Sit in on the House Floor?

I would say they made assholes of themselves except that God beat them to it. If "the stork" delivered them I DO hope he/she/it washed his/her/its beak before delivering any normal babies.


having a temper tantrum and a pout in

all in the name of not getting their way in the further stripping

of the rights of Americans
Yeah, they are so worried about 'we the people', that an award for VALOR is being presented to the immigration official that DENIED access to the San Bernardino TERRORIST attack suspect that supplied the GUNS. They also just released Bin Laden's body guard.
When 90% of Americans support your positions, your sit-in can't lose.
Another liberal lie. It's the phrasing of the question that matters and the nitty-gritty of the position.

I favor denying felons and the mentally ill access to firearms, but I also favor that the process include due process: that once a felon has served their time, including probation, that they receive full citizen rights. The mentally ill, if cured, should likewise see a restoration of their rights.

How do you plan to do this?
"Rep. John Lewis, one of the last living icons of peaceful disobedience during the civil rights movement, was leading a sit-in on the House floor Wednesday in an effort to force a vote on gun control.

"'Now is the time for us to find a way to dramatize it, to make it real,' Lewis, D-Ga., said. 'We have to occupy the floor of the House until there is action.'"
House Democrats Hold Sit-In on Gun Control
Gun control as a civil right?
"Civil and political rights are a class of rights that protect individuals'freedom from infringement by governments, social organizations, and private individuals. They ensure one's ability to participate in the civil and political life of the society and state without discrimination or repression."
Civil and political rights - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And just for a reality check regarding what Lewis now stands for:

View attachment 79017
King had big enemies, so perhaps he had legitimate reasons to own a gun?

He also wasn't a big threat to use his gun to shoot up schools or nightclubs or movie theaters.

Then you must support the 2nd Amendment. Thanks!
When 90% of Americans support your positions, your sit-in can't lose.
Except that no one trust corporatists sellouts who support Hilary. I wonder if it could be more obvious that their little sit in is
LMAO now that's desperation :laugh:

Are they doing the Bernie Fart In too?
Sort of reminds you of the unpleasant odor emanating from your cooch. Doesn't it.

It's very clear you don't get by on your wit.
Because fart humor is so sophisticated.
When 90% of Americans support your positions, your sit-in can't lose.
Another liberal lie. It's the phrasing of the question that matters and the nitty-gritty of the position.

I favor denying felons and the mentally ill access to firearms, but I also favor that the process include due process: that once a felon has served their time, including probation, that they receive full citizen rights. The mentally ill, if cured, should likewise see a restoration of their rights.

How do you plan to do this?
Sir/Ma'am, how was the question phrased? Can you post it please?


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When 90% of Americans support your positions, your sit-in can't lose.
Except that no one trust corporatists sellouts who support Hilary. I wonder if it could be more obvious that their little sit in is
LMAO now that's desperation :laugh:

Are they doing the Bernie Fart In too?
Sort of reminds you of the unpleasant odor emanating from your cooch. Doesn't it.

It's very clear you don't get by on your wit.
Because fart humor is so sophisticated.

^^^ BORING ^^^

Try paying attention to the doings of your Dear Leaders.
When 90% of Americans support your positions, your sit-in can't lose.
Except that no one trust corporatists sellouts who support Hilary. I wonder if it could be more obvious that their little sit in is
LMAO now that's desperation :laugh:

Are they doing the Bernie Fart In too?
Sort of reminds you of the unpleasant odor emanating from your cooch. Doesn't it.

It's very clear you don't get by on your wit.
Because fart humor is so sophisticated.

^^^ BORING ^^^

Try paying attention to the doings of your Dear Leaders.
Try not to sound like such a fucking simpleton all the time. You're obviously too stupid to have opinions.
Talking with George over espresso this morning....he remarked that all those dumb shits squatting on the floor have disqualified them for his consideration concerning a replacement to be named when he gives the word to "t'row da bitch unner da bus". Kind of funny he hasn't completely lost the accent...certainly can afford tutors - or even therapy.
Didn't they just have like four votes on four separate bills?

That was the Senate.The House leadership refuses to even have a vote. The refusal to have a vote is what the protest is about.
Didn't they just have like four votes on four separate bills?
Yep, and they didn't get their way. Now they're throwing a little tantrum.

My friend kids find out that whining and crying doesn't help, so they've tried new tactics. They learned that if they bang their heads on the floor, their mom will let them have anything they want, just so they would stop.

I wonder how long before whiners on the House floor try banging their heads. What's worst thing that can happen? Rep John Lewis could only get prettier... :D
Well, now this bullshit "sit in" is over. The result? Just like typical Congress - nothing. Now, they get to go on a two week vacation. Paid for by you and me. This country is doomed.

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