Since Trump is self destructing and Hillary is poison, still how can one consciously vote liberalism

The United States Constitution is secularist in its purposeful construction! To reject the purpose of the Constitution's secular nature is to reject its foundational principles of equality and freedom!

I disagree. There is nothing "secular" in our Constitution. As a matter of fact, the very foundation on which the Constitution rests is non-secular. All men are created equal and endowed by their Creator specific rights. The part that seems to cause you confusion is the 1st Amendment, where government is prohibited from establishing a religion. This doesn't render the Constitution secular in nature it is merely an amended restriction on the power of government.

The very concept of equality and freedom (inalienable rights) is impossible without belief in a power greater than man in which we derive such rights. Secularism would very much make inalienable rights alienable by man. We cannot be "endowed by our Creator" if there is no Creator.

What the First Amendment establishes is that government cannot dictate who/what that "Creator" is for you, the individual. Nor can it compel you to worship one, believe in one or acknowledge one. Again, that doesn't make it secular.
I agree in part, but this notion is in disagreement to the OP. Secularism doesn't mean you or I or any of the Founders set aside our beliefs as to the Creator or natural laws or morals derived from the Creator. But we have to accept that our views are no more or less valid than anyone else's.

There are always fault lines. Abortion for example. How far can we go in compelling another not go in losing a fetus or zygot.

This is one of the reasons the founders favored Federalism. They wanted the states to have the freedom to determine these kinds of issues for themselves and the Federal government to step back and take a neutral role. Think of it in terms of how much individual liberty you have in both scenarios... When you are one voice of 350 million, you have less influence than when you are one voice in 800,000. You have less say and your community has less say in the way you live your life... that's what the founding fathers didn't want from federal government.
For instance, George Washington, used the words of deism to argue for religious values cast in Enlightement terms to inspire government, but certainly not organized religion.

Washington was an Episcopalian not a Deist. We certainly have every right and the inalienable freedom to choose our governing based on our religious thoughts and convictions. You're not going to suddenly "enlighten" that out of us and sell us some bullshit about founding secular intent.
I said he used deistic words, which you skipped by, and his Anglicanism was such that he refused to take communion ever afterwards when challenged to do so by his parish priest. You are not enlightened if you think George wanted organized religion in government. He certainly did not.

In terms of visualizing society and government, the Founders' beliefs then having nothing to do with us today. We look at the Constitution in terms of "us" and not "them."
I said he used deistic words, which you skipped by, and his Anglicanism was such that he refused to take communion ever afterwards when challenged to do so by his parish priest. You are not enlightened if you think George wanted organized religion in government. He certainly did not

Deistic words? What the fuck is that? Yes... because the nation was comprised of perhaps hundreds of differing sects and religions, the leaders often spoke of "God" in some all-encompassing manner. This may have also been the reason many of them chose to identify as "Deist" avoid the appearance of a particular religious influence. This does not make us a Secular Nation.

What the fuck do you mean by "religion in government?" You mean, like churches setting laws? No... that's not what he or any founding father wanted. Again, you seem to be talking about a theocracy and the founding fathers obviously didn't want to form a theocracy.

What you're failing to understand is, there is not a way for man to divorce himself from his spiritual guidance. Whenever a political issue arises, it's impossible to deliberate it without regard for people's spiritual views and convictions. It's who they are, it's how they make their decisions. The First Amendment protects their rights to political free speech and religious freedom of expression just as it protects yours.
I said he used deistic words, which you skipped by, and his Anglicanism was such that he refused to take communion ever afterwards when challenged to do so by his parish priest. You are not enlightened if you think George wanted organized religion in government. He certainly did not

Deistic words? What the fuck is that? Yes... because the nation was comprised of perhaps hundreds of differing sects and religions, the leaders often spoke of "God" in some all-encompassing manner. This may have also been the reason many of them chose to identify as "Deist" avoid the appearance of a particular religious influence. This does not make us a Secular Nation.

What the fuck do you mean by "religion in government?" You mean, like churches setting laws? No... that's not what he or any founding father wanted. Again, you seem to be talking about a theocracy and the founding fathers obviously didn't want to form a theocracy.

