annual real GDP growth of 3.5%.
Barack Obama will be lucky to average a 1.55% GDP growth rate.

This ranks Obama as the fourth worst presidency on record.

SIMPLY THE WORST=> Obama is First President Ever to Not See Single Year of 3% GDP Growth

When Obama took office, GDP was MINUS 6%.
All career politicians suck ass dumbass, that is the point. Big government solves nothing you clueless dolt. Lol
So if I recall, Obama when campaigning in in 2008, he said he would fix the economy in his first 4 years. You know, his one term POTUS comments.

8 years later and he still has done the worst job ever. No, this is not on the Pubs or Congress or Bush. It's Obama's clear inability to govern through compromise

The data is indicative of a POTUS who prefers to rule, instead of govern, from an Imperial Whitehouse


The rate of real economic growth is the single greatest determinate of both America’s strength as a nation and the well-being of the American people.

On Thursday the Commerce Department announced that the US economy expanded at the slowest pace in two years. GDP growth rose at an anemic 0.5% rate after a paltry 1.4% fourth quarter advance.

Ronald Reagan brought forth an annual real GDP growth of 3.5%.
Barack Obama will be lucky to average a 1.55% GDP growth rate.

This ranks Obama as the fourth worst presidency on record.

SIMPLY THE WORST=> Obama is First President Ever to Not See Single Year of 3% GDP Growth

poor winger liars. perhaps you should lay blame with the do-nothing you elected to congress because you hate this country.

just saying.
Just excuses, big government sucks ass at everything. No business can function worth a shit under a socialist inspired federal government. Dumbass

yes, big government should only exist to control people's most personal decision making.

i love childish, whining, pretend libertarians.

So if I recall, Obama when campaigning in in 2008, he said he would fix the economy in his first 4 years. You know, his one term POTUS comments.

8 years later and he still has done the worst job ever. No, this is not on the Pubs or Congress or Bush. It's Obama's clear inability to govern through compromise

The data is indicative of a POTUS who prefers to rule, instead of govern, from an Imperial Whitehouse


The rate of real economic growth is the single greatest determinate of both America’s strength as a nation and the well-being of the American people.

On Thursday the Commerce Department announced that the US economy expanded at the slowest pace in two years. GDP growth rose at an anemic 0.5% rate after a paltry 1.4% fourth quarter advance.

Ronald Reagan brought forth an annual real GDP growth of 3.5%.
Barack Obama will be lucky to average a 1.55% GDP growth rate.

This ranks Obama as the fourth worst presidency on record.

SIMPLY THE WORST=> Obama is First President Ever to Not See Single Year of 3% GDP Growth

poor winger liars. perhaps you should lay blame with the do-nothing you elected to congress because you hate this country.

just saying.
Just excuses, big government sucks ass at everything. No business can function worth a shit under a socialist inspired federal government. Dumbass

Great Idiot...

For Business to flourish they need rules... rules on the quality of the products they buy, health and safety standards, security, transport, educated workforce...

If this wasn't the case Africa would be the supreme world leaders right now... Somalia would be kicking butt...

What do you say to that... You have to stop listening to the RW manure...
So if I recall, Obama when campaigning in in 2008, he said he would fix the economy in his first 4 years. You know, his one term POTUS comments.

8 years later and he still has done the worst job ever. No, this is not on the Pubs or Congress or Bush. It's Obama's clear inability to govern through compromise

The data is indicative of a POTUS who prefers to rule, instead of govern, from an Imperial Whitehouse


The rate of real economic growth is the single greatest determinate of both America’s strength as a nation and the well-being of the American people.

On Thursday the Commerce Department announced that the US economy expanded at the slowest pace in two years. GDP growth rose at an anemic 0.5% rate after a paltry 1.4% fourth quarter advance.

Ronald Reagan brought forth an annual real GDP growth of 3.5%.
Barack Obama will be lucky to average a 1.55% GDP growth rate.

This ranks Obama as the fourth worst presidency on record.

SIMPLY THE WORST=> Obama is First President Ever to Not See Single Year of 3% GDP Growth

poor winger liars. perhaps you should lay blame with the do-nothing you elected to congress because you hate this country.

just saying.
Just excuses, big government sucks ass at everything. No business can function worth a shit under a socialist inspired federal government. Dumbass

Great Idiot...

For Business to flourish they need rules... rules on the quality of the products they buy, health and safety standards, security, transport, educated workforce...

If this wasn't the case Africa would be the supreme world leaders right now... Somalia would be kicking butt...

What do you say to that... You have to stop listening to the RW manure...
Did YOU just admit being like Somalia would be a BAD idea? That is where you are getting those terrorist mother f#ckers from.

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