Since SCOTUS Decision, a 5% Turn Against Homo 'Marriage'

Even with its most appealing question asked, people have shifted 5% against Faggotry marriage.
Pew poll shows drop in support for same-sex ‘marriage’: new trend or a blip?

"Those numbers are approximately the same as public support in 2013, which Pew said averaged 50 percent in support and 43 percent opposed. However, it is a five percent drop from February for support for redefining marriage.

"Pew's report stated, "It is too early to know whether this is an anomaly or the beginning of a reversal or leveling off of the growth in support for same-sex marriage widely observed in polls over the past decade."

"Judicial Crisis Network Chief Counsel and Policy Director Carrie Severino agreed with Pew, telling LifeSiteNews, "It's impossible to know if this is a real trend, or simply a brief variation." But she also said that the public could be turning against same-sex "marriage" because of judicial action on the issue that often overturns laws and constitutional amendments supported by the public.

"One thing that was a direct consequence of Roe v. Wade, pointed to even by advocates of the decision like Justice Ginsburg, is that when a court gets out ahead of the public on a divisive issue like abortion, it can have a detrimental effect on the country at large," said Severino."

Lol, and the Gheys said it would never happen, roflmao, and this issue will NEVER end, promise.
5%...oh dear. And we know the issue will never end.....for you. You are fixated on us.

I am fixated on the corruption of our laws and Constitution by a well organized conspiracy of Fagots trying to destroy our nation from the inside. Yes.

LMAO!! How is this destroying anything? College costs are skyrocketing, the middle class is vanishing, wages are no where near keeping up with inflation, our tax laws are a convoluted maze, our borders are wide open, corporations own our politicians, and you think gay marriage is destroying our nation??

Gays have been marrying since 2004. How has it actually effected you personally??
Fear of losing our job, losing our business or being jailed is why gay marriage is losing support. People are discovering that these sorts of punishment could happen to them. It's not our imagination; we're seeing it happen and word is getting out.
Fear? That would be homophobia. We were right. You are homophobes.
Indeed....this is the same guy terrified of two black men with sticks standing in front of a polling place 7 years it is not surprising to see him want to bow to what Islam wants in fear.

Lol, you think that being armed with nightsticks is no big deal?

It is ILLEGAL, first of all, to have WEAPONS at a POLLING BOOTH. But you are OK with that as long as it is your goons doing the crime, as always.

And second of all, in the hands of a trained soldier, night sticks are LETHAL weapons, you total moron.

Damn, you libtards get stupider with each passing day!
I am sorry, you didn't suggest we should get rid of gay marriage b/c of radical Islam? I am just curious as to what other freedoms should we change. We wouldn't won;t to offend those Muslims now would we. Or does this foolish logic of yours only apply to queers?

No, I did not suggest that we get rid of Fagotry Marriage to placate Muslims, dude.

What happened to your reading comprehension skills? Or you just never had any?
Impeaching SCOTUS judges and others is long overdue.

So overturn their rulings? Including Heller v. DC?
If you put the right people in place SCOTUS will overturn the appropriate rulings all be their lonesome.

Oh, so you want to impeach the ones who follow the US Constitution? lol

Yeah, if you could just get 9 judges who think like you, a republican president that thinks like you, and control of both houses by people who think like you........

Sorry junior, that ain't happening.
I want to impeach the bastards that think they can rewrite laws and redefine words. That level of arrogance tramples underfoot the Constitution that to you apparently only means 'part of the fag agenda'.

Want to stop gay marriage? Remove the gov't from it completely. Give up the tax benefits, the legal benefits, and the +/- 1,400 various federal, state and local benefits used to BUY your marital rights. Then you will be able to have each religious group determine who gets married and who does not. And they will do so without interference from Uncle Sam. that would ever happen, just like their DOMA-like Constitutional Amendment.......:lol:
Fear? That would be homophobia. We were right. You are homophobes.
Ironic coming from a libtard Truthphobe.
Deny all you's that Constitutional Amendment coming along?

Term limits and Traditional marriage amendments will also be considered, for sure.
Even with its most appealing question asked, people have shifted 5% against Faggotry marriage.
Pew poll shows drop in support for same-sex ‘marriage’: new trend or a blip?

"Those numbers are approximately the same as public support in 2013, which Pew said averaged 50 percent in support and 43 percent opposed. However, it is a five percent drop from February for support for redefining marriage.

"Pew's report stated, "It is too early to know whether this is an anomaly or the beginning of a reversal or leveling off of the growth in support for same-sex marriage widely observed in polls over the past decade."

