Since Scott Walker's election, local Wisc. Dem prosecutors and judges running amok

The investigations have been such a long-running farce that there is John Doe I and II. As Scott Walker’s first campaign for governor got underway in 2010, the Milwaukee district attorney, John Chisholm, opened the initial John Doe investigation under a proviso of the law that allows officials to keep their targets secret and to compel them to hush up.

A partisan Democrat whose wife was a shop steward for a teachers union, Chisholm investigated everything possible related to Walker for a couple of years, without really laying a glove on him. It was in the run-up to Walker’s re-election campaign that, with the help of a compliant judge, John Doe entered its next phase of harassment of conservative groups. Investigators swept up personal e-mails, and issued wide-ranging subpoenas, including information on donors.

The Wisconsin Club for Growth describes in court filings how its activities were hindered, as people began refusing meetings, donors got nervous, and one of its key officials, Eric O’Keefe, wasn’t allowed to explain the nature of the investigation. O’Keefe, who has been courageous in resisting the investigations, has said, “The process is the punishment.”

And the offense was backing the wrong side in a highly contentious political dispute. It’s one thing for kids with bongo drums to register their opposition to Scott Walker; it’s another for armed agents of the state, operating with the force of law, to be used as essentially a political cudgel.

The John Doe investigation has bogged down under the weight of its own ludicrous unfairness, and various court challenges. The Wisconsin Supreme Court could soon rule to halt the investigations altogether, and the United States Supreme Court is set to decide whether it will consider a federal lawsuit brought by Eric O’Keefe and the Wisconsin Club for Growth.

Wisconsin legislators are considering scaling back the law enabling John Doe investigations to prevent future abuses. The John Doe process might make sense for unraveling a dangerous criminal syndicate; it isn’t appropriate in a tenuous campaign-finance investigation, let alone as a tool of intimidation against people on the wrong side of a political argument.
Are the desperate liberals still trying to pretend John Chisholm and Barbara Kluka weren't the prosecutor and judge that set up all these bogus cases, midnight raids etc. as the article describes?

There were no midnight raids. That's been pointed out, but you still choose to deliberately lie about it. Acorn, you're a corrupt party hack, proudly lying for your party. Same old same old.

So, why is it that every Walker groupie here is so off the rails, and now a permanent resident of lalaland?

It's their herd mentality at work. They'd be more reasonable if I could talk to them alone. I'd be able to get them to admit they're just making stuff up. But when they're with their herd, not a chance. None of them has the guts to break with their herd tell the truth. They know the herd would turn on them if they did. Since their herd identity is their entire reason for living, getting ejected would be like a death sentence to them. Therefore, they'll stoop to anything to remain in good standing with the rest of the herd.

Now, proceed with more hysterics, little Walker-groupie Stalinists. That is the whole point of these poke-the-loony exercises I do. I cause you to reveal your true faces, and the nation recoils in disgust.

By the way Acorn, do you get paid by the lie? Your bogus talking points are too well-rehearsed. You're obviously getting a steady feed of them from somewhere.
Are the desperate liberals still trying to pretend John Chisholm and Barbara Kluka weren't the prosecutor and judge that set up all these bogus cases, midnight raids etc. as the article describes?

There were no midnight raids. That's been pointed out, but you still choose to deliberately lie about it. Acorn, you're a corrupt party hack, proudly lying for your party. Same old same old.

So, why is it that every Walker groupie here is so off the rails, and now a permanent resident of lalaland?

It's their herd mentality at work. They'd be more reasonable if I could talk to them alone. I'd be able to get them to admit they're just making stuff up. But when they're with their herd, not a chance. None of them has the guts to break with their herd tell the truth. They know the herd would turn on them if they did. Since their herd identity is their entire reason for living, getting ejected would be like a death sentence to them. Therefore, they'll stoop to anything to remain in good standing with the rest of the herd.

Now, proceed with more hysterics, little Walker-groupie Stalinists. That is the whole point of these poke-the-loony exercises I do. I cause you to reveal your true faces, and the nation recoils in disgust.

By the way Acorn, do you get paid by the lie? Your bogus talking points are too well-rehearsed. You're obviously getting a steady feed of them from somewhere.
Pointed out where? With what link?
Are the desperate liberals still trying to pretend John Chisholm and Barbara Kluka weren't the prosecutor and judge that set up all these bogus cases, midnight raids etc. as the article describes?

There were no midnight raids.
Poor little mamooth can't identify even a single "lie" made in the OP or later, but is reduced to merely arguing whether a late-night raid took place at exactly midnight or some other time during the night. And then scream "LIES LIES LIES" as loudly and repeatedly as he can. All without actually pointing any out.

It's not surprising that most liberals are avoiding this thread like the plague. Because that's exactly what it is: A plague of hysterical liberals using every illegal and abusive method they can find to destroy the conservatives they cannot refute. Now that they've been caught. most of them are lying low and pretending not to see the thread.

