Since free college isn't free...what is wrong with actually paying it back?

If every single American citizen had the option of a college education for a single generation, we would essentially eliminate poverty and crime in this nation. The need for public assistance would wane......we'd have a better informed electorate and the debt would be reduced.

You dumb shits don't want those who are now below you to rise above you allow those who control you to continually fuck you.

Pay it forward, assholes.
Only if they studied something that would get them a job. These are fluff courses, they teach nothing. They don't require the most rudimentary skills. If someone graduates a four year college and cannot write their name or comprehend a menu or newspaper article, scrap that course. It shouldn't be taught at all.

Again, do you have a problem with higher education in general, or just certain courses?
The courses. The courses that are lecture centered, have no textbooks and rely on handouts, are mired in pop culture, require no study time and have no meaningful parh to employment should not be taught.

There is no reason why a college graduate cannot write their name, read a menu or understand their bank statement. No reason. If they want to take fun courses, pay for it themselves.

Ok. Lets put the dumb courses aside for a while. don't you think the mainstream students need and deserve a little financial help? My kid expects to owe nearly 300,000 by the time she finishes her medical education. Does that make sense to you?

I always tell young people that are expecting a baby that the minute he or she comes out, start an aggressive college fund for the child.

I think the real problem here is why are colleges so expensive in the first place?
If every single American citizen had the option of a college education for a single generation, we would essentially eliminate poverty and crime in this nation. The need for public assistance would wane......we'd have a better informed electorate and the debt would be reduced.

You dumb shits don't want those who are now below you to rise above you allow those who control you to continually fuck you.

Pay it forward, assholes.
Only if they studied something that would get them a job. These are fluff courses, they teach nothing. They don't require the most rudimentary skills. If someone graduates a four year college and cannot write their name or comprehend a menu or newspaper article, scrap that course. It shouldn't be taught at all.

Again, do you have a problem with higher education in general, or just certain courses?
The courses. The courses that are lecture centered, have no textbooks and rely on handouts, are mired in pop culture, require no study time and have no meaningful parh to employment should not be taught.

There is no reason why a college graduate cannot write their name, read a menu or understand their bank statement. No reason. If they want to take fun courses, pay for it themselves.

Ok. Lets put the dumb courses aside for a while. don't you think the mainstream students need and deserve a little financial help? My kid expects to owe nearly 300,000 by the time she finishes her medical education. Does that make sense to you?

I always tell young people that are expecting a baby that the minute he or she comes out, start an aggressive college fund for the child.

I think the real problem here is why are colleges so expensive in the first place?
Oh that's easy. The ease of getting student loans. The more money available, the higher the cost. The higher the cost the more professors and administrators make.
If every single American citizen had the option of a college education for a single generation, we would essentially eliminate poverty and crime in this nation. The need for public assistance would wane......we'd have a better informed electorate and the debt would be reduced.

You dumb shits don't want those who are now below you to rise above you allow those who control you to continually fuck you.

Pay it forward, assholes.

Really? So can you explain how so many people that graduate college can't find a job today? And you say we need tenfold the amount of kids in advanced education?

The only way to reduce poverty and crime in this country is to promote the two-parent family. Single parent households are directly related to crime and poverty. There are plenty of people that never even looked at a college that are doing just fine and never had an outstanding traffic ticket in their life.
Only if they studied something that would get them a job. These are fluff courses, they teach nothing. They don't require the most rudimentary skills. If someone graduates a four year college and cannot write their name or comprehend a menu or newspaper article, scrap that course. It shouldn't be taught at all.

Again, do you have a problem with higher education in general, or just certain courses?
The courses. The courses that are lecture centered, have no textbooks and rely on handouts, are mired in pop culture, require no study time and have no meaningful parh to employment should not be taught.

There is no reason why a college graduate cannot write their name, read a menu or understand their bank statement. No reason. If they want to take fun courses, pay for it themselves.

Ok. Lets put the dumb courses aside for a while. don't you think the mainstream students need and deserve a little financial help? My kid expects to owe nearly 300,000 by the time she finishes her medical education. Does that make sense to you?

I always tell young people that are expecting a baby that the minute he or she comes out, start an aggressive college fund for the child.

I think the real problem here is why are colleges so expensive in the first place?
Oh that's easy. The ease of getting student loans. The more money available, the higher the cost. The higher the cost the more professors and administrators make.

Excellent answer. It's a supply and demand thing.

