Since Scott Walker's election, local Wisc. Dem prosecutors and judges running amok


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
Most normal Americans have known for a long time that it's not wise to elect liberal Democrats to public office where they have power to use government to crack down on them.

It turns out that this was more than a worrisome idea. Ever since Scott Walker started running for Governor in Wisconsin, his Democrat opponents in office have been conducting intrusive surveillance of people who supported him, subpoenaing their business and personal records, and conducting midnight raids where armed police raided their homes, searched and seized their belongings, and threatened them with more if they mentioned any of it to anyone.

Apparently this has been going on for years in Wisconsin, getting worse with each Walker election victory, and is only lately coming to light.

It is the stuff for which third-world countries and banana republics are (justly) ridiculed and scorned. And it couldn't happen here. Our Constitution and Bill of Rights were written specifically to prevent such behavior by government. But it actually has been happening here - in long campaigns against anyone who dared oppose the Wisconsin Democrats, their union handlers, and the police they control.

It's an ominous warning - but now more than just a warning - about what can happen when you give liberals political power, and then try to take it away from them.


Politicized Prosecution Run Amok in Wisconsin National Review Online

Politicized Prosecution Run Amok in Wisconsin

by Rich Lowry
April 21, 2015 12:00 AM

The knock on the door in the dead of night is the stuff of Darkness at Noon, and of the state of Wisconsin. To the question of whether armed police can storm your house and take away your personal effects and tell you to shut up about it, based simply on your political advocacy, Wisconsin answered for years, “Why, yes, they can — now please, shut up about it.”

The so-called John Doe investigations into Governor Scott Walker and conservative groups in Wisconsin have been an ongoing travesty that — now that Walker is entering the presidential stage — should be considered a national disgrace. Walker’s opponents weaponized campaign-finance law, literally.

Mod edit: Don't post the entire article, just an excerpt, please.
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Of course they only want to disarm us for the safety of our children right?

Who needs more evidence that in order to be a liberal you either have to be a complete blithering idiot, or a criminally insane authoritarian sociopath?

These "John Doe" investigations are so abusive they are beyond the pale. I hope this son of a bitch Chisolm goes down in flames for what he has done to families whose only crime was to be a conservative supporting Governor Walker.

The one quote says it all. "The punishment is the process".

I never thought I'd see the day where the law of the land was abused so badly to intimidate and crush Americans.
Fortunately, the judge who authorized those Gestapo-like raids has been disgraced, and there have been successful legal challenges to that corrupt DA's John Doe "investigations." The Wisconsin supreme court is also considering the case right now, and the U.S. Supreme Court has a petition before it filed by the WI chapter of the Club for Growth over the unconstitutional strong-arm tactics that were used against them.

When I heard about what that judge and DA have been doing, I was shocked and worried. This is very troubling. I'm just glad the pushback against it appears to be succeeding. The judge and the DA should both go to jail for this.
Fortunately, the judge who authorized those Gestapo-like raids has been disgraced, and there have been successful legal challenges to that corrupt DA's John Doe "investigations." The Wisconsin supreme court is also considering the case right now, and the U.S. Supreme Court has a petition before it filed by the WI chapter of the Club for Growth over the unconstitutional strong-arm tactics that were used against them.

When I heard about what that judge and DA have been doing, I was shocked and worried. This is very troubling. I'm just glad the pushback against it appears to be succeeding. The judge and the DA should both go to jail for this.

I couldn't agree more. They deserve hard time in a state prison on multiple counts, but then again most democrook political whores do.

If the Walker cronies are getting this hysterical over investigations, they must be trying to hide massive corruption. Nobody cries like that unless they're about to get caught.

Disgusting, the way the conservatives believe their own party should literally be immune to being investigated in away way. The modern Republicans are like the old Soviet communists, loyal to their party instead of their country. It's not a political party any more, it's the Republican crime syndicate.
Fortunately, the judge who authorized those Gestapo-like raids has been disgraced, and there have been successful legal challenges to that corrupt DA's John Doe "investigations."
When I heard about what that judge and DA have been doing, I was shocked and worried. This is very troubling. I'm just glad the pushback against it appears to be succeeding. The judge and the DA should both go to jail for this.

Until the next batch of Democrat officials finds themselves losing an election. Then it can start all over again.
Most normal Americans have known for a long time that it's not wise to elect liberal Democrats to public office where they have power to use government to crack down on them.

It turns out that this was more than a worrisome idea. Ever since Scott Walker started running for Governor in Wisconsin, his Democrat opponents in office have been conducting intrusive surveillance of people who supported him, subpoenaing their business and personal records, and conducting midnight raids where armed police raided their homes, searched and seized their belongings, and threatened them with more if they mentioned any of it to anyone.