Only the most terminally stupid are arguing that since the clock didn't read exactly 12:00:00.000 during these home-invasion raids by their jackbooted thugs, that somehow makes the multiple raids, searches, seizures, and unceasing harassment of their political opponents "okay".

As though they still expect somebody somewhere to believe them.
Most normal Americans have known for a long time that it's not wise to elect liberal Democrats to public office where they have power to use government to crack down on them.

It turns out that this was more than a worrisome idea. Ever since Scott Walker started running for Governor in Wisconsin, his Democrat opponents in office have been conducting intrusive surveillance of people who supported him, subpoenaing their business and personal records, and conducting midnight raids where armed police raided their homes, searched and seized their belongings, and threatened them with more if they mentioned any of it to anyone.

Apparently this has been going on for years in Wisconsin, getting worse with each Walker election victory, and is only lately coming to light.

It is the stuff for which third-world countries and banana republics are (justly) ridiculed and scorned. And it couldn't happen here. Our Constitution and Bill of Rights were written specifically to prevent such behavior by government. But it actually has been happening here - in long campaigns against anyone who dared oppose the Wisconsin Democrats, their union handlers, and the police they control.

It's an ominous warning - but now more than just a warning - about what can happen when you give liberals political power, and then try to take it away from them.


Politicized Prosecution Run Amok in Wisconsin National Review Online

Politicized Prosecution Run Amok in Wisconsin

by Rich Lowry
April 21, 2015 12:00 AM

The knock on the door in the dead of night is the stuff of Darkness at Noon, and of the state of Wisconsin. To the question of whether armed police can storm your house and take away your personal effects and tell you to shut up about it, based simply on your political advocacy, Wisconsin answered for years, “Why, yes, they can — now please, shut up about it.”

The so-called John Doe investigations into Governor Scott Walker and conservative groups in Wisconsin have been an ongoing travesty that — now that Walker is entering the presidential stage — should be considered a national disgrace. Walker’s opponents weaponized campaign-finance law, literally.

Mod edit: Don't post the entire article, just an excerpt, please.

This story has already been debunked.

Stop reposting it.

It doesn't get any less false.
Condsidering the first Walker investigation led to people resigning after it was shown they had improper contacts, and considering the allegation in the second was that Walker's anti-recall campaign was coordinated with Koch pacs .... that that the Kochs are bankrolling him this time .... I'm not sure there' s witch hunt. But, the DA's had two years now to do the investigation, so it' s probably put up or shut up time for him.
I see Acorn isn't denying being a paid shill.

That's probably for the best. It's not like it wasn't obvious.
I see Acorn isn't denying being a paid shill.

That's probably for the best. It's not like it wasn't obvious.
You left out my being a Martian. And whether I stopped beating my wife. (yawn)

You people really are desperate to avoid discussing the subject of the thread, aren't you?
the allegation in the second was that Walker's anti-recall campaign was coordinated with Koch pacs
Walker also coordinated with the Post Office. He mailed a ton of stuff to voters. Have liberalsgotten around to prosecuting him (and his helpers) for that yet?
I'm not sure there' s witch hunt.
That makes you unique.

But, the DA's had two years now to do the investigation, so it' s probably put up or shut up time for him.
You noticed?
I guess that's enough of the liberals' usual diversions and deflections.

Back to the subject of the thread:
The investigations have been such a long-running farce that there is John Doe I and II. As Scott Walker’s first campaign for governor got underway in 2010, the Milwaukee district attorney, John Chisholm, opened the initial John Doe investigation under a proviso of the law that allows officials to keep their targets secret and to compel them to hush up.

A partisan Democrat whose wife was a shop steward for a teachers union, Chisholm investigated everything possible related to Walker for a couple of years, without really laying a glove on him. It was in the run-up to Walker’s re-election campaign that, with the help of a compliant judge, John Doe entered its next phase of harassment of conservative groups. Investigators swept up personal e-mails, and issued wide-ranging subpoenas, including information on donors.

The Wisconsin Club for Growth describes in court filings how its activities were hindered, as people began refusing meetings, donors got nervous, and one of its key officials, Eric O’Keefe, wasn’t allowed to explain the nature of the investigation. O’Keefe, who has been courageous in resisting the investigations, has said, “The process is the punishment.”

And the offense was backing the wrong side in a highly contentious political dispute. It’s one thing for kids with bongo drums to register their opposition to Scott Walker; it’s another for armed agents of the state, operating with the force of law, to be used as essentially a political cudgel.

The John Doe investigation has bogged down under the weight of its own ludicrous unfairness, and various court challenges. The Wisconsin Supreme Court could soon rule to halt the investigations altogether, and the United States Supreme Court is set to decide whether it will consider a federal lawsuit brought by Eric O’Keefe and the Wisconsin Club for Growth.

