Since Scott Walker's election, local Wisc. Dem prosecutors and judges running amok

So, taking a page from their masters' playbook, the WalkerGestapo is proudly and brazenly fabricating stories of how the Jews/liberals are attacking good decent people. Their next step is to try to use those fake stories as justification to attack the Jews/liberals.

To squash that tactic, we won't stoop to acting like the WalkerGestapo.. Instead, we'll just mock the pansies mercilessly, and watch them humiliate themselves with screaming meltdowns.
WankerTed lies that Schmitz is "republican," a lie he repeats from ThinkProgress. In fact Schmitz is a union goon hired by the terrorist democrats to wage this terrorist campaign on political foes.

{The Democrats hired Schmitz, the source said, because they think “his anti-terror experience will intimidate. I don’t think it’s too much to say it is designed to terrify some people.”

However, another source noted that whatever Schmitz’s skills are in spycraft, he has no First Amendment experience and no election-law background.

A source speculates that Schmitz, because of his “nominal ties to Republicans, gives a hyper-partisan investigation the public appearance of fairness.”

Though gagged by provisions of subpoenas issued by Milwaukee County’s Landgraf and others, multiple sources have told Wisconsin Reporter the Democrats’ manifold legal attack on nonprofit conservative organizations has included after-hours visits to homes and offices; confiscated equipment and files; and demands for phone, email and other records.}

Democrats tap anti-terror expert to head secret probe of Wisconsin conservatives -[/quote]
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So, taking a page from their masters' playbook, the WalkerGestapo is proudly and brazenly fabricating stories of how the Jews/liberals are attacking good decent people. Their next step is to try to use those fake stories as justification to attack the Jews/liberals.

To squash that tactic, we won't stoop to acting like the WalkerGestapo.. Instead, we'll just mock the pansies mercilessly, and watch them humiliate themselves with screaming meltdowns.

Are you proud of the terrorism that your party engages in? Is "winning" so important to you that you support and advocate terrorism?

Because that is what this is, Democrat Attorney General John Chisholm is a terrorist who should get the needle just like Tim McVeigh did.
Gee, who knew that right wingers were such Walker-lovers?

Don't get me wrong, my friends, I...for one....would love for you to nominate Walker...Such would make things a heck of a lot "easier."

(Again, can you count how many aides or friends of Walker have wound up indicted or arrested?)....LOL

Gee, who knew that leftists were advocates of terrorism.

Don't get me wrong, I would love for Democrat Attorney General John Chisholm to get the needle just like his counterpart Tim McVeigh did. But you seem to cheer his terrorism on.

Party above all - always.

Now not ALL democrats are terrorists - but looks like the fuckwads of the hate sites are openly supporting and promoting terrorism conducted by the party against regular American citizens.
WOW, right wingers...Chill out !!!

Your constipation is getting the best of you...You like Walker? Go for it !

Don't be "fair weather" supporters...Stick by Walker no matter what the investigations yield...Heck, even as jail-house pen-pals. LOL
So, taking a page from their masters' playbook, the WalkerGestapo is proudly and brazenly fabricating stories of how the Jews/liberals are attacking good decent people.
Could you possibly be more confused?

Back to what actually happened:
Our own David French has talked to families targeted in the John Doe raids for the first time, and their stories are harrowing. Shouting officers at the front door in pre-dawn raids, at least once with a battering ram. Armed police rifling through and carting off their belongings, down to and including a daughter’s computer. And warnings to stay silent. The targets were told not to tell their lawyers, or their friends, or their neighbors.

When armed cops storm the house next door, people often wonder why, but the targets were forbidden from discussing what happened. As French points out, this wasn’t the right to remain silent and avoid self-incrimination, but an order to remain silent and not to make any professions of innocence.
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So, taking a page from their masters' playbook, the WalkerGestapo is proudly and brazenly fabricating stories of how the Jews/liberals are attacking good decent people.
Could you possibly be more confused?

Back to what actually happened:
Our own David French has talked to families targeted in the John Doe raids for the first time, and their stories are harrowing. Shouting officers at the front door in pre-dawn raids, at least once with a battering ram. Armed police rifling through and carting off their belongings, down to and including a daughter’s computer. And warnings to stay silent. The targets were told not to tell their lawyers, or their friends, or their neighbors.

When armed cops storm the house next door, people often wonder why, but the targets were forbidden from discussing what happened. As French points out, this wasn’t the right to remain silent and avoid self-incrimination, but an order to remain silent and not to make any professions of innocence.

You're going completely nuts.....First of all, who is this French?

Secondly, if everyone was "warned" to remain the hell, are you finding out about this?

Third, if Walker is so damn popular and warded off a recall, who are all these enemies that he has garnered?
WOW, right wingers...Chill out !!!

Your constipation is getting the best of you...You like Walker? Go for it !

