Since the sexual past of Presidential spouses is up for grabs......

Lesbos is an island...I don't believe it has an intelligence quotient since it is made of rock and dirt and plants.
On which sea... if your answer takes longer than 10 seconds you are googling it...
Aegean...between Greece and Turkey (closer to Turkey)...the Sea named after Theseus' father who threw himself into it.....shall I go on about how the whole story of Theseus and the minataur goes?

There are many things Bodecea, but one of those things is that I'm not stupid and I am a very educated person, once again a Leftist illustrates how bigoted and close-minded they are by saying that someone who ISN'T stupid is stupid simply because I have different political views to them.

I'm much more well-educated than you are, I guarantee you that without going into too much detail.

"named after Theseus' father who threw himself into it"

This mainly of the Athenians, Aegeus was the father of Theseus.

Sophocles wrote a play about him, this was lost a very long time ago, but Euripides' Medea 431 BC of course has survived and features Aegeus.

This below picture is a fragment of vellum codex (vellum, Latin vitulinum which means made from calf), now carbon dated to the 4th-5th Century and found by Sir Flinders Petrie in 1888 in Arsinoe, it shows choral anapaests 1087-91 from Euripides' Medea.

Choral anapaests serve as a long prelude to either a parodos-lyric or as a short prelude to a choral song.


Flinders Petrie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sir Flinders Petrie | British archaeologist

Medea (play) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Aegean Sea is also said to be named after Aegea, Queen of the Amazons, legend says that she commanded an army of Amazon women who traveled from Libya to Asia Minor to fight at Troy and that Aegea and her army all perished in the sea and that that's how the Aegean Sea got it's name.
Nice wikipedea searching....So...that's what you take as making you smart. Ooooooooookaaaaaay......Then explain how smart it is to be a misogynist-supporting female....

As compared to supporting a rapist and his enabler?
Let's invite Melanias past sexual partners to the next debate

How many violent sexual assaults has Mrs. Trump either directly perpetrated, or else actively acted as an accessory to?
How any has Bill been convicted of?

Hillary says every woman should be believed. Oh unless they are women her husband assaulted or had affairs with.

Oh or unless you are a 12 year old rape victim and your rapists lawyer convinces the Judge that the 12 year old desperately seduced the 40 something rapist.
So...we believe the girl accusing Drumpf of rape....we believe his ex-wife. Ok.

12 year old girl as compared to Ivana, rough sex and a high end divorce.

Kiss my ass Bod. There's no comparison.
Lesbos is an island...I don't believe it has an intelligence quotient since it is made of rock and dirt and plants.
On which sea... if your answer takes longer than 10 seconds you are googling it...
Aegean...between Greece and Turkey (closer to Turkey)...the Sea named after Theseus' father who threw himself into it.....shall I go on about how the whole story of Theseus and the minataur goes?

There are many things Bodecea, but one of those things is that I'm not stupid and I am a very educated person, once again a Leftist illustrates how bigoted and close-minded they are by saying that someone who ISN'T stupid is stupid simply because I have different political views to them.

I'm much more well-educated than you are, I guarantee you that without going into too much detail.

"named after Theseus' father who threw himself into it"

This mainly of the Athenians, Aegeus was the father of Theseus.

Sophocles wrote a play about him, this was lost a very long time ago, but Euripides' Medea 431 BC of course has survived and features Aegeus.

This below picture is a fragment of vellum codex (vellum, Latin vitulinum which means made from calf), now carbon dated to the 4th-5th Century and found by Sir Flinders Petrie in 1888 in Arsinoe, it shows choral anapaests 1087-91 from Euripides' Medea.

Choral anapaests serve as a long prelude to either a parodos-lyric or as a short prelude to a choral song.


Flinders Petrie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sir Flinders Petrie | British archaeologist

Medea (play) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Aegean Sea is also said to be named after Aegea, Queen of the Amazons, legend says that she commanded an army of Amazon women who traveled from Libya to Asia Minor to fight at Troy and that Aegea and her army all perished in the sea and that that's how the Aegean Sea got it's name.

Bigoted left? No way did you just say that!?!? This coming from a person that hates gay people!?!?

