Sinema switches to independent, shaking up the Senate, won't say if she's running for reelection but doesn't expect a change in way Senate operates

Nope, not unless she chooses to caucus with the GOP, which she did not say she would do. There were already two other Independents that are added to the Dem count based on who they choose to caucus with.

It will be an interesting election coming up.

I think she'll win re-election. She's been a very good senator for the State and Arizonans like independence in their elected officials. Sadly, this is something Martha McSally and Jeff Flake sort of forgot. I really think that if she had not campaigned with Trump, she would have won.

We also like that she's sort of a rock star. I won't lie.
Finally cooler heads prevail.Long overdue.This makes it possible
for Joe Manchin to follow suit.The folk in West Virginia surely must
be wishing for.Actually this is a bellwether no brainer.
The expression... Enough is ENOUGH has been in We the Peoples
face long enough.The Twitter fall out was the Pink elephant in the
Biden White House that broke the Donkey's back.
I'll take broken metaphors for $400 Alex
In the least,never more than today,in our storied history
has there been such dispicable moves by Pols.
I cite the example of Senator Bob Casey jr. of Pennsylvania.
One of the most honest and fair Catholics ever to run for office.
Granted his Father was a highly popular Pol {Former Governor of
Pennsylvania }. But Bob Jr. was special.All Catholic schooling.
Even spent a year teaching grade school and coaching Basketball.
A Scranton native and about as close to perfection as a devout
good catholic as the Great Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan.
I don 't think there was one Pennsylvanian who dint trust and
welcome the always positive and smiling Bob Casey jr.
Until a few weeks ago.When Smiling Bob came out as usual
all smiles and happy as a lark that Fetterman was the Dems choice
for Senator.I knew then that Politics was now little more than a game
in the U.S. Casey smiling and tickled pink about Fetterman was the
giveaway.This is like some nightmare.

Changes nothing in the Senate.

She did this to avoid being primaired by the Dems in 2024
Maybe, but, let's assume for the sake of argument, she wants to continue being a politician from Arizona in the future. Which gave her the better chance of continuing on, facing a primary opponent or running as an independent? Let's face it, running as an independent is a long shot, probably a longer shot than having a primary opponent.
Maybe, but, let's assume for the sake of argument, she wants to continue being a politician from Arizona in the future. Which gave her the better chance of continuing on, facing a primary opponent or running as an independent? Let's face it, running as an independent is a long shot, probably a longer shot than having a primary opponent.

I think she has a better chance of winning the state as an Independent than she does winning a primary as a Dem. The wingers control the primaries for both parties, but she is well liked by the more moderates of the state from both parties.
I knew this was coming. I honestly expected it earlier.
I think she has a better chance of winning the state as an Independent than she does winning a primary as a Dem. The wingers control the primaries for both parties, but she is well liked by the more moderates of the state from both parties.
I'll stick with my maybe, maybe not. However, I wish more politicians would jettison their parties and go independent, although Bernie is a traitor to that cause by caucusing with the Democrats. I admire her for doing this, particularly after the Senate went to 51. I don't want the senate filibuster ever removed by either side and I wish there was a way that the House couldn't pass things with a 218-217 vote. Politicians should pass laws by consensus, not by intimidation, threats, bribery, coercion, and beholding to party or lobby money. The system if broken by being bought and paid for.
I'll stick with my maybe, maybe not. However, I wish more politicians would jettison their parties and go independent, although Bernie is a traitor to that cause by caucusing with the Democrats. I admire her for doing this, particularly after the Senate went to 51. I don't want the senate filibuster ever removed by either side and I wish there was a way that the House couldn't pass things with a 218-217 vote. Politicians should pass laws by consensus, not by intimidation, threats, bribery, coercion, and beholding to party or lobby money. The system if broken by being bought and paid for.

If you do not choose a party to caucus with you get no committee assignment and are basically useless as a Senator. Sinema will need to pick which one she is going to caucus with.

I am torn on the filibuster. I hate the way it is now used, it is basically just a built in excuse for the parties not following though on their promises. I would like to see it go back to what it was meant to be, an active event and not just always there.
If you do not choose a party to caucus with you get no committee assignment and are basically useless as a Senator. Sinema will need to pick which one she is going to caucus with.

I am torn on the filibuster. I hate the way it is now used, it is basically just a built in excuse for the parties not following though on their promises. I would like to see it go back to what it was meant to be, an active event and not just always there.
I read that Sinema will be caucusing with the Democrats, like Bernie does. I want both houses of Congress to be bipartisan and not being able to pass anything at all on a simple majority vote.
I read that Sinema will be caucusing with the Democrats, like Bernie does.

Which is what I assumed she would do. And thus it does not effect the Dem majority at all.

I want both houses of Congress to be bipartisan and not being able to pass anything at all on a simple majority vote.

The make the filibuster an active event and nothing new can get done till it is resolved.

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