Since free college isn't free...what is wrong with actually paying it back?

I wonder

When right wingers argue about liberal controlled universities and that students are not receiving an education but are being brainwashed, do they realized they are huirtinhg the engineer and science fields in the process?

Conservatives who want conservative colleges should start conservative colleges. No one is stopping them.

Yes they are! You afar left drones are doing it..

Show where the far left would allow such a college to exist!

Overall, the most conservative schools are scattered all over the country and significantly vary in size. From the 47,093 students at Texas A&M to the 378 students at Thomas Aquinas College, here are the schools with the most conservative students.

  1. Texas A&M University – College Station, Texas
  2. Thomas Aquinas College – Santa Paula, California
  3. Grove City College – Grove City, Pennsylvania
  4. College of the Ozarks – Point Lookout, Missouri
  5. University of Dallas – Irving, Texas
  6. United States Merchant Marine Academy – Kings Point, New York
  7. Auburn University – Auburn, Alabama
  8. Hampden-Sydney College – Hampden-Sydney, Virginia
  9. Brigham Young University – Provo, Utah
  10. Hillsdale College – Hillsdale, Michigan
  11. Wofford College – Spartanburg, South Carolina
  12. Clemson University – Clemson, South Carolina
  13. United States Military Academy – West Point, New York
  14. Wheaton College – Wheaton, Illinois
  15. United States Naval Academy – Annapolis, Maryland
  16. United States Coast Guard Academy – New London, Connecticut
  17. Gordon College – Wenham, Massachusetts
  18. Angelo State University – San Angelo, Texas
  19. Kansas State University – Manhattan, Kansas
  20. Baylor University – Waco, Texas
The 20 US colleges with the most conservative students

See how the far left drones sees having conservative students as a bad thing!

Also even though this does not prove their comments, it certain defeats their religious dogma..

See how the far left will contradict itself in order to make a baseless point?

Notice how he cut the 2nd link off my quote?

Notice how he doesn't think the military academies are conservative?

Another deflection calming editing, when they are the ones that did it..

Another far left drone tactic..

Notice how they suddenly resort to grouping people and claiming it is all Conservative..

Military schools are Military Schools, not conservative schools..

Another far left drone post fail!
Overall, the most conservative schools are scattered all over the country and significantly vary in size. From the 47,093 students at Texas A&M to the 378 students at Thomas Aquinas College, here are the schools with the most conservative students.

  1. Texas A&M University – College Station, Texas
  2. Thomas Aquinas College – Santa Paula, California
  3. Grove City College – Grove City, Pennsylvania
  4. College of the Ozarks – Point Lookout, Missouri
  5. University of Dallas – Irving, Texas
  6. United States Merchant Marine Academy – Kings Point, New York
  7. Auburn University – Auburn, Alabama
  8. Hampden-Sydney College – Hampden-Sydney, Virginia
  9. Brigham Young University – Provo, Utah
  10. Hillsdale College – Hillsdale, Michigan
  11. Wofford College – Spartanburg, South Carolina
  12. Clemson University – Clemson, South Carolina
  13. United States Military Academy – West Point, New York
  14. Wheaton College – Wheaton, Illinois
  15. United States Naval Academy – Annapolis, Maryland
  16. United States Coast Guard Academy – New London, Connecticut
  17. Gordon College – Wenham, Massachusetts
  18. Angelo State University – San Angelo, Texas
  19. Kansas State University – Manhattan, Kansas
  20. Baylor University – Waco, Texas
The 20 US colleges with the most conservative students

See how the far left drones sees having conservative students as a bad thing!

Also even though this does not prove their comments, it certain defeats their religious dogma..

See how the far left will contradict itself in order to make a baseless point?
How do you draw that conclusion from a post that simply states a list of conservative schools? You are on a totally different wavelength man... Just trying to get your need to belittle some lefties in before breakfast?

That's his standard babble when he's lost the argument.

Oh look a far left drone agreeing with another far left drone when their religious narrative was defeated by their own post!

