Six Flags Visitor Thrown From Roller Coaster And Killed

As many regulations as they have, they don't have the one they need which is the one that says "you are too fat for this ride".

It's downright comical that airlines can charge the obese more or even keep them from a plane. Ambulances need to be redesigned to accommodate the morbidly obese, but a ride that goes upside down at 100 miles an hour is perfectly safe for fat asses because it would hurt their feelings to be told no.

This is just insanity.

Have you seen the double wide chairs in hospital and clinic waiting rooms and treatment rooms. Next trip to Vandy, I must remember to take a pic of one. And now they also have double wide wheelchairs. And people wonder why diabetes is rampant. Of course, the libs will never hold the one holding the fork accountable. It's ALWAYS someone else who inflicted the fat on the person and now discriminates against them for being fat.

You are right, though, it usually is a very obese person who gets thrown from the ride.

do tell us why diabetes is rampant and how all fat people are diabetic...o wait they are not..and how all diabetics are fat people...o wait they are not...and of course those children with t1 its all their fault, right? there are not fit people with diabetes? according to your logic..which is wrong...

do enlighten us....
As many regulations as they have, they don't have the one they need which is the one that says "you are too fat for this ride".

It's downright comical that airlines can charge the obese more or even keep them from a plane. Ambulances need to be redesigned to accommodate the morbidly obese, but a ride that goes upside down at 100 miles an hour is perfectly safe for fat asses because it would hurt their feelings to be told no.

This is just insanity.

Have you seen the double wide chairs in hospital and clinic waiting rooms and treatment rooms. Next trip to Vandy, I must remember to take a pic of one. And now they also have double wide wheelchairs. And people wonder why diabetes is rampant. Of course, the libs will never hold the one holding the fork accountable. It's ALWAYS someone else who inflicted the fat on the person and now discriminates against them for being fat.

You are right, though, it usually is a very obese person who gets thrown from the ride.

do tell us why diabetes is rampant and how all fat people are diabetic...o wait they are not..and how all diabetics are fat people...o wait they are not...and of course those children with t1 its all their fault, right? there are not fit people with diabetes? according to your logic..which is wrong...

do enlighten us....

You are such a fucking retard. I did not say any of that as anyone with two brain cells (that you don't have) can tell. But since you asked, and since you are too dim witted to look it up yourself here is a little tidbit from the CDC.

A Codependent Relationship: Diabetes & Obesity

According to the Center for Disease Control, we are eating ourselves into a diabetes epidemic. The International Diabetes Foundation (IDF) says that, “Diabetes and obesity are the biggest public health challenge of the 21st century.” The supporting statistics they cite are staggering:
As of 1999, diabetes affected 16 million (six percent) of Americans – an increase of 40 percent in just ten years.

•During the same period, the obesity rate climbed from 12 percent to almost 20 percent.
•Last year the diabetes and obesity rates increased 6 percent and 57 percent.
•Every three seconds, someone is diagnosed with diabetes.
•Of the children born in 2000, one in three will eventually develop diabetes.

Although both diabetes and obesity risk factors are often associated with race, age, and family history, it’s becoming more and more clear that the conveniences of modern life also contribute to the development of both diseases. For example, sedentary lifestyles (reduced physical activity) and the popularity of high fat, high energy diets (think “Super Size Me”) and convenient foods are known to lead to obesity – but do they also cause diabetes?

Is There a Link Between Obesity and Diabetes?
Of the people diagnosed with type II diabetes, about 80 to 90 percent are also diagnosed as obese. This fact provides an interesting clue to the link between diabetes and obesity. Understanding what causes the disease will hopefully allow us to prevent diabetes in the future.

Being overweight places extra stress on your body in a variety of ways, including your body’s ability to maintain proper blood glucose levels. In fact, being overweight can cause your body to become resistant to insulin. If you already have diabetes, this means you will need to take even more insulin to get sugar into your cells. And if you don’t have diabetes, the prolonged effects of the insulin resistance can eventually cause you to develop the disease.

