Sit in on the House Floor?

On CSAPN now….

Oh my goodness….

Crazy Democrats

Yep, the brainless party strikes again. The senate just rejected 4 bills, the ignorant commies in the house are just playing politics.

As a liberal, I can't disagree with you on this. I admire their mission but their methods are silly, juvenile, and frankly stupid.
I can. 8 years of mindless obstruction deserves a gd good protest. Stupid media.

I see your point. A larger conversation is being had though. Now HRC will be asked about this and it's a difficult needle to thread. You don't want to further fire up the gun lobby and you don't want to criticize your fellow Democrats. So...

If you play it smart; you lay up and say the following: "I support preventing those on the no-fly from being able to purchase weapons."

Of course, most politicians seldom just "leave it there". Donald Rumsfeld was probably the best I ever saw at it. She'll then most likely try to get some jabs in at the GOP or tell a story or do some campaigning. There is no need to do that. She will likely win; the Senate will most likely be in Democrat hands. The bills that got trounced can be pushed through next session.

If the Democrats in the House didn't do this, it doesn't present her with any issue to have to comment upon. Long term loss; short term gain.
As a liberal, I can't disagree with you on this. I admire their mission but their methods are silly, juvenile, and frankly stupid.

So you have no problem having your 2nd, 5th and 6th amendment rights and liberty shit canned? All it would take is a bureaucratic mistake and you can find yourself on the no fly list. Happens to innocent people all the time.


All it would take is a bureaucratic mistake for you to have a warrant issued for your arrest, for you to get audited, find yourself in court for owing child support. The republic survives despite these.

I'm sorry but you're one stupid bitch, all the examples you just cited allow you due process, the no fly list doesn't, you're put on it without notice, and your liberty to travel by air is lost. I don't want to hear the bullshit argument that you can appeal either, the 5th amendment says you can not be denied liberty without due process FIRST. The 6th says you have a right to confront your accusers which is not available to you before your liberty is taken. These sons of bitches swear oaths to support and defend the Constitution, not circumvent it for their convenience.

Simply not true. Persons who have been on the No-Fly mistakenly have been able to get taken off.

Right, Thedoctorsin posted on another thread it took a friend of his 5 years and thousands of dollars. Are you calling one of your fellow regressives a liar? But the main point went right over your pointy little head, the 5th guarantees that you will not be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process, a bureaucrat entering you name on a list is not due process. You want to surrender your rights, feel free to move your ass anywhere you chose, but you have no right to demand that I surrender mine.

Franklin said (and I paraphrase) anyone willing to give liberty for security, deserve neither liberty nor security. So if you think you being smart, think again.

Gee, coming from someone who supports Drumpf's plan to ban an entire religion for "security" that is really rich.

I'm sure Doc is truthful and I'm sure that is the exception. Not the rule.
On CSAPN now….

Oh my goodness….

Crazy Democrats

Yep, the brainless party strikes again. The senate just rejected 4 bills, the ignorant commies in the house are just playing politics.

As a liberal, I can't disagree with you on this. I admire their mission but their methods are silly, juvenile, and frankly stupid.
I can. 8 years of mindless obstruction deserves a gd good protest. Stupid media.

I see your point. A larger conversation is being had though. Now HRC will be asked about this and it's a difficult needle to thread. You don't want to further fire up the gun lobby and you don't want to criticize your fellow Democrats. So...

If you play it smart; you lay up and say the following: "I support preventing those on the no-fly from being able to purchase weapons."

Of course, most politicians seldom just "leave it there". Donald Rumsfeld was probably the best I ever saw at it. She'll then most likely try to get some jabs in at the GOP or tell a story or do some campaigning. There is no need to do that. She will likely win; the Senate will most likely be in Democrat hands. The bills that got trounced can be pushed through next session.

If the Democrats in the House didn't do this, it doesn't present her with any issue to have to comment upon. Long term loss; short term gain.

Funny you should bring up Rumsfeld, he said on Gretta tonight that there is no way he could vote for the hildabitch.
So you have no problem having your 2nd, 5th and 6th amendment rights and liberty shit canned? All it would take is a bureaucratic mistake and you can find yourself on the no fly list. Happens to innocent people all the time.


All it would take is a bureaucratic mistake for you to have a warrant issued for your arrest, for you to get audited, find yourself in court for owing child support. The republic survives despite these.

I'm sorry but you're one stupid bitch, all the examples you just cited allow you due process, the no fly list doesn't, you're put on it without notice, and your liberty to travel by air is lost. I don't want to hear the bullshit argument that you can appeal either, the 5th amendment says you can not be denied liberty without due process FIRST. The 6th says you have a right to confront your accusers which is not available to you before your liberty is taken. These sons of bitches swear oaths to support and defend the Constitution, not circumvent it for their convenience.

