Since free college isn't free...what is wrong with actually paying it back?

College is a self assumed scam. While a college education may be useful and be a source of income, what these students decide to study is useless. They will never get a job in majors like the fashion of Kanye West, the philosophies of Lady Gaga, transsexual studies, hip hop history or any of the other nonsense they want the public to spend money on.

After they proudly graduate expecting a six figure income they find they are unemployable. Their future is McDonald's. Too bad they aren't smart enough to make manager.

All races and ethnicities take courses that have no coursework and require no study. They are however dominated by black and latino students. No we should not pay for this. Not a dime. If we paid for higher education, it would be STEM courses. The racism is apparent because those would be white and Asian students.

GED recipient

Hint, college isn't a trade school

funny how we can tell which posters never went beyond high "skool" is a trade is a trade school for Doctors, Teachers, and accountants....lawyers is time for colleges to act like trade schools and stop milking dumb kids for gender studies degrees....

No colleges are not trade schools. Can you take an English Lit. class at A/C repair school?

Yes...they are trade schools...for Doctors, Lawyers, don't need English lit. to be a doctor, a lawyer or and accountant.......

To become a doctor you need a bachelor's degree for starters. To become an air conditioner repairman you don't.
Student loans are higher interest rate than a car or a house. THe government is actually making money off them. As much value as an educated population adds to our country, we don't need to be making money from student loans.

Student loans are higher interest rate than a car or a house.

Can you come up with any reason why that is the case?

THe government is actually making money off them.

Do you actually think the government is going to make money off the student loan debacle?

As much value as an educated population adds to our country,

What is the current value of an LGBT grievance studies degree?

1. Yes. They are so high because they want to make money on them. It's working.
2. The numbers are easily found. 127 billion over 10 years in profit from student loans is not necessary.
Student Loan 'Profits' Show Government Should Get Out Of Student Loan Business
3. If you question the value of education, you're to dumb to even discuss this.

Yes. They are so high because they want to make money on them.

The lender wants to make money? The lender always wants to make money. That isn't an explanation for why student loan rates are higher than for home or auto loans. Try again?

127 billion over 10 years in profit from student loans is not necessary.

Thanks for the link. Let's see what it shows.....

A better view of the situation, however, is offered by Jordan Weissmann over at Slate, who
points out that most of the projected profits over the next decade will come from loans to graduate students.....

According to the latest projections from the CBO, the federal government will earn about $127 billion over the next ten years

Projected profits? Latest projections? Will earn? LOL!
I'm interested in actual earnings, not fantasy, government projections.

If you question the value of education

I question the value of a garbage LGBT grievance or racial grievance studies degree, don't you?

You're not worth the effort it would take to explain these things that have already been explained hundreds of times. Believe what you want. Your beliefs won't stop the changes that will soon be made in education financing. The cost will be reduced for students, and you can whine all you want.

If you want to get government out of the college loan business, whatever you do, don't vote for Hillary. After all, it's DumBama that took over the college loans during his first term.

Of course he did. Cutting the bank's profit out of the student loan process saved students money. Not as much as if the government didn't take a profit, but some.
I have a degree in English, History and a doctorate in Law. If you have time to spend texting your friends you don't have hard enough courses.

No you don't.

You also seem to have a difficult time with understanding how long it takes to send a text message or what the overall purpose of them are. You might as well have said "If you have the time to spend calling your friends you don't have hard enough courses". Which is utter bullshit

But, maybe you expect college students to be hermits like you.

She is just trying to feel superior.

She should shoot for adequate.

Equally unrealistic.

Damn.. you got me there.
College is a self assumed scam. While a college education may be useful and be a source of income, what these students decide to study is useless. They will never get a job in majors like the fashion of Kanye West, the philosophies of Lady Gaga, transsexual studies, hip hop history or any of the other nonsense they want the public to spend money on.

After they proudly graduate expecting a six figure income they find they are unemployable. Their future is McDonald's. Too bad they aren't smart enough to make manager.

All races and ethnicities take courses that have no coursework and require no study. They are however dominated by black and latino students. No we should not pay for this. Not a dime. If we paid for higher education, it would be STEM courses. The racism is apparent because those would be white and Asian students.

GED recipient

Hint, college isn't a trade school

funny how we can tell which posters never went beyond high "skool" is a trade is a trade school for Doctors, Teachers, and accountants....lawyers is time for colleges to act like trade schools and stop milking dumb kids for gender studies degrees....

