Since this is the Politics Forum...

How does it help Trump politically to attack a Goldstar family?

Is there a bloc of voters out there who are not already in Trump's camp who've just been waiting for one of the candidates to put those damn Goldstar mothers in their place,

and now they'll flock to Trump?
It's Trumpism in a nutshell. All he had to say was I respect their opinion and thank them for their son's sacrifice. We all agree on keeping the nation safe. We can disagree. I have nothing further to say about the Khans beyond saying I will pray for them.

But he must lunge for every piece of slowly sinking bait like a bloated carp. And while the Khans are not typical bait, the HRC campaign repeatedly goads him into going off script .... and he can't resist. It's like crack for him.

Not that Hillary shouldn't just STFU and respond to every email question with I messed up, I am very sorry, and I'll never do it again .. and when pressed just say I've answered every question but now I feel the nation needs to move on......

But I think Trump's unkind and uncivil response to the Khans will linger for him, and ironically we are no going into a time where there should be fewer "new" stories.
What Trump should have done is confessed his ignorance and said "Oh sorry I did not know there were any good Muslims in America because I thought they were all bad so I confess ... sorry ... and I take it back ... ."

Nothing is better than a complete confession to rid the soul of guilt and sin.

Then the Pope might also change his mind if he sees fruits meet for repentance in Trump.

Trump has already lost the Catholic vote. So he is doomed already.
You can try and make a comparison, blackhawk, but you will fail, as you do, every time.
You and your Trump derangement syndrome are old boring Jake nice to see your no longer pretending to be conservative anymore outside of that your post and and threads are the same failures they always are.
Your arguments are so boring, blackhawk, because you don't have a clue what you are doing. The fact is that the far right is a greater threat to America and our cherished values than the Muslim threats. The latter generally are easier to find and contain, while the other is insidious because it comes from enemies domestic.
I am so glad that you finally recognize that the right and the left are enemies. Shit can all this stronger together bs. It's not going to happen.

No matter who wins this election, the other side will engage in espionage and sabotage.
What the fuck is a gold star family? They do well in kindergarten?
Still no answer

Did they tell you how long your google machine would be in the shop?
I know who they are, I want to see your description

So you admit you're just trolling. Big surprise.

No, you keep bringing them you tell me

liberals never actually add information to an argument....I'm sure you have a talking points site that would give you a description.

Sean Smith and Pat Smith, what did the Leftists say about Pat Smith?

More hypocrisy and hysterical bedwetting from the Leftists and also Hillary really shouldn't say anything, not after abandoning people in Benghazi, including the American Ambassador, dragged through the streets, possibly sodomised and murdered like a dog.
How does it help Trump politically to attack a Goldstar family?

Is there a bloc of voters out there who are not already in Trump's camp who've just been waiting for one of the candidates to put those damn Goldstar mothers in their place,

and now they'll flock to Trump?
Khan slandered Trump and Trump hit him back like any strong leader would. Khan is a piece of shit and should be treated like one. Khan acts like he made sacrifices for the US, but he didn't.
Damn if true, he supports groups that killed his son.....and he's mad at Trump for the Muslim moratorium. Typical leftwing politics.

Khan you gangsta!!!!!!!!!! That is some cold shit.
How does it help Trump politically to attack a Goldstar family?

Is there a bloc of voters out there who are not already in Trump's camp who've just been waiting for one of the candidates to put those damn Goldstar mothers in their place,

and now they'll flock to Trump?
Khan slandered Trump and Trump hit him back like any strong leader would. Khan is a piece of shit and should be treated like one. Khan acts like he made sacrifices for the US, but he didn't.

What The Donald said, there was nothing wrong with his comments, as you said Mr. Khan took a full-on sideswipe at The Donald, a personal attack, as such The Donald is within his right to respond.

So it's tragic that Mr and Mrs. Khan lost their son, but if someone joins the military and gets sent into a danger zone, they have the chance of getting killed, that's the military life and death, hundreds of thousands have made that sacrifice, hundreds of thousands of families have experienced what Mr and Mrs. Khan have, as such their son is no more special than any other military personnel who've made that sacrifice.

However in typical Leftist wedge issue, divide issue, they made this NOT about a soldier's death, but ABOUT that he was a Muslim.