When I was in school years ago in a class lets say about 35 students, maybe ten went to college, and out of those, who knows how many actually graduated.

Today there is a much higher percentage of high school graduates that go to college, and the demand is much greater than years before.

If we are going to do anything about helping youngsters go to college, the first thing we need to do is reduce the cost of it, then figure out how to pay for it.
Student loans are higher interest rate than a car or a house. THe government is actually making money off them. As much value as an educated population adds to our country, we don't need to be making money from student loans.

Student loans are higher interest rate than a car or a house.

Can you come up with any reason why that is the case?

THe government is actually making money off them.

Do you actually think the government is going to make money off the student loan debacle?

As much value as an educated population adds to our country,

What is the current value of an LGBT grievance studies degree?

1. Yes. They are so high because they want to make money on them. It's working.
2. The numbers are easily found. 127 billion over 10 years in profit from student loans is not necessary.
Student Loan 'Profits' Show Government Should Get Out Of Student Loan Business
3. If you question the value of education, you're to dumb to even discuss this.

Yes. They are so high because they want to make money on them.

The lender wants to make money? The lender always wants to make money. That isn't an explanation for why student loan rates are higher than for home or auto loans. Try again?

127 billion over 10 years in profit from student loans is not necessary.

Thanks for the link. Let's see what it shows.....

A better view of the situation, however, is offered by Jordan Weissmann over at Slate, who
points out that most of the projected profits over the next decade will come from loans to graduate students.....

According to the latest projections from the CBO, the federal government will earn about $127 billion over the next ten years

Projected profits? Latest projections? Will earn? LOL!
I'm interested in actual earnings, not fantasy, government projections.

If you question the value of education

I question the value of a garbage LGBT grievance or racial grievance studies degree, don't you?

You're not worth the effort it would take to explain these things that have already been explained hundreds of times. Believe what you want. Your beliefs won't stop the changes that will soon be made in education financing. The cost will be reduced for students, and you can whine all you want.

If you want to get government out of the college loan business, whatever you do, don't vote for Hillary. After all, it's DumBama that took over the college loans during his first term.
Student loans are higher interest rate than a car or a house. THe government is actually making money off them. As much value as an educated population adds to our country, we don't need to be making money from student loans.

Why not......the guy working at a job and paying taxes...he doesn't deserve to get something back from the people he is sending to college?
why do the left wing regressives insist that college should be free...or rather, that the money for people's education should be extracted at gunpoint from other taxpayers....many of whom will not go to college?

Why don't they insist that those people attending college on the taxpayers expense, pay back the money they get......?

Why is that such a hard concept for bernie and hilary and the rest of the left wing regressives to get?

Apparently you are an elitist aristocratic moron. In France (and probably some other countries) college is free. I guess for some reason, those frenchies figure that the more well educated people there are around, the more their society in general would benifit. That idea must be pretty disgusting to you. Because the worse off society in general is, the more exailted the wealthy can feel.

Did the Central Sharia Council in the Islamic State of France decide can see where decades of free college with no economic growth is leading them. And is not free, someone has to actually work, pay taxes and then the kid goes to college taking that money from the people who may not have gone themselves...and then goes on welfare when they graduate with the degree in 17th Century French Poets.....
College is a self assumed scam. While a college education may be useful and be a source of income, what these students decide to study is useless. They will never get a job in majors like the fashion of Kanye West, the philosophies of Lady Gaga, transsexual studies, hip hop history or any of the other nonsense they want the public to spend money on.

After they proudly graduate expecting a six figure income they find they are unemployable. Their future is McDonald's. Too bad they aren't smart enough to make manager.

All races and ethnicities take courses that have no coursework and require no study. They are however dominated by black and latino students. No we should not pay for this. Not a dime. If we paid for higher education, it would be STEM courses. The racism is apparent because those would be white and Asian students.

GED recipient

Hint, college isn't a trade school

funny how we can tell which posters never went beyond high "skool" is a trade is a trade school for Doctors, Teachers, and accountants....lawyers is time for colleges to act like trade schools and stop milking dumb kids for gender studies degrees....
What you want to pay for in these lecture courses.

Demystifying the hipster
Politicizing Beyonce
Whiteness. The other side of racism
Tree climbing
What if Harry Potter was real?
Health Psychology, self intervention
Stupidity as the doubling of intelligence
Oh look, a chicken
The art of walking
Pet apparel fashion
Death in perspective

The 12 Most Unique College Courses In America

Which company wants to hire one of these grads?