No colleges are not trade schools. Can you take an English Lit. class at A/C repair school?

Yes...they are trade schools...for Doctors, Lawyers, don't need English lit. to be a doctor, a lawyer or and accountant.......

To become a doctor you need a bachelor's degree for starters. To become an air conditioner repairman you don't.

The only reason you need English lit. is because the left wing regressives create the curriculum, and want to stay employed in easy teaching much less time would it take to be a doctor if you cut out the crap classes?
Student loans are higher interest rate than a car or a house. THe government is actually making money off them. As much value as an educated population adds to our country, we don't need to be making money from student loans.

Why not......the guy working at a job and paying taxes...he doesn't deserve to get something back from the people he is sending to college?

No more than expecting profit from K-12 education.

GED recipient

Hint, college isn't a trade school

funny how we can tell which posters never went beyond high "skool" is a trade is a trade school for Doctors, Teachers, and accountants....lawyers is time for colleges to act like trade schools and stop milking dumb kids for gender studies degrees....

No colleges are not trade schools. Can you take an English Lit. class at A/C repair school?

Yes...they are trade schools...for Doctors, Lawyers, don't need English lit. to be a doctor, a lawyer or and accountant.......

To become a doctor you need a bachelor's degree for starters. To become an air conditioner repairman you don't.

The only reason you need English lit. is because the left wing regressives create the curriculum, and want to stay employed in easy teaching much less time would it take to be a doctor if you cut out the crap classes?

English Lit was merely one example of something that you can't take in a trade school. A college degree is not focused entirely on a single subject like a trade school. This isn't rocket the way, they don't have rocket science trade schools either.

GED recipient

Hint, college isn't a trade school

funny how we can tell which posters never went beyond high "skool" is a trade is a trade school for Doctors, Teachers, and accountants....lawyers is time for colleges to act like trade schools and stop milking dumb kids for gender studies degrees....

No colleges are not trade schools. Can you take an English Lit. class at A/C repair school?

Yes...they are trade schools...for Doctors, Lawyers, don't need English lit. to be a doctor, a lawyer or and accountant.......

To become a doctor you need a bachelor's degree for starters. To become an air conditioner repairman you don't.

The only reason you need English lit. is because the left wing regressives create the curriculum, and want to stay employed in easy teaching much less time would it take to be a doctor if you cut out the crap classes?

Don't overdo it. is a trade is a trade school for Doctors, Teachers, and accountants....lawyers is time for colleges to act like trade schools and stop milking dumb kids for gender studies degrees....

No colleges are not trade schools. Can you take an English Lit. class at A/C repair school?

Yes...they are trade schools...for Doctors, Lawyers, don't need English lit. to be a doctor, a lawyer or and accountant.......

To become a doctor you need a bachelor's degree for starters. To become an air conditioner repairman you don't.

The only reason you need English lit. is because the left wing regressives create the curriculum, and want to stay employed in easy teaching much less time would it take to be a doctor if you cut out the crap classes?

English Lit was merely one example of something that you can't take in a trade school. A college degree is not focused entirely on a single subject like a trade school. This isn't rocket the way, they don't have rocket science trade schools either.

You can take English lit. at the same community college where you are taking your HVAC classes.....if you want to.....and you can take it after you get a job...........or get the reading list and read them yourself.....
No colleges are not trade schools. Can you take an English Lit. class at A/C repair school?

Yes...they are trade schools...for Doctors, Lawyers, don't need English lit. to be a doctor, a lawyer or and accountant.......

To become a doctor you need a bachelor's degree for starters. To become an air conditioner repairman you don't.

The only reason you need English lit. is because the left wing regressives create the curriculum, and want to stay employed in easy teaching much less time would it take to be a doctor if you cut out the crap classes?

English Lit was merely one example of something that you can't take in a trade school. A college degree is not focused entirely on a single subject like a trade school. This isn't rocket the way, they don't have rocket science trade schools either.

You can take English lit. at the same community college where you are taking your HVAC classes.....if you want to.....and you can take it after you get a job...........or get the reading list and read them yourself.....

You can't get a bachelor's degree at a trade school. Why are you making such a silly argument?
Student loans are higher interest rate than a car or a house.

Can you come up with any reason why that is the case?