So because he was a Muslim, he's what supposed to get extra points, he's more worthy and special than hundreds of thousands of other soldiers killed in the field?
You can try and make a comparison, blackhawk, but you will fail, as you do, every time.
You and your Trump derangement syndrome are old boring Jake nice to see your no longer pretending to be conservative anymore outside of that your post and and threads are the same failures they always are.
Your arguments are so boring, blackhawk, because you don't have a clue what you are doing. The fact is that the far right is a greater threat to America and our cherished values than the Muslim threats. The latter generally are easier to find and contain, while the other is insidious because it comes from enemies domestic.
Wow Jake from Hillary Clintons mouth to your ear when your actually able to think for yourself get back to me until then go waste someone else's time.
Kinda like when Hellary called the gold star mother a liar?
Could you provide us a link to a quote of her doing so, please?

Have We Forgotten That Hillary Pretty Much Called A Gold Star Mother A Liar?

there is even a video for ya.
From your OWN link:

Clinton pretty much called Patricia Smith, mother of slain U.S. Foreign Service Officer Sean Smith, a liar

"Pretty much"? What exactly does THAT mean? She either did or she did not.
How does it help Trump politically to attack a Goldstar family?

Is there a bloc of voters out there who are not already in Trump's camp who've just been waiting for one of the candidates to put those damn Goldstar mothers in their place,

and now they'll flock to Trump?
Khan slandered Trump and Trump hit him back like any strong leader would. Khan is a piece of shit and should be treated like one. Khan acts like he made sacrifices for the US, but he didn't.

That is the consensus in the Trump cult, but nowhere else.
How does it help Trump politically to attack a Goldstar family?

Is there a bloc of voters out there who are not already in Trump's camp who've just been waiting for one of the candidates to put those damn Goldstar mothers in their place,

and now they'll flock to Trump?
How does it help Trump politically to attack a Goldstar family?

Is there a bloc of voters out there who are not already in Trump's camp who've just been waiting for one of the candidates to put those damn Goldstar mothers in their place,

and now they'll flock to Trump?
I'm not voting for Trump.

But I will attack your bullshit.

What does Trump have to do with the Khan family?

Captain Khan's death occurred 12 years ago.

Did I miss Trump's killing of this soldier?

You fucking idiots are so gullible.

But you'll toss them to the curb, once you've used them.
Kinda like when Hellary called the gold star mother a liar?
Could you provide us a link to a quote of her doing so, please?

Have We Forgotten That Hillary Pretty Much Called A Gold Star Mother A Liar?

there is even a video for ya.
From your OWN link:

Clinton pretty much called Patricia Smith, mother of slain U.S. Foreign Service Officer Sean Smith, a liar

"Pretty much"? What exactly does THAT mean? She either did or she did not.

She said Pat was "mistaken" which is a polite way of saying she lied.....I know nuance is too much for your itty bitty brain.
How does it help Trump politically to attack a Goldstar family?

Is there a bloc of voters out there who are not already in Trump's camp who've just been waiting for one of the candidates to put those damn Goldstar mothers in their place,

and now they'll flock to Trump?

The Donald didn't attack anyone, only the increasingly hysterical Leftists are saying he did, just following what they hear from the MSM Dittoheads.

What The Donald said was wouldn't it have been good if people could have heard from that deceased soldiers Mother also, instead of her just standing there like the good little subservient woman. It's a relevant point that he made, because in general in Islam women are subservient, even in Western nations.

I have been saying this exact same thing. Yes the solider was a patriot. But the father was the one flaunting their dead son out there as a political pawn.... Oh and keeping his wife subservient.... Exactly how you said it above.

Where is all the liberal pro women people?
Khan is a Democrat tool. He nipped Trump. Trump nipped back.

Losing a family member does not confer sainthood.

"Losing a family member does not confer sainthood."

Exactly and the Democrats attempting some sort of canonisation because of the soldier's religion at their Convention just to score a political point, well it's pretty crass.
How does it help Trump politically to attack a Goldstar family?

Is there a bloc of voters out there who are not already in Trump's camp who've just been waiting for one of the candidates to put those damn Goldstar mothers in their place,

and now they'll flock to Trump?

The Donald didn't attack anyone, only the increasingly hysterical Leftists are saying he did, just following what they hear from the MSM Dittoheads.

What The Donald said was wouldn't it have been good if people could have heard from that deceased soldiers Mother also, instead of her just standing there like the good little subservient woman. It's a relevant point that he made, because in general in Islam women are subservient, even in Western nations.

I have been saying this exact same thing. Yes the solider was a patriot. But the father was the one flaunting their dead son out there as a political pawn.... Oh and keeping his wife subservient.... Exactly how you said it above.

Where is all the liberal pro women people?

Great question....liberals just use what they can for that moment....they have no consistency or's why they can't debate issues...and always pull crap like this....

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