Hey Lucy, meet your sister,

Let's invite Melanias past sexual partners to the next debate

How many violent sexual assaults has Mrs. Trump either directly perpetrated, or else actively acted as an accessory to?
How any has Bill been convicted of?

Hillary says every woman should be believed. Oh unless they are women her husband assaulted or had affairs with.

Oh or unless you are a 12 year old rape victim and your rapists lawyer convinces the Judge that the 12 year old desperately seduced the 40 something rapist.
Like the 13 year old that Trump is accused of raping.
Let's invite Melanias past sexual partners to the next debate

How many violent sexual assaults has Mrs. Trump either directly perpetrated, or else actively acted as an accessory to?
How any has Bill been convicted of?

Hillary says every woman should be believed. Oh unless they are women her husband assaulted or had affairs with.

Oh or unless you are a 12 year old rape victim and your rapists lawyer convinces the Judge that the 12 year old desperately seduced the 40 something rapist.
Like the 13 year old that Trump is accused of raping.

She should also be invited to the next debate
I've been meaning to look up if Clinton was the AG at the time the 12 year old rape victims blood stained underwear went missing. Hmmmmmmmmmmm. When Hillary was lying her ass off to get the pedophile off the hook.
You are against our system of public defenders, I see.

Not at all. But Hillary blamed the 12 year old victim for seducing her client. Sound familiar? You see it's never Billy's fault. It's always the woman.

You're comfy with defending this bitch of a woman who would blame a 12 year old for her rape? I still want to know how that key piece of evidence went missing. And why those officers testimony was not allowed that they had seen the blood stained underwear.

The little girl was a virgin when she was raped.
Let's invite Melanias past sexual partners to the next debate

How many violent sexual assaults has Mrs. Trump either directly perpetrated, or else actively acted as an accessory to?
How any has Bill been convicted of?

Hillary says every woman should be believed. Oh unless they are women her husband assaulted or had affairs with.

Oh or unless you are a 12 year old rape victim and your rapists lawyer convinces the Judge that the 12 year old desperately seduced the 40 something rapist.
Like the 13 year old that Trump is accused of raping.

She should also be invited to the next debate
It is on past her bed time
I've been meaning to look up if Clinton was the AG at the time the 12 year old rape victims blood stained underwear went missing. Hmmmmmmmmmmm. When Hillary was lying her ass off to get the pedophile off the hook.
You are against our system of public defenders, I see.

Not at all. But Hillary blamed the 12 year old victim for seducing her client. Sound familiar? You see it's never Billy's fault. It's always the woman.

You're comfy with defending this bitch of a woman who would blame a 12 year old for her rape? I still want to know how that key piece of evidence went missing. And why those officers testimony was not allowed that they had seen the blood stained underwear.

The little girl was a virgin when she was raped.

Can you show where Hillary blamed a 12 year old for "seducing her client"?
Or are you just making shit up again?

Hillary pointed out inconsistencies in the girls story....just like any defense attorney should
Let's invite Melanias past sexual partners to the next debate

How many violent sexual assaults has Mrs. Trump either directly perpetrated, or else actively acted as an accessory to?
How any has Bill been convicted of?

Hillary says every woman should be believed. Oh unless they are women her husband assaulted or had affairs with.

Oh or unless you are a 12 year old rape victim and your rapists lawyer convinces the Judge that the 12 year old desperately seduced the 40 something rapist.
Like the 13 year old that Trump is accused of raping.

I can't wait till that gets to court. No evidence and thrown out in California.

This rape is on the books. It's real. But the point of this rape is Hillary decimated this child.Lied her ass off to convince the court that the 12 year old wanted to have sex with the old man. Fantasized about having sex with older men.

Now as far as I know Trump isn't running as an angel or a protector of womens rights.

Hillary is.
Last edited:
Let's invite Melanias past sexual partners to the next debate

How many violent sexual assaults has Mrs. Trump either directly perpetrated, or else actively acted as an accessory to?
How any has Bill been convicted of?

Hillary says every woman should be believed. Oh unless they are women her husband assaulted or had affairs with.

Oh or unless you are a 12 year old rape victim and your rapists lawyer convinces the Judge that the 12 year old desperately seduced the 40 something rapist.
Like the 13 year old that Trump is accused of raping.