THe government is actually making money off them.

Do you actually think the government is going to make money off the student loan debacle?

As much value as an educated population adds to our country,

What is the current value of an LGBT grievance studies degree?

1. Yes. They are so high because they want to make money on them. It's working.
2. The numbers are easily found. 127 billion over 10 years in profit from student loans is not necessary.
Student Loan 'Profits' Show Government Should Get Out Of Student Loan Business
3. If you question the value of education, you're to dumb to even discuss this.

Yes. They are so high because they want to make money on them.

The lender wants to make money? The lender always wants to make money. That isn't an explanation for why student loan rates are higher than for home or auto loans. Try again?

127 billion over 10 years in profit from student loans is not necessary.

Thanks for the link. Let's see what it shows.....

A better view of the situation, however, is offered by Jordan Weissmann over at Slate, who
points out that most of the projected profits over the next decade will come from loans to graduate students.....

According to the latest projections from the CBO, the federal government will earn about $127 billion over the next ten years

Projected profits? Latest projections? Will earn? LOL!
I'm interested in actual earnings, not fantasy, government projections.

If you question the value of education

I question the value of a garbage LGBT grievance or racial grievance studies degree, don't you?

You're not worth the effort it would take to explain these things that have already been explained hundreds of times. Believe what you want. Your beliefs won't stop the changes that will soon be made in education financing. The cost will be reduced for students, and you can whine all you want.

If you want to get government out of the college loan business, whatever you do, don't vote for Hillary. After all, it's DumBama that took over the college loans during his first term.

Of course he did. Cutting the bank's profit out of the student loan process saved students money. Not as much as if the government didn't take a profit, but some.

Banks are in the business to make money--not lose money:

Federal Student Loans Will Cost Taxpayers $170 Billion

GED recipient

Hint, college isn't a trade school

funny how we can tell which posters never went beyond high "skool" is a trade is a trade school for Doctors, Teachers, and accountants....lawyers is time for colleges to act like trade schools and stop milking dumb kids for gender studies degrees....

No colleges are not trade schools. Can you take an English Lit. class at A/C repair school?

Yes...they are trade schools...for Doctors, Lawyers, don't need English lit. to be a doctor, a lawyer or and accountant.......

To become a doctor you need a bachelor's degree for starters. To become an air conditioner repairman you don't.

The only reason you need English lit. is because the left wing regressives create the curriculum, and want to stay employed in easy teaching much less time would it take to be a doctor if you cut out the crap classes?

And YOU decide what's "crap"?
There was a time when most healthy males had to look forward to at least two years service to their Country and with it came the legendary G.I. Bill for a subsidized higher education not to mention the skills learned in the Military Service. The G.I. Bill is still there and so are the skills but the "ask not what your Country can do for you" generation has evolved into the gimmie sex, drugs and rock and roll generation without a clue or historic perspective. No wonder the idiots think Sanders can get them what they want.

And who pays for the military and GI Bill?

So you are ok with free college so long as u add the extra expense of a couple years of military service !

Another far left drone that uses the military as their cannon fodder and thus proves they run on religious narratives and not "facts"..
why do the left wing regressives insist that college should be free...or rather, that the money for people's education should be extracted at gunpoint from other taxpayers....many of whom will not go to college?

Why don't they insist that those people attending college on the taxpayers expense, pay back the money they get......?

Why is that such a hard concept for bernie and hilary and the rest of the left wing regressives to get?

When are you going to pay back the cost of the free roads you drive on every day?
why do the left wing regressives insist that college should be free...or rather, that the money for people's education should be extracted at gunpoint from other taxpayers....many of whom will not go to college?

Why don't they insist that those people attending college on the taxpayers expense, pay back the money they get......?

Why is that such a hard concept for bernie and hilary and the rest of the left wing regressives to get?

When are you going to pay back the cost of the free roads you drive on every day?

It's not free. It's paid for by people that drive through gasoline taxes.

You see, taxing people for the roads is an investment because those getting taxed will use the roads. As for the comparison that you are desperately trying to make, I don't gain anything by sending your kid to college--your kid does. Advanced education is an investment because in most cases, the graduate will make more money because they went to college.
why do the left wing regressives insist that college should be free...or rather, that the money for people's education should be extracted at gunpoint from other taxpayers....many of whom will not go to college?

Why don't they insist that those people attending college on the taxpayers expense, pay back the money they get......?