What you're failing to understand is, there is not a way for man to divorce himself from his spiritual guidance. Whenever a political issue arises, it's impossible to deliberate it without regard for people's spiritual views and convictions. It's who they are, it's how they make their decisions. The First Amendment protects their rights to political free speech and religious freedom of expression just as it protects yours.
You do not know the Enlightenment language of deism in the 18th Century, yet pretend to understand this discussion? You are finally right that the FF did not want a theocracy. Many of them abhorred any organized religious influence in the affairs of state. The Constitution protects the secularist's as well as the theist's right of free speech. No one is telling you can't believe as you want, and within certain limits, free exercise thereof (you don't get to eat human flesh or sacrifice humans as part of the religious ceremony).
You do not know the Enlightenment language of deism in the 18th Century, yet pretend to understand this discussion? You are finally right that the FF did not want a theocracy. Many of them abhorred any organized religious influence in the affairs of state. The Constitution protects the secularist's as well as the theist's right of free speech. No one is telling you can't believe as you want, and within certain limits, free exercise thereof (you don't get to eat human flesh or sacrifice humans as part of the religious ceremony).

I understand all that, it's not what we were talking about. The Constitution is not Secular and doesn't establish a Secular government. Yes, your rights are protected and so are mine. We are endowed with rights from our Creator which can't be taken by man... including the right to not believe in the Creator who endows us with rights.

Our inalienable rights are only limited through our consent. In other words, if enough of us thought it was important to sacrifice virgins in a volcano to exercise our religion, we'd do so. We choose to put limitations on our freedoms, the government has no power that we don't give it.
The United States Constitution is secularist in its purposeful construction! To reject the purpose of the Constitution's secular nature is to reject its foundational principles of equality and freedom!

I disagree. There is nothing "secular" in our Constitution. As a matter of fact, the very foundation on which the Constitution rests is non-secular. All men are created equal and endowed by their Creator specific rights. The part that seems to cause you confusion is the 1st Amendment, where government is prohibited from establishing a religion. This doesn't render the Constitution secular in nature it is merely an amended restriction on the power of government.

The very concept of equality and freedom (inalienable rights) is impossible without belief in a power greater than man in which we derive such rights. Secularism would very much make inalienable rights alienable by man. We cannot be "endowed by our Creator" if there is no Creator.

What the First Amendment establishes is that government cannot dictate who/what that "Creator" is for you, the individual. Nor can it compel you to worship one, believe in one or acknowledge one. Again, that doesn't make it secular.
I agree in part, but this notion is in disagreement to the OP. Secularism doesn't mean you or I or any of the Founders set aside our beliefs as to the Creator or natural laws or morals derived from the Creator. But we have to accept that our views are no more or less valid than anyone else's.

There are always fault lines. Abortion for example. How far can we go in compelling another not go in losing a fetus or zygot.

This is one of the reasons the founders favored Federalism. They wanted the states to have the freedom to determine these kinds of issues for themselves and the Federal government to step back and take a neutral role. Think of it in terms of how much individual liberty you have in both scenarios... When you are one voice of 350 million, you have less influence than when you are one voice in 800,000. You have less say and your community has less say in the way you live your life... that's what the founding fathers didn't want from federal government.
I think you've gone way too far afield now. Deism and the requirement that your religion ceases where another's moral code begins are not really affected by federalism, unless you're subscribing to a view that States could and would do things forbidden to the fed govt by the Bill of Rights.
You do not know the Enlightenment language of deism in the 18th Century, yet pretend to understand this discussion? You are finally right that the FF did not want a theocracy. Many of them abhorred any organized religious influence in the affairs of state. The Constitution protects the secularist's as well as the theist's right of free speech. No one is telling you can't believe as you want, and within certain limits, free exercise thereof (you don't get to eat human flesh or sacrifice humans as part of the religious ceremony).

I understand all that, it's not what we were talking about. The Constitution is not Secular and doesn't establish a Secular government. Yes, your rights are protected and so are mine. We are endowed with rights from our Creator which can't be taken by man... including the right to not believe in the Creator who endows us with rights.