Diabetes and Obesity: Explore the Relationship Between Obesity and Diabetes
"The Genetic Landscape of Diabetes" introduces the reader to what diabetes is—from its discovery thousands of years ago to our modern-day understanding of how this disease, characterized by high blood sugar, develops.

The first chapter provides calculators that help you calculate your ideal body weight and BMI. Animated maps of the United States show the rise in obesity and diabetes.

Other chapters guide the reader through the genetic variations that may play roles in type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and other types. The genes discussed encode proteins that have diverse functions in cells—from transcription factors that influence the expression of other genes, to ion channels that control the release of insulin, from transporters that pump glucose into cells, to enzymes that speed up the break down of glucose.

The book closes with "NIH lectures"—videos of some of the most recent lectures given by researchers who have been invited to the NIH to discuss obesity and diabetes.

The Genetic Landscape of Diabetes - NCBI Bookshelf

there are many factors that influence this disease....and many unexplained elements

if it were simply being obese then gastric bypass would cure all t2 and it would not reoccur but it does...

hopefully they will find out what bacteria causes the 'cure' after gastric bypass
you just continue to spread ignorance

You can call the CDC 'ignorant' if you want. I really don't give a shit what you think. You are one of the most mentally challenged posters on here. Those of us who actually work/worked in health care know reputable sources for statistics. The correlation is there, and you can use your loosie goosie research site, which has proven nothing all you want.
The ride operator should not have let her ride if her size was preventing the safety mechanisms from working.

That is illegal. It is discrimination. Think about it. There are no discounts given to fat people even though they might not be able to ride some of the rides in a given park, but they still have to pay the same as a thin person able to get on every ride. Small children DO get a discount because it is understood that they can't ride every ride.

It is not up to the ride operator, who is usually a kid, to make these kinds of judgment calls. There has to be an objective standard. Especially since the fatties themselves can't make that decision.

Nonsense. It is legal discrimination when there is a good reason for it. Do you think it is illegal discrimination to prohibit children from buying alcohol or firearms or driving a car? Where did you get the idea that children get a discount because they can't ride every ride?

Ohhh well, if you think there should be an actual LAW prohibiting fat people from trying to shoehorn themselves into these rides, sure there should be. Now try to pass one.

There are two incontrovertible facts. Amusement parks like Six Flags, Disneyland, Magic Mountain ALL have ticket prices that reflect "adults" and "children" usually under 12. The larger rides have poles a stand and a sign that say "if you are not as tall as this sign, you may not ride". This might have some impact on midgets and dwarves but it hasn't really come up.
That is illegal. It is discrimination. Think about it. There are no discounts given to fat people even though they might not be able to ride some of the rides in a given park, but they still have to pay the same as a thin person able to get on every ride. Small children DO get a discount because it is understood that they can't ride every ride.

It is not up to the ride operator, who is usually a kid, to make these kinds of judgment calls. There has to be an objective standard. Especially since the fatties themselves can't make that decision.

Nonsense. It is legal discrimination when there is a good reason for it. Do you think it is illegal discrimination to prohibit children from buying alcohol or firearms or driving a car? Where did you get the idea that children get a discount because they can't ride every ride?

Might wanna listen to your own rantings...............children get a discount PRECISELY because they can't ride every ride.

Really? Where exactly is that stated? Is that the same reason children get a discount at the movies or a baseball game?
That is illegal. It is discrimination. Think about it. There are no discounts given to fat people even though they might not be able to ride some of the rides in a given park, but they still have to pay the same as a thin person able to get on every ride. Small children DO get a discount because it is understood that they can't ride every ride.

It is not up to the ride operator, who is usually a kid, to make these kinds of judgment calls. There has to be an objective standard. Especially since the fatties themselves can't make that decision.

