Since free college isn't free...what is wrong with actually paying it back?

You're funny, so what happens to all those who don't want their genitals mutilated? What happens to their children? To the communities they live in?

If that were the case then the kids go into adoption. But I think that would be rare as people would be forced to get a job or two and support their family instead of being on the dole. Plus it would remove the incentive to have more children and thus, reduce poverty.

Removing responsibility and rewarding irresponsibility doesn't seem to be working. As Walter E Williams put it, the problem is we allowed government to replace the father with a government check.
You honestly think that everybody is just gonna go back to work? Keep dreaming dude. How about you focus on realist things like useful reforms to our welfare system to get our poor educated and hired... Cutting them off isn't going to produce anything but more poverty and crime

Yes, we've heard that one before; just before the Republicans passed Welfare Reform back in the 90's.

The liberals were predicting the same doom and gloom: families starving, people killing each other over food, an explosion of new homeless people, the works.

It never happened. In fact, the law had much success.

We have all kinds of jobs in the US that can easily get you off of welfare. But you can lead a horse to water.........

Same goes with education. If a person has no desire to learn anything, and all he can focus on is getting back home in front of his big screen, then no education in the world will help that person.

It's kind of like the theory of electricity. Electricity will take it's least path of resistance. Same holds true for some people. If an easy way out is offered to them, that's the route they will take.
I agree, I don't think there should be an easy way, we shouldn't just be sending checks... earning a welfare check should take work and accountability... Cutting welfare completely and thinking people will just go to work isn't reality.

I agree with you there. I'm not suggesting cutting all welfare. But the systems are loaded with abuse.

An example: In Maine, they instituted requirements to stay on the food stamp program. They were only aimed at childless adults.

They gave three options: have a job working at least 20 hours a week. Volunteer your time at least 20 hours per month, or be enrolled in a vocational program so you can enter a new career to work.

The outcome? Most of those adults dropped out of the SNAP's program. It seems it was not a necessity at all, again, the least path of resistance.
Well after all this time I think we can agree on something... Welfare reform is definitely necessary... The hows might be a different story
why do the left wing regressives insist that college should be free...or rather, that the money for people's education should be extracted at gunpoint from other taxpayers....many of whom will not go to college?

Why don't they insist that those people attending college on the taxpayers expense, pay back the money they get......?

Why is that such a hard concept for bernie and hilary and the rest of the left wing regressives to get?

There is no reason for them not to pay it back. Everyone else has to pay their student loans and we should all be equal, right?

Might help if professors weren't so overpaid for indoctrinating students. They teach liberalism and preach that the wealthy are evil, all the while padding their own pockets.

Correct. The average profit for profit colleges in the US is 19%. What other industry has that kind of success on a consistent basis?

And when these liberal colleges are raking in that kind of dough, then they want the taxpayer to pay for it because education is now too expensive.
As job competition and requirements go up college degrees become more essential the get hired, this causes the need for more kids to go to college... The increase in demand raises prices a capitalistic business model. Private colleges have every right to charge whatever they want to. I don't see the problem with the proposition of providing free or government subsidized public college for those who can't afford it. I personally think there should be some form of payback but I don't see why the right thinks this proposition is so ludicrous. Are they going to start demanding highschoolers to payback for their education too?

It's because an advanced education is an investment--not a necessity.

When you make an investment, you take your own money (either on hand or borrowed) and place that money where it will not only make your money back, but with a handsome profit.

You are correct that these colleges have every right to charge what they do, but then don't come to the taxpayers to pay for it. Colleges can make 75% profit for all I care, but don't ask me to provide you the money to go to these colleges.

If you wish to pay that kind of money to increase your wealth in the future, go for it. Nobody is stopping you.
Nobody is talking about taking over private colleges... But creating a public option for higher education is become a necessity to remain competitive in our modern workforce. A few decades ago a hs degree meant something. Today it means much less. The free college movement is just like an extension of high school. It's not a wild liberal idea and actually makes sense if you think about it. Like I said I think there should be some form of payback and also think there could be smart moves about the type of courses offered... But that's a different discussion. It's too bad we can't be working together on ways to better our education, increase opportunity for our poor and strengthen our workforce.
The law you want passed would have to be passed in your particular state. Congress has no legislative power to enact such a law.
There is no reason for them not to pay it back. Everyone else has to pay their student loans and we should all be equal, right?

