Single payer: NHS recommends amputation instead of treatment for girls leg


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

In our continuing coverage of the UK’s healthcare system screwing over the kids, I give you this little gal’s tale. This British lass has a deformity which makes one of her legs much shorter than the other.
Single Payer: NHS Recommends Amputation Instead of Treatment for Girl’s Leg

This is exactly what the indoctrinated sheep want in the US , most dummies think this system is so great because they've heard about or get told from someone who lives there and on that note they think it's so great because it's all the dumbasses have ever known.

Meanwhile everyone use to come to America you were instantly seen, now Obama ass care still to some degree in action esp. at the IRS would have you thinking his pos healthcare was great and it was anything but that. Luckily most never had the chance to feel the real impact of it all. Thank God!
UK has been giving us nice tastes of single payer with their kidnappings of children to murder them.
UK has been giving us nice tastes of single payer with their kidnappings of children to murder them.

Yep, I know a few people who say they were really, really sick waited days to be seen and when they were they were told take two asprin and call them in a week.

There are articles out there telling how people DIE waiting for certain health care issues..
View attachment 192430

In our continuing coverage of the UK’s healthcare system screwing over the kids, I give you this little gal’s tale. This British lass has a deformity which makes one of her legs much shorter than the other.
Single Payer: NHS Recommends Amputation Instead of Treatment for Girl’s Leg

This is exactly what the indoctrinated sheep want in the US , most dummies think this system is so great because they've heard about or get told from someone who lives there and on that note they think it's so great because it's all the dumbasses have ever known.

Meanwhile everyone use to come to America you were instantly seen, now Obama ass care still to some degree in action esp. at the IRS would have you thinking his pos healthcare was great and it was anything but that. Luckily most never had the chance to feel the real impact of it all. Thank God!

What do you suggest, lengthening the shorter leg or shortening the longer leg? What did Alex Jones suggest?
UK has been giving us nice tastes of single payer with their kidnappings of children to murder them.

Yep, I know a few people who say they were really, really sick waited days to be seen and when they were they were told take two asprin and call them in a week.

There are articles out there telling how people DIE waiting for certain health care issues..

I have no doubt that happens, it happens here in the US as well, but no Dr would tell a person to take two aspirins and call them in a week. You are so full of crap.
Scottish Rite hospital in Dallas will do just that and for nothing.
View attachment 192430

In our continuing coverage of the UK’s healthcare system screwing over the kids, I give you this little gal’s tale. This British lass has a deformity which makes one of her legs much shorter than the other.
Single Payer: NHS Recommends Amputation Instead of Treatment for Girl’s Leg

This is exactly what the indoctrinated sheep want in the US , most dummies think this system is so great because they've heard about or get told from someone who lives there and on that note they think it's so great because it's all the dumbasses have ever known.

Meanwhile everyone use to come to America you were instantly seen, now Obama ass care still to some degree in action esp. at the IRS would have you thinking his pos healthcare was great and it was anything but that. Luckily most never had the chance to feel the real impact of it all. Thank God!

What do you suggest, lengthening the shorter leg or shortening the longer leg? What did Alex Jones suggest?
Scottish Rite hospital in Dallas will do just that and for nothing.
View attachment 192430

In our continuing coverage of the UK’s healthcare system screwing over the kids, I give you this little gal’s tale. This British lass has a deformity which makes one of her legs much shorter than the other.
Single Payer: NHS Recommends Amputation Instead of Treatment for Girl’s Leg

This is exactly what the indoctrinated sheep want in the US , most dummies think this system is so great because they've heard about or get told from someone who lives there and on that note they think it's so great because it's all the dumbasses have ever known.

Meanwhile everyone use to come to America you were instantly seen, now Obama ass care still to some degree in action esp. at the IRS would have you thinking his pos healthcare was great and it was anything but that. Luckily most never had the chance to feel the real impact of it all. Thank God!

What do you suggest, lengthening the shorter leg or shortening the longer leg? What did Alex Jones suggest?