Nonsense. It is legal discrimination when there is a good reason for it. Do you think it is illegal discrimination to prohibit children from buying alcohol or firearms or driving a car? Where did you get the idea that children get a discount because they can't ride every ride?

Ohhh well, if you think there should be an actual LAW prohibiting fat people from trying to shoehorn themselves into these rides, sure there should be. Now try to pass one.

There are two incontrovertible facts. Amusement parks like Six Flags, Disneyland, Magic Mountain ALL have ticket prices that reflect "adults" and "children" usually under 12. The larger rides have poles a stand and a sign that say "if you are not as tall as this sign, you may not ride". This might have some impact on midgets and dwarves but it hasn't really come up.

You're missing the point. If someone's weight makes it unsafe for that person or others, then discriminating against them is not illegal. If I turn down a person applying for a job as a bus driver because he is blind, am I discriminating against him? Yes. Is it illegal? No.
Nonsense. It is legal discrimination when there is a good reason for it. Do you think it is illegal discrimination to prohibit children from buying alcohol or firearms or driving a car? Where did you get the idea that children get a discount because they can't ride every ride?

Ohhh well, if you think there should be an actual LAW prohibiting fat people from trying to shoehorn themselves into these rides, sure there should be. Now try to pass one.

There are two incontrovertible facts. Amusement parks like Six Flags, Disneyland, Magic Mountain ALL have ticket prices that reflect "adults" and "children" usually under 12. The larger rides have poles a stand and a sign that say "if you are not as tall as this sign, you may not ride". This might have some impact on midgets and dwarves but it hasn't really come up.

You're missing the point. If someone's weight makes it unsafe for that person or others, then discriminating against them is not illegal. If I turn down a person applying for a job as a bus driver because he is blind, am I discriminating against him? Yes. Is it illegal? No.

If you think that overweight people should not have a cause of action to sue amusement parks for denying them a seat on a ride they are too fat to ride, I fully agree with you. We just don't have that today. What we have are people who have a right to complain for discrimination because an operator humiliated them in public.

Woman Kicked Off Coaster Because She Is Too Fat |

Kenlie Tiggeman, Southwest's 'Too Fat To Fly' Passenger, Sues Airline (VIDEO)

Some ride operator, usually a kid without the best judgment in the world, is supposed to know when someone is of "unique" body proportions? Or, are they just using it as an excuse to be hurtful? Whatever it is, fat riders are a deadly problem for these amusement parks and someone will have to figure it out.
Ohhh well, if you think there should be an actual LAW prohibiting fat people from trying to shoehorn themselves into these rides, sure there should be. Now try to pass one.

There are two incontrovertible facts. Amusement parks like Six Flags, Disneyland, Magic Mountain ALL have ticket prices that reflect "adults" and "children" usually under 12. The larger rides have poles a stand and a sign that say "if you are not as tall as this sign, you may not ride". This might have some impact on midgets and dwarves but it hasn't really come up.

You're missing the point. If someone's weight makes it unsafe for that person or others, then discriminating against them is not illegal. If I turn down a person applying for a job as a bus driver because he is blind, am I discriminating against him? Yes. Is it illegal? No.

If you think that overweight people should not have a cause of action to sue amusement parks for denying them a seat on a ride they are too fat to ride, I fully agree with you. We just don't have that today. What we have are people who have a right to complain for discrimination because an operator humiliated them in public.

Woman Kicked Off Coaster Because She Is Too Fat |

Kenlie Tiggeman, Southwest's 'Too Fat To Fly' Passenger, Sues Airline (VIDEO)

Some ride operator, usually a kid without the best judgment in the world, is supposed to know when someone is of "unique" body proportions? Or, are they just using it as an excuse to be hurtful? Whatever it is, fat riders are a deadly problem for these amusement parks and someone will have to figure it out.

