Since Charles Barkley is not on board with Black Lives Matter...

lol, isn't this about the tenth thread by the RWnuts begging someone here to call Barkley an Uncle Tom?
No. Nobody should get called an "Uncle Tom" for having a political opinion.
But the thing is, I think too many people are wilfully ignoring BLM's point. Yes, there is a problem with violence in the black community, and it is mostly black-on-black crimes. That is separate from the issue of institutional racism and unfair treatment of blacks by police all over this country.
It's like when I disagree with Trump on an issue and a poster comes back with an insult against Hillary. Not the point and not appropos.
No. Nobody should get called an "Uncle Tom" for having a political opinion.
But the thing is, I think too many people are wilfully ignoring BLM's point. Yes, there is a problem with violence in the black community, and it is mostly black-on-black crimes. That is separate from the issue of institutional racism and unfair treatment of blacks by police all over this country.
It's like when I disagree with Trump on an issue and a poster comes back with an insult against Hillary. Not the point and not appropos.

Blacks make the point by killing so many people.
In other words,is it any wonder cops treat em different?
Stop being murderous assholes and they'd be treated better.
Yo, I guess Charles Barkley wasn`t asked to be a Speaker at the "Socialist Democrat" Convention!!!

Shall We Pray:
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I think too many people are wilfully ignoring BLM's point

their point?

that it's fun to fuck shit up and riot?
It is....but you know that is not what it's about..
You're so right's about not understanding the problem...
If 10k people claim their is a problem are you saying they are all wrong?
50 million plus voted for Obama....
I think too many people are wilfully ignoring BLM's point

their point?

that it's fun to fuck shit up and riot?
It is....but you know that is not what it's about..
You're so right's about not understanding the problem...
If 10k people claim their is a problem are you saying they are all wrong?
50 million plus voted for Obama....
It's how he got elected..
I think too many people are wilfully ignoring BLM's point

their point?

that it's fun to fuck shit up and riot?
No, the issue of institutional racism and unfair treatment of blacks by police all over this country. It's been backed up by investigations by the DOJ in cities all over the U.S. The blacks haven't been lying all these years. It's real.
Yes, there is more violent crime in their neighborhoods, primarily due to serious gang activity. But a black guy will get stopped and questioned, in their vehicle or on the street, just for being black. Do they have an attitude toward cops? You betcha. So would you, in their shoes. And don't go all angelic on me and say you wouldn't. Castile got stopped over 50 times and harrassed for being a young black guy with dreadlocks. Finally, time #53 his luck ran out.
I think too many people are wilfully ignoring BLM's point

their point?

that it's fun to fuck shit up and riot?
No, the issue of institutional racism and unfair treatment of blacks by police all over this country. It's been backed up by investigations by the DOJ in cities all over the U.S. The blacks haven't been lying all these years. It's real.
Yes, there is more violent crime in their neighborhoods, primarily due to serious gang activity. But a black guy will get stopped and questioned, in their vehicle or on the street, just for being black. Do they have an attitude toward cops? You betcha. So would you, in their shoes. And don't go all angelic on me and say you wouldn't. Castile got stopped over 50 times and harrassed for being a young black guy with dreadlocks. Finally, time #53 his luck ran out.
Post of the thread.
Focussing on one race like BLM does is the very definition of racist.

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