Tell us what conservative college you went to.
I seriously doubt he went to college
Overall, the most conservative schools are scattered all over the country and significantly vary in size. From the 47,093 students at Texas A&M to the 378 students at Thomas Aquinas College, here are the schools with the most conservative students.

  1. Texas A&M University – College Station, Texas
  2. Thomas Aquinas College – Santa Paula, California
  3. Grove City College – Grove City, Pennsylvania
  4. College of the Ozarks – Point Lookout, Missouri
  5. University of Dallas – Irving, Texas
  6. United States Merchant Marine Academy – Kings Point, New York
  7. Auburn University – Auburn, Alabama
  8. Hampden-Sydney College – Hampden-Sydney, Virginia
  9. Brigham Young University – Provo, Utah
  10. Hillsdale College – Hillsdale, Michigan
  11. Wofford College – Spartanburg, South Carolina
  12. Clemson University – Clemson, South Carolina
  13. United States Military Academy – West Point, New York
  14. Wheaton College – Wheaton, Illinois
  15. United States Naval Academy – Annapolis, Maryland
  16. United States Coast Guard Academy – New London, Connecticut
  17. Gordon College – Wenham, Massachusetts
  18. Angelo State University – San Angelo, Texas
  19. Kansas State University – Manhattan, Kansas
  20. Baylor University – Waco, Texas
The 20 US colleges with the most conservative students

See how the far left drones sees having conservative students as a bad thing!

Also even though this does not prove their comments, it certain defeats their religious dogma..

See how the far left will contradict itself in order to make a baseless point?
How do you draw that conclusion from a post that simply states a list of conservative schools? You are on a totally different wavelength man... Just trying to get your need to belittle some lefties in before breakfast?

That's his standard babble when he's lost the argument.

Oh look a far left drone agreeing with another far left drone when their religious narrative was defeated by their own post!

Tell us what conservative college you went to.

Another far left deflection to hide the fact that they defeated their own religious dogma with a their own "facts"..
Yes they are! You afar left drones are doing it..

Show where the far left would allow such a college to exist!

Overall, the most conservative schools are scattered all over the country and significantly vary in size. From the 47,093 students at Texas A&M to the 378 students at Thomas Aquinas College, here are the schools with the most conservative students.

  1. Texas A&M University – College Station, Texas
  2. Thomas Aquinas College – Santa Paula, California
  3. Grove City College – Grove City, Pennsylvania
  4. College of the Ozarks – Point Lookout, Missouri
  5. University of Dallas – Irving, Texas
  6. United States Merchant Marine Academy – Kings Point, New York
  7. Auburn University – Auburn, Alabama
  8. Hampden-Sydney College – Hampden-Sydney, Virginia
  9. Brigham Young University – Provo, Utah
  10. Hillsdale College – Hillsdale, Michigan
  11. Wofford College – Spartanburg, South Carolina
  12. Clemson University – Clemson, South Carolina
  13. United States Military Academy – West Point, New York
  14. Wheaton College – Wheaton, Illinois
  15. United States Naval Academy – Annapolis, Maryland
  16. United States Coast Guard Academy – New London, Connecticut
  17. Gordon College – Wenham, Massachusetts
  18. Angelo State University – San Angelo, Texas
  19. Kansas State University – Manhattan, Kansas
  20. Baylor University – Waco, Texas
The 20 US colleges with the most conservative students

See how the far left drones sees having conservative students as a bad thing!

Also even though this does not prove their comments, it certain defeats their religious dogma..

See how the far left will contradict itself in order to make a baseless point?
How do you draw that conclusion from a post that simply states a list of conservative schools? You are on a totally different wavelength man... Just trying to get your need to belittle some lefties in before breakfast?

That's his standard babble when he's lost the argument.
The complete lack of self awareness amazes me in this one... I'm sure one of our liberal school psych departments would love to do a case study

Oh the irony impaired far left drones and their comments!
See how the far left drones sees having conservative students as a bad thing!

Also even though this does not prove their comments, it certain defeats their religious dogma..

See how the far left will contradict itself in order to make a baseless point?
How do you draw that conclusion from a post that simply states a list of conservative schools? You are on a totally different wavelength man... Just trying to get your need to belittle some lefties in before breakfast?

