Since We’re Canceling Everything with a Historical Link to Racism and Slavery

The old Democratic Party began dissolving in earnest in the 1960s when segregationist like Strom Thurmond left the Democratic party for the Republican Party and this exodus became a tidal wave with Nixon and the Southern strategy when thousands, if not tens of thousands, of these Southern segregationists joined the Republican Party. The Democratic Party did not want these individuals and they fled to the Republicans and have been there ever since. The Democratic Party has not been the same party since then. Neither has the Republican Party for that matter.
Well, your desperate Hail Mary at trying to distance your party from racism is an epic failure. Your current nominee for POTUS thinks white kids are just as smart as poor kids, blacks can’t vote freely, and Obama was a rare clean and articulate black.
I've wondered this for years, and I'm genuinely surprised there hasn't been an internal push to change their own name.
Guess they have a problem putting their money where their mouths are.

Waiting to see left demands to rename Yale because it was named after racist and genocidal slave trader some 300+ years ago.

Imagine Clintons correcting their biographies to say they're George Floyd University alumni.
When is the Democratic Party going to be dissolved?
They could start by tearing the name of racist dimocrat Richard B. Russell off the US Senate building in DC, and remember to shitcan his statue too just to be fair.

Richie was an ardent segregationist who fought LBJ at every turn on the nigra issues of the 60s. A real hero to many dimocrats of the day, thus his building and likeness they’ve been worshipping ever since.

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