Link please.

The family flew to Israel where Dr. Paley works for less, and they are saving up thousands for him to do the surgery which will be many.
Still, Hootnick thinks most limb lengthenings are not justified. It's a doctor's responsibility to do no harm, but this procedure causes nothing but harm, he says. Surgeons need to take more responsibility for pushing people down this path, he adds.

"We physicians are able to guide patients in the direction that we think things should go, simply because people seldom have any knowledge of what we're talking about," Hootnick says. "You can't understand the complexities of an operation—you've never had one."

Looking back, Hootnick says amputating Lindsay's shorter leg and fitting her with a prosthetic would have saved the Ellingsworth family a lot of heartache and their daughter a lot of pain. Now 25 years old, Lindsay recently underwent her 11th limb discrepancy–related surgery. She spent most of her teenage years in and out of the hospital, bound by wires from the external fixator. Now she owns a house in upstate New York and works as an emergency medical technician. Her leg problem is always something of a burden, due to the complications from arthritis.

New Limb-Lengthening Tech May Reduce Complications for Sufferers of Crippling Deformities [Slide Show]

My son was a patient at Scottish Rite. His roommate had been going through the procedure.
Limb Lengthening Research | Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children
Scottish Rite hospital in Dallas will do just that and for nothing.
View attachment 192430

In our continuing coverage of the UK’s healthcare system screwing over the kids, I give you this little gal’s tale. This British lass has a deformity which makes one of her legs much shorter than the other.
Single Payer: NHS Recommends Amputation Instead of Treatment for Girl’s Leg

This is exactly what the indoctrinated sheep want in the US , most dummies think this system is so great because they've heard about or get told from someone who lives there and on that note they think it's so great because it's all the dumbasses have ever known.

Meanwhile everyone use to come to America you were instantly seen, now Obama ass care still to some degree in action esp. at the IRS would have you thinking his pos healthcare was great and it was anything but that. Luckily most never had the chance to feel the real impact of it all. Thank God!

What do you suggest, lengthening the shorter leg or shortening the longer leg? What did Alex Jones suggest?

Link please.

The family flew to Israel where Dr. Paley works for less, and they are saving up thousands for him to do the surgery which will be many.
My son was a patient at Scottish Rite. His roommate had been going through the procedure.
Limb Lengthening Research | Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children
Scottish Rite hospital in Dallas will do just that and for nothing.
View attachment 192430

In our continuing coverage of the UK’s healthcare system screwing over the kids, I give you this little gal’s tale. This British lass has a deformity which makes one of her legs much shorter than the other.
Single Payer: NHS Recommends Amputation Instead of Treatment for Girl’s Leg

This is exactly what the indoctrinated sheep want in the US , most dummies think this system is so great because they've heard about or get told from someone who lives there and on that note they think it's so great because it's all the dumbasses have ever known.

Meanwhile everyone use to come to America you were instantly seen, now Obama ass care still to some degree in action esp. at the IRS would have you thinking his pos healthcare was great and it was anything but that. Luckily most never had the chance to feel the real impact of it all. Thank God!

What do you suggest, lengthening the shorter leg or shortening the longer leg? What did Alex Jones suggest?

Link please.

The family flew to Israel where Dr. Paley works for less, and they are saving up thousands for him to do the surgery which will be many.

How is he doing and does he have the internal or external set up? How many surgeries.
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It has been years, but last we spoke to him he had finally completed his treatment and was overjoyed. It was rough going through it, but he was tough. He was in his mid teens and ready to be able to run, etc. His positive attitude helped my son get through what he was going through.
It was amazing and he was so excited. They lengthened his leg by almost 4 inches.
My son was a patient at Scottish Rite. His roommate had been going through the procedure.
Limb Lengthening Research | Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children
Scottish Rite hospital in Dallas will do just that and for nothing.
View attachment 192430

In our continuing coverage of the UK’s healthcare system screwing over the kids, I give you this little gal’s tale. This British lass has a deformity which makes one of her legs much shorter than the other.
Single Payer: NHS Recommends Amputation Instead of Treatment for Girl’s Leg

This is exactly what the indoctrinated sheep want in the US , most dummies think this system is so great because they've heard about or get told from someone who lives there and on that note they think it's so great because it's all the dumbasses have ever known.