Apparently this has been going on for years in Wisconsin, getting worse with each Walker election victory, and is only lately coming to light.

It is the stuff for which third-world countries and banana republics are (justly) ridiculed and scorned. And it couldn't happen here. Our Constitution and Bill of Rights were written specifically to prevent such behavior by government. But it actually has been happening here - in long campaigns against anyone who dared oppose the Wisconsin Democrats, their union handlers, and the police they control.

It's an ominous warning - but now more than just a warning - about what can happen when you give liberals political power, and then try to take it away from them.


Politicized Prosecution Run Amok in Wisconsin National Review Online

Politicized Prosecution Run Amok in Wisconsin

by Rich Lowry
April 21, 2015 12:00 AM

The knock on the door in the dead of night is the stuff of Darkness at Noon, and of the state of Wisconsin. To the question of whether armed police can storm your house and take away your personal effects and tell you to shut up about it, based simply on your political advocacy, Wisconsin answered for years, “Why, yes, they can — now please, shut up about it.”

The so-called John Doe investigations into Governor Scott Walker and conservative groups in Wisconsin have been an ongoing travesty that — now that Walker is entering the presidential stage — should be considered a national disgrace. Walker’s opponents weaponized campaign-finance law, literally.

Our own David French has talked to families targeted in the John Doe raids for the first time, and their stories are harrowing. Shouting officers at the front door in pre-dawn raids, at least once with a battering ram. Armed police rifling through and carting off their belongings, down to and including a daughter’s computer. And warnings to stay silent. The targets were told not to tell their lawyers, or their friends, or their neighbors.

When armed cops storm the house next door, people often wonder why, but the targets were forbidden from discussing what happened. As French points out, this wasn’t the right to remain silent and avoid self-incrimination, but an order to remain silent and not to make any professions of innocence. They had a keener sense of due process in Salem, Massachusetts.

The investigators were, among other things, fishing for campaign-finance violations, on dubious grounds. So, for exercising their First Amendment rights, some targets were denied their First Amendment rights. This is the Bill of Rights, via Kafka and Inspector Javert.

The investigations have been such a long-running farce that there is John Doe I and II. As Scott Walker’s first campaign for governor got underway in 2010, the Milwaukee district attorney, John Chisholm, opened the initial John Doe investigation under a proviso of the law that allows officials to keep their targets secret and to compel them to hush up.

A partisan Democrat whose wife was a shop steward for a teachers union, Chisholm investigated everything possible related to Walker for a couple of years, without really laying a glove on him. It was in the run-up to Walker’s re-election campaign that, with the help of a compliant judge, John Doe entered its next phase of harassment of conservative groups. Investigators swept up personal e-mails, and issued wide-ranging subpoenas, including information on donors.

The Wisconsin Club for Growth describes in court filings how its activities were hindered, as people began refusing meetings, donors got nervous, and one of its key officials, Eric O’Keefe, wasn’t allowed to explain the nature of the investigation. O’Keefe, who has been courageous in resisting the investigations, has said, “The process is the punishment.”

And the offense was backing the wrong side in a highly contentious political dispute. It’s one thing for kids with bongo drums to register their opposition to Scott Walker; it’s another for armed agents of the state, operating with the force of law, to be used as essentially a political cudgel.

The John Doe investigation has bogged down under the weight of its own ludicrous unfairness, and various court challenges. The Wisconsin Supreme Court could soon rule to halt the investigations altogether, and the United States Supreme Court is set to decide whether it will consider a federal lawsuit brought by Eric O’Keefe and the Wisconsin Club for Growth.

Wisconsin legislators are considering scaling back the law enabling John Doe investigations to prevent future abuses. The John Doe process might make sense for unraveling a dangerous criminal syndicate; it isn’t appropriate in a tenuous campaign-finance investigation, let alone as a tool of intimidation against people on the wrong side of a political argument.

The politicized knock on the door in the night isn’t right for Wisconsin, or anywhere else in the United States of America.

Well said...

Corruption and the Ideological Left are synonymous, such is the nature of evil.
If the Walker cronies are getting this hysterical over investigations, they must be trying to hide massive corruption. Nobody cries like that unless they're about to get caught.
Oh, so it's Repubicans' faults they are getting raided by Democrat prosecutors and judges?

Nice try. But it's the Democrat prosecutors, not the Republicans, doing "hysterical" things here.

How typical of liberals to blame their victims for the illegal things the liberals are doing to them.
If the Walker cronies are getting this hysterical over investigations, they must be trying to hide massive corruption. Nobody cries like that unless they're about to get caught.

Disgusting, the way the conservatives believe their own party should literally be immune to being investigated in away way. The modern Republicans are like the old Soviet communists, loyal to their party instead of their country. It's not a political party any more, it's the Republican crime syndicate.