That's his standard babble when he's lost the argument.

Oh look a far left drone agreeing with another far left drone when their religious narrative was defeated by their own post!

Tell us what conservative college you went to.
I seriously doubt he went to college

Another dodge to hide the fact that they run off far left religious dogma..

Neither has proven the comments made other than to attack..

That is what the far left drones do, deflect and attack..
How do you draw that conclusion from a post that simply states a list of conservative schools? You are on a totally different wavelength man... Just trying to get your need to belittle some lefties in before breakfast?

Wrong! Then prove they are Conservative schools..

Even the article quoted does not call them that!
Why are you even arguing about it?

Because you far left drones are always wrong!

So unless you have proof to back up your drone buddy, why did you even comment?
I commented because I was tired of reading your idiotic "drone" posts... It's unoriginal, you are over using it, and it is having the opposite of your intended effect... it's just making you look like an imbecile

Yes I know mocking you drones may seem like that, but it is what you are.

If you do not want that, then show then you drones need a tiny bit of independent thought and not run the same religious narratives over and over again, called droning on!

What's religious about posting a list of conservative colleges?
Overall, the most conservative schools are scattered all over the country and significantly vary in size. From the 47,093 students at Texas A&M to the 378 students at Thomas Aquinas College, here are the schools with the most conservative students.

  1. Texas A&M University – College Station, Texas
  2. Thomas Aquinas College – Santa Paula, California
  3. Grove City College – Grove City, Pennsylvania
  4. College of the Ozarks – Point Lookout, Missouri
  5. University of Dallas – Irving, Texas
  6. United States Merchant Marine Academy – Kings Point, New York
  7. Auburn University – Auburn, Alabama
  8. Hampden-Sydney College – Hampden-Sydney, Virginia
  9. Brigham Young University – Provo, Utah
  10. Hillsdale College – Hillsdale, Michigan
  11. Wofford College – Spartanburg, South Carolina
  12. Clemson University – Clemson, South Carolina
  13. United States Military Academy – West Point, New York
  14. Wheaton College – Wheaton, Illinois
  15. United States Naval Academy – Annapolis, Maryland
  16. United States Coast Guard Academy – New London, Connecticut
  17. Gordon College – Wenham, Massachusetts
  18. Angelo State University – San Angelo, Texas
  19. Kansas State University – Manhattan, Kansas
  20. Baylor University – Waco, Texas
The 20 US colleges with the most conservative students

See how the far left drones sees having conservative students as a bad thing!

Also even though this does not prove their comments, it certain defeats their religious dogma..

See how the far left will contradict itself in order to make a baseless point?
How do you draw that conclusion from a post that simply states a list of conservative schools? You are on a totally different wavelength man... Just trying to get your need to belittle some lefties in before breakfast?

That's his standard babble when he's lost the argument.
The complete lack of self awareness amazes me in this one... I'm sure one of our liberal school psych departments would love to do a case study

Oh the irony impaired far left drones and their comments!

That's another of the 3 or 4 lines he repeats over and over. It's mental illness.
Wrong! Then prove they are Conservative schools..

Even the article quoted does not call them that!
Why are you even arguing about it?

Because you far left drones are always wrong!

So unless you have proof to back up your drone buddy, why did you even comment?
I commented because I was tired of reading your idiotic "drone" posts... It's unoriginal, you are over using it, and it is having the opposite of your intended effect... it's just making you look like an imbecile

Yes I know mocking you drones may seem like that, but it is what you are.

If you do not want that, then show then you drones need a tiny bit of independent thought and not run the same religious narratives over and over again, called droning on!

What's religious about posting a list of conservative colleges?

Another deflection from the far left drones, as they know they defeated their own religious dogma with an article.

You have yet to prove that they are a "conservative" college, all you did was show that conservatives do go to college..

All you did was contradict yourself like you always do..
See how the far left drones sees having conservative students as a bad thing!

Also even though this does not prove their comments, it certain defeats their religious dogma..

