Since the Birther thing is being brought up again, I have one question...

He's released his tax returns and birth certificate, and now you want his college transcripts. Just accept that you have nothing on him. He's at the end of his term. It's time to quit crying.
Blah blah still contradicted yourself. His transcripts are locked by him. Doesn't matter what else you bring up that he released. He didn't release his transcripts.

Why would he? This college conspiracy thing materialized out of thin air one day.
What's he afraid of? Same question you ask about Trump and his tax returns, hypocrite.

They're locked by him. He is scared if Trump is supposedly scared of what is in his tax returns....Trump doesn't have to release his tax returns either, does he, hypocrite?

And don't tell me, "Bbbbut....every presidential candidate has!".... So the fuck what? First time for everything.
Just as a reminder to everyone...Trump has repeatedly promised that he'd release his tax returns...before he refused to release his tax returns that is...
So what? He doesn't have to. He already released his financial report as required.

And Obama released every educational report that was required.

So why are you asking about President Obama's college records- but not Trump's tax returns?
In this video, did Obama say he comes from Kenya or not?

Obama quote: " I come from Kenya"

I just want to point out that Offensively started this thread with this spoof video- because Offensively is so gullible he believed it to be true.

Even though it has been pointed out to him in two threads that this was a spoof- a well known spoof- he has yet to admit that he was just as gullible as any Birther.

Why should he?
Are you saying that the moment someone asks you to reveal some personal information and you refuse it must mean that you have something to hide?

How about you post your college records, your tax returns and...oh, I dunno, your browser history for the past six months here?
It isn't a matter of why should's a matter of why won't he. If he has nothing to hide, why not?
Maybe he doesn't want to...because they're private.
It doesn't mean he has anything to hide.
Meh. Anything is possible, but he loves to brag about how great he is, you'd think he'd have no reason to not release them unless there's something embarrassing in them. He is supposed to be such a great 'constitutional scholar'....why not prove it?
He's just had two terms as President of the USA...personally, I don't think he needs to prove anything to the rest of us.
Well that's where we differ. I think he needs to prove something to the rest of us.....excluding you of course, since you don't care if he lied about being Kenyan for benefits or not.

Why should President Obama 'prove' your fantasies are false?

Remember there is no proof for any of your fantasies. And you have repeatedly made false claims- from claiming that Obama had his college records sealed(of course false) to claiming that President Obama had told an audience he was born in Kenya(you were duped by a spoof video)- and then you demand that President Obama address your speculations.

For someone who is quick to say you are not a Birther- you sure act like one. Lies, speculation, innuendo- that is all you have.
By the way....George W Bush did release his transcripts. So what is Obama afraid of? Maybe he's not as smart as he pretends to be. I mean, Bush wasnt super stellar in college....yet he released his.

George W. Bush Transcript

No Bush didn't. They were leaked. :lol:
So? Why didn't anyone ever leak Obama's??

Why didn't anyone leak Trump's?

What a stupid thing to say. Why aren't every candidates college transcripts leaked?

The only candidates college records who have been leaked are Bush's, Gore's, Kerry's and Perry's.

Might as well ask why Perry's college transcripts were the only transcripts of all of the GOP candidate's to be leaked.

The fact is that no Presidential candidate- no President has ever voluntarily shown voters his or her transcripts

See if we can pick out the only President that Offensively thinks should show his college transcripts.....
His college transcripts were never locked. This has been repeated over and over again, but has never been true. It's against Harvard's policies to release anybody's college transcripts without their permission.
And the distinction between "locked records" and "no permission to see the records" is a distinction without a hell of a difference.

So you think that if my bank won't give you access to my bank account, that I have 'locked my bank account'?

Birther idiots have been claiming for years now that Barack Obama had his college records 'sealed' Offensively made that same claim here until I challenged him on it- and then he went all mealy mouthed like you are about how refusing to tell a college to show everyone the college records is the same as 'sealing his records'.

No Presidential candidate or President has voluntarily released his college records.
So by your 'definition' they have all 'locked their records'.

Why do you think Donald Trump has 'locked' his college transcripts?

Why don't you hold Trump to the same standards you want to apply to the soon to be ex-President of the United States?

Only a moron would think he didn't. If you hired somebody to represent you, would you not take care to make sure they did it properly? Yes, yes you would. He knew about it, there is no reasonable case that can be made that he didn't. Other than he is a lazy moron.