I can't wait till that gets to court. No evidence and thrown out in California.

This rape is on the books. It's real. Bit the point of this rape is Hillary decimated this child.Lied her ass off to convince tthe court that the 12 year old wanted to have sex with the old man. Fantasized about having sex with older men.

Now as far as I know Trump isn't running as an angel or a protector of womens rights.

Hillary is.


Same thing happened with the rape case brought against Bill Clinton
Doesn't stop Republicans from bringing it up 30 years later
Lesbos is an island...I don't believe it has an intelligence quotient since it is made of rock and dirt and plants.
On which sea... if your answer takes longer than 10 seconds you are googling it...
Aegean...between Greece and Turkey (closer to Turkey)...the Sea named after Theseus' father who threw himself into it.....shall I go on about how the whole story of Theseus and the minataur goes?

There are many things Bodecea, but one of those things is that I'm not stupid and I am a very educated person, once again a Leftist illustrates how bigoted and close-minded they are by saying that someone who ISN'T stupid is stupid simply because I have different political views to them.

I'm much more well-educated than you are, I guarantee you that without going into too much detail.

"named after Theseus' father who threw himself into it"

This mainly of the Athenians, Aegeus was the father of Theseus.

Sophocles wrote a play about him, this was lost a very long time ago, but Euripides' Medea 431 BC of course has survived and features Aegeus.

This below picture is a fragment of vellum codex (vellum, Latin vitulinum which means made from calf), now carbon dated to the 4th-5th Century and found by Sir Flinders Petrie in 1888 in Arsinoe, it shows choral anapaests 1087-91 from Euripides' Medea.

Choral anapaests serve as a long prelude to either a parodos-lyric or as a short prelude to a choral song.


Flinders Petrie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sir Flinders Petrie | British archaeologist

Medea (play) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Aegean Sea is also said to be named after Aegea, Queen of the Amazons, legend says that she commanded an army of Amazon women who traveled from Libya to Asia Minor to fight at Troy and that Aegea and her army all perished in the sea and that that's how the Aegean Sea got it's name.
Nice wikipedea searching....So...that's what you take as making you smart. Ooooooooookaaaaaay......Then explain how smart it is to be a misogynist-supporting female....

You mean you searched Wikipedia for your piece that you posted to defcon, it was obvious that you did which is why I made my comments to you, from most of your other comments here you appear to be under-educated and in general semi-moronic, I have never read ANYTHING intellectual you have ever written.

You're just a typical idiot and a typical Troll.

I have given links to what I wrote to Wikipedia to Euripides' Medea and one of the Sir Flinders Petrie links.

I repeat I'm more well-educated than you are.
I've been meaning to look up if Clinton was the AG at the time the 12 year old rape victims blood stained underwear went missing. Hmmmmmmmmmmm. When Hillary was lying her ass off to get the pedophile off the hook.
You are against our system of public defenders, I see.

Not at all. But Hillary blamed the 12 year old victim for seducing her client. Sound familiar? You see it's never Billy's fault. It's always the woman.

You're comfy with defending this bitch of a woman who would blame a 12 year old for her rape? I still want to know how that key piece of evidence went missing. And why those officers testimony was not allowed that they had seen the blood stained underwear.

The little girl was a virgin when she was raped.

Can you show where Hillary blamed a 12 year old for "seducing her client"?

Or are you just making shit up again?
I've been meaning to look up if Clinton was the AG at the time the 12 year old rape victims blood stained underwear went missing. Hmmmmmmmmmmm. When Hillary was lying her ass off to get the pedophile off the hook.
You are against our system of public defenders, I see.

Not at all. But Hillary blamed the 12 year old victim for seducing her client. Sound familiar? You see it's never Billy's fault. It's always the woman.

You're comfy with defending this bitch of a woman who would blame a 12 year old for her rape? I still want to know how that key piece of evidence went missing. And why those officers testimony was not allowed that they had seen the blood stained underwear.

The little girl was a virgin when she was raped.

Can you show where Hillary blamed a 12 year old for "seducing her client"?
Or are you just making shit up again?

