Sit in on the House Floor?

On CSAPN now….

Oh my goodness….

Crazy Democrats

Yes they are running their religious narrative, proving that the far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet.
You're talking about Trump, right?

"I generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on assault weapons and I support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun." - Donald Trump,The America We Deserve


Assault weapons are already banned for all intents and purposes and many states already have waiting periods? Which shooting did that prevent?
You're gonna have to ask Trump.


Join the Friends of Obama like me and Chrissie, won't you? And let's ban some guns.

See how the far left is always wrong!
For those who don't know they are protesting not getting their way on the gun control legislation. They threaten to sit their until they get their way. I hope Hell freezes over first. Doing feel good legislation isn't going to fix whatever problem they pretend to be trying to fix.
They can keep Congress closed for all I care.
Agreed. If congress is closed they can do no further harm to the country
One must wonder if the House Democrats are particularly butthurt as a result of The Donald schlonging Crooked Hillary this morning. They need to take Preparation H and call it a day. :p
I say call the recess for the Summer and then these Libs can just hang out
and do whatever they need to feel better about themselves.

Oh and turn off the lights and AC....
For those who don't know they are protesting not getting their way on the gun control legislation. They threaten to sit their until they get their way. I hope Hell freezes over first. Doing feel good legislation isn't going to fix whatever problem they pretend to be trying to fix.

It's all election year political theater.
The funny thing is of the four bills that failed two were from Democrats two from Republicans that tells me there is bipartisan support not to pass any bills that are nothing more than show and little or no substance.
And what exactly pray tell are the Libs getting all uppity about tonight?
We got word from the Obama administration that the way to stop terrorists is to love them....
Not more gun laws...
The funny thing is of the four bills that failed two were from Democrats two from Republicans that tells me there is bipartisan support not to pass any bills that are nothing more than show and little or no substance.

Yeah...if either side really wanted to do something they could have found a way to make them happy....
This is all....what is the term...

Kabuki dance.
And what would more laws do to stop people like the Orlando shooter?

Don't know....
Sounds like the FBI has some splaining to do though...
But in true Democrat party fashion....

To fix something we need....
To tax more
To spend more....
More regulations...
More restrictions....

Will any of these fix a particular issue....
Because many who supported the recent bills admitted it would have done nothing to stop the Orlando
shooting but they wanted to "do something"....

So the answer from Democrats....
Let's just do something and go home and feel good about ourselves....

I hope they all camp out there and sleepover.

And I hope Ryan has the sergeant at arms remove them in the morning.
What does it say about someone who has had an injustice perpetrated against them who then campaigns to perp it on others?
90% of the country for terrorists not being able to buy assault weapons, but the NRAGOP won't allow it. And no, I don't get the chicanery behind it yet, but chicanery it obviously was, dupes. Very clever, the NRAGOP, that you don't get either, or you wouldn't be its dupes duh lol...

If they're terrorist, give them a trial and if convicted they loose the right to have guns, problem solved, under current law. You ignorant asses are demanding their rights be removed with no due process, that's unconstitutional.
Can you imagine the screams we would hear if it was one of their rights they find important removed??
90% of the country for terrorists not being able to buy assault weapons, but the NRAGOP won't allow it. And no, I don't get the chicanery behind it yet, but chicanery it obviously was, dupes. Very clever, the NRAGOP, that you don't get either, or you wouldn't be its dupes duh lol...

If they're terrorist, give them a trial and if convicted they loose the right to have guns, problem solved, under current law. You ignorant asses are demanding their rights be removed with no due process, that's unconstitutional.

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