So which is it, is Obama a liar or a lazy moron?

I suspect that Obama was taking grants and/or scholarships based on his being a foreign student, and he knew it was not true and him and his colleges dont want it to become an issue, so they stonewall efforts to find out they why of this matter.
Yep. Something along those lines. He is responsible for the Birther conspiracies at the end of the day I bet....and the proof is in his transcripts.

Don't you even feel embarrassed lying about this?

Have you no shame?
Maybe he doesn't want to...because they're private.
It doesn't mean he has anything to hide.
Meh. Anything is possible, but he loves to brag about how great he is, you'd think he'd have no reason to not release them unless there's something embarrassing in them. He is supposed to be such a great 'constitutional scholar'....why not prove it?
He's just had two terms as President of the USA...personally, I don't think he needs to prove anything to the rest of us.
Well that's where we differ. I think he needs to prove something to the rest of us.....excluding you of course, since you don't care if he lied about being Kenyan for benefits or not.
Of course he should...he should open up his personal records just because someone came up with an unfounded conspiracy theory.
When you put it like that it sounds perfectly fair and reasonable.
It's not unfounded....his own wife said he was born in Kenya...

You keep making these crap claims.

You claimed that Barack Obama said himself that he was born in Kenya- when that was proven to be a lie- you stopped saying it- but never admitted you had been had.

You claimed that Barack Obama had sealed his college records- when challenged- you backed down and went all mealy mouthed about it.

Now you claim Michelle Obama said he was born in Kenya

Michelle Obama never said Barack Obama was born in Kenya.

You are lying.

The question is- why?
He's just had two terms as President of the USA...personally, I don't think he needs to prove anything to the rest of us.
Well that's where we differ. I think he needs to prove something to the rest of us.....excluding you of course, since you don't care if he lied about being Kenyan for benefits or not.
Of course he should...he should open up his personal records just because someone came up with an unfounded conspiracy theory.
When you put it like that it sounds perfectly fair and reasonable.
It's not unfounded....his own wife said he was born in Kenya...he didn't make any effort to correct the error on his bio on his literary agency's website or the pamphlet back in 1991.

You may turn around and say, "Maybe he just didn't see it?" And to that I would say "Bullshit. If you hired someone to represent you...would you not take the time to make sure they did it properly, even if you were busy being a senator who barely did anything while being a senator, wouldn't you have an aide or SOMEONE make sure the job you hired them for was done right? Hopefully you'll respond, " Why yes I would, OOM."...any other reply is just willful ignorance. It isn't that I'm presenting baseless anything....its because you simply just don't want to entertain the idea Obama is a lying piece of shit.

In this thread there were two newspaper articles linked to that stated that he was born in Hawaii - both written in the year before his literary agent's blurb about him.
You don't think he was born in Kenya but that he lied about it to get university privileges, despite the contrary story being printed in national newspapers.
He ran a hell of a risk of discovery if that's the truth.

Nevertheless, he still doesn't have to prove anything either way - whether I care about it or not.
Not even if conspiracy theorists stamp their feet and hold their breaths.
That does not matter. If he would have corrected those errors and not slipped up so many times, nobody would be suspicious of his birth certificate. He is the main one responsible for the Birther movement because he left all of this stuff out there, and I believe knowingly.l

Once again I will point out you are either a gullible idiot or a liar.

No Birther saw the bio blurb until 2012- no Birther mentioned the bio blurb until Breitbart found it and published it. Birthers started in 2008.

Absent a time machine- there is no way that a document found in 2012 is responsible for Birthers being idiots in 2008- for Trump being a Birther idiot in 2011.
Of course he should...he should open up his personal records just because someone came up with an unfounded conspiracy theory.
When you put it like that it sounds perfectly fair and reasonable.
It's not unfounded....his own wife said he was born in Kenya...he didn't make any effort to correct the error on his bio on his literary agency's website or the pamphlet back in 1991.

You may turn around and say, "Maybe he just didn't see it?" And to that I would say "Bullshit. If you hired someone to represent you...would you not take the time to make sure they did it properly, even if you were busy being a senator who barely did anything while being a senator, wouldn't you have an aide or SOMEONE make sure the job you hired them for was done right? Hopefully you'll respond, " Why yes I would, OOM."...any other reply is just willful ignorance. It isn't that I'm presenting baseless anything....its because you simply just don't want to entertain the idea Obama is a lying piece of shit.

