Since Scott Walker's election, local Wisc. Dem prosecutors and judges running amok

If the Walker cronies are getting this hysterical over investigations, they must be trying to hide massive corruption. Nobody cries like that unless they're about to get caught.

Disgusting, the way the conservatives believe their own party should literally be immune to being investigated in away way. The modern Republicans are like the old Soviet communists, loyal to their party instead of their country. It's not a political party any more, it's the Republican crime syndicate.

No, that isn't the problem.. the John Doe investigations were initiated by Chisholm's wife who was a union steward for the teachers union. They basically ran around in the middle of the night raiding people's houses, etc. Not one charge has EVER been filed... the Judge has ben disgraced... you can't possibly support this type of behavior just because it is directed at your political enemies.

That's just crazy... and is EXACTLY what the KGB and Gestapo did.

You don't understand - Mamooth CAN and DOES support this. I'm telling you. the ONLY difference between forum democrats and the Khmer Rouge is what they can get away with.

Mamooth would HAPPILY march every conservative in the nation into a death camp.

democrats are evil fucks who have no sense of justice, no dedication to the law or to civil rights. They want power and don't care what they have to do to get and keep it.
So according to the conspiracy fable of the kooks here, Democratic party officials are kicking down doors. And to think they don't understand why they're laughed at. The poor addled conservatives don't find it suspicious at all that two 2013 raids, ignored until now, suddenly became liberal tyranny. It's also funny, how two early morning raids suddenly transformed into "a midnight knock on the door". But then, these are conservatives, easily fooled.

By the way, do any of you Walker-lackeys renounce Walker's thug tactics? Your know, his Praetorian Guard's many illegal arrests of anyone who dared legally protest Little Caligula. The arrests were tossed, of course, being they were so illegal. No, you don't have to answer, since we know the answer. You wish more illegal arrests were had been made, you wish all free speech was shut down, and you especially wish more dirty hippie heads had been busted.

Oh, this investigation is about Campaign Finance. To be ruled on by the Supreme Court. Whose 4 Republican members were elected using those shady finances. Legally, they were required to recuse themselves, right? Well, they used to be, but not any more, as those 4 Republican justices conveniently voted that they don't have to recuse themselves.

Nice gig. Buy the justices with illegal money, then have them rule your finances can't be investigated. The banana Republicans are earning their name. "Because we can" is the only justification a Republican needs these days. Be proud, Republicans! A corrupt Supreme Court will most likely declare you to be above the law again! You win!
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So many Walker Stalinists, all so phonily outraged. They were told their party had bought off all the judges fair and square, and so they'd have a free pass for unlimited graft and corruption. What, that's not working out? They might get caught? Damn. Plan B! Time to start wailing about a liberal conspiracy!

So sad. I remember back when conservatives wouldn't betray their own country in the name of their party. That was a long time ago.

Walker's approval rating has cratered in Wisconsin, as has the state's economy. His big fail is yet another reason for the pants-soiling panic you see coming from his acolytes here. If Walker was the GOP nominee, he wouldn't even be able to carry Wisconsin.

Now get back to work, jackals. You only have me 5 to 1, and it takes at least 10 jackals to handle a lion. Who else you gonna bring in? I find it so delightful, the way you jackals get so flustered when your pack tactics won't work.

Ermmm, it's the DEMOCRAT DA that is engaging in the tactics of Heydrich you loon. Truly, you are a troll of the first order.
If the Walker cronies are getting this hysterical over investigations, they must be trying to hide massive corruption. Nobody cries like that unless they're about to get caught.

Disgusting, the way the conservatives believe their own party should literally be immune to being investigated in away way. The modern Republicans are like the old Soviet communists, loyal to their party instead of their country. It's not a political party any more, it's the Republican crime syndicate.

This is a joke, right? I mean .. you don't really believe this, do you?
If the Walker cronies are getting this hysterical over investigations, they must be trying to hide massive corruption. Nobody cries like that unless they're about to get caught.