Our inalienable rights are only limited through our consent. In other words, if enough of us thought it was important to sacrifice virgins in a volcano to exercise our religion, we'd do so. We choose to put limitations on our freedoms, the government has no power that we don't give it.
The Constitution is certainly secular, and its genius remains that it secures the rights of theists and atheists alike, not giving one an advantage at all in the public forum. You are using the language of the Declaration of independence, although adopted by the Articles of Confederation Congress, was not incorporated into the Constitution, which as it was, adopted by the Congress. We gave the government the power to prevent us from sacrificing human, as well as many other limitations on our behavior.
I think you've gone way too far afield now. Deism and the requirement that your religion ceases where another's moral code begins are not really affected by federalism, unless you're subscribing to a view that States could and would do things forbidden to the fed govt by the Bill of Rights.

There is no limitation placed on the "States and People, respectively." Any power not enumerated to the Federal government is left to the states and people.
The Constitution is certainly secular, and its genius remains that it secures the rights of theists and atheists alike, not giving one an advantage at all in the public forum. You are using the language of the Declaration of independence, although adopted by the Articles of Confederation Congress, was not incorporated into the Constitution, which as it was, adopted by the Congress. We gave the government the power to prevent us from sacrificing human, as well as many other limitations on our behavior.

There is no purpose of including the Declaration of Independence in the Constitution. The Constitution cannot be secular if it's foundation is not also secular and it's certainly not. We most certainly did not give government any such power to prevent us from doing anything. Article I Sec. 8 explains in detail, what the federal government has the enumerated power to do, and that's ALL they have.
The United States Constitution is secularist in its purposeful construction! To reject the purpose of the Constitution's secular nature is to reject its foundational principles of equality and freedom!

I disagree. There is nothing "secular" in our Constitution. As a matter of fact, the very foundation on which the Constitution rests is non-secular. All men are created equal and endowed by their Creator specific rights. The part that seems to cause you confusion is the 1st Amendment, where government is prohibited from establishing a religion. This doesn't render the Constitution secular in nature it is merely an amended restriction on the power of government.

The very concept of equality and freedom (inalienable rights) is impossible without belief in a power greater than man in which we derive such rights. Secularism would very much make inalienable rights alienable by man. We cannot be "endowed by our Creator" if there is no Creator.

What the First Amendment establishes is that government cannot dictate who/what that "Creator" is for you, the individual. Nor can it compel you to worship one, believe in one or acknowledge one. Again, that doesn't make it secular.

The FOUNDATION of the Constitution does, indeed, rest upon non-secular notions of a religious nature. However, the Constitution itself does NOT ECHO that religious dogma by design of the Framers.

It's not supposed to echo a religious dogma, that would be a theocracy. Obviously, they didn't intend to establish a theocracy. That does not mean, secular by default.

You are conflating the PRECEPTS of the DOI with Constitutional PRINCIPLES! The DOI is not the Law of the Land. The distinctly implied division of church and state noted in Amendment I, which came into being several years AFTER the ratification of the Constitution certainly should make the intent of the Framers clear. Your assumption is in error.

I'm not conflating anything, the Constitution would not exist if not for the Declaration of Independence. And you need to refresh on your history, the Bill of Rights was essential in getting the Constitution ratified. There is an implicit division of church and state in the 1st but it is intended to restrict the power of government over church not the influence of church over government.

You appear to be confusing or comingling the MORALITY implicit throughout our Constitution with RELIGIOSITY which was purposefully omitted. Religion in and of itself, generally concerns moral behavior along with religious dogma. Morality concerns the principles of right and wrong, good and evil. When I read the US Constitution I see no religious dogma in any of the seven Articles or the 27 Amendments. I stand by my proposition that the Constitution is secular by its very construction!

Again, it is NOT secular if it's foundation and principles are non-secular. I am not "co-mingling" or confusing anything here, you are... I have not mentioned religiosity or morality, just secular and non-secular. The concept of a Creator who endows man with equality and inalienable rights is not Secular. It's more than a humanist view of right and wrong.