Meanwhile everyone use to come to America you were instantly seen, now Obama ass care still to some degree in action esp. at the IRS would have you thinking his pos healthcare was great and it was anything but that. Luckily most never had the chance to feel the real impact of it all. Thank God!

What do you suggest, lengthening the shorter leg or shortening the longer leg? What did Alex Jones suggest?

Link please.

The family flew to Israel where Dr. Paley works for less, and they are saving up thousands for him to do the surgery which will be many.

How is he doing and does he have the internal or external set up? How many surgeries.
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View attachment 192537

It has been years, but last we spoke to him he had finally completed his treatment and was overjoyed. It was rough going through it, but he was tough. He was in his mid teens and ready to be able to run, etc. His positive attitude helped my son get through what he was going through.
It was amazing and he was so excited. They lengthened his leg by almost 4 inches.
My son was a patient at Scottish Rite. His roommate had been going through the procedure.
Limb Lengthening Research | Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children
Scottish Rite hospital in Dallas will do just that and for nothing.
What do you suggest, lengthening the shorter leg or shortening the longer leg? What did Alex Jones suggest?

Link please.

The family flew to Israel where Dr. Paley works for less, and they are saving up thousands for him to do the surgery which will be many.

How is he doing and does he have the internal or external set up? How many surgeries.

External, they are coming further in orthopedics. Its amazing what they can do today. I hope you son does well, I hope they both do well now and in the future. 4" is a lot.
My cousin has a longer leg. He gets around just fine. Probably wouldnt be able to do it as well if they cut off his fucking leg.
Thank gawd we dont have people telling us what healthcare we can get.
My cousin has a longer leg. He gets around just fine. Probably wouldnt be able to do it as well if they cut off his fucking leg.
Thank gawd we dont have people telling us what healthcare we can get.

It depends on how long a leg is, it can cause back, hip and knee issues. Many say amputee as LL surgery is painful and not without risks. Some wear a special shoe.
My cousin has a longer leg. He gets around just fine. Probably wouldnt be able to do it as well if they cut off his fucking leg.
Thank gawd we dont have people telling us what healthcare we can get.

It depends on how long a leg is, it can cause back, hip and knee issues. Many say amputee as LL surgery is painful and not without risks. Some wear a special shoe.
I dont remember the specifics but he walks with a limp. He was in a wheelchair for almost all of his school years.. when he wasnt in surgery, that is.
UK has been giving us nice tastes of single payer with their kidnappings of children to murder them.

Yep, I know a few people who say they were really, really sick waited days to be seen and when they were they were told take two asprin and call them in a week.

There are articles out there telling how people DIE waiting for certain health care issues..

I have friend, married to a Brit guy......his mother and my friends mother both had heart issues at the same time, his mother had to wait months to get treatment, her mother saw the doctor and had surgery in about 2 weeks....
UK has been giving us nice tastes of single payer with their kidnappings of children to murder them.

Yep, I know a few people who say they were really, really sick waited days to be seen and when they were they were told take two asprin and call them in a week.

There are articles out there telling how people DIE waiting for certain health care issues..

I have friend, married to a Brit guy......his mother and my friends mother both had heart issues at the same time, his mother had to wait months to get treatment, her mother saw the doctor and had surgery in about 2 weeks....

I believe it, it's a shame how most Americans have got a gawd dam clue how bad their health care system is.

One of the guy son infowars lives over in London, he had a strep throat, I think he was coughing up blood etc, all they did was tell him take two and that was it...... that went on for weeks.....

They don't give a dam and these idiots who go around trying to make our healthcare system like that bs, OMG if only we could make it like that temp. to prove to the stupid asses how bad having their system is.

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