Sit in on the House Floor?

On CSAPN now….

Oh my goodness….

Crazy Democrats

Yes they are running their religious narrative, proving that the far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet.
You're talking about Trump, right?

"I generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on assault weapons and I support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun." - Donald Trump,The America We Deserve

On CSAPN now….

Oh my goodness….

Crazy Democrats

Yes they are running their religious narrative, proving that the far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet.
You're talking about Trump, right?

"I generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on assault weapons and I support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun." - Donald Trump,The America We Deserve


Talking about you far left drones and your religion worse than ISIS..

See how these drones run their debunked religious narratives at all costs.
On CSAPN now….

Oh my goodness….

Crazy Democrats

Yes they are running their religious narrative, proving that the far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet.
You're talking about Trump, right?

"I generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on assault weapons and I support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun." - Donald Trump,The America We Deserve


Talking about you far left drones and your religion worse than ISIS..

See how these drones run their debunked religious narratives at all costs.
So you ARE talking about Trump!
On CSAPN now….

Oh my goodness….

Crazy Democrats

Yes they are running their religious narrative, proving that the far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet.
You're talking about Trump, right?

"I generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on assault weapons and I support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun." - Donald Trump,The America We Deserve

And the point you are trying to make is what?
Trump is a Great American who will Make America Great Again by banning assault weapons. We must unseat the great Satan, the eunuch, Lyin Paul Ryan the RINO who is blocking these measures supported by 92 percent of America and Donald Trump.

On CSAPN now….

Oh my goodness….

Crazy Democrats

Yes they are running their religious narrative, proving that the far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet.
You're talking about Trump, right?

"I generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on assault weapons and I support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun." - Donald Trump,The America We Deserve


Talking about you far left drones and your religion worse than ISIS..

See how these drones run their debunked religious narratives at all costs.
So you ARE talking about Trump!

Are you Trump?
Trump is a Great American who will Make America Great Again by banning assault weapons. We must unseat the great Satan, the eunuch, Lyin Paul Ryan who is blocking these measures supported by 92 percent of America and Donald Trump.

Yes we know you far left drones want feel good legislation that does nothing..
We must elect the very pro choice, Impeach Bush, ban assault weapons, enact universal health care, champion of all time: Donald Trump. He is a True Conservative and the only American on the ballot.

He will give us "the America we deserve", just like his book says.
92 percent of Americans, including the most awesome greatest patriot Donald Trump, want tighter background checks. Donald Trump wants to Make America Great Again with more gun control measures, including an assault weapons ban.

Limp dick traitor RINOs like Paul Ryan are defeating these measures and standing in the way of the WILL OF THE PEOPLE.

We need to support Donald Trump and his heroic stand to keep these cowardly RINOs like Paul Ryan from getting more Americans killed.

David Jolly wants to give due process to people ... - Tampa Bay Times
President Obama spoke for Donald Trump. So says Trump. Anyone who disagrees with President Obama's gun control measures, therefore, is a far left drone like Paul Ryan.


We must elect the very pro choice, Impeach Bush, ban assault weapons, enact universal health care, champion of all time: Donald Trump. He is a True Conservative and the only American on the ballot.

He will give us "the America we deserve", just like his book says.

See how the far left will run their religious narratives at all costs, they still think Bush is president!
President Obama spoke for Donald Trump. So says Trump. Anyone who disagrees with President Obama's gun control measures, therefore, is a far left drone.

Like Paul Ryan.

And the far left spin machine runs on full cycle at all times..

You are far left drone, deal with it!
92 percent of Americans, including the most awesome greatest patriot Donald Trump, want tighter background checks. Donald Trump wants to Make America Great Again with more gun control measures, including an assault weapons ban.

Limp dick traitor RINOs like Paul Ryan are defeating these measures and standing in the way of the WILL OF THE PEOPLE.

We need to support Donald Trump and his heroic stand to keep these cowardly RINOs like Paul Ryan from getting more Americans killed.

David Jolly wants to give due process to people ... - Tampa Bay Times

Yes the far left was all about Due Process until 2009, now they could care less.
President Obama spoke for Donald Trump. So says Trump. Anyone who disagrees with President Obama's gun control measures, therefore, is a far left drone like Paul Ryan.



What is wrong with having a due process clause in the law? It protects the individuals who were placed on the no-fly by mistake.
What they are going to hold their breathe until they get their way.
Time for them to wither and die. They are just Worthless POS.
92 percent of Americans, including the most awesome greatest patriot Donald Trump, want tighter background checks. Donald Trump wants to Make America Great Again with more gun control measures, including an assault weapons ban.

Limp dick traitor RINOs like Paul Ryan are defeating these measures and standing in the way of the WILL OF THE PEOPLE.

We need to support Donald Trump and his heroic stand to keep these cowardly RINOs like Paul Ryan from getting more Americans killed.

David Jolly wants to give due process to people ... - Tampa Bay Times

Yes the far left was all about Due Process until 2009, now they could care less.

If you were placed on a no-fly list by mistake, would you want your day in court?
President Obama spoke for Donald Trump. So says Trump. Anyone who disagrees with President Obama's gun control measures, therefore, is a far left drone.

Like Paul Ryan.

And the far left spin machine runs on full cycle at all times..
I know! The drones like Ryan are standing in Trump's way! Ryan is a traitor who is going to get more Americans killed by blocking this legislation Obama-Trump want.

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