Might help if professors weren't so overpaid for indoctrinating students. They teach liberalism and preach that the wealthy are evil, all the while padding their own pockets.

Correct. The average profit for profit colleges in the US is 19%. What other industry has that kind of success on a consistent basis?

And when these liberal colleges are raking in that kind of dough, then they want the taxpayer to pay for it because education is now too expensive.
As job competition and requirements go up college degrees become more essential the get hired, this causes the need for more kids to go to college... The increase in demand raises prices a capitalistic business model. Private colleges have every right to charge whatever they want to. I don't see the problem with the proposition of providing free or government subsidized public college for those who can't afford it. I personally think there should be some form of payback but I don't see why the right thinks this proposition is so ludicrous. Are they going to start demanding highschoolers to payback for their education too?

It's because an advanced education is an investment--not a necessity.

When you make an investment, you take your own money (either on hand or borrowed) and place that money where it will not only make your money back, but with a handsome profit.

You are correct that these colleges have every right to charge what they do, but then don't come to the taxpayers to pay for it. Colleges can make 75% profit for all I care, but don't ask me to provide you the money to go to these colleges.

If you wish to pay that kind of money to increase your wealth in the future, go for it. Nobody is stopping you.
Nobody is talking about taking over private colleges... But creating a public option for higher education is become a necessity to remain competitive in our modern workforce. A few decades ago a hs degree meant something. Today it means much less. The free college movement is just like an extension of high school. It's not a wild liberal idea and actually makes sense if you think about it. Like I said I think there should be some form of payback and also think there could be smart moves about the type of courses offered... But that's a different discussion. It's too bad we can't be working together on ways to better our education, increase opportunity for our poor and strengthen our workforce.
The law you want passed would have to be passed in your particular state. Congress has no legislative power to enact such a law.
I'm fine with that... Nothing wrong with the Bern bringing the conversation to light on the national stage though. I don't think he is the best suited for prez but I do like some of his ideas and am glad they are finally being seriously discussed
Along with science, equality, voter's rights,a clean environment, a woman's right to chose, Black lives and the poor we see that Conservatives also hate higher education. Where do I sign up? This political ideology offers something against everyone.

"Socialism, like the ancient ideas from which it springs, confuses the distinction between government and society. As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists conclude that we object to its being done at all." -- Frédéric Bastiat

Just because one points out that the US government has no legislative authority concerning education doesn't mean one is opposed to education per se.
The benefits provided by an educated population are a thousand fold the costs. Education, and an educated citizenry promotes the general welfare far greater than an ignorant population can.
Along with science, equality, voter's rights,a clean environment, a woman's right to chose, Black lives and the poor we see that Conservatives also hate higher education. Where do I sign up? This political ideology offers something against everyone.

So does BS.........
Spoken like a man who is and respects education.

So by not being for taxpayers funding this education, it's disrespectful?

So if I think taxpayers should pay my mortgage, and you don't, is that being disrespectful to homeowners?
why do the left wing regressives insist that college should be free...or rather, that the money for people's education should be extracted at gunpoint from other taxpayers....many of whom will not go to college?

Why don't they insist that those people attending college on the taxpayers expense, pay back the money they get......?

Why is that such a hard concept for bernie and hilary and the rest of the left wing regressives to get?

There is no reason for them not to pay it back. Everyone else has to pay their student loans and we should all be equal, right?

Might help if professors weren't so overpaid for indoctrinating students. They teach liberalism and preach that the wealthy are evil, all the while padding their own pockets.

Correct. The average profit for profit colleges in the US is 19%. What other industry has that kind of success on a consistent basis?

And when these liberal colleges are raking in that kind of dough, then they want the taxpayer to pay for it because education is now too expensive.
As job competition and requirements go up college degrees become more essential the get hired, this causes the need for more kids to go to college... The increase in demand raises prices a capitalistic business model. Private colleges have every right to charge whatever they want to. I don't see the problem with the proposition of providing free or government subsidized public college for those who can't afford it. I personally think there should be some form of payback but I don't see why the right thinks this proposition is so ludicrous. Are they going to start demanding highschoolers to payback for their education too?

It's because an advanced education is an investment--not a necessity.

When you make an investment, you take your own money (either on hand or borrowed) and place that money where it will not only make your money back, but with a handsome profit.