Disgusting, the way the conservatives believe their own party should literally be immune to being investigated in away way. The modern Republicans are like the old Soviet communists, loyal to their party instead of their country. It's not a political party any more, it's the Republican crime syndicate.

This is a joke, right? I mean .. you don't really believe this, do you?

mammy is a paid shill for the progressive party. It spouts whatever its masters tell it too.
Westwall, of course, is perhaps the board's biggest Stalinist, with the way he's always dreaming of getting climate scientists sent to the gulag for the crime of disagreeing with his precious Republican party.

Therefore, I don't have to ask if he supported Walker busting liberal heads. Westwall only wishes he was wielding the truncheon. Uberstatist conservative-proggie thugs are like that.

Nor do I have to ask if Westwall supports using illegal campaign cash to buy supreme court justices, and then having those justices declare the issue can't be investigated. That kind of banana Republican corruption is right up his alley. After all, "the ends always justify the means for my own side" is the only consistent principle that uberstatist conservative-proggies have any more.

Oh, he also claims to be a liberal Democrat. One of those liberal Democrats who reliably melts down whenever a Republican is criticized, of course. Maybe he's angling for FOX gig. Or maybe his paymasters give him more cash for posting here if he tries the "I'm a liberal Democrat!" line.

(Y'all didn't know Westwall is a paid shill? Remember, shills are like socks and farts. Whoever smelt it, dealt it. By always whining that everyone is a paid shill, Westwall makes it very obvious that he's getting paid to post. How else would he know so much about the topic?)
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So according to the conspiracy fable of the kooks here, Democratic party officials are kicking down doors. And to think they don't understand why they're laughed at. The poor addled conservatives don't find it suspicious at all that two 2013 raids, ignored until now, suddenly became liberal tyranny. It's also funny, how early morning raids suddenly transformed into "a midnight knock on the door". But then, these are conservatives, easily fooled.

By the way, do any of you Walker-lackeys renounce Walker's thug tactics? Your know, his Praetorian Guard's many illegal arrests of anyone who dared legally protest Little Caligula. The arrests were tossed, of course, being they were so illegal. No, you don't have to answer, since we know the answer. You wish more illegal arrests were had been made, you wish all free speech was shut down, and you especially wish more dirty hippie heads had been busted.

Oh, this investigation is about Campaign Finance. To be ruled on by the Supreme Court. Whose 4 Republican members were elected using those shady finances. Legally, they were required to recuse themselves, right? Well, they used to be, but not any more, as those 4 Republican justices conveniently voted that they don't have to recuse themselves.

Nice gig. Buy the justices with illegal money, then have them rule your finances can't be investigated. The banana Republicans are earning their name. "Because we can" is the only justification a Republican needs these days. Be proud, Republicans! A corrupt Supreme Court will most likely declare you to be above the law again! You win!

Conspiracy is something other than historical and factual events.

It is fact that Chisholm and the Mafia/Union controlled democrats were engaged in these acts - no one contests or questions it.

Frome the left-wing USA Today:

When Vladimir Putin sends government thugs to raid opposition offices, the world clucks its tongue. But, after all, Putin's a corrupt dictator, so what do you expect?

But in Wisconsin, Democratic prosecutors wereraiding political opponents' homes and, in a worse-than-Putin twist, they were making sure the world didn't even find out, by requiring their targets to keep quiet.}

Wisconsin s dirty prosecutors pull a Putin Column

Reason reports;

{The raids had the same traumatic effects on families that should be familiar to those who follow police tactics. Fortunately it doesn't appear that any people (or dogs) were injured, though one raid victim was well aware of law enforcement's reputation for killing canines and begged them, "Please don't shoot my dogs, please don't shoot my dogs, please don't shoot my dogs," according to French's report.}

Inside the Raids and Investigations that Targeted Wisconsin s Conservative Leaders - Hit Run

Again, you support these KGB style tactics, and no doubt far - far worse.

But though shallow graves are a feature of leftism the world across, so far the USA had escaped this part of your party.