In this thread there were two newspaper articles linked to that stated that he was born in Hawaii - both written in the year before his literary agent's blurb about him.
You don't think he was born in Kenya but that he lied about it to get university privileges, despite the contrary story being printed in national newspapers.
He ran a hell of a risk of discovery if that's the truth.

Nevertheless, he still doesn't have to prove anything either way - whether I care about it or not.
Not even if conspiracy theorists stamp their feet and hold their breaths.
That does not matter. If he would have corrected those errors and not slipped up so many times, nobody would be suspicious of his birth certificate. He is the main one responsible for the Birther movement because he left all of this stuff out there, and I believe knowingly. Some day, his transcripts will be leaked. Heck, I might even say screw it and start a go fund me page, take donations so we can put a reward out there for it. Lol
I'll guarantee you that going through anyone's life with a fine tooth comb would turn up documents and utterances and coincidences that could be woven into a sinister narrative if you chose to.

Anyway, I'm sure that Donald's people will report back from Hawaii any day now with the unbelievable things that they've found.
Then you'll be able to say "I told you so".
Not while the government of Hawaii is run by Democrats. I wouldn't count on it.

Would it help if the Hawaiian government was run by Republicans? Hmmm

Ex-Hawaii official denounces 'ludicrous' birther claims
The Hawaiian state health official who personally reviewed Barack Obama's original birth certificate has affirmed again that the document is "real" and denounced "conspiracy theorists" in the so-called "birther" movement for continuing to spread bogus claims about the issue.

"It’s kind of ludicrous at this point," Dr. Chiyome Fukino, the former director of Hawaii's Department of Health, said in a rare telephone interview with NBC.

Fukino, sounding both exasperated and amused, spoke to a reporter in the aftermath of Donald Trump's statements on the NBC Today show last week questioning whether Obama has a legitimate birth certificate.

Trump, who says he is considering a run for president, repeated his claims on CNN's "State of the Union" Sunday, saying that "nobody has any information" about the president's birth and that "if he wasn't born in this country, he shouldn't be president of the United States."

No matter what state officials release on the issue, the "birthers" are going to question it, said Fukino. "They’re going to question the ink on which it was written or say it was fabricated," said Fukino. "The whole thing is silly."

As the top Hawaiian official in charge of state health records in 2008, when the issue of Obama's birth first arose, Fukino said she thought she had put the matter to rest. Contacted by NBC, Fukino expanded on previous public statements and made two key points when asked about Trump's recent comments.

The first is that the original so-called "long form" birth certificate — described by Hawaiian officials as a "record of live birth" — absolutely exists, located in a bound volume in a file cabinet on the first floor of the state Department of Health. Fukimo said she has personally inspected it — twice. The first time was in late October 2008, during the closing days of the presidential campaign, when the communications director for the state's then Republican governor, Linda Lingle (who appointed Fukino) asked if she could make a public statement

"It is real, and no amount of saying it is not, is going to change that," Fukino said. Moreover, she added, her boss at the time, Lingle — who was backing John McCain for president — would presumably have to be in on any cover up since Fukino made her public comment at the governor's office's request. "Why would a Republican governor — who was stumping for the other guy — hold out on a big secret?" she asked.

And of course one of the many official State of Hawaii's confirmations of Barack Obama being born in Hawaii.....

Poor Syriusly...still can't address what I said before she ran to the other thread on this topic.

Poor Offensively- still got her panties in a wad because I have pointed out her lies.

I mean who the hell would fall for a spoof Youtube video and start a thread on it?

It's not unfounded....his own wife said he was born in Kenya...he didn't make any effort to correct the error on his bio on his literary agency's website or the pamphlet back in 1991.

You may turn around and say, "Maybe he just didn't see it?" And to that I would say "Bullshit. If you hired someone to represent you...would you not take the time to make sure they did it properly, even if you were busy being a senator who barely did anything while being a senator, wouldn't you have an aide or SOMEONE make sure the job you hired them for was done right? Hopefully you'll respond, " Why yes I would, OOM."...any other reply is just willful ignorance. It isn't that I'm presenting baseless anything....its because you simply just don't want to entertain the idea Obama is a lying piece of shit.