Simply not true. Persons who have been on the No-Fly mistakenly have been able to get taken off.

Right, Thedoctorsin posted on another thread it took a friend of his 5 years and thousands of dollars. Are you calling one of your fellow regressives a liar? But the main point went right over your pointy little head, the 5th guarantees that you will not be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process, a bureaucrat entering you name on a list is not due process. You want to surrender your rights, feel free to move your ass anywhere you chose, but you have no right to demand that I surrender mine.

Franklin said (and I paraphrase) anyone willing to give liberty for security, deserve neither liberty nor security. So if you think you being smart, think again.

Gee, coming from someone who supports Drumpf's plan to ban an entire religion for "security" that is really rich.

I'm sure Doc is truthful and I'm sure that is the exception. Not the rule.

Damn child, you're just not paying attention are you, I'm a one issue voter this election, keep the hildabitch away from supreme court nominations. BTW I don't give a shit about foreign nationals, they have no constitutional rights, I'm concerned about the rights of citizens. Many people died to preserve those rights, I spent more than 20 years in uniform to preserve those rights, and you think you have the right to shit on all of us. For what, partisanship, fuck off. You're dismissed.
The liberals knew they would never get their agenda passed as long as it was being pushed from a Democrat. As soon as the hacks on the Right see a D after someone's name, they assume that person can do no right.

Conversely, if they see a R after someone's name, that person can do no wrong.

So, obviously, if you want to get the liberal agenda passed, you need a liberal to change his party registration to Republican. Then all the retards will line up like good little parrots, and follow the huckster into the liberal camp obliviously.

It won't matter to them there is a trail of evidence he is a far left liberal a mile wide.

Post of the thread. That's why I never was too worried about Trump. He's not a damned conservative. Never was, never will be.

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Damn child, you're just not paying attention are you, I'm a one issue voter this election, keep the hildabitch away from supreme court nominations.
Well, you probably already know it but your messiah Trump is going to go down in flames big time so get used to the idea of HRC appointing as many justices as the newly minted Democrat controlled Congress will approve.

BTW I don't give a shit about foreign nationals, they have no constitutional rights, I'm concerned about the rights of citizens. Many people died to preserve those rights, I spent more than 20 years in uniform to preserve those rights, and you think you have the right to shit on all of us.
Thanks for preserving my right to shit on "all of us". I usually use the toilet so the only thing I shit on is the tidy bowl man.

For what, partisanship, fuck off. You're dismissed.

Yeah, whatever loser. The overwhelming majority of people on the no-fly list are there for a good reason. If you can't buy a bazooka because your name shows up there, too fucking bad.
LMAO now that's desperation :laugh:
And it's working.

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The cult of liberalism will be destroyed and wiped from the earth, you people will be lucky to be a footnote.

Yah, otay.

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Also any statues of liberals will have their faces chipped off.

See Mt. Rushmore for how silly that is.
As a liberal, I can't disagree with you on this. I admire their mission but their methods are silly, juvenile, and frankly stupid.

So you have no problem having your 2nd, 5th and 6th amendment rights and liberty shit canned? All it would take is a bureaucratic mistake and you can find yourself on the no fly list. Happens to innocent people all the time.


All it would take is a bureaucratic mistake for you to have a warrant issued for your arrest, for you to get audited, find yourself in court for owing child support. The republic survives despite these.

I'm sorry but you're one stupid bitch, all the examples you just cited allow you due process, the no fly list doesn't, you're put on it without notice, and your liberty to travel by air is lost. I don't want to hear the bullshit argument that you can appeal either, the 5th amendment says you can not be denied liberty without due process FIRST. The 6th says you have a right to confront your accusers which is not available to you before your liberty is taken. These sons of bitches swear oaths to support and defend the Constitution, not circumvent it for their convenience.

Indeed. That is exactly what the ISIS supporter liberals are counting on. Destroy a citizen's right to due process. In other words - tyranny.

It's what these assholes have even about since the 60s.

Put someone on a "watch list" and take every right they have, including due process. These assholes fool no one.

Their "oath" to the Constitution means nothing to a ISIS Supporter who doesn't believe in the Constitution to begin with.

You guys would be the best to know. Afterall, you had no problem with the Orlando shooter, the Sandy Hook Shooter or any other shooter buying as many weapons as his ISIS handlers could afford...right up until they started wasting folks. Then it was someone else's fault...of course (never the shooter).


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