Sinema switches to independent, shaking up the Senate, won't say if she's running for reelection but doesn't expect a change in way Senate operates

kyrsten is only out for herself & has been for a very long time. at one time she was a green party lefty left leftist & was anti bigcorp until it no longer served her means to get ahead ... same with being a (D). she became a run ofthemill corporate (D), & that cash flipped her to the point her staff in AZ quit her & her constituents are puking ... soooooooo now she's an 'indy' & soon will probably do the tulsi dance.
You hacks hate it when people leave the plantation :lol:
We need more Senators and Congressmen to leave the Duopoly.

No way Manchin does it, then he loses all his power.
Romney, Collins, Manchin, and a few others bolt from their political parties and hold the Senate Hostage from the fringe elements of their political parties!

Then have ten Republicans do the same and watch the screams!
of course it changes the senate, you are back to a tie.

Nope, not unless she chooses to caucus with the GOP, which she did not say she would do. There were already two other Independents that are added to the Dem count based on who they choose to caucus with.
Nope, not unless she chooses to caucus with the GOP, which she did not say she would do. There were already two other Independents that are added to the Dem count based on who they choose to caucus with.
she’s not caucusing with the dems, thus it changes your majority, and makes the senate a tie again.

Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema leaves Democratic Party, registers as independent​

Kyrsten Sinema won't say whether she will caucus with Democrats​

Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema is changing her party affiliation to independent, delivering a jolt to Democrats’ narrow majority and Washington along with it.

When asked why, and I quote: "When politicians are more focused on denying the opposition party a victory than they are on improving Americans’ lives, the people who lose are everyday Americans.," Sinema wrote

It appears the divisive nature of the Demafascit party has forced her hand.
Can't blame her. The two parties, definitely suck.
Don't forget that God created the world and everything in it.

Eh, most Democrats would tell you the world and everything in it was all created by dumb luck using "scientific" terminology they were force fed in school in an attempt to obfuscate their true ignorance. Something that came from nothing went boom and viola, billions of years later we have a universe and extremely complicated organisms(of which we have a VERY limited understanding relative to their complexity) and scientific reactions. Quite amazing really and quite a leap of "faith". Lots of gaps filled with suppositions and of course a premise which is the least scientific of all...something from nothing. GIGO and this theory starts with utter garbage.
Kristen Sinema just announced she’s leaving the Democrat Party, and registering as an Independent. That shakes things up! I love it! things are gonna change in american politics

While I applaud her very loudly, I don't see much change this will make because she is mostly Democratic at heart, just not a partisanly biased Democrat who just follows the Borg collective. The change will be the House turning red.
Eh, most Democrats would tell you the world and everything in it was all created by dumb luck using "scientific" terminology they were force fed in school in an attempt to obfuscate their true ignorance. Something that came from nothing went boom and viola, billions of years later we have a universe and extremely complicated organisms(of which we have a VERY limited understanding relative to their complexity) and scientific reactions. Quite amazing really and quite a leap of "faith". Lots of gaps filled with suppositions and of course a premise which is the least scientific of all...something from nothing. GIGO and this theory starts with utter garbage.
Don't forget the penis, God made us in his image so he does have a penis, which shall rule the land and have dominion over the rest of its inhabitants
Sinema has a well-established iconoclastic reputation. She competes in Ironman triathlons, moonlighted at a Napa Valley winery and often hangs out on the GOP side of the aisle during floor votes.
Let's look at some of his record:

the Defense of Marriage Act
Welfare reform
Massive trade deals like Nafta and Gatt
Financial and telecommunications deregulation
Religious Freedom Restoration Act
Pro-Death penalty
Blamed Jesse Jackson`s organization for giving a forum to rap artist Sister Souljah (who endorsed the idea of African Americans killing whites instead of one another)
“We don't have socialized medicine in this country, and my plan is for private insurance and private doctors.”

Today's Leftists and Democrats would have a conniption if their candidate ran on these in 2024.
The entire country has been pushed to the left on social issues (not just the democratic party), including Republican politicians who just voted to protect gay marriage. There's a sizable holdout of mutant deplorables embracing open bigotry but they lost on social issues. Economically, who's begging for us to deregulate multination telecom companies? She's going to fuck on off to some lobbyist position when she loses re-election.

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