I wrote this;
The FOUNDATION of the Constitution does, indeed, rest upon non-secular notions of a religious nature. However, the Constitution itself does NOT ECHO that religious dogma by design of the Framers.
Your response was;
It's not supposed to echo a religious dogma, that would be a theocracy. Obviously, they didn't intend to establish a theocracy. That does not mean, secular by default.
I know it wasn't suppose to echo religious dogma and if you had read it properly you would have recognized that and that that was the point! Of course that didn't mean it defaulted to a secular nature in and of itself. The very construction of the Constitution determined that the US was to be a Constitutional republic secular by nature being separated from the warring factions of religions TO PROTECT THE SOVERIEGNTY OF THE INDIVIDUAL!

I wrote this also;
You are conflating the PRECEPTS of the DOI with Constitutional PRINCIPLES! The DOI is not the Law of the Land. The distinctly implied division of church and state noted in Amendment I, which came into being several years AFTER the ratification of the Constitution certainly should make the intent of the Framers clear. Your assumption is in error.
Your response was;
I'm not conflating anything, the Constitution would not exist if not for the Declaration of Independence. And you need to refresh on your history, the Bill of Rights was essential in getting the Constitution ratified. There is an implicit division of church and state in the 1st but it is intended to restrict the power of government over church not the influence of church over government.
The fact that the DOI predated the Constitution is irrelevant. Again, the DOI is NOT THE LAW OF THE LAND! The Constitution IS the Law of the land. You are the one needing their memory refreshed.

Think of the logic re: what you wrote. HOW could the First Congress even begin the Article V process of amending the Constitution even before the Constitution itself was ratified or elections in the several States held or the First Congress sworn in and the rules for both houses even established? The Constitution was ratified in June of 1788, the First US Congress was seated in March 1789 and then 2.5 years after the Constitution was ratified, the BOR amendments were ratified Dec 1791 and certified by the Sec. of State Mar 1792!

The ratification of the Constitution had absolutely nothing to do with adoption of the Bill of Rights. The Anti-Federalists LOST, that's history! The Constitution was ratified and in the fullness of time it became LAW! Only then were the initial amendments considered by the First Congress BECAUSE THEY WERE NOT EVEN WRITTEN WHEN THE FIRST CONGRESS WAS CONVENED. I already said there was an implicit separation of church and state written into Amendment I!!!!

I also wrote this;
You appear to be confusing or comingling the MORALITY implicit throughout our Constitution with RELIGIOSITY which was purposefully omitted. Religion in and of itself, generally concerns moral behavior along with religious dogma. Morality concerns the principles of right and wrong, good and evil. When I read the US Constitution I see no religious dogma in any of the seven Articles or the 27 Amendments. I stand by my proposition that the Constitution is secular by its very construction!

Your response was;
Again, it is NOT secular if it's foundation and principles are non-secular. I am not "co-mingling" or confusing anything here, you are... I have not mentioned religiosity or morality, just secular and non-secular. The concept of a Creator who endows man with equality and inalienable rights is not Secular. It's more than a humanist view of right and wrong.
You really don't know OR understand the difference between morality and religiosity, do you? Is every moral person religious and a believer in a superhuman entity? Is every TRULY religious person a moral person. It should be obvious that someone can, indeed, be moral but that does not automagically mean that that person is religious OR that they believe that a superhuman being exists. Therefore morality ≠ religiosity. The logic is simple. The same holds true about written texts and documents.

Can one find a single mention of God or a Creator or any religious sentiment chiseled into the Constitution. Hell NO! What one can't find are religious PRECEPTS. However, what one WILL FIND are moral PRINCIPLES, and the first principles of the Constitution are the rule of law and the sovereignty of individual rights! Learn the difference between religious precepts and moral principles. They are not exactly the critter!
I think you've gone way too far afield now. Deism and the requirement that your religion ceases where another's moral code begins are not really affected by federalism, unless you're subscribing to a view that States could and would do things forbidden to the fed govt by the Bill of Rights.