"Judicial Crisis Network Chief Counsel and Policy Director Carrie Severino agreed with Pew, telling LifeSiteNews, "It's impossible to know if this is a real trend, or simply a brief variation." But she also said that the public could be turning against same-sex "marriage" because of judicial action on the issue that often overturns laws and constitutional amendments supported by the public.

"One thing that was a direct consequence of Roe v. Wade, pointed to even by advocates of the decision like Justice Ginsburg, is that when a court gets out ahead of the public on a divisive issue like abortion, it can have a detrimental effect on the country at large," said Severino."

Since SCOTUS decision; gay marriage legal in 100% of the United States. Including whatever shithole you're infesting.

Lol, and the Gheys said it would never happen, roflmao, and this issue will NEVER end, promise.


Since SCOTUS decision; gay marriage legal in 100% of the United States. Including whatever shithole you're infesting.

you mad bro?
Even with its most appealing question asked, people have shifted 5% against Faggotry marriage.
Pew poll shows drop in support for same-sex ‘marriage’: new trend or a blip?

"Those numbers are approximately the same as public support in 2013, which Pew said averaged 50 percent in support and 43 percent opposed. However, it is a five percent drop from February for support for redefining marriage.

"Pew's report stated, "It is too early to know whether this is an anomaly or the beginning of a reversal or leveling off of the growth in support for same-sex marriage widely observed in polls over the past decade."

"Judicial Crisis Network Chief Counsel and Policy Director Carrie Severino agreed with Pew, telling LifeSiteNews, "It's impossible to know if this is a real trend, or simply a brief variation." But she also said that the public could be turning against same-sex "marriage" because of judicial action on the issue that often overturns laws and constitutional amendments supported by the public.

"One thing that was a direct consequence of Roe v. Wade, pointed to even by advocates of the decision like Justice Ginsburg, is that when a court gets out ahead of the public on a divisive issue like abortion, it can have a detrimental effect on the country at large," said Severino."

Since SCOTUS decision; gay marriage legal in 100% of the United States. Including whatever shithole you're infesting.

Lol, and the Gheys said it would never happen, roflmao, and this issue will NEVER end, promise.

Since SCOTUS decision; gay marriage legal in 100% of the United States. Including whatever shithole you're infesting.

you mad bro?

No, more like in mourning for my country.
Even with its most appealing question asked, people have shifted 5% against Faggotry marriage.
Pew poll shows drop in support for same-sex ‘marriage’: new trend or a blip?

"Those numbers are approximately the same as public support in 2013, which Pew said averaged 50 percent in support and 43 percent opposed. However, it is a five percent drop from February for support for redefining marriage.

"Pew's report stated, "It is too early to know whether this is an anomaly or the beginning of a reversal or leveling off of the growth in support for same-sex marriage widely observed in polls over the past decade."

"Judicial Crisis Network Chief Counsel and Policy Director Carrie Severino agreed with Pew, telling LifeSiteNews, "It's impossible to know if this is a real trend, or simply a brief variation." But she also said that the public could be turning against same-sex "marriage" because of judicial action on the issue that often overturns laws and constitutional amendments supported by the public.

"One thing that was a direct consequence of Roe v. Wade, pointed to even by advocates of the decision like Justice Ginsburg, is that when a court gets out ahead of the public on a divisive issue like abortion, it can have a detrimental effect on the country at large," said Severino."

Since SCOTUS decision; gay marriage legal in 100% of the United States. Including whatever shithole you're infesting.

Lol, and the Gheys said it would never happen, roflmao, and this issue will NEVER end, promise.

Since SCOTUS decision; gay marriage legal in 100% of the United States. Including whatever shithole you're infesting.

you mad bro?

No, more like in mourning for my country.

Don't cry little boy; on second thought, cry your little eyes out. It's funny.

I am sorry, you didn't suggest we should get rid of gay marriage b/c of radical Islam? I am just curious as to what other freedoms should we change. We wouldn't won;t to offend those Muslims now would we. Or does this foolish logic of yours only apply to queers?

No, I did not suggest that we get rid of Fagotry Marriage to placate Muslims, dude.

What happened to your reading comprehension skills? Or you just never had any?

My apologies, you don't want to reverse gay marriage b/c of radical Islam but you want to 'roll back' other areas where gay rights are concerned so we are not at an eternal war with Islam. lol. You are basing how we teat our citizens on the basis of what radical Muslims think. I am not sure if you're being tongue-and-check with your suggestion or you are just pussy-faced coward? My guess is the latter.
I am fixated on the corruption of our laws and Constitution by a well organized conspiracy of Fagots trying to destroy our nation from the inside. Yes.

LMAO!! How is this destroying anything? College costs are skyrocketing, the middle class is vanishing, wages are no where near keeping up with inflation, our tax laws are a convoluted maze, our borders are wide open, corporations own our politicians, and you think gay marriage is destroying our nation??

