Sinema switches to independent, shaking up the Senate, won't say if she's running for reelection but doesn't expect a change in way Senate operates

We need more Democratic Senators and Congressmen to leave the Chinacratic Party. Joe Manchin, you're up!

You guys are comical. First of all, she will not caucus with the Republicans which means this does nothing to change the balance of power in the Senate. Second, it is going to be hilarious watching you morons fawn over a former Green Party member that refused to be sworn in on a bible. Strong supporter of LBTQ rights, voted for Trump's impeachment, not once, but TWICE. I mean what is your attention span, five seconds?

But here is a quote from her Op-ed

"When politicians are more focused on denying the opposition party a victory than they are on improving Americans’ lives, the people who lose are everyday Americans.,

What the hell does she think the Republican party has been doing over the last two years? And hell, she enabled it. She has her finger in the wind and attempts to go wherever the wind blows. She is going to like a Duke basketball player, one and done. Hope she enjoys the next two years.
this is a political move because she can't win the primary against Ruben Gallego. Sinema said it herself, that she's not changing anything in terms of voting on policy
So, she's gonna run an as indpendent to steal votes away from someone she knew she couldn't beat and cause him to lse the election. She knows she can't win , and is trying to sabotage the election out of pettiness.

Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema leaves Democratic Party, registers as independent​

Kyrsten Sinema won't say whether she will caucus with Democrats​

Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema is changing her party affiliation to independent, delivering a jolt to Democrats’ narrow majority and Washington along with it.

When asked why, and I quote: "When politicians are more focused on denying the opposition party a victory than they are on improving Americans’ lives, the people who lose are everyday Americans.," Sinema wrote

It appears the divisive nature of the Demafascit party has forced her hand.
How long ago was Bill Clinton? 😄 I don't see all this love for moderate candidates. Obama, Trump and Bernie all ran as populists. Even Biden campaigned to the left of his actual policies.
Clinton in the 90s is exactly my point. In 25 years you’ve astronomically sprinted left, while the GOP has slightly shifted left to more moderate
She switched parties because she doesn't want to face a primary challenge in 2024....a primary that she will lose......being an independent guarantees her a place on the ballot...and she hopes the votes will be split enough that her or the Republican wins
Do you think maybe she had had enough after a Left wing media hit squad chased her into the toilet a few months back? :auiqs.jpg:
Now, all we need is for Joe Manchin to flip and Schmucker will lose what's left of his hair.
If that were the case, she'd have switched back then.

But the minute that Democrats secure a good majority in the Senate, she pulls this stunt.

I'm glad she came out of her closet. Now there's no more excuses. Now everyone knows.
OK and Washington favored federalism, but he never joined by Federalist party, making him an independent. Not being a member of a party is what makes someone an independent.
no it isnt.....a TRUE independent has problems with BOTH parties,hence why they are an independent and would not vote for either one.....people like Joe Biden and Mitch McConnel are the reasons people have left the parties,why support more of their bullshit?...
Clinton in the 90s is exactly my point. In 25 years you’ve astronomically sprinted left, while the GOP has slightly shifted left to more moderate

Bush was the last center-right Republican. The tea party was alot further right, and with Trumpers you can't get any more to the right.

The moderate republicans are dead.
I like this chick. However, I would never vote for her as she is a statist.
Buuuuuuuut she sure tells the establishment to go fuck itself.
Plus, i would totally hit it.
Folks, this is the level of intelligence you can expect from a Republican.

Read it and weep.

Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema leaves Democratic Party, registers as independent​

Kyrsten Sinema won't say whether she will caucus with Democrats​

Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema is changing her party affiliation to independent, delivering a jolt to Democrats’ narrow majority and Washington along with it.

When asked why, and I quote: "When politicians are more focused on denying the opposition party a victory than they are on improving Americans’ lives, the people who lose are everyday Americans.," Sinema wrote

It appears the divisive nature of the Demafascit party has forced her hand.
Can't say I blame her. Probably best for Arizona to have a senator who has to be wooed on many issues.

It was also very classy that she did it when she did in my view. Instead of breaking it out right after she won re-election or after early voting had already started. The voters get 2 yeas to decide if they want to keep her around. At this point, I hope they do. We'll see how the rhetoric goes and where she positions herself but so far, I'm Team Kyrsten.
She did state she will operate as she always has, so from the conservative left as usual which mean Schumer will have to play it right.

Now what if Collins and Romney go independent?

Then you get ten House Republicans go rogue also and all of a sudden both Political parties have to negotiate with the minority groups instead?
Those two and a couple more already prove themselves not reliable so it wouldn't matter so much. The Republican party is split and is reshaping itself. Those who support Trump have the upper hand and it's likely to remain that way despite all the gloom and doom about the Bad Orange Man. If DeSantis would run as his VP, they'd be guaranteed a win. The lack of enthusiasm in November will have dissipated by the time we're anouther 22 months into the horrors of Democrat rule under Biden. If the voters in the suburbs are so brain dead they'll buy the idea that Republicans in one body of the congress have caused all their problems then America has become too stupid to survive. At that point, I say let it burn, baby...
kyrsten is only out for herself & has been for a very long time. at one time she was a green party lefty left leftist & was anti bigcorp until it no longer served her means to get ahead ... same with being a (D). she became a run ofthemill corporate (D), & that cash flipped her to the point her staff in AZ quit her & her constituents are puking ... soooooooo now she's an 'indy' & soon will probably do the tulsi dance.
I've been preaching for years, including on USMB, that she should come out of her closet.

About damn time she did!

Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema leaves Democratic Party, registers as independent​

Kyrsten Sinema won't say whether she will caucus with Democrats​

Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema is changing her party affiliation to independent, delivering a jolt to Democrats’ narrow majority and Washington along with it.

When asked why, and I quote: "When politicians are more focused on denying the opposition party a victory than they are on improving Americans’ lives, the people who lose are everyday Americans.," Sinema wrote

It appears the divisive nature of the Demafascit party has forced her hand.

Changes nothing in the Senate.

She did this to avoid being primaired by the Dems in 2024

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