There is no limitation placed on the "States and People, respectively." Any power not enumerated to the Federal government is left to the states and people.
No, your interpretation is not accepted by the courts and the legislatures. That is merely your opinion.
The Constitution is certainly secular, and its genius remains that it secures the rights of theists and atheists alike, not giving one an advantage at all in the public forum. You are using the language of the Declaration of independence, although adopted by the Articles of Confederation Congress, was not incorporated into the Constitution, which as it was, adopted by the Congress. We gave the government the power to prevent us from sacrificing human, as well as many other limitations on our behavior.

There is no purpose of including the Declaration of Independence in the Constitution. The Constitution cannot be secular if it's foundation is not also secular and it's certainly not. We most certainly did not give government any such power to prevent us from doing anything. Article I Sec. 8 explains in detail, what the federal government has the enumerated power to do, and that's ALL they have.
Once again, your interpretation is wrong.
The Constitution cannot be secular if it's foundation is not also secular and it's certainly not.
So if, "The Constitution cannot be secular...", then it falls on the other side of the fence and must be non-secular!

Here is the definition of secular AND non-secular from the American version of the Oxford English Dictionary;


Denoting attitudes, activities, or other things that have no religious or spiritual basis
secular: definition of secular in Oxford dictionary (American English) (US)

Relating to or involving religious or spiritual matters.
non-secular - definition of non-secular in English from the Oxford dictionary
IF the Constitution pertains to non-secular matters as you are claiming, point to the religious aspects involving spiritual matters written in the Constitution! You can't have it both ways, Boss!
The United States Constitution is secularist in its purposeful construction! To reject the purpose of the Constitution's secular nature is to reject its foundational principles of equality and freedom!

I disagree. There is nothing "secular" in our Constitution. As a matter of fact, the very foundation on which the Constitution rests is non-secular. All men are created equal and endowed by their Creator specific rights. The part that seems to cause you confusion is the 1st Amendment, where government is prohibited from establishing a religion. This doesn't render the Constitution secular in nature it is merely an amended restriction on the power of government.

The very concept of equality and freedom (inalienable rights) is impossible without belief in a power greater than man in which we derive such rights. Secularism would very much make inalienable rights alienable by man. We cannot be "endowed by our Creator" if there is no Creator.

What the First Amendment establishes is that government cannot dictate who/what that "Creator" is for you, the individual. Nor can it compel you to worship one, believe in one or acknowledge one. Again, that doesn't make it secular.

The Constitution is completely and totally secular

Jefferson refered to NATURE's god and to our "creator" whatever that might be.

Same old idiotic liberal scam that "Trump is self destructing" but ....wait a seems that Hillary is... poison. Can we go back to the issue that Trump is self destructing? Can we analyze the freaking left wing media's "successful" attempt to give low information idiots the impression that Trump is self destructing while everyone knows that Hillary is poison? How can that be a political reality except in the robotic minds of the video educated generation? Did the fifty years of liberalism in the education system finally achieve their dream of creating a generation of idiots and robits who can't think for themselves and rely on skewed polls and editorials? Welcome to Orwell's 21'st century

Because liberalism by and large implies and deploys secular liberalism in this nation.

Secularism implies there is no room for God in political discourse or in public education. And any moral issue that hints at a religious value is considered bad for society by secular liberalism. So children are taught being gay is great, being bi-sexual is great, turning into a transgender is perfectly acceptable, premarital sex is totally expected with some precautions, and oral sex will be covered as well.

That is secularism taking over morality and the indoctrination of an abhorrent universal moral understanding. Don’t want to ever mention God, fine, don’t ever discuss matters that are not reading writing or arithmetic. When schools usurp the authority of parents and promote immoral practices it is wrong. When they whoosh kids off for secret abortions, that is an even more unspeakable crime.

Liberalism promotes illegal immigration and open borders, risks conservatives do not want to take with potential terrorists and also other trafficking. We want legal immigration only. We will fund them if we can afford it and the elected congress says it’s Ok.

Liberalism turns a blind eye to the unvetted Middle Eastern migrants coming in here by untold thousands. How insane is that? We already have tens of thousands of Arab men on student visas who we can no longer locate in this nation. Want a link?