IF CHISHOLM is not arrested and convicted, then we must accept that there is no rule of law in this nation, that the party is no different than the NKVD under Stalin, in which case it would be incumbent upon all citizens to refuse this illegitimate regime through all means, including force of arms. I would hope that Gov. Walker would order the immediate arrest of Chisholm, his wife, and this crooked judge. If this were still a legitimate nation, the Federal Department of Justice would already be involved. But the DOJ are corrupt party thugs who have no loyalty to the law, criminals really.

Time to take this nation back.
Told you so, Democrats are evil. The Dem's, the liberal MSM, and liberal educators are the axis of evil.
There is a small problem with the Hard Rights view that democrats are leading the investigation:

" the fact is that the chief prosecutor is the case is Francis Schmitz, a well-respected Republican anti-terrorism prosecutor who received the "U.S. Attorney General's Award for Distinguished Service" from Michael Mukasey's Justice Department in 2007. Schmitz even admitted to voting for Walker in the recall election."

Walker s Dark Money Allies Orchestrate Coup of the Courts Mary Bottari

Wisconsinites never knew that a Florida-based mining company lobbying for a massive open pit mine in Wisconsin secretly gave $700,000 to WiCFG, nor did they know that John Menard gave $1.5 million to the group, and in turn received at least $1.8 million in tax credits from Walker's job development agency.

So a Republican is investigating Friends of Walker... No partisan crap here lads...
It won't matter to the kooks, busting their big lies. The Walker-groupies on this thread are all the most hardcore of all the right-wing fringe cultists. In the minds of those cultists, any fact that contradicts the official cult dogma must be purged from existence. The official weirdass cult story is that a mass of Democratic party officials personally smashed in the doors of widows and orphans and puppies in midnight raids, cackling with glee as they did so. Therefore, they'll keep repeating the weirdass story, regardless of how stupid or dishonest it makes them look.

Don't worry. It's not like they don't have practice looking stupid and dishonest. The rightie fringe cultists actually seem to have some sick emotional need to constantly humiliate themselves.
" the fact is that the chief prosecutor is the case is Francis Schmitz, a well-respected Republican anti-terrorism prosecutor who received the "U.S. Attorney General's Award for Distinguished Service" from Michael Mukasey's Justice Department in 2007.
Nice try. But the prosecutor going after the conservatives and their families, is the Milwaukee district attorney, John Chisholm, not Schmitz. Chisholm is a hardcore Democrat, as is his wife who was a shop steward for various education unions thugs.

He is enabled by a rubber-stamp local judge named Barbara Kluka... who has since deserted the sinking ship and recused herself from the various cases resulting from Chisholm's Kristallnacht raids.

All law at some stage must rely on human judgment to decide which cases to pursue and which not to.

Electing Democrats to such positions requiring judgment, is clearly a bad idea, as demonstrated by these cases... and other offices, all way to the top.
Walkers approval rating is going down every week since get of gutting education and senior services. Even some of the fellow rubber stamp GOP senators are not supporting the radical budget. But he is happy to give 200 million to a private company for a new stadium for the bucks. That is really under peoples skin too. He had better backtrack and compromise.
Told you so, Democrats are evil. The Dem's, the liberal MSM, and liberal educators are the axis of evil.

Dems are not evil. Progressives though....they are.
Walkers approval rating is going down every week since get of gutting education and senior services. Even some of the fellow rubber stamp GOP senators are not supporting the radical budget. But he is happy to give 200 million to a private company for a new stadium for the bucks. That is really under peoples skin too. He had better backtrack and compromise.

Care to point out where any of your statement is factual. The evidence says exactly the opposite. He does have you progs worried as hell though. He's shown you are beatable and that scares the crap out of you.
Care to point out where any of your statement is factual. The evidence says exactly the opposite. He does have you progs worried as hell though. He's shown you are beatable and that scares the crap out of you.
As always, what's bad for the Democrats is good for the country.
Care to point out where any of your statement is factual. The evidence says exactly the opposite. He does have you progs worried as hell though. He's shown you are beatable and that scares the crap out of you.
As always, what's bad for the Democrats is good for the country.

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