Sinema switches to independent, shaking up the Senate, won't say if she's running for reelection but doesn't expect a change in way Senate operates

She might be taking the Bernie Sanders approach of just voting with the highest bidder. It's a good racket, Bernie has made millions pretending to run for president, then "dropping out" and endorsing the DemoKKKrat who he called a racist and a fascist during the debates. LOL!

How is that possible? He can't touch campaign funds except for elections.

His money comes from more nefarious sources I am sure.
There is a lot of that on this forum both says, if you do not agree with MAGA you area assumed to be some liberal tree hugger
Why would anyone NOT want to Make America Great Again?

Are you enjoying your inflation, high gas prices, higher energy bills, open border, etc.?

Oh, I forgot! You are a jarhead and a glutton for punishment. That's why you post here!
Rep. Gallego will run against her and whomever the Republicans put up, perhaps Lake or Masters again. She will pull more Republicans than Democrats, I believe. Because the things that she's pissed off Democrats over, like the carried interest loophole and voting against a minimum wage increase and all the things she's doing with Establishment Mitch McConnell, appeal to traditional Republican Classic, not wingnut MAGA.
Tell us all what Progs will do to make us all rich. I know...Order the privately owned federal reserve to tell the treasury department to print up trillions and trillions of federal reserve notes. And that will provide prosperity for all.
Tell us all what Progs will do to make us all rich. I know...Order the privately owned federal reserve to tell the treasury department to print up trillions and trillions of federal reserve notes. And that will provide prosperity for all.
That's uer problem you are waiting for it to fall in yer lap.
Cast as a principled rejection of partisan gridlock, Kyrsten Sinema’s decision to leave the Democrat Party is the latest act of shapeshifting to save her political skin. Once again, it’s all about Kyrsten Sinema.

Sinema’s announcement has, to a point, been a long time coming. The Arizona crony capitalist, after all, made her career by presenting herself as a sensible, middle-of-the-road voice, representing the proverbial forgotten moderate American sick of the partisan game-playing in Washington ― and spent the past two years reveling in frustrating her own party’s ambitions, seemingly aping the political strategy of her “personal hero” John McCain, whose Senate seat she currently sits in.

The reality is that this was the best thing Sinema could do to ensure her continued political survival. Sinema has managed the feat of holding on to Democratic support even as she’s behaved as a corporate shill and generally pissed off her own voters by using a standard bit of political blackmail: sure, you may not like the way she votes or her opposition to the Democratic agenda, but in a less-than-solidly-Democratic state like Arizona, she’s the best you were going to get. Would you rather a Republican hold the seat?

The trouble for Sinema is that Arizona has had two Democratic senators these past couple years, and that other Democrat, Mark Kelly, has just won reelection in the purple state by very different means.

It suggests that Sinema’s strategy of establishing herself in the public imagination as the chief Democratic obstacle to her own president’s ambitions was entirely unnecessary, an impression only given more legs by loyal Democrat Raphael Warnock’s recent reelection win in the similarly purple state of Georgia.

In other words, before this move, there was more than a good chance Sinema could fall to a Democratic primary challenge come 2024, since Kelly’s win had obliterated the rationale of the electoral blackmail that would have forced Democratic voters to hold their nose and support her. By going independent, Sinema is now embarking on a different, somewhat more aggressive bit of blackmail, making it clear to the party that she’ll happily put a Republican in office by splitting the vote in a three-way race if they run a Democratic challenger against her.

But Sinema could prove a victim of her own success. Having spent the past few years working hard to convince voters that there was little difference between her and a typical Republican, getting a Republican elected may well be a risk that Arizona progressives are now willing to take
it would be easy,, just remove the D and R from all federal ballots and the halls of congress,,
Makes no sense. How would the voters know what the person really believes in? Parties establish platforms to run on. If the public would just read the platforms of the parties, they would probably not vote in Democrats anywhere. We would have no gender confusion which causes societal confusion with a high level of unhappiness.
Political parties only work to empower themselves.
So? I would think the majority would want to end gender confusion, crime, violence, inflation, high gas prices, war in the world, illegal immigration and other insane Democrat Party held attacks on American ideals.
Makes no sense. How would the voters know what the person really believes in? Parties establish platforms to run on. If the public would just read the platforms of the parties, they would probably not vote in Democrats anywhere. We would have no gender confusion which causes societal confusion with a high level of unhappiness.
you would learn by listening to them,,

they are there to represent the people of their state or area not a political party,,

so it makes perfect sense,,
you would learn by listening to them,,

they are there to represent the people of their state or area not a political party,,

so it makes perfect sense,,
While they are elected by the people in their states as all of Congress is, they mostly vote based along Party Lines and what Pelosi and Schumer have wanted. That's if they want to be seated in committees. Sinema and Manchim mostly have voted with Democrats on most of the bills before them.

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