Don't be "fair weather" supporters...Stick by Walker no matter what the investigations yield...Heck, even as jail-house pen-pals. LOL

You couldn't find anything on Walker, because there is nothing, So you started kicking the doors of housewives in during the middle of the night because they donated to his campaign

Y'all are terrorists.

This is a fact. democrats have sunk to open terrorism to promote their filthy war on civil rights and march to totalitarian dictatorship.
WOW, right wingers...Chill out !!!

Your constipation is getting the best of you...You like Walker? Go for it !

Don't be "fair weather" supporters...Stick by Walker no matter what the investigations yield...Heck, even as jail-house pen-pals. LOL

You couldn't find anything on Walker, because there is nothing, So you started kicking the doors of housewives in during the middle of the night because they donated to his campaign

Y'all are terrorists.

This is a fact. democrats have sunk to open terrorism to promote their filthy war on civil rights and march to totalitarian dictatorship.

Consider a strong enema to help your condition and sour attitude....LOL
You're going completely nuts.....First of all, who is this French?

Secondly, if everyone was "warned" to remain the hell, are you finding out about this?

Third, if Walker is so damn popular and warded off a recall, who are all these enemies that he has garnered?

French is a reporter for National Review, one of the most respected publications in the nation.

The gag orders used to intimidate victims were leaked - though "John Doe" terrorism uses this technique commonly.

Clearly you have zero knowledge about the actual case - mainly because you don't care. You support your party, period. If your party starts killing millions and dumping them in shallow graves, you'll pretend it doesn't exist and support your party.

You have no ethics, no integrity, no values, you serve the party - nothing else.

We've seen you before, in the Soviet Union, the Khmer Rouge, Cuba, Nicaragua. Party is the only thing that matters to you.
If the Walker cronies are getting this hysterical over investigations, they must be trying to hide massive corruption. Nobody cries like that unless they're about to get caught.

Disgusting, the way the conservatives believe their own party should literally be immune to being investigated in away way. The modern Republicans are like the old Soviet communists, loyal to their party instead of their country. It's not a political party any more, it's the Republican crime syndicate.

So warrants executed that include warnings to "not contact anyone, including your lawyers" is OK with you?
French is a reporter for National Review, one of the most respected publications in the nation.

The gag orders used to intimidate victims were leaked - though "John Doe" terrorism uses this technique commonly.

Clearly you have zero knowledge about the actual case - mainly because you don't care. You support your party, period. If your party starts killing millions and dumping them in shallow graves, you'll pretend it doesn't exist and support your party.

You have no ethics, no integrity, no values, you serve the party - nothing else.

We've seen you before, in the Soviet Union, the Khmer Rouge, Cuba, Nicaragua. Party is the only thing that matters to you.

If bed wetters like gnat4900 survive the purges, it will be because they're taking part in the purging. Once their collective state has been realized one of the first things it will do after liquidating dissent, is liquidate those too lazy, fat, or stupid to be effectively used as labor. There won't be a option to "pretend it doesn't exist", and sniveling parasites like these will be busy with self preservation concerns.
You're going completely nuts.....First of all, who is this French?

Secondly, if everyone was "warned" to remain the hell, are you finding out about this?

Third, if Walker is so damn popular and warded off a recall, who are all these enemies that he has garnered?

French is a reporter for National Review, one of the most respected publications in the nation.

The gag orders used to intimidate victims were leaked - though "John Doe" terrorism uses this technique commonly.

Clearly you have zero knowledge about the actual case - mainly because you don't care. You support your party, period. If your party starts killing millions and dumping them in shallow graves, you'll pretend it doesn't exist and support your party.

You have no ethics, no integrity, no values, you serve the party - nothing else.

We've seen you before, in the Soviet Union, the Khmer Rouge, Cuba, Nicaragua. Party is the only thing that matters to you

Whether you know it or not, you're kind of funny..Congrats on that sense of humor.
You so know, right wingers, thatyou're acting (wellm maybe not acting) like real MORONS......

Run, hide, its the end of the world.....maybe the Rapture also.
French is a reporter for National Review, one of the most respected publications in the nation.

The gag orders used to intimidate victims were leaked - though "John Doe" terrorism uses this technique commonly.

Clearly you have zero knowledge about the actual case - mainly because you don't care. You support your party, period. If your party starts killing millions and dumping them in shallow graves, you'll pretend it doesn't exist and support your party.

You have no ethics, no integrity, no values, you serve the party - nothing else.

We've seen you before, in the Soviet Union, the Khmer Rouge, Cuba, Nicaragua. Party is the only thing that matters to you.

If bed wetters like gnat4900 survive the purges, it will be because they're taking part in the purging. Once their collective state has been realized one of the first things it will do after liquidating dissent, is liquidate those too lazy, fat, or stupid to be effectively used as labor. There won't be a option to "pretend it doesn't exist", and sniveling parasites like these will be busy with self preservation concerns.

Now that you've gotten all of that out of your system, don't forget to wipe thoroughly and wash your hands for at least 20 seconds......LOL

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