Sinema switches to independent, shaking up the Senate, won't say if she's running for reelection but doesn't expect a change in way Senate operates

Like I said… no change….
Then why take the inevitable abuse? Nah, she's like all other pols, she's positioning herself to remain in the Senate and realizes the hardships are just beginning and the Ds are going to carry most of the freight on that pain the people are enduring.

I STILL SAY, she finally had enough when the Dem media Nazis chased her into a BATHROOM :auiqs.jpg:
Both sides are full of shit on this one....

1; Whalen was arrested in 2018, under Trump, and there was no real efforts by the Trump administration to get him released........and yet Republicans try to blame it on Biden, as if the guy wasn't arrested until Biden took office, but only really even started mentioning him AFTER Griner was released, because they saw an excuse to politicize her release.

2; Democrats and liberals several years campaigning for Griner's released while not really doing anything about Whalen,.

i will just come out and say it.......I don't support releasing a dangerous gun dealer for some stupid pot head that tried to take hash into another country. She knew she was breaking the law, and should have been left to deal with the consequences. Remember the asshole who got caned in singapore for vandalizing cars? Same idea. They should have traded for the Marine who was falsely accused of spying instead of the pothead.

But lets not pretend that either side cared about Whalen up until this pooint. Neither side really did much.
Those two and a couple more already prove themselves not reliable so it wouldn't matter so much. The Republican party is split and is reshaping itself. Those who support Trump have the upper hand and it's likely to remain that way despite all the gloom and doom about the Bad Orange Man. If DeSantis would run as his VP, they'd be guaranteed a win. The lack of enthusiasm in November will have dissipated by the time we're anouther 22 months into the horrors of Democrat rule under Biden. If the voters in the suburbs are so brain dead they'll buy the idea that Republicans in one body of the congress have caused all their problems then America has become too stupid to survive. At that point, I say let it burn, baby...
That is hilarious to think Trump could win even with DeSantis on the ticket!

Trump cost you the Senate!
Explain that.

You can't with federal spending, gov't size, social issues... the GOP/Trump has drifted left in the past 25 years.
The GOP has drifted lect, only because of the fringe minority of their party that make up Trump's core supportt are so far right that it makes the rest of the party look like liberals.
She's bi, so she could bring her cute girlfriend too. When asked why she's leaving the Dim party she said she no longer wants to be associated with that drooling, stammering fucktard in the white house.

Seems kinda harsh to me...
Yes, but there was a time when politicians were willing to compromise and work together to get things done.

Now, working with someone accross the aisle is just as likely to get someone voted out of office, because the brainless voters considered anyone who doesn't have their favorite letter by their name wants to destroy America. thanks to years of BS and indoctrination.
On the whole, I agree but can you name a single decision since Biden took office that hasn't weakened America? I'm not talking about his moves to nullify Trump, so much. I mean the actual policy changes he has brought on. The open border alone should cause him to be convicted of treason. The Democrat party is irreparably changing the demographic future of America and that won't ever stop now.

When the "newcomers" decide to begin the burn, loot, and murder path because they aren't getting the goodies they were promised, all hell is going to break loose and those who identify themselves as supporters of that party are going to go very quiet if they want to try to survive in a peaceful existence. Retribution will be sought once real pain begins to be inflicted in communities around the country.

Are you fucking with me?
Let's look at some of his record:

the Defense of Marriage Act
Welfare reform
Massive trade deals like Nafta and Gatt
Financial and telecommunications deregulation
Religious Freedom Restoration Act
Pro-Death penalty
Blamed Jesse Jackson`s organization for giving a forum to rap artist Sister Souljah (who endorsed the idea of African Americans killing whites instead of one another)
“We don't have socialized medicine in this country, and my plan is for private insurance and private doctors.”

Today's Leftists and Democrats would have a conniption if their candidate ran on these in 2024.
The GOP has drifted lect, only because of the fringe minority of their party that make up Trump's core supportt are so far right that it makes the rest of the party look like liberals.
How is Trump "far right".
That is hilarious to think Trump could win even with DeSantis on the ticket!

Trump cost you the Senate!
You need to remember that by the time that vote happens, this country is going to be on its knees and the people damned sick of the POS pulling the strings. Like I said, if not, then let it burn, baby. That's the next stage of the Klaus/Harari plan, anyway.
Can't say I blame her. Probably best for Arizona to have a senator who has to be wooed on many issues.

It was also very classy that she did it when she did in my view. Instead of breaking it out right after she won re-election or after early voting had already started. The voters get 2 yeas to decide if they want to keep her around. At this point, I hope they do. We'll see how the rhetoric goes and where she positions herself but so far, I'm Team Kyrsten.
i don’t blame her either…the demafasict have ruined the dnc
kyrsten is only out for herself & has been for a very long time. at one time she was a green party lefty left leftist & was anti bigcorp until it no longer served her means to get ahead ... same with being a (D). she became a run ofthemill corporate (D), & that cash flipped her to the point her staff in AZ quit her & her constituents are puking ... soooooooo now she's an 'indy' & soon will probably do the tulsi dance.
You need to remember that by the time that vote happens, this country is going to be on its knees and the people damned sick of the POS pulling the strings. Like I said, if not, then let it burn, baby. That's the next stage of the Klaus/Harari plan, anyway.
So you want to burn the nation down if you lose?

I swear there isn’t much difference between the left and right nutters much more!
How is Trump "far right".
He isn't. Trump doesn't have genuine political ideals. He panders to whomever he feels will help him the most. That's why he funded Bill Clinton in the 90's and Hillary Clinton when he was a senator.

But since around 2010, he's been pandering almost exclusive to the extreme far right groups like the neonazis. and far right militias..

He found a group that will literally beleive whatever he tells them.
I mean, multiple people were sent to the emergancy room after drinking bleach because he said it would protect them from Covid.
He panders to their worse fears. He flames their deepest hatreds, and uses it to empower himself at their expense.

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