Critical thinking...get some.
why do the left wing regressives insist that college should be free...or rather, that the money for people's education should be extracted at gunpoint from other taxpayers....many of whom will not go to college?

Why don't they insist that those people attending college on the taxpayers expense, pay back the money they get......?

Why is that such a hard concept for bernie and hilary and the rest of the left wing regressives to get?

Apparently you are an elitist aristocratic moron. In France (and probably some other countries) college is free. ....

No it's not.
why do the left wing regressives insist that college should be free...or rather, that the money for people's education should be extracted at gunpoint from other taxpayers....many of whom will not go to college?

Why don't they insist that those people attending college on the taxpayers expense, pay back the money they get......?

Why is that such a hard concept for bernie and hilary and the rest of the left wing regressives to get?

Apparently you are an elitist aristocratic moron. In France (and probably some other countries) college is free. I guess for some reason, those frenchies figure that the more well educated people there are around, the more their society in general would benifit. That idea must be pretty disgusting to you. Because the worse off society in general is, the more exailted the wealthy can feel.

No P.J. O'rourke once said about healthcare...if you think it is expensive now, wait till it's free...same with college.....once the government takes our money in taxes to pay for it....the costs will go through the roof even more and become less productive....

the government will then have a true monopoly on education from kindergarten to graduate degrees....and with all monopolies the cost will go up and quality will go down..........and you will have lots and lots of 22 year old children with degrees in poetry and gender studies who will either be working at Starbucks....till they automate due to the left wing regressive 15 dollars an hour.......or they will be on in Europe........

Until the muslims take over.
why do the left wing regressives insist that college should be free...or rather, that the money for people's education should be extracted at gunpoint from other taxpayers....many of whom will not go to college?

Why don't they insist that those people attending college on the taxpayers expense, pay back the money they get......?

Why is that such a hard concept for bernie and hilary and the rest of the left wing regressives to get?

Apparently you are an elitist aristocratic moron. In France (and probably some other countries) college is free. I guess for some reason, those frenchies figure that the more well educated people there are around, the more their society in general would benifit. That idea must be pretty disgusting to you. Because the worse off society in general is, the more exailted the wealthy can feel.

And moron....I paid for my own education.....twit.
If every single American citizen had the option of a college education for a single generation, we would essentially eliminate poverty and crime in this nation. The need for public assistance would wane......we'd have a better informed electorate and the debt would be reduced.

You dumb shits don't want those who are now below you to rise above you allow those who control you to continually fuck you.

Pay it forward, assholes.

That is stupid need to have an education that leads to an actual job...where you create value for your work....Poetry degrees aint gonna do that....

Do you guys drink or smoke pot before you come up with that stupidity.....
College is a self assumed scam. While a college education may be useful and be a source of income, what these students decide to study is useless. They will never get a job in majors like the fashion of Kanye West, the philosophies of Lady Gaga, transsexual studies, hip hop history or any of the other nonsense they want the public to spend money on.

After they proudly graduate expecting a six figure income they find they are unemployable. Their future is McDonald's. Too bad they aren't smart enough to make manager.

All races and ethnicities take courses that have no coursework and require no study. They are however dominated by black and latino students. No we should not pay for this. Not a dime. If we paid for higher education, it would be STEM courses. The racism is apparent because those would be white and Asian students.

GED recipient


Don't be jealous.
College is a self assumed scam. While a college education may be useful and be a source of income, what these students decide to study is useless. They will never get a job in majors like the fashion of Kanye West, the philosophies of Lady Gaga, transsexual studies, hip hop history or any of the other nonsense they want the public to spend money on.

After they proudly graduate expecting a six figure income they find they are unemployable. Their future is McDonald's. Too bad they aren't smart enough to make manager.

All races and ethnicities take courses that have no coursework and require no study. They are however dominated by black and latino students. No we should not pay for this. Not a dime. If we paid for higher education, it would be STEM courses. The racism is apparent because those would be white and Asian students.

GED recipient

Hint, college isn't a trade school

funny how we can tell which posters never went beyond high "skool" is a trade is a trade school for Doctors, Teachers, and accountants....lawyers is time for colleges to act like trade schools and stop milking dumb kids for gender studies degrees....

No colleges are not trade schools. Can you take an English Lit. class at A/C repair school?
I have a degree in English, History and a doctorate in Law. If you have time to spend texting your friends you don't have hard enough courses.

No you don't.