Liberalism leads the parade against cops making them out to be this terrible racist menace. Do they care what fallout that brings? Heck no, because it assures the black vote. Are they coming down hard against the thugs in the Black Lives Matter demonstrations? Of course not. More racial divide.

Liberalism does nothing to stop Obama’s defunding of the military, reduction of troops, and demoralizing the entire military. Nor does it take the threats of terrorism or hostile nations near as seriously as conservatism does. Very misguided. National security is job one!

Liberalism is against increased offshore drilling, Alaskan drilling, fracking, keystone pipeline, nuclear plants, and are anti-coal. All these measures to please the gods of extrement environmentalism. This is so wrong. These are national security issues first and foremost. Dependence on Arab oil or other subversive nations should be done away with as soon as possible. Our economy would benefit enormously as well – again, liberals do not care.

Liberals are soft on crime and light on sentences. It is not conservative judges giving rapists, and violent criminals mitigated sentences and paroles. Worst of all, liberalism is far less likely to address the worst of crimes in this nation, urban gang violence. What conservative would be against a huge cop presence and very stiff sentences for these young offenders? You need to eradicate gang violence by attacking it vehemently. That is the only hope of stopping its perpetual presence. I think it is reprehensible children are afraid to walk to school, bus to school, or go outside in Chicago and other gang infested U.S. cities. Unforgivable! What has Obama ever said or done about that?? Not giving congress much credit here either, as it is.

Liberalism is insanely hung up on pushing transgenderism on this nation and its institutions. They are promoting a bizarre perversion that ruins lives. They push everything gay to the point of punishing anything that stands in its ways.

Liberalism has demanded legalized abortion and gay marriage. Both of these evolutions are an enormous affront to God. They are immoral and sinful, especially abortion, and with the government and our schools celebrating it all it influences children and society that this is all good. The worst of govt’s faults.

Liberalism is an enemy of Israel and an apologist for Islam. This is so cowardly and so wrong. Islam is the scourge and Israel is the perpetual victim and the world’s punching bag and scapegoat for their own sins.

Liberalism has taken the word God out of school out of our nation's history. No one can say the word, carry a Bible to school, mention the word Christmas or sing about it. Our Christian history and tradition is now treated like a pox on this nation. And all it takes is for one creep to sue.

Our universities are immersed in liberalism and its social engineering. Their course and the elitist snobbish liberal professors sicken me. They do anything but encourage dialogue and counter arguments. I have no interest in tax dollars funding that kind of enemy.

Our tax dollars also have to fund liberal public radio and their agenda. Screw that. You are fooling no one.

Liberalism allows a lying criminal like Hillary to get away with murder. Only because they have a corrupt mainstream media ready to do their bidding and support their every cover up and lie. This is a sickness that is killing America or has killed America.

Liberalism is weak on Islamic terrorism, of course no better example than our “coward in chief.” That bastard would not even march in Paris after Charli Hedbo with all the other heads of state of Europe and Israel and Palestine. No, he hid under his desk. And you guys give him another free pass. I don’t!
This fails as a ridiculous collection of lies and straw man fallacies.

Because liberalism by and large implies and deploys secular liberalism in this nation.

Secularism implies there is no room for God in political discourse or in public education. And any moral issue that hints at a religious value is considered bad for society by secular liberalism. So children are taught being gay is great, being bi-sexual is great, turning into a transgender is perfectly acceptable, premarital sex is totally expected with some precautions, and oral sex will be covered as well.

That is secularism taking over morality and the indoctrination of an abhorrent universal moral understanding. Don’t want to ever mention God, fine, don’t ever discuss matters that are not reading writing or arithmetic. When schools usurp the authority of parents and promote immoral practices it is wrong. When they whoosh kids off for secret abortions, that is an even more unspeakable crime.

Liberalism promotes illegal immigration and open borders, risks conservatives do not want to take with potential terrorists and also other trafficking. We want legal immigration only. We will fund them if we can afford it and the elected congress says it’s Ok.