See how the far left will contradict itself in order to make a baseless point?
How do you draw that conclusion from a post that simply states a list of conservative schools? You are on a totally different wavelength man... Just trying to get your need to belittle some lefties in before breakfast?

That's his standard babble when he's lost the argument.
The complete lack of self awareness amazes me in this one... I'm sure one of our liberal school psych departments would love to do a case study

Oh the irony impaired far left drones and their comments!

That's another of the 3 or 4 lines he repeats over and over. It's mental illness.

Says the irony impaired far left drone!
Who said any idiot can be an officer. If the military needs to train people, then so be it. It's part of the protection of this country--a vital national interest.

You said it. You dismissed education as a vital national interest.

Correct, education is not a vital national

Of course it is.

No, not to the point that it has to be a taxpayer liability.

What is a vital national interest? And who decides what is or isn't?

To answer that, we first have to look at the word "vital." Here is what it's defined as in my Apple computer dictionary:

vital |ˈvītl| adjective1

absolutely necessary or important; essential: secrecyis of vital importance | it is vital that the system is regularly maintained.

β€’ indispensable to the continuance of life: the vital organs.

So like I said, we have more kids in college than ever before in this country. I simply can't see how our college situation can be considered vital yet alone a vital national interest; at least not by definition.
You said it. You dismissed education as a vital national interest.

Correct, education is not a vital national

Of course it is.

No, not to the point that it has to be a taxpayer liability.

What is a vital national interest? And who decides what is or isn't?

To answer that, we first have to look at the word "vital." Here is what it's defined as in my Apple computer dictionary:

vital |ˈvītl| adjective1

absolutely necessary or important; essential: secrecyis of vital importance | it is vital that the system is regularly maintained.

β€’ indispensable to the continuance of life: the vital organs.

So like I said, we have more kids in college than ever before in this country. I simply can't see how our college situation can be considered vital yet alone a vital national interest; at least not by definition.
The "vital" problem isn't simply college, it's poverty, crime, gangs, drugs, welfare, low wages etc etc etc. some believe that a better education system and more opportunity for our poor is the best way to help get people out of a destructive lifestyle. I hear the opposing side call them lazy criminals and suggest we cut them off and throw them in jail with harsher punishments... You may argue either side but I think most would agree that there are very systemic problems that need to be addressed.
Correct, education is not a vital national

Of course it is.

No, not to the point that it has to be a taxpayer liability.

What is a vital national interest? And who decides what is or isn't?

To answer that, we first have to look at the word "vital." Here is what it's defined as in my Apple computer dictionary:

vital |ˈvītl| adjective1

absolutely necessary or important; essential: secrecyis of vital importance | it is vital that the system is regularly maintained.

β€’ indispensable to the continuance of life: the vital organs.

So like I said, we have more kids in college than ever before in this country. I simply can't see how our college situation can be considered vital yet alone a vital national interest; at least not by definition.
The "vital" problem isn't simply college, it's poverty, crime, gangs, drugs, welfare, low wages etc etc etc. some believe that a better education system and more opportunity for our poor is the best way to help get people out of a destructive lifestyle. I hear the opposing side call them lazy criminals and suggest we cut them off and throw them in jail with harsher punishments... You may argue either side but I think most would agree that there are very systemic problems that need to be addressed.

Like what? What hasn't been addressed?

Single parents is the real issue in this country. Single parenthood is more related to poverty than education.

We give mom a government check when she has a child. Our taxes feed the child because mom isn't working. The kid goes to school and gets free breakfast and lunch or more. If poor, the child gets free healthcare. If mom is working and poor, she gets a voucher for daycare before the kid goes to school. And education is at no charge to the parent up to their Senior high class.

There are plenty of people in this country that stayed out of crime, drugs, poverty that never went to college. And there will be many more in the future.
Of course it is.

No, not to the point that it has to be a taxpayer liability.

What is a vital national interest? And who decides what is or isn't?

To answer that, we first have to look at the word "vital." Here is what it's defined as in my Apple computer dictionary:

vital |ˈvītl| adjective1

absolutely necessary or important; essential: secrecyis of vital importance | it is vital that the system is regularly maintained.