How typical that a progressive supports the abuse of power being demonstrated here. Funny. If it were you folks who were being raked over the coals by a repub corrupt DA you would be screaming to the high heavens.

You are a scumbag of the lowest order. You truly are.

Anyone else see the post from Siete wherein it advised the Reader that Walker is irrelevant, outside of Wisconsin?

It deleted it almost immediately... and I don't blame it, given how the profession proves the desperation over Walker as indicated by the collective weeping and gnashin' of the collective tooth.
How typical that a progressive supports the abuse of power being demonstrated here. Funny. If it were you folks who were being raked over the coals by a repub corrupt DA you would be screaming to the high heavens.

You are a scumbag of the lowest order. You truly are.

Parasites like that are an example of how murderous despots in history have acquired and retained power.

Bed wetters wail, piss and moan, and throw tantrums anytime one of their political whores are justifiably investigated, let alone even undermined by a republican. If there was a hint of corruption or intimidation involved it would be cause for a capital case.

Then of course when the corrupt democrook political whore is found guilty....

Wouldn't the progressives just love to do that nationwide. IRS audits would just be the tip of the iceberg.
So many Walker Stalinists, all so phonily outraged. They were told their party had bought off all the judges fair and square, and so they'd have a free pass for unlimited graft and corruption. What, that's not working out? They might get caught? Damn. Plan B! Time to start wailing about a liberal conspiracy!

So sad. I remember back when conservatives wouldn't betray their own country in the name of their party. That was a long time ago.

Walker's approval rating has cratered in Wisconsin, as has the state's economy. His big fail is yet another reason for the pants-soiling panic you see coming from his acolytes here. If Walker was the GOP nominee, he wouldn't even be able to carry Wisconsin.

Now get back to work, jackals. You only have me 5 to 1, and it takes at least 10 jackals to handle a lion. Who else you gonna bring in? I find it so delightful, the way you jackals get so flustered when your pack tactics won't work.
So many Walker Stalinists, all so phonily outraged. They were told their party had bought off all the judges fair and square, and so they'd have a free pass for unlimited graft and corruption. What, that's not working out? They might get caught? Damn. Plan B! Time to start wailing about a liberal conspiracy!

So sad. I remember back when conservatives wouldn't betray their own country in the name of their party. That was a long time ago.

Walker's approval rating has cratered in Wisconsin, as has the state's economy. His big fail is yet another reason for the pants-soiling panic you see coming from his acolytes here. If Walker was the GOP nominee, he wouldn't even be able to carry Wisconsin.

Now get back to work, jackals. You only have me 5 to 1, and it takes at least 10 jackals to handle a lion. Who else you gonna bring in? I find it so delightful, the way you jackals get so flustered when your pack tactics won't work.
LOL. Most transparent post ever. Walker has a track record that proves you are full of shit. Hysterical shit.
If the Walker cronies are getting this hysterical over investigations, they must be trying to hide massive corruption. Nobody cries like that unless they're about to get caught.

Disgusting, the way the conservatives believe their own party should literally be immune to being investigated in away way. The modern Republicans are like the old Soviet communists, loyal to their party instead of their country. It's not a political party any more, it's the Republican crime syndicate.

No, that isn't the problem.. the John Doe investigations were initiated by Chisholm's wife who was a union steward for the teachers union. They basically ran around in the middle of the night raiding people's houses, etc. Not one charge has EVER been filed... the Judge has ben disgraced... you can't possibly support this type of behavior just because it is directed at your political enemies.

That's just crazy... and is EXACTLY what the KGB and Gestapo did.
Wouldn't the progressives just love to do that nationwide. IRS audits would just be the tip of the iceberg.

This is what the regressive troglodytes would REALLY like to do.

These "John Doe" investigations are so abusive they are beyond the pale. I hope this son of a bitch Chisolm goes down in flames for what he has done to families whose only crime was to be a conservative supporting Governor Walker.

The one quote says it all. "The punishment is the process".

I never thought I'd see the day where the law of the land was abused so badly to intimidate and crush Americans.

This is Soviet era Stasi shit. I said earlier the Chisholm should be in prison, In reality he and the rest of these democrat scum should be shot in the streets like the rodents they are.
These "John Doe" investigations are so abusive they are beyond the pale. I hope this son of a bitch Chisolm goes down in flames for what he has done to families whose only crime was to be a conservative supporting Governor Walker.

The one quote says it all. "The punishment is the process".

I never thought I'd see the day where the law of the land was abused so badly to intimidate and crush Americans.

This is Soviet era Stasi shit. I said earlier the Chisholm should be in prison, In reality he and the rest of these democrat scum should be shot in the streets like the rodents they are.

You're disparaging vermin.


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