Liberalism turns a blind eye to the unvetted Middle Eastern migrants coming in here by untold thousands. How insane is that? We already have tens of thousands of Arab men on student visas who we can no longer locate in this nation. Want a link?

Liberalism leads the parade against cops making them out to be this terrible racist menace. Do they care what fallout that brings? Heck no, because it assures the black vote. Are they coming down hard against the thugs in the Black Lives Matter demonstrations? Of course not. More racial divide.

Liberalism does nothing to stop Obama’s defunding of the military, reduction of troops, and demoralizing the entire military. Nor does it take the threats of terrorism or hostile nations near as seriously as conservatism does. Very misguided. National security is job one!

Liberalism is against increased offshore drilling, Alaskan drilling, fracking, keystone pipeline, nuclear plants, and are anti-coal. All these measures to please the gods of extrement environmentalism. This is so wrong. These are national security issues first and foremost. Dependence on Arab oil or other subversive nations should be done away with as soon as possible. Our economy would benefit enormously as well – again, liberals do not care.

Liberals are soft on crime and light on sentences. It is not conservative judges giving rapists, and violent criminals mitigated sentences and paroles. Worst of all, liberalism is far less likely to address the worst of crimes in this nation, urban gang violence. What conservative would be against a huge cop presence and very stiff sentences for these young offenders? You need to eradicate gang violence by attacking it vehemently. That is the only hope of stopping its perpetual presence. I think it is reprehensible children are afraid to walk to school, bus to school, or go outside in Chicago and other gang infested U.S. cities. Unforgivable! What has Obama ever said or done about that?? Not giving congress much credit here either, as it is.

Liberalism is insanely hung up on pushing transgenderism on this nation and its institutions. They are promoting a bizarre perversion that ruins lives. They push everything gay to the point of punishing anything that stands in its ways.

Liberalism has demanded legalized abortion and gay marriage. Both of these evolutions are an enormous affront to God. They are immoral and sinful, especially abortion, and with the government and our schools celebrating it all it influences children and society that this is all good. The worst of govt’s faults.

Liberalism is an enemy of Israel and an apologist for Islam. This is so cowardly and so wrong. Islam is the scourge and Israel is the perpetual victim and the world’s punching bag and scapegoat for their own sins.

Liberalism has taken the word God out of school out of our nation's history. No one can say the word, carry a Bible to school, mention the word Christmas or sing about it. Our Christian history and tradition is now treated like a pox on this nation. And all it takes is for one creep to sue.

Our universities are immersed in liberalism and its social engineering. Their course and the elitist snobbish liberal professors sicken me. They do anything but encourage dialogue and counter arguments. I have no interest in tax dollars funding that kind of enemy.

Our tax dollars also have to fund liberal public radio and their agenda. Screw that. You are fooling no one.

Liberalism allows a lying criminal like Hillary to get away with murder. Only because they have a corrupt mainstream media ready to do their bidding and support their every cover up and lie. This is a sickness that is killing America or has killed America.

Liberalism is weak on Islamic terrorism, of course no better example than our “coward in chief.” That bastard would not even march in Paris after Charli Hedbo with all the other heads of state of Europe and Israel and Palestine. No, he hid under his desk. And you guys give him another free pass. I don’t!
This fails as a ridiculous collection of lies and straw man fallacies.

Thanks for clarifying that for me and others.
Same old idiotic liberal scam that "Trump is self destructing" but ....wait a seems that Hillary is... poison. Can we go back to the issue that Trump is self destructing? Can we analyze the freaking left wing media's "successful" attempt to give low information idiots the impression that Trump is self destructing while everyone knows that Hillary is poison? How can that be a political reality except in the robotic minds of the video educated generation? Did the fifty years of liberalism in the education system finally achieve their dream of creating a generation of idiots and robits who can't think for themselves and rely on skewed polls and editorials? Welcome to Orwell's 21'st century

Its a scam . The media has decided that Hillary is the better candidate and will do everything possible to persuade us that Hillary has the election wrapped up so we should not waste time voting for Trump.


Because liberalism by and large implies and deploys secular liberalism in this nation.