Wisconsin legislators are considering scaling back the law enabling John Doe investigations to prevent future abuses. The John Doe process might make sense for unraveling a dangerous criminal syndicate; it isn’t appropriate in a tenuous campaign-finance investigation, let alone as a tool of intimidation against people on the wrong side of a political argument.
You're still trying, even after you were busted for lying?

I don't see why you're so upset. You bought your justices, and they're going to rule for you. Your party's rank corruption succeeded. Why aren't you happier about that? There's really no need for the endless weepy conspiracy theories. If nobody is buying them, that means you need to move on to something less crazy.
You're still trying, even after you were busted for lying?

I don't see why you're so upset. You bought your justices, and they're going to rule for you. Your party's rank corruption succeeded. Why aren't you happier about that? There's really no need for the endless weepy conspiracy theories. If nobody is buying them, that means you need to move on to something less crazy.
Poor little boy, still screaming that everybody lies except him. And with the same amount of evidence as backup he always provides: Zero. All in his neverending effort to change the subject of the thread without addressing it.

Back to the subject:
Ever since Scott Walker started running for Governor in Wisconsin, his Democrat opponents in office have been conducting intrusive surveillance of people who supported him, subpoenaing their business and personal records, and conducting midnight raids where armed police raided their homes, searched and seized their belongings, and threatened them with more if they mentioned any of it to anyone.

Apparently this has been going on for years in Wisconsin, getting worse with each Walker election victory, and is only lately coming to light.

It is the stuff for which third-world countries and banana republics are (justly) ridiculed and scorned. And it couldn't happen here. Our Constitution and Bill of Rights were written specifically to prevent such behavior by government. But it actually has been happening here - in long campaigns against anyone who dared oppose the Wisconsin Democrats, their union handlers, and the police they control.

It's an ominous warning - but now more than just a warning - about what can happen when you give liberals political power, and then try to take it away from them.
You understand nobody actually reads your unibomber screeds, right?

Just thought I'd inform you, to save you the effort. Brevity is your friend.
Like I said in a new thread, these mindless parasitic drones will defend, deflect, and make excuses for the most egregious behavior of their political whores.

There never would have been a nazi party, bolsheviks, PRC or the khmer rouge if it wasn't for idiots like these.

Now we have a democrook party, and you should expect the same outcome.
The thought of giving a private crony, loops I mean company millions to build a new stadium for the bucks has also opened eyes not in a favorable light. I would bet walkers admin is about as up and up as Clintons is. Bet everything I own on it.
You understand nobody actually reads your unibomber screeds, right?

Just thought I'd inform you, to save you the effort. Brevity is your friend.

The unibomber is a bed wetting mindless regressive like you mamdouche.

A retroactive self abortion would be the most productive endeavor you could undertake.
If the GOP could just take a stand for the middle class and not cater solely to the corporations and uber wealthy then perhaps they could walk right into the presidency. Instead, they show a hatred for the working class. Walker is no different. I could vote for Bush, not for walker. The state isn't doing any better as I have lived in it all my life Sure he cut my taxes by $10. But I will end up giving that back plus more when our school referendum comes up. Us middle classes will stand up and vote it through while the tight wad wealthy cry babies vote no.
If the GOP could just take a stand for the middle class and not cater solely to the corporations and uber wealthy then
When a poster starts off his screed with a standard talking-points lie like that one, there isn't much point in reading the rest.

Back to the subject:
Most Americans have never heard of these raids, or of the lengthy criminal investigations of Wisconsin conservatives. For good reason. Bound by comprehensive secrecy orders, conservatives were left to suffer in silence as leaks ruined their reputations, as neighbors, looking through windows and dismayed at the massive police presence, the lights shining down on targets’ homes, wondered, no doubt, What on earth did that family do?

This was the on-the-ground reality of the so-called John Doe investigations, expansive and secret criminal proceedings that directly targeted Wisconsin residents because of their relationship to Scott Walker, their support for Act 10, and their advocacy of conservative reform. Largely hidden from the public eye, this traumatic process, however, is now heading toward a legal climax, with two key rulings expected in the late spring or early summer.

The first ruling, from the Wisconsin supreme court, could halt the investigations for good, in part by declaring that the “misconduct” being investigated isn’t misconduct at all but the simple exercise of First Amendment rights. The second ruling, from the United States Supreme Court, could grant review on a federal lawsuit brought by Wisconsin political activist Eric O’Keefe and the Wisconsin Club for Growth, the first conservatives to challenge the investigations head-on. If the Court grants review, it could not only halt the investigations but also begin the process of holding accountable those public officials who have so abused their powers.
The thought of giving a private crony, loops I mean company millions to build a new stadium for the bucks has also opened eyes not in a favorable light. I would bet walkers admin is about as up and up as Clintons is. Bet everything I own on it.

I bet I could cash that check out of pocket.


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