You are correct that these colleges have every right to charge what they do, but then don't come to the taxpayers to pay for it. Colleges can make 75% profit for all I care, but don't ask me to provide you the money to go to these colleges.

If you wish to pay that kind of money to increase your wealth in the future, go for it. Nobody is stopping you.
Nobody is talking about taking over private colleges... But creating a public option for higher education is become a necessity to remain competitive in our modern workforce. A few decades ago a hs degree meant something. Today it means much less. The free college movement is just like an extension of high school. It's not a wild liberal idea and actually makes sense if you think about it. Like I said I think there should be some form of payback and also think there could be smart moves about the type of courses offered... But that's a different discussion. It's too bad we can't be working together on ways to better our education, increase opportunity for our poor and strengthen our workforce.

But you see, we already have these abilities in place. In fact, DumBama nearly took over the entire educational finance system by snuffing banks out of it.

My niece is a college graduate. My nephew is a college graduate. They worked while in school, took out loans, and their parents paid for much of it since my sister and her former husband saved for this education since they were babies.

My sister, her ex, and both her children all have loans to repay. None of them have any regrets.
Along with science, equality, voter's rights,a clean environment, a woman's right to chose, Black lives and the poor we see that Conservatives also hate higher education. Where do I sign up? This political ideology offers something against everyone.

So does BS.........
Spoken like a man who is and respects education.

So by not being for taxpayers funding this education, it's disrespectful?

So if I think taxpayers should pay my mortgage, and you don't, is that being disrespectful to homeowners?
I don't believe you recognize the obvious benefits of higher education, for the individual, for the community and most importantly, for the nation.

Nothing ensures domestic tranquillity, promotes the general welfare and preserves the union like an educated citizenry.
There is no reason for them not to pay it back. Everyone else has to pay their student loans and we should all be equal, right?

Might help if professors weren't so overpaid for indoctrinating students. They teach liberalism and preach that the wealthy are evil, all the while padding their own pockets.

Correct. The average profit for profit colleges in the US is 19%. What other industry has that kind of success on a consistent basis?

And when these liberal colleges are raking in that kind of dough, then they want the taxpayer to pay for it because education is now too expensive.
As job competition and requirements go up college degrees become more essential the get hired, this causes the need for more kids to go to college... The increase in demand raises prices a capitalistic business model. Private colleges have every right to charge whatever they want to. I don't see the problem with the proposition of providing free or government subsidized public college for those who can't afford it. I personally think there should be some form of payback but I don't see why the right thinks this proposition is so ludicrous. Are they going to start demanding highschoolers to payback for their education too?

It's because an advanced education is an investment--not a necessity.

When you make an investment, you take your own money (either on hand or borrowed) and place that money where it will not only make your money back, but with a handsome profit.

You are correct that these colleges have every right to charge what they do, but then don't come to the taxpayers to pay for it. Colleges can make 75% profit for all I care, but don't ask me to provide you the money to go to these colleges.

If you wish to pay that kind of money to increase your wealth in the future, go for it. Nobody is stopping you.
Nobody is talking about taking over private colleges... But creating a public option for higher education is become a necessity to remain competitive in our modern workforce. A few decades ago a hs degree meant something. Today it means much less. The free college movement is just like an extension of high school. It's not a wild liberal idea and actually makes sense if you think about it. Like I said I think there should be some form of payback and also think there could be smart moves about the type of courses offered... But that's a different discussion. It's too bad we can't be working together on ways to better our education, increase opportunity for our poor and strengthen our workforce.

But you see, we already have these abilities in place. In fact, DumBama nearly took over the entire educational finance system by snuffing banks out of it.

My niece is a college graduate. My nephew is a college graduate. They worked while in school, took out loans, and their parents paid for much of it since my sister and her former husband saved for this education since they were babies.

My sister, her ex, and both her children all have loans to repay. None of them have any regrets.
That's great... Sounds like they are a smart driven middle class family that did what many family's do. If your happy with the status quo then don't vote for any reform to education... Those who want reform are trying to help the poor and children of poverty as well as future generations of people like your niece and nephew that don't have parents to help them pay, and who will graduate with significantly more debt than your family had.
So by not being for taxpayers funding this education, it's disrespectful?