Secularism implies there is no room for God in political discourse or in public education. And any moral issue that hints at a religious value is considered bad for society by secular liberalism. So children are taught being gay is great, being bi-sexual is great, turning into a transgender is perfectly acceptable, premarital sex is totally expected with some precautions, and oral sex will be covered as well.

That is secularism taking over morality and the indoctrination of an abhorrent universal moral understanding. Don’t want to ever mention God, fine, don’t ever discuss matters that are not reading writing or arithmetic. When schools usurp the authority of parents and promote immoral practices it is wrong. When they whoosh kids off for secret abortions, that is an even more unspeakable crime.

Liberalism promotes illegal immigration and open borders, risks conservatives do not want to take with potential terrorists and also other trafficking. We want legal immigration only. We will fund them if we can afford it and the elected congress says it’s Ok.

Liberalism turns a blind eye to the unvetted Middle Eastern migrants coming in here by untold thousands. How insane is that? We already have tens of thousands of Arab men on student visas who we can no longer locate in this nation. Want a link?

Liberalism leads the parade against cops making them out to be this terrible racist menace. Do they care what fallout that brings? Heck no, because it assures the black vote. Are they coming down hard against the thugs in the Black Lives Matter demonstrations? Of course not. More racial divide.

Liberalism does nothing to stop Obama’s defunding of the military, reduction of troops, and demoralizing the entire military. Nor does it take the threats of terrorism or hostile nations near as seriously as conservatism does. Very misguided. National security is job one!

Liberalism is against increased offshore drilling, Alaskan drilling, fracking, keystone pipeline, nuclear plants, and are anti-coal. All these measures to please the gods of extrement environmentalism. This is so wrong. These are national security issues first and foremost. Dependence on Arab oil or other subversive nations should be done away with as soon as possible. Our economy would benefit enormously as well – again, liberals do not care.

Liberals are soft on crime and light on sentences. It is not conservative judges giving rapists, and violent criminals mitigated sentences and paroles. Worst of all, liberalism is far less likely to address the worst of crimes in this nation, urban gang violence. What conservative would be against a huge cop presence and very stiff sentences for these young offenders? You need to eradicate gang violence by attacking it vehemently. That is the only hope of stopping its perpetual presence. I think it is reprehensible children are afraid to walk to school, bus to school, or go outside in Chicago and other gang infested U.S. cities. Unforgivable! What has Obama ever said or done about that?? Not giving congress much credit here either, as it is.

Liberalism is insanely hung up on pushing transgenderism on this nation and its institutions. They are promoting a bizarre perversion that ruins lives. They push everything gay to the point of punishing anything that stands in its ways.

Liberalism has demanded legalized abortion and gay marriage. Both of these evolutions are an enormous affront to God. They are immoral and sinful, especially abortion, and with the government and our schools celebrating it all it influences children and society that this is all good. The worst of govt’s faults.

Liberalism is an enemy of Israel and an apologist for Islam. This is so cowardly and so wrong. Islam is the scourge and Israel is the perpetual victim and the world’s punching bag and scapegoat for their own sins.

Liberalism has taken the word God out of school out of our nation's history. No one can say the word, carry a Bible to school, mention the word Christmas or sing about it. Our Christian history and tradition is now treated like a pox on this nation. And all it takes is for one creep to sue.

Our universities are immersed in liberalism and its social engineering. Their course and the elitist snobbish liberal professors sicken me. They do anything but encourage dialogue and counter arguments. I have no interest in tax dollars funding that kind of enemy.

Our tax dollars also have to fund liberal public radio and their agenda. Screw that. You are fooling no one.

Liberalism allows a lying criminal like Hillary to get away with murder. Only because they have a corrupt mainstream media ready to do their bidding and support their every cover up and lie. This is a sickness that is killing America or has killed America.

Liberalism is weak on Islamic terrorism, of course no better example than our “coward in chief.” That bastard would not even march in Paris after Charli Hedbo with all the other heads of state of Europe and Israel and Palestine. No, he hid under his desk. And you guys give him another free pass. I don’t!

Liberals built this country, asshole. STFU until you learn your history you braid dead moron.

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