Hillary pointed out inconsistencies in the girls story....just like any defense attorney should

Here's your fucking evil bitch from hell lying her ass off to get her rapist client off that she knew was guilty. Hey she's your girl. Good old "I'll crucify her" Hillary who blamed every woman but never Bill.

Man oh man. That you can't admit she's an evil bitch but you want her as President anyway says a lot about you and other Dems.

“I have been informed that the complainant is emotionally unstable with a tendency to seek out older men and engage in fantasizing,” Clinton, then named Hillary D. Rodham, wrote in the affidavit. “I have also been informed that she has in the past made false accusations about persons, claiming they had attacked her body. Also that she exhibits an unusual stubbornness and temper when she does not get her way.”

Clinton also wrote that a child psychologist told her that children in early adolescence “tend to exaggerate or romanticize sexual experiences,” especially when they come from “disorganized families, such as the complainant.”

Oh and it's from the Daily Beast. There's audio out there with the bitch laughing about how she got him off.

Exclusive: ‘Hillary Clinton Took Me Through Hell,’ Rape Victim Says
Lesbos is an island...I don't believe it has an intelligence quotient since it is made of rock and dirt and plants.
On which sea... if your answer takes longer than 10 seconds you are googling it...
Aegean...between Greece and Turkey (closer to Turkey)...the Sea named after Theseus' father who threw himself into it.....shall I go on about how the whole story of Theseus and the minataur goes?

Here's what you learn with Wikipedia, and then it reads like a 10 year-old wrote it:

"Aegean...between Greece and Turkey (closer to Turkey)...the Sea named after Theseus' father who threw himself into it.....shall I go on about how the whole story of Theseus and the minataur goes?"


It's Minotaur, you can't even spell Minotaur you complete uneducated idiot.

Yes tell us how the story of Theseus and The Minotaur goes WITHOUT Wikipedia, go on?
Why are you guys spending so much fucking time arguing about how shitty each other's candidate is instead of finding someone worthwhile to vote for and agreeing on that? Trump and Hillary both shouldn't be President... figure something else out. Either vote for the pot head Johnson, vote for the tree hugging Stein, or put together a grass roots movement for a certain write in candidate. All this fucking bickering back and forth about how much of a piece of shit Trump and Hillary are is doing no good but dividing people even more.
Lesbos is an island...I don't believe it has an intelligence quotient since it is made of rock and dirt and plants.
On which sea... if your answer takes longer than 10 seconds you are googling it...
Aegean...between Greece and Turkey (closer to Turkey)...the Sea named after Theseus' father who threw himself into it.....shall I go on about how the whole story of Theseus and the minataur goes?

There are many things Bodecea, but one of those things is that I'm not stupid and I am a very educated person, once again a Leftist illustrates how bigoted and close-minded they are by saying that someone who ISN'T stupid is stupid simply because I have different political views to them.

I'm much more well-educated than you are, I guarantee you that without going into too much detail.

"named after Theseus' father who threw himself into it"

This mainly of the Athenians, Aegeus was the father of Theseus.

Sophocles wrote a play about him, this was lost a very long time ago, but Euripides' Medea 431 BC of course has survived and features Aegeus.

This below picture is a fragment of vellum codex (vellum, Latin vitulinum which means made from calf), now carbon dated to the 4th-5th Century and found by Sir Flinders Petrie in 1888 in Arsinoe, it shows choral anapaests 1087-91 from Euripides' Medea.

Choral anapaests serve as a long prelude to either a parodos-lyric or as a short prelude to a choral song.


Flinders Petrie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sir Flinders Petrie | British archaeologist

Medea (play) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Aegean Sea is also said to be named after Aegea, Queen of the Amazons, legend says that she commanded an army of Amazon women who traveled from Libya to Asia Minor to fight at Troy and that Aegea and her army all perished in the sea and that that's how the Aegean Sea got it's name.
Nice wikipedea searching....So...that's what you take as making you smart. Ooooooooookaaaaaay......Then explain how smart it is to be a misogynist-supporting female....

"Then explain how smart it is to be a misogynist-supporting female...."

I already responded to this, what do you have Dementia or something?

As a straight woman I have no issue with other women and I don't hate other women.

Unlike Butch Lesbians (Hello) who hate women so much, they want to turn women into looking like men and behaving like men.

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