Sinema switches to independent, shaking up the Senate, won't say if she's running for reelection but doesn't expect a change in way Senate operates

Sinema is going to vote for what she believe is best for the people. That is refreshing to see, too bad others don’t think that way.
Get rid of political parties as they only work in their own self interests.
Get rid of political parties as they only work in their own self interests.
How would you do that? All a Party is, is a group of people who get together to assist people to be elected as representatives of the people. Which takes money. Without the Parties, only billionaires would run for elected office.
How would you do that? All a Party is, is a group of people who get together to assist people to be elected as representatives of the people. Which takes money. Without the Parties, only billionaires would run for elected office.
it would be easy,, just remove the D and R from all federal ballots and the halls of congress,,
How would you do that? All a Party is, is a group of people who get together to assist people to be elected as representatives of the people. Which takes money. Without the Parties, only billionaires would run for elected office.
Political parties only work to empower themselves.
My impression is it doesn’t change anything about how the Senate operates, it doesn’t change anything about how Kyrsten operates. All that seems to be changing is the letter next to her name
My impression is it doesn’t change anything about how the Senate operates, it doesn’t change anything about how Kyrsten operates. All that seems to be changing is the letter next to her name
we see youre not capable of rational thought,,

it changes a lot of things and a big one is the democrats cant primary her and if they try and run against her it would result in a republican winning,,
Gotta be honest, and I've felt this about any party, and I figure I'll be in the minority here...but...if an elected official switches parties, it should automatically trigger a special election, because the people who voted for her didn't vote for an independent, they voted for a Democrat. If sinema no longer wants to be a Democrat, then the people should have the opportunity to elect someone else.

Granted, the argument is going to be "well, what if they just stay a democrat and just start voting against the dems"...that's why we have elections, but, completely leaving their party means the people who elected a dem, no longer have a dem.

And I'd say this about any candidate to chooses to leave their party. They can do so, but they have to let the people decide if they still want you as their representation.

Am I the only one that thinks that way? Is it wrong?
I am sure some Republicans and independents voted for her, so the Dem party has no right to the seat.
Those two and a couple more already prove themselves not reliable so it wouldn't matter so much. The Republican party is split and is reshaping itself. Those who support Trump have the upper hand and it's likely to remain that way despite all the gloom and doom about the Bad Orange Man. If DeSantis would run as his VP, they'd be guaranteed a win. The lack of enthusiasm in November will have dissipated by the time we're anouther 22 months into the horrors of Democrat rule under Biden. If the voters in the suburbs are so brain dead they'll buy the idea that Republicans in one body of the congress have caused all their problems then America has become too stupid to survive. At that point, I say let it burn, baby...

You need to read your constitution regarding electoral votes. There is a penalty for both being from the same state.
Both sides are full of shit on this one....

1; Whalen was arrested in 2018, under Trump, and there was no real efforts by the Trump administration to get him released........and yet Republicans try to blame it on Biden, as if the guy wasn't arrested until Biden took office, but only really even started mentioning him AFTER Griner was released, because they saw an excuse to politicize her release.

2; Democrats and liberals several years campaigning for Griner's released while not really doing anything about Whalen,.

i will just come out and say it.......I don't support releasing a dangerous gun dealer for some stupid pot head that tried to take hash into another country. She knew she was breaking the law, and should have been left to deal with the consequences. Remember the asshole who got caned in singapore for vandalizing cars? Same idea. They should have traded for the Marine who was falsely accused of spying instead of the pothead.

But lets not pretend that either side cared about Whalen up until this pooint. Neither side really did much.
Whalen is a convicted felon and has even less worth than a lesbian basketball player. If you know the background story, no one really cares if he rots in a Russian jail because he was probably doing exactly what he was convicted for!
Democrats will suffer more losses if they don't stop pandering to the far leftists in their party.
Rep. Gallego will run against her and whomever the Republicans put up, perhaps Lake or Masters again. She will pull more Republicans than Democrats, I believe. Because the things that she's pissed off Democrats over, like the carried interest loophole and voting against a minimum wage increase and all the things she's doing with Establishment Mitch McConnell, appeal to traditional Republican Classic, not wingnut MAGA.

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