You also seem to have a difficult time with understanding how long it takes to send a text message or what the overall purpose of them are. You might as well have said "If you have the time to spend calling your friends you don't have hard enough courses". Which is utter bullshit

But, maybe you expect college students to be hermits like you.

She is just trying to feel superior.

She should shoot for adequate.
If every single American citizen had the option of a college education for a single generation, we would essentially eliminate poverty and crime in this nation. The need for public assistance would wane......we'd have a better informed electorate and the debt would be reduced.

You dumb shits don't want those who are now below you to rise above you allow those who control you to continually fuck you.

Pay it forward, assholes.
Only if they studied something that would get them a job. These are fluff courses, they teach nothing. They don't require the most rudimentary skills. If someone graduates a four year college and cannot write their name or comprehend a menu or newspaper article, scrap that course. It shouldn't be taught at all.

Again, do you have a problem with higher education in general, or just certain courses?
The courses. The courses that are lecture centered, have no textbooks and rely on handouts, are mired in pop culture, require no study time and have no meaningful parh to employment should not be taught.

There is no reason why a college graduate cannot write their name, read a menu or understand their bank statement. No reason. If they want to take fun courses, pay for it themselves.

Ok. Lets put the dumb courses aside for a while. don't you think the mainstream students need and deserve a little financial help? My kid expects to owe nearly 300,000 by the time she finishes her medical education. Does that make sense to you? guys supported the system...and they are robbing you. And now that she has a medical degree..she can enter a world where she will be a Doctor who punches the obamacare clock for 15 dollars an hour......
College is a self assumed scam. While a college education may be useful and be a source of income, what these students decide to study is useless. They will never get a job in majors like the fashion of Kanye West, the philosophies of Lady Gaga, transsexual studies, hip hop history or any of the other nonsense they want the public to spend money on.

After they proudly graduate expecting a six figure income they find they are unemployable. Their future is McDonald's. Too bad they aren't smart enough to make manager.

All races and ethnicities take courses that have no coursework and require no study. They are however dominated by black and latino students. No we should not pay for this. Not a dime. If we paid for higher education, it would be STEM courses. The racism is apparent because those would be white and Asian students.

GED recipient

Hint, college isn't a trade school

funny how we can tell which posters never went beyond high "skool" is a trade is a trade school for Doctors, Teachers, and accountants....lawyers is time for colleges to act like trade schools and stop milking dumb kids for gender studies degrees....

No colleges are not trade schools. Can you take an English Lit. class at A/C repair school?

Yes...they are trade schools...for Doctors, Lawyers, don't need English lit. to be a doctor, a lawyer or and accountant.......
I have a degree in English, History and a doctorate in Law. If you have time to spend texting your friends you don't have hard enough courses.

No you don't.

You also seem to have a difficult time with understanding how long it takes to send a text message or what the overall purpose of them are. You might as well have said "If you have the time to spend calling your friends you don't have hard enough courses". Which is utter bullshit

But, maybe you expect college students to be hermits like you.

She is just trying to feel superior.

She should shoot for adequate.

Equally unrealistic.
If every single American citizen had the option of a college education for a single generation, we would essentially eliminate poverty and crime in this nation. The need for public assistance would wane......we'd have a better informed electorate and the debt would be reduced.

You dumb shits don't want those who are now below you to rise above you allow those who control you to continually fuck you.

Pay it forward, assholes.
Only if they studied something that would get them a job. These are fluff courses, they teach nothing. They don't require the most rudimentary skills. If someone graduates a four year college and cannot write their name or comprehend a menu or newspaper article, scrap that course. It shouldn't be taught at all.

Again, do you have a problem with higher education in general, or just certain courses?
The courses. The courses that are lecture centered, have no textbooks and rely on handouts, are mired in pop culture, require no study time and have no meaningful parh to employment should not be taught.

There is no reason why a college graduate cannot write their name, read a menu or understand their bank statement. No reason. If they want to take fun courses, pay for it themselves.

Ok. Lets put the dumb courses aside for a while. don't you think the mainstream students need and deserve a little financial help? My kid expects to owe nearly 300,000 by the time she finishes her medical education. Does that make sense to you?

I always tell young people that are expecting a baby that the minute he or she comes out, start an aggressive college fund for the child.

I think the real problem here is why are colleges so expensive in the first place?

Oh...that is easy......they get students to get government backed loans....then they jack up the price.....and they have left wing regressives running them so they have no cost controls........

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