I don't believe you recognize the obvious benefits of higher education, for the individual, for the community and most importantly, for the nation.

Nothing ensures domestic tranquillity, promotes the general welfare and preserves the union like an educated citizenry.

We need an independent, intelligent citizenry. What we are churning out now are little indoctrinated babies who fear debate, can't tolerate the fact that there are differing views and run to their safe spaces every time someone fails to pat them on the back and assure them they are right about everything. That spells disaster for the country and that is what we are getting more of these days.

Also, having more young people go out into the world with an entitlement mentality isn't going to improve a damn thing in this country. It's destroying it. Meanwhile, libs keep finding more ways to hand out free shit. Being handed something often means it won't be appreciated like the things people actually work for.

College is getting more expensive and that is a choice made by colleges. Professors are getting paid well. Liberals also claim health care should be free and they have no qualms about capping doctor's salaries. Wonder if they'll take the same approach to college professors after they push free education.
Correct. The average profit for profit colleges in the US is 19%. What other industry has that kind of success on a consistent basis?

And when these liberal colleges are raking in that kind of dough, then they want the taxpayer to pay for it because education is now too expensive.
As job competition and requirements go up college degrees become more essential the get hired, this causes the need for more kids to go to college... The increase in demand raises prices a capitalistic business model. Private colleges have every right to charge whatever they want to. I don't see the problem with the proposition of providing free or government subsidized public college for those who can't afford it. I personally think there should be some form of payback but I don't see why the right thinks this proposition is so ludicrous. Are they going to start demanding highschoolers to payback for their education too?

It's because an advanced education is an investment--not a necessity.

When you make an investment, you take your own money (either on hand or borrowed) and place that money where it will not only make your money back, but with a handsome profit.

You are correct that these colleges have every right to charge what they do, but then don't come to the taxpayers to pay for it. Colleges can make 75% profit for all I care, but don't ask me to provide you the money to go to these colleges.

If you wish to pay that kind of money to increase your wealth in the future, go for it. Nobody is stopping you.
Nobody is talking about taking over private colleges... But creating a public option for higher education is become a necessity to remain competitive in our modern workforce. A few decades ago a hs degree meant something. Today it means much less. The free college movement is just like an extension of high school. It's not a wild liberal idea and actually makes sense if you think about it. Like I said I think there should be some form of payback and also think there could be smart moves about the type of courses offered... But that's a different discussion. It's too bad we can't be working together on ways to better our education, increase opportunity for our poor and strengthen our workforce.

But you see, we already have these abilities in place. In fact, DumBama nearly took over the entire educational finance system by snuffing banks out of it.

My niece is a college graduate. My nephew is a college graduate. They worked while in school, took out loans, and their parents paid for much of it since my sister and her former husband saved for this education since they were babies.

My sister, her ex, and both her children all have loans to repay. None of them have any regrets.
That's great... Sounds like they are a smart driven middle class family that did what many family's do. If your happy with the status quo then don't vote for any reform to education... Those who want reform are trying to help the poor and children of poverty as well as future generations of people like your niece and nephew that don't have parents to help them pay, and who will graduate with significantly more debt than your family had.

They still have plenty of debt. But that's what happens when you want something now and not worry about paying up front.

Take a house for instance. Sure, everybody would love to own a house, but a house (like an advanced education) is an investment that you "hope" will give you something in return.

Not everybody owns a house. I should know, I'm a landlord. There are more people renting today than ever in my lifetime. Great for me--terrible for real estate agents. But because we believe everybody should have a right to own a house, doesn't justify the public paying for it.

And if you own a house, the interest is a killer. Again, it's not a necessity, but a desire. You are willing to pay tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in interest to have that home.
Along with science, equality, voter's rights,a clean environment, a woman's right to chose, Black lives and the poor we see that Conservatives also hate higher education. Where do I sign up? This political ideology offers something against everyone.

So does BS.........
Spoken like a man who is and respects education.

So by not being for taxpayers funding this education, it's disrespectful?

So if I think taxpayers should pay my mortgage, and you don't, is that being disrespectful to homeowners?
I don't believe you recognize the obvious benefits of higher education, for the individual, for the community and most importantly, for the nation.

Nothing ensures domestic tranquillity, promotes the general welfare and preserves the union like an educated citizenry.