Why is that such a hard concept for bernie and hilary and the rest of the left wing regressives to get?

When are you going to pay back the cost of the free roads you drive on every day?

When are you going to demand that liberal college professors work for free? Why aren't they like Plato who just sat around on rocks giving out free education to whoever wanted to listen?

What is it with these damn capitalist teachers who want to get rich educating our young people? WTF?
why do the left wing regressives insist that college should be free...or rather, that the money for people's education should be extracted at gunpoint from other taxpayers....many of whom will not go to college?

Why don't they insist that those people attending college on the taxpayers expense, pay back the money they get......?

Why is that such a hard concept for bernie and hilary and the rest of the left wing regressives to get?

When are you going to pay back the cost of the free roads you drive on every day?

It's not free. It's paid for by people that drive through gasoline taxes.

You see, taxing people for the roads is an investment because those getting taxed will use the roads. As for the comparison that you are desperately trying to make, I don't gain anything by sending your kid to college--your kid does. Advanced education is an investment because in most cases, the graduate will make more money because they went to college.

like most liberals, carbonhead thinks that anything paid for by the government is free to citizens. I guess that comes from being on welfare and food stamps his entire miserable life.
why do the left wing regressives insist that college should be free...or rather, that the money for people's education should be extracted at gunpoint from other taxpayers....many of whom will not go to college?

Why don't they insist that those people attending college on the taxpayers expense, pay back the money they get......?

Why is that such a hard concept for bernie and hilary and the rest of the left wing regressives to get?

When are you going to pay back the cost of the free roads you drive on every day?

When are you going to demand that liberal college professors work for free? Why aren't they like Plato who just sat around on rocks giving out free education to whoever wanted to listen?

What is it with these damn capitalist teachers who want to get rich educating our young people? WTF?

On top of the salaries that those teachers make, the average for-profit college has a 19% profit margin. That's average of course; some are doing much much better.

I wonder why these colleges don't sell stock? I'm sure nearly every investor in the country and around the world would buy it. Heck, I would take out a home equity loan and buy as much as I could afford. I would be paying 4% in interest on the loan but the money would be making me 19% on the investment That's a 15% return.

But I digress: Aren't those Walton people that own Walmart greedy MF"s?
why do the left wing regressives insist that college should be free...or rather, that the money for people's education should be extracted at gunpoint from other taxpayers....many of whom will not go to college?

Why don't they insist that those people attending college on the taxpayers expense, pay back the money they get......?

Why is that such a hard concept for bernie and hilary and the rest of the left wing regressives to get?

I'm sorry, guy, when was the last time the government extracted taxes from you at "gunpoint". I though with all your tiny-dicked whining about all the guns you own to protect yourself from Government tyranny, the IRS would have quite the mess on its hands when it came to collect your tax bill.

Reality. you probably submitted your 1040 before this weekend. Meekly. Without a fight.

But anyway.. College.

I'm not keen on the government paying for college. I think kids should come out of High School with the requisite skills they need to hold down and make a good living.

But as long as you have corporations INSISTING that they won't consider an applicant without a college degree, then that should be available to everyone, just like HS and Elementary education are.
why do the left wing regressives insist that college should be free...or rather, that the money for people's education should be extracted at gunpoint from other taxpayers....many of whom will not go to college?

Why don't they insist that those people attending college on the taxpayers expense, pay back the money they get......?

Why is that such a hard concept for bernie and hilary and the rest of the left wing regressives to get?

When are you going to pay back the cost of the free roads you drive on every day?

When are you going to demand that liberal college professors work for free? Why aren't they like Plato who just sat around on rocks giving out free education to whoever wanted to listen?

What is it with these damn capitalist teachers who want to get rich educating our young people? WTF?

On top of the salaries that those teachers make, the average for-profit college has a 19% profit margin. That's average of course; some are doing much much better.

I wonder why these colleges don't sell stock? I'm sure nearly every investor in the country and around the world would buy it. Heck, I would take out a home equity loan and buy as much as I could afford. I would be paying 4% in interest on the loan but the money would be making me 19% on the investment That's a 15% return.

But I digress: Aren't those Walton people that own Walmart greedy MF"s?

well said. whats funny is that the majority of walmart customers are liberal democrats---------------------or people who are too ignorant to know that they aren't really liberal democrats.

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