β€’ indispensable to the continuance of life: the vital organs.

So like I said, we have more kids in college than ever before in this country. I simply can't see how our college situation can be considered vital yet alone a vital national interest; at least not by definition.
The "vital" problem isn't simply college, it's poverty, crime, gangs, drugs, welfare, low wages etc etc etc. some believe that a better education system and more opportunity for our poor is the best way to help get people out of a destructive lifestyle. I hear the opposing side call them lazy criminals and suggest we cut them off and throw them in jail with harsher punishments... You may argue either side but I think most would agree that there are very systemic problems that need to be addressed.

Like what? What hasn't been addressed?

Single parents is the real issue in this country. Single parenthood is more related to poverty than education.

We give mom a government check when she has a child. Our taxes feed the child because mom isn't working. The kid goes to school and gets free breakfast and lunch or more. If poor, the child gets free healthcare. If mom is working and poor, she gets a voucher for daycare before the kid goes to school. And education is at no charge to the parent up to their Senior high class.

There are plenty of people in this country that stayed out of crime, drugs, poverty that never went to college. And there will be many more in the future.
So what is your solution? Let the single mom's and their children struggle even harder, starve em out? You think this will decrease the rate of single parents?
Single parents is the real issue in this country. Single parenthood is more related to poverty than education.

We give mom a government check when she has a child. Our taxes feed the child because mom isn't working. The kid goes to school and gets free breakfast and lunch or more. If poor, the child gets free healthcare. If mom is working and poor, she gets a voucher for daycare before the kid goes to school. And education is at no charge to the parent up to their Senior high class.

There are plenty of people in this country that stayed out of crime, drugs, poverty that never went to college. And there will be many more in the future.

If your pals the One Percenters have their way, we will all be in poverty...

And you'll still be making excuses for them.
Single parents is the real issue in this country. Single parenthood is more related to poverty than education.

We give mom a government check when she has a child. Our taxes feed the child because mom isn't working. The kid goes to school and gets free breakfast and lunch or more. If poor, the child gets free healthcare. If mom is working and poor, she gets a voucher for daycare before the kid goes to school. And education is at no charge to the parent up to their Senior high class.

There are plenty of people in this country that stayed out of crime, drugs, poverty that never went to college. And there will be many more in the future.

If your pals the One Percenters have their way, we will all be in poverty...

And you'll still be making excuses for them.

I would never do that for a one-percenter. And I think Hillary makes plenty of her own excuses.
No, not to the point that it has to be a taxpayer liability.

What is a vital national interest? And who decides what is or isn't?

To answer that, we first have to look at the word "vital." Here is what it's defined as in my Apple computer dictionary:

vital |ˈvītl| adjective1

absolutely necessary or important; essential: secrecyis of vital importance | it is vital that the system is regularly maintained.

β€’ indispensable to the continuance of life: the vital organs.

So like I said, we have more kids in college than ever before in this country. I simply can't see how our college situation can be considered vital yet alone a vital national interest; at least not by definition.
The "vital" problem isn't simply college, it's poverty, crime, gangs, drugs, welfare, low wages etc etc etc. some believe that a better education system and more opportunity for our poor is the best way to help get people out of a destructive lifestyle. I hear the opposing side call them lazy criminals and suggest we cut them off and throw them in jail with harsher punishments... You may argue either side but I think most would agree that there are very systemic problems that need to be addressed.

Like what? What hasn't been addressed?

Single parents is the real issue in this country. Single parenthood is more related to poverty than education.

We give mom a government check when she has a child. Our taxes feed the child because mom isn't working. The kid goes to school and gets free breakfast and lunch or more. If poor, the child gets free healthcare. If mom is working and poor, she gets a voucher for daycare before the kid goes to school. And education is at no charge to the parent up to their Senior high class.

There are plenty of people in this country that stayed out of crime, drugs, poverty that never went to college. And there will be many more in the future.
So what is your solution? Let the single mom's and their children struggle even harder, starve em out? You think this will decrease the rate of single parents?