Gays have been marrying since 2004. How has it actually effected you personally??
Fear of losing our job, losing our business or being jailed is why gay marriage is losing support. People are discovering that these sorts of punishment could happen to them. It's not our imagination; we're seeing it happen and word is getting out.

Gay marriage is not sending anyone to jail, costing them their jobs or their business. Being in contempt of court and violating anti-discrimination laws is what is sending people to jail and costing them their job or getting them fined.
You need to bone up on current events. People ARE losing jobs, businesses and going to jail.

I didn't say they weren't. But not because someone is gay. They go to jail for violating anti-discrimination laws and for ignoring court orders.
Ignoring court orders to accommodate sham marriages is our right of protest. Kim Davis is doing the work of MLK when he went to jail for righteous reasons. You don't condemn him. Or do you? Be consistent.
"61% of Americans don’t want Supreme Court to force gay ‘marriage’ on the states: poll...
Eighty-one percent of Americans agree with the statement, “Government should leave people free to follow their beliefs about marriage as they live their daily lives at work and in the way they run their businesses,” according to a survey commissioned by the Family Research Council (FRC) and the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB).

"The poll breakdown also showed that 80 percent of even those who never attend church believe the government should leave people alone in observing their faith when it comes to marriage. While the figures were very high across the board in support of allowing Americans freedom to practice their faith pertaining to marriage, it was highest among Hispanics at 89 percent."

61% of Americans don’t want Supreme Court to force gay ‘marriage’ on the states: poll

This poll by the Family Research Council might be why the Fags decided to target some people over there, like pulling up old news on Josh Duggar.

A poll commissioned by the Family Research Council? Showing skewed numbers against homosexuals? What a shocker.
FRC conducted a scientific poll. No need to lie to themselves. I changed my mind about supporting gay marriage. Gays can't force people to accept this sham. Especially when gays and enabling ultra radicals will go out of their way to persecute Christians or anyone unwilling to accommodate it. Now they want to teach oral and anal sex to our children. Reproducing doesn't involve anal sex, so what is the point other than accommodating gays?

"I changed my mind about supporting gay marriage."


That is such a pile of shit. I've known you for over ten years. You've never been in support of gay marriage.

You've always been a crude, rude, bigot.

I've known him for a long time as well and the idea that he used to support gay marriage is absolute hogwash. The only person he is fooling is himself.
LMAO!! How is this destroying anything? College costs are skyrocketing, the middle class is vanishing, wages are no where near keeping up with inflation, our tax laws are a convoluted maze, our borders are wide open, corporations own our politicians, and you think gay marriage is destroying our nation??

Gays have been marrying since 2004. How has it actually effected you personally??
Fear of losing our job, losing our business or being jailed is why gay marriage is losing support. People are discovering that these sorts of punishment could happen to them. It's not our imagination; we're seeing it happen and word is getting out.

Gay marriage is not sending anyone to jail, costing them their jobs or their business. Being in contempt of court and violating anti-discrimination laws is what is sending people to jail and costing them their job or getting them fined.
You need to bone up on current events. People ARE losing jobs, businesses and going to jail.

I didn't say they weren't. But not because someone is gay. They go to jail for violating anti-discrimination laws and for ignoring court orders.
Ignoring court orders to accommodate sham marriages is our right of protest. Kim Davis is doing the work of MLK when he went to jail for righteous reasons. You don't condemn him. Or do you? Be consistent.
You screwball. Davis is like George Wallace.

Not MLK.

MLK abhorred discrimination.

Davis embraces it.
LMAO!! How is this destroying anything? College costs are skyrocketing, the middle class is vanishing, wages are no where near keeping up with inflation, our tax laws are a convoluted maze, our borders are wide open, corporations own our politicians, and you think gay marriage is destroying our nation??

Gays have been marrying since 2004. How has it actually effected you personally??
Fear of losing our job, losing our business or being jailed is why gay marriage is losing support. People are discovering that these sorts of punishment could happen to them. It's not our imagination; we're seeing it happen and word is getting out.

Gay marriage is not sending anyone to jail, costing them their jobs or their business. Being in contempt of court and violating anti-discrimination laws is what is sending people to jail and costing them their job or getting them fined.
You need to bone up on current events. People ARE losing jobs, businesses and going to jail.

I didn't say they weren't. But not because someone is gay. They go to jail for violating anti-discrimination laws and for ignoring court orders.
Ignoring court orders to accommodate sham marriages is our right of protest. Kim Davis is doing the work of MLK when he went to jail for righteous reasons. You don't condemn him. Or do you? Be consistent.

MLK wasn't a public official. I guess air traffic controllers could decide not to give landing rights to gay pilots in your pathetic little world????

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