Sinema switches to independent, shaking up the Senate, won't say if she's running for reelection but doesn't expect a change in way Senate operates

She did state she will operate as she always has, so from the conservative left as usual which mean Schumer will have to play it right.

Now what if Collins and Romney go independent?

Then you get ten House Republicans go rogue also and all of a sudden both Political parties have to negotiate with the minority groups instead?
Sinema is going to vote for what she believe is best for the people. That is refreshing to see, too bad others don’t think that way.
Kristen Sinema just announced she’s leaving the Democrat Party, and registering as an Independent. That shakes things up! I love it! things are gonna change in american politics

And now there's three Indies in the Senate.

Another seven or so (making ten total) and they can start their own caucus or something ;)

Sinema may start a trend.

I could see Manchin (West Virginia) following suit.

Ditto for a few of the Red States where a Dem Senator rests uncomfortably on his electorate's goodwill.

Ditto for a few of the Purple States that can so easily flip-flop from Blue to Red and back again and who do so frequently.

Hell... if we get enough Indies together in both Senate and House, maybe we'd actually have a shot at a Third Party again.

But I'm not holding my breath on that score... nor should you :cool:
Which party is she going to caucus with? Because if she doesn't caucus with a major party, then she basically loses her ability to serve on committees. Same reason Berny caucuses with the democrats even though he's an independent.
She said she is NOT caucusing with the GOP.
She said she is NOT caucusing with the GOP.

She might be taking the Bernie Sanders approach of just voting with the highest bidder. It's a good racket, Bernie has made millions pretending to run for president, then "dropping out" and endorsing the DemoKKKrat who he called a racist and a fascist during the debates. LOL!
She did state she will operate as she always has, so from the conservative left as usual which mean Schumer will have to play it right.

Now what if Collins and Romney go independent?

Then you get ten House Republicans go rogue also and all of a sudden both Political parties have to negotiate with the minority groups instead?

The biggest takeaway is this:

Just yesterday - thanks to Warnock's exceedingly slim victory in GA - the Dems were gleeful that they had finally removed the thorn in their collective backside that is Senator Joe Manchin Esquire.

Today, Sinema says "Hold my beer" and then shoves that thorn right back up Schumer's ass.

Ya gotta love it ;)

*Chef's Kiss

Better than my Mama's pasta fazul!
She says she is not caucusing with the GOP. So nothing changes. Sorry MAGA.
Jim what have we discussed about accusing me of being MAGA buddy?

Not nice!

I didn’t say she would caucus with the Republicans and if you had read what I wrote in here and in my thread then where do you get the idea I am rooting for MAGA?

I have stated it would be funny to see Manchin, Collins and Romney go independent along with ten GOP in the House to watch both sides go insane, so how do you get MAGA from that?
Man, oh man - this just keeps getting better and better.

Check out this spicy paragraph from Politico:

...she maintains a relationship with House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy that could come in handy with a GOP House and a Democratic Senate: “We served together for a long time, we’re friends,” she said of McCarthy.

Just beautiful!

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