If it were up to me, the law would be nobody gets a dime of welfare until they are fixed first.

If you are a woman, you have to get your tubes tied before you can collect anything. If you are a guy that is not financially supporting your child, you have to get a vasectomy before you can collect.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Wealthy parents will raise their children to be wealthy if possible. Same with upper-class parents and middle-class parents. The poor? Almost definitely.

How can you solve poverty when you encourage people to create more poor people? The more kids one has, the larger the welfare check, the SNAP's benefits, the HUD home in the suburb.
What is a vital national interest? And who decides what is or isn't?

To answer that, we first have to look at the word "vital." Here is what it's defined as in my Apple computer dictionary:

vital |ˈvītl| adjective1

absolutely necessary or important; essential: secrecyis of vital importance | it is vital that the system is regularly maintained.

β€’ indispensable to the continuance of life: the vital organs.

So like I said, we have more kids in college than ever before in this country. I simply can't see how our college situation can be considered vital yet alone a vital national interest; at least not by definition.
The "vital" problem isn't simply college, it's poverty, crime, gangs, drugs, welfare, low wages etc etc etc. some believe that a better education system and more opportunity for our poor is the best way to help get people out of a destructive lifestyle. I hear the opposing side call them lazy criminals and suggest we cut them off and throw them in jail with harsher punishments... You may argue either side but I think most would agree that there are very systemic problems that need to be addressed.

Like what? What hasn't been addressed?

Single parents is the real issue in this country. Single parenthood is more related to poverty than education.

We give mom a government check when she has a child. Our taxes feed the child because mom isn't working. The kid goes to school and gets free breakfast and lunch or more. If poor, the child gets free healthcare. If mom is working and poor, she gets a voucher for daycare before the kid goes to school. And education is at no charge to the parent up to their Senior high class.

There are plenty of people in this country that stayed out of crime, drugs, poverty that never went to college. And there will be many more in the future.
So what is your solution? Let the single mom's and their children struggle even harder, starve em out? You think this will decrease the rate of single parents?

If it were up to me, the law would be nobody gets a dime of welfare until they are fixed first.

If you are a woman, you have to get your tubes tied before you can collect anything. If you are a guy that is not financially supporting your child, you have to get a vasectomy before you can collect.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Wealthy parents will raise their children to be wealthy if possible. Same with upper-class parents and middle-class parents. The poor? Almost definitely.

How can you solve poverty when you encourage people to create more poor people? The more kids one has, the larger the welfare check, the SNAP's benefits, the HUD home in the suburb.
You're funny, so what happens to all those who don't want their genitals mutilated? What happens to their children? To the communities they live in?
Single parents is the real issue in this country. Single parenthood is more related to poverty than education.

We give mom a government check when she has a child. Our taxes feed the child because mom isn't working. The kid goes to school and gets free breakfast and lunch or more. If poor, the child gets free healthcare. If mom is working and poor, she gets a voucher for daycare before the kid goes to school. And education is at no charge to the parent up to their Senior high class.

There are plenty of people in this country that stayed out of crime, drugs, poverty that never went to college. And there will be many more in the future.

If your pals the One Percenters have their way, we will all be in poverty...

And you'll still be making excuses for them.

Both you and RFC are utter fools. If only I were able to debate you idiots openly and honestly. I would have you all belleding from every orifice in your bodies.
Single parents is the real issue in this country. Single parenthood is more related to poverty than education.

We give mom a government check when she has a child. Our taxes feed the child because mom isn't working. The kid goes to school and gets free breakfast and lunch or more. If poor, the child gets free healthcare. If mom is working and poor, she gets a voucher for daycare before the kid goes to school. And education is at no charge to the parent up to their Senior high class.

There are plenty of people in this country that stayed out of crime, drugs, poverty that never went to college. And there will be many more in the future.

If your pals the One Percenters have their way, we will all be in poverty...

And you'll still be making excuses for them.

Both you and RFC are utter fools. If only I were able to debate you idiots openly and honestly. I would have you all belleding from every orifice in your bodies.
Only if there was a forum available to do so...

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