Sit in on the House Floor?

The NRAGOP is a disgrace, and the GOP. This obstruction has been total and mindless. That and the thievery of the GOP, class war by the greedy idiot rich GOP for 35 years- SEE SIG. Protest time! 1970!!
And what would more laws do to stop people like the Orlando shooter?

Don't know....
Sounds like the FBI has some splaining to do though...
But in true Democrat party fashion....

To fix something we need....
To tax more
To spend more....
More regulations...
More restrictions....

Will any of these fix a particular issue....
Because many who supported the recent bills admitted it would have done nothing to stop the Orlando
shooting but they wanted to "do something"....

So the answer from Democrats....
Let's just do something and go home and feel good about ourselves....

I hope they all camp out there and sleepover.

And I hope Ryan has the sergeant at arms remove them in the morning.
I think it would be funny if someone came in with an AR-15 loaded with blanks and fired it off so we could see how fast they haul ass.
And what would more laws do to stop people like the Orlando shooter?

Don't know....
Sounds like the FBI has some splaining to do though...
But in true Democrat party fashion....

To fix something we need....
To tax more
To spend more....
More regulations...
More restrictions....

Will any of these fix a particular issue....
Because many who supported the recent bills admitted it would have done nothing to stop the Orlando
shooting but they wanted to "do something"....

So the answer from Democrats....
Let's just do something and go home and feel good about ourselves....

I hope they all camp out there and sleepover.

And I hope Ryan has the sergeant at arms remove them in the morning.
I think it would be funny if someone came in with an AR-15 loaded with blanks and fired it off so we could see how fast they haul ass.
Very funny, hater dupe. Change the channel. Ay caramba.
They should make this a protest of 8 years of obstruction too. Our media/journalism suqs so bad that the GOP can argue the slow recovery is Obama's fault, not mindless obstruction. Hell, so many believe the Dems controlled congress for 2 years and he passed laws lol...WTH.
The funny thing is of the four bills that failed two were from Democrats two from Republicans that tells me there is bipartisan support not to pass any bills that are nothing more than show and little or no substance.

Yeah...if either side really wanted to do something they could have found a way to make them happy....
This is all....what is the term...

Kabuki dance.
Yup, the last eight years of mindless, total obstruction never happened lol...
And what would more laws do to stop people like the Orlando shooter?

Don't know....
Sounds like the FBI has some splaining to do though...
But in true Democrat party fashion....

To fix something we need....
To tax more
To spend more....
More regulations...
More restrictions....

Will any of these fix a particular issue....
Because many who supported the recent bills admitted it would have done nothing to stop the Orlando
shooting but they wanted to "do something"....

So the answer from Democrats....
Let's just do something and go home and feel good about ourselves....

I hope they all camp out there and sleepover.

And I hope Ryan has the sergeant at arms remove them in the morning.
I think it would be funny if someone came in with an AR-15 loaded with blanks and fired it off so we could see how fast they haul ass.

No, it'd probably kill a couple of them with heart attacks.
On CSAPN now….

Oh my goodness….

Crazy Democrats

Yep, the brainless party strikes again. The senate just rejected 4 bills, the ignorant commies in the house are just playing politics.

As a liberal, I can't disagree with you on this. I admire their mission but their methods are silly, juvenile, and frankly stupid.

See her in the yellow with the crutches? She looks like shes about to go crop dusting with the glasses on her head.
On CSAPN now….

Oh my goodness….

Crazy Democrats

Yep, the brainless party strikes again. The senate just rejected 4 bills, the ignorant commies in the house are just playing politics.

Playing politics is great...everyone does it. Usually not so soon after they got the votes they wanted and their colleagues in the Senate voted it down though...
On CSAPN now….

Oh my goodness….

Crazy Democrats

Yep, the brainless party strikes again. The senate just rejected 4 bills, the ignorant commies in the house are just playing politics.

As a liberal, I can't disagree with you on this. I admire their mission but their methods are silly, juvenile, and frankly stupid.

So you have no problem having your 2nd, 5th and 6th amendment rights and liberty shit canned? All it would take is a bureaucratic mistake and you can find yourself on the no fly list. Happens to innocent people all the time.
92 percent of Americans want tighter background checks.

98% of statistics referenced are made up on the spot. But in g-strings case, it's 100% of statistics referenced are made up.

By the way g-string...100% of the U.S. Constitution's 2nd Amendment could care less what "92% of American's want". Thank God the U.S. Constitution trumps your false statistics and uninformed impulse desires of libtards, uh?
On CSAPN now….

Oh my goodness….

Crazy Democrats

Yep, the brainless party strikes again. The senate just rejected 4 bills, the ignorant commies in the house are just playing politics.

Playing politics is great...everyone does it. Usually not so soon after they got the votes they wanted and their colleagues in the Senate voted it down though...

They got as much a chance at getting a bill through congress as the republicans trying to impeach you dear lead, it ain't gonna happen. And what did you folks say about republicans trying to abolish maobamacare, hypocrite much?
On CSAPN now….

Oh my goodness….

Crazy Democrats

Yep, the brainless party strikes again. The senate just rejected 4 bills, the ignorant commies in the house are just playing politics.

As a liberal, I can't disagree with you on this. I admire their mission but their methods are silly, juvenile, and frankly stupid.

So you have no problem having your 2nd, 5th and 6th amendment rights and liberty shit canned? All it would take is a bureaucratic mistake and you can find yourself on the no fly list. Happens to innocent people all the time.


All it would take is a bureaucratic mistake for you to have a warrant issued for your arrest, for you to get audited, find yourself in court for owing child support. The republic survives despite these.
On CSAPN now….

Oh my goodness….

Crazy Democrats

Yep, the brainless party strikes again. The senate just rejected 4 bills, the ignorant commies in the house are just playing politics.

Playing politics is great...everyone does it. Usually not so soon after they got the votes they wanted and their colleagues in the Senate voted it down though...

They got as much a chance at getting a bill through congress as the republicans trying to impeach you dear lead, it ain't gonna happen. And what did you folks say about republicans trying to abolish maobamacare, hypocrite much?

The GOP was stupid for trying it twice. The Dems are stupid for trying this once.

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