Since this is the Politics Forum...

Dump's biggest problem is his big fat mouth. Every time he opens, stupid shit vomits out. Worse still, it's usually more stupid than the last time he opened it. If he could learn just to keep his trap shut, he would be much better off and so would the general public.

His next biggest problem is his inability to admit he was wrong and apologize without a qualifier. Just fucking say you were wrong and you're sorry and leave the room. End of story, end of controversy. But no, he can't do that. Every apology comes with a "but..."

Fucking douche noodle.

I can't wait until he officially gets the nomination and starts acting "presidential" like he said he would...
How does it help Trump politically to attack a Goldstar family?

Is there a bloc of voters out there who are not already in Trump's camp who've just been waiting for one of the candidates to put those damn Goldstar mothers in their place,

and now they'll flock to Trump?
Their kid enlisted voluntarily.
The father it turns out is a radical member of the Muslim Brotherhood that Hillary called a "terrorist organization".
Hillary voted for the war in Iraq.
The stupid rag heads were 'played' by Hillary.
Rag head parents> "clock boy parents".
It never ends with the stupid LIBs.
-------------------------------------------------- 100 percent correct DannyB .
Maybe 1 out of 5 Americans agree with you, and the rest are going to vote against your candidate, Dannyboys.
How does it help Trump politically to attack a Goldstar family?

Is there a bloc of voters out there who are not already in Trump's camp who've just been waiting for one of the candidates to put those damn Goldstar mothers in their place,

and now they'll flock to Trump?

he did not attack them, he just responded to what the parents said. Nice try though. Of course with 75 percent of the media in the dems pocket it has been made more than it is.
How does it help Trump politically to attack a Goldstar family?

Is there a bloc of voters out there who are not already in Trump's camp who've just been waiting for one of the candidates to put those damn Goldstar mothers in their place,

and now they'll flock to Trump?

Someone give the Carbineer from NY a GOLDSTAR?
American military personnel favor Donald Trump for president over Hillary Clinton by more than a 2-to-1 margin in an exclusive survey conducted by Military Times ahead of the Republican and Democratic national conventions, but a strong majority of respondents say they are wholly unimpressed with both candidates.

More than 61 percent indicated they are "dissatisfied" or "very dissatisfied" with Trump as the Republican nominee, including 28 percent of those who intend to vote for him. More than 82 percent said the same about Clinton, the Democratic nominee, with 30 percent of those pledging to vote for her voicing displeasure with the choice.

"This is the worst presidential election I have ever seen," said one Air Force master sergeant who responded to the survey. "How in the world could we only have Hillary and Trump as the options?"

Such displeasure reflects the candidates’ high unfavorability ratings among the American public at large, despite both convincingly winning their party’s primary contests. More than half of registered voters in a recent New York Times/CBS poll had negative views of Trump (55 percent) and Clinton (52 percent).

The survey, conducted July 5-8, elicited responses from 1,915 active-duty service members, reservists and National Guard personnel, all of them Military Times subscribers. The results, while not a scientific sampling of the military as a whole (see our methodology below), is representative of the services' more senior and career-oriented members, those who run the military's day-to-day operations and carry out its policies.

Among the Military Times survey respondents, 23 percent said they intend to vote for a third-party candidate. That’s almost 3 percentage points higher than those who said they’ll vote for Clinton, and about half the 49 percent who say they’ll back Trump.

Nearly 7 percent said they don’t intend to vote at all.

By and large, the military thinks Trump and Clinton are total losers
You can try and make a comparison, blackhawk, but you will fail, as you do, every time.
How does it help Trump politically to attack a Goldstar family?

Is there a bloc of voters out there who are not already in Trump's camp who've just been waiting for one of the candidates to put those damn Goldstar mothers in their place,

and now they'll flock to Trump?

The Donald didn't attack anyone, only the increasingly hysterical Leftists are saying he did, just following what they hear from the MSM Dittoheads.

What The Donald said was wouldn't it have been good if people could have heard from that deceased soldiers Mother also, instead of her just standing there like the good little subservient woman. It's a relevant point that he made, because in general in Islam women are subservient, even in Western nations.
How does it help Trump politically to attack a Goldstar family?

Is there a bloc of voters out there who are not already in Trump's camp who've just been waiting for one of the candidates to put those damn Goldstar mothers in their place,

and now they'll flock to Trump?

The Donald didn't attack anyone, only the increasingly hysterical Leftists are saying he did, just following what they hear from the MSM Dittoheads.