In this thread there were two newspaper articles linked to that stated that he was born in Hawaii - both written in the year before his literary agent's blurb about him.
You don't think he was born in Kenya but that he lied about it to get university privileges, despite the contrary story being printed in national newspapers.
He ran a hell of a risk of discovery if that's the truth.

Nevertheless, he still doesn't have to prove anything either way - whether I care about it or not.
Not even if conspiracy theorists stamp their feet and hold their breaths.
That does not matter. If he would have corrected those errors and not slipped up so many times, nobody would be suspicious of his birth certificate. He is the main one responsible for the Birther movement because he left all of this stuff out there, and I believe knowingly. Some day, his transcripts will be leaked. Heck, I might even say screw it and start a go fund me page, take donations so we can put a reward out there for it. Lol
I'll guarantee you that going through anyone's life with a fine tooth comb would turn up documents and utterances and coincidences that could be woven into a sinister narrative if you chose to.

Anyway, I'm sure that Donald's people will report back from Hawaii any day now with the unbelievable things that they've found.
Then you'll be able to say "I told you so".
Not while the government of Hawaii is run by Democrats. I wouldn't count on it.

Would it help if the Hawaiian government was run by Republicans? Hmmm

Ex-Hawaii official denounces 'ludicrous' birther claims
The Hawaiian state health official who personally reviewed Barack Obama's original birth certificate has affirmed again that the document is "real" and denounced "conspiracy theorists" in the so-called "birther" movement for continuing to spread bogus claims about the issue.

"It’s kind of ludicrous at this point," Dr. Chiyome Fukino, the former director of Hawaii's Department of Health, said in a rare telephone interview with NBC.

Fukino, sounding both exasperated and amused, spoke to a reporter in the aftermath of Donald Trump's statements on the NBC Today show last week questioning whether Obama has a legitimate birth certificate.

Trump, who says he is considering a run for president, repeated his claims on CNN's "State of the Union" Sunday, saying that "nobody has any information" about the president's birth and that "if he wasn't born in this country, he shouldn't be president of the United States."

No matter what state officials release on the issue, the "birthers" are going to question it, said Fukino. "They’re going to question the ink on which it was written or say it was fabricated," said Fukino. "The whole thing is silly."

As the top Hawaiian official in charge of state health records in 2008, when the issue of Obama's birth first arose, Fukino said she thought she had put the matter to rest. Contacted by NBC, Fukino expanded on previous public statements and made two key points when asked about Trump's recent comments.

The first is that the original so-called "long form" birth certificate — described by Hawaiian officials as a "record of live birth" — absolutely exists, located in a bound volume in a file cabinet on the first floor of the state Department of Health. Fukimo said she has personally inspected it — twice. The first time was in late October 2008, during the closing days of the presidential campaign, when the communications director for the state's then Republican governor, Linda Lingle (who appointed Fukino) asked if she could make a public statement

"It is real, and no amount of saying it is not, is going to change that," Fukino said. Moreover, she added, her boss at the time, Lingle — who was backing John McCain for president — would presumably have to be in on any cover up since Fukino made her public comment at the governor's office's request. "Why would a Republican governor — who was stumping for the other guy — hold out on a big secret?" she asked.

And of course one of the many official State of Hawaii's confirmations of Barack Obama being born in Hawaii.....

View attachment 89770

Poor Offensively- Birthers hate being confronted with facts.
Meh. Anything is possible, but he loves to brag about how great he is, you'd think he'd have no reason to not release them unless there's something embarrassing in them. He is supposed to be such a great 'constitutional scholar'....why not prove it?
He's just had two terms as President of the USA...personally, I don't think he needs to prove anything to the rest of us.
Well that's where we differ. I think he needs to prove something to the rest of us.....excluding you of course, since you don't care if he lied about being Kenyan for benefits or not.
Of course he should...he should open up his personal records just because someone came up with an unfounded conspiracy theory.
When you put it like that it sounds perfectly fair and reasonable.
It's not unfounded....his own wife said he was born in Kenya...

You keep making these crap claims.

You claimed that Barack Obama said himself that he was born in Kenya- when that was proven to be a lie- you stopped saying it- but never admitted you had been had.

You claimed that Barack Obama had sealed his college records- when challenged- you backed down and went all mealy mouthed about it.

Now you claim Michelle Obama said he was born in Kenya

Michelle Obama never said Barack Obama was born in Kenya.

You are lying.

The question is- why?

Offensively running away from all of my posts with her panties in a wad........LOL

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