I agree, but why should hard working taxpayers pay for it? We are in no shortage of kids going to college today. It's not something we need to act upon in order to reconcile a problem.

There is no problem. In fact, we have more college graduates today that can't find work than ever before. They are still living at home with their parents.

This is all political is what it is. It's a solution looking for a problem.
I agree, but why should hard working taxpayers pay for it? We are in no shortage of kids going to college today. It's not something we need to act upon in order to reconcile a problem.

There is no problem. In fact, we have more college graduates today that can't find work than ever before. They are still living at home with their parents.

This is all political is what it is. It's a solution looking for a problem.

I think the real problem is too many not even graduating high school.
Student loans are higher interest rate than a car or a house. THe government is actually making money off them. As much value as an educated population adds to our country, we don't need to be making money from student loans.

Student loans are higher interest rate than a car or a house.

Can you come up with any reason why that is the case?

THe government is actually making money off them.

Do you actually think the government is going to make money off the student loan debacle?

As much value as an educated population adds to our country,

What is the current value of an LGBT grievance studies degree?

You can blame the interest rate on student loans being all directed to one bank. IOW there is no competition for interest on student loans.

The biggest problem that college students have, is that they continue to take underwater basket weaving classes--and then wonder why they can't get a job in their degree field afterwards--and they then have this huge college debt to pay back.

I think Bernie Sanders supporters know that college isn't free, they just want you to pay for it.
Student loans are higher interest rate than a car or a house. THe government is actually making money off them. As much value as an educated population adds to our country, we don't need to be making money from student loans.

Student loans are higher interest rate than a car or a house.

Can you come up with any reason why that is the case?

THe government is actually making money off them.

Do you actually think the government is going to make money off the student loan debacle?

As much value as an educated population adds to our country,

What is the current value of an LGBT grievance studies degree?

You can blame the interest rate on student loans being all directed to one bank. IOW there is no competition for interest on student loans.

The biggest problem that college students have, is that they continue to take underwater basket weaving classes--and then wonder why they can't get a job in their degree field afterwards--and they then have this huge college debt to pay back.

I think Bernie Sanders supporters know that college isn't free, they just want you to pay for it.
I think Bernie supporters have already paid or are paying for their education... There support must reflect a willingness to allocate funds from their future tax payments to help future generations get their degrees... Imagine that
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Student loans are higher interest rate than a car or a house. THe government is actually making money off them. As much value as an educated population adds to our country, we don't need to be making money from student loans.

Student loans are higher interest rate than a car or a house.

Can you come up with any reason why that is the case?

THe government is actually making money off them.

Do you actually think the government is going to make money off the student loan debacle?

As much value as an educated population adds to our country,

What is the current value of an LGBT grievance studies degree?

You can blame the interest rate on student loans being all directed to one bank. IOW there is no competition for interest on student loans.

The biggest problem that college students have, is that they continue to take underwater basket weaving classes--and then wonder why they can't get a job in their degree field afterwards--and they then have this huge college debt to pay back.

I think Bernie Sanders supporters know that college isn't free, they just want you to pay for it.
I think Bernie supporters have already paid or are paying for their education... There support must reflect a willingness to allocate funds from their future tax payments to help future generations get their degrees... Imagine that

Another thing we can imagine: 35 trillion in debt and growing faster. Yes, it's only 19 trillion today, but 10 trillion of that was put there by Obama. With Sanders in charge, it would be Obama on steroids.
Single parents is the real issue in this country. Single parenthood is more related to poverty than education.

We give mom a government check when she has a child. Our taxes feed the child because mom isn't working. The kid goes to school and gets free breakfast and lunch or more. If poor, the child gets free healthcare. If mom is working and poor, she gets a voucher for daycare before the kid goes to school. And education is at no charge to the parent up to their Senior high class.

There are plenty of people in this country that stayed out of crime, drugs, poverty that never went to college. And there will be many more in the future.

If your pals the One Percenters have their way, we will all be in poverty...

And you'll still be making excuses for them.

Both you and RFC are utter fools. If only I were able to debate you idiots openly and honestly. I would have you all belleding from every orifice in your bodies.

I doubt that. You see, I carry my firearm most times. Our laws allow me to use my firearm (legally) if I am attacked. So you might be able to get a punch or two in, but I would make sure you momma would be crying by the end of the night.
crazy goy fantasies

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