What The Donald said was wouldn't it have been good if people could have heard from that deceased soldiers Mother also, instead of her just standing there like the good little subservient woman. It's a relevant point that he made, because in general in Islam women are subservient, even in Western nations.

Your post is what's known as bigotry.
Dump's biggest problem is his big fat mouth. Every time he opens, stupid shit vomits out. Worse still, it's usually more stupid than the last time he opened it. If he could learn just to keep his trap shut, he would be much better off and so would the general public.

His next biggest problem is his inability to admit he was wrong and apologize without a qualifier. Just fucking say you were wrong and you're sorry and leave the room. End of story, end of controversy. But no, he can't do that. Every apology comes with a "but..."

Fucking douche noodle.

I can't wait until he officially gets the nomination and starts acting "presidential" like he said he would...

"His next biggest problem is his inability to admit he was wrong and apologize without a qualifier. Just fucking say you were wrong and you're sorry and leave the room."

Yes Hillary suffers from that problem also, she doesn't give a shit though and that's just okay with her Kool-Aid supporters.

How does it help Trump politically to attack a Goldstar family?

Is there a bloc of voters out there who are not already in Trump's camp who've just been waiting for one of the candidates to put those damn Goldstar mothers in their place,

and now they'll flock to Trump?

The Donald didn't attack anyone, only the increasingly hysterical Leftists are saying he did, just following what they hear from the MSM Dittoheads.

What The Donald said was wouldn't it have been good if people could have heard from that deceased soldiers Mother also, instead of her just standing there like the good little subservient woman. It's a relevant point that he made, because in general in Islam women are subservient, even in Western nations.

There have been more Muslim women heads of state than American ones.
You can try and make a comparison, blackhawk, but you will fail, as you do, every time.
You and your Trump derangement syndrome are old boring Jake nice to see your no longer pretending to be conservative anymore outside of that your post and and threads are the same failures they always are.
Your arguments are so boring, blackhawk, because you don't have a clue what you are doing. The fact is that the far right is a greater threat to America and our cherished values than the Muslim threats. The latter generally are easier to find and contain, while the other is insidious because it comes from enemies domestic.
How does it help Trump politically to attack a Goldstar family?

Is there a bloc of voters out there who are not already in Trump's camp who've just been waiting for one of the candidates to put those damn Goldstar mothers in their place,

and now they'll flock to Trump?

The Donald didn't attack anyone, only the increasingly hysterical Leftists are saying he did, just following what they hear from the MSM Dittoheads.

What The Donald said was wouldn't it have been good if people could have heard from that deceased soldiers Mother also, instead of her just standing there like the good little subservient woman. It's a relevant point that he made, because in general in Islam women are subservient, even in Western nations.

Your post is what's known as bigotry.

No it's not you fool, it's accurate, in Islam women are at best treated as subservient and at worst are treated as second class citizens and at the very worst are treated like crap.

That's all you Leftist fools have "that's racist", "that's bigotry" blah blah.

Hey check this out, my response :lalala:
Khan is a Democrat tool. He nipped Trump. Trump nipped back.

Losing a family member does not confer sainthood.
How does it help Trump politically to attack a Goldstar family?

Is there a bloc of voters out there who are not already in Trump's camp who've just been waiting for one of the candidates to put those damn Goldstar mothers in their place,

and now they'll flock to Trump?

The Donald didn't attack anyone, only the increasingly hysterical Leftists are saying he did, just following what they hear from the MSM Dittoheads.

What The Donald said was wouldn't it have been good if people could have heard from that deceased soldiers Mother also, instead of her just standing there like the good little subservient woman. It's a relevant point that he made, because in general in Islam women are subservient, even in Western nations.

There have been more Muslim women heads of state than American ones.

This isn't a good argument, try again.
Dump's biggest problem is his big fat mouth. Every time he opens, stupid shit vomits out. Worse still, it's usually more stupid than the last time he opened it. If he could learn just to keep his trap shut, he would be much better off and so would the general public.

His next biggest problem is his inability to admit he was wrong and apologize without a qualifier. Just fucking say you were wrong and you're sorry and leave the room. End of story, end of controversy. But no, he can't do that. Every apology comes with a "but..."

Fucking douche noodle.

I can't wait until he officially gets the nomination and starts acting "presidential" like he said he would...

"His next biggest problem is his inability to admit he was wrong and apologize without a qualifier. Just fucking say you were wrong and you're sorry and leave the room."

Yes Hillary suffers from that problem also, she doesn't give a shit though and that's just okay with her Kool-Aid supporters.

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Uh-oh Jake's drunk on the funny button again :lol:

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