Unfortunately, our justice system allows people to file lawsuits that would never win on the merits but file them anyway because they know a settlement is cheaper for the defendant than a trial. Airlines have to keep track of the weight of everything on a plane to allow it to get off the ground and since they can't weigh every passenger, they assume a maximum weight for the average person. If one passenger exceeds that weight on a full plane, then for the safety of the other passengers, they have to be allowed to prohibit that person from flying. Safety takes priority over a passengers hurt feelings.

Why don't airlines ask for passenger's weight? -

I agree that a high school kid operating a ride for minimum wage is not the person who should be making that judgment call but someone has to.
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You're missing the point. If someone's weight makes it unsafe for that person or others, then discriminating against them is not illegal. If I turn down a person applying for a job as a bus driver because he is blind, am I discriminating against him? Yes. Is it illegal? No.

If you think that overweight people should not have a cause of action to sue amusement parks for denying them a seat on a ride they are too fat to ride, I fully agree with you. We just don't have that today. What we have are people who have a right to complain for discrimination because an operator humiliated them in public.

Woman Kicked Off Coaster Because She Is Too Fat |

Kenlie Tiggeman, Southwest's 'Too Fat To Fly' Passenger, Sues Airline (VIDEO)

Some ride operator, usually a kid without the best judgment in the world, is supposed to know when someone is of "unique" body proportions? Or, are they just using it as an excuse to be hurtful? Whatever it is, fat riders are a deadly problem for these amusement parks and someone will have to figure it out.

Unfortunately, our justice system allows people to file lawsuits that would never win on the merits but file them anyway because they know a settlement is cheaper for the defendant than a trial. Airlines have to keep track of the weight of everything on a plane to allow it to get off the ground and since they can't weigh every passenger, they assume a maximum weight for the average person. If one passenger exceeds that weight on a full plane, then for the safety of the other passengers, they have to be allowed to prohibit that person from flying. Safety takes priority over a passengers hurt feelings.

Why don't airlines ask for passenger's weight? -

I agree that a high school kid operating a ride for minimum wage is not the person who should be making that judgment call but someone has to.

Obviously someone has to. The fault isn't with the ride, or with regulations governing the ride. The fault is allowing grossly obese people on the rides to begin with.
Six Flags Visitor Thrown From Roller Coaster And Killed ? Consumerist


Texasss don't need no regulations.

I wonder if they'll expect the fed govt (taxpayers)to fix this mess too.

Wow you hit a NEW low and this proves your short-sighted scumbagness non-concern for life.

First, it was negligence on the worker that caused this and not a lack of regulation. The worker is supposed to inspect every ride. He didn't do his job and a woman is dead. It had nothing to do with some pie in the sky safety law (which TEXAS has). See the law attached; it's VERY STRICT you uneducated douche bag!


Second, do you know how many rides are partaken each day, each year, since it's inception? Countless and this is the first one in god knows how long? It was a freak occurrence with dire consequences. Great America will pay dearly and should pay dearly.

However, for you to use this as an excuse to bash Texas is just shameful and moronic. You make it like no accidents happen in liberal baske-tcase California.

As recently as 2003 a man was killed (and a handful other were injured) in DISNEYLAND, that is California small fry!

Man killed in roller coaster accident at Disneyland
One man was killed and at least 10 others injured after an accident at Disneyland's Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. Cars from a train rolled back off a lift and into a safety brake. Authorities set up a triage area near the ride, located in the Frontierland section of the park. One woman was seriously injured with facial lacerations.
You know...............Gabriel Iglesias (a well known comic known as "fluffy") has done a bit on this.

And...................he stated how fat people should ask for every last click they can get out of the bars that hold them in for the ride.

Fluffy has ridden many roller coasters (at least according to his act), and hasn't been thrown off and killed yet.

The ride operator was negligent and should be held to account.

You're missing the point. If someone's weight makes it unsafe for that person or others, then discriminating against them is not illegal. If I turn down a person applying for a job as a bus driver because he is blind, am I discriminating against him? Yes. Is it illegal? No.

If you think that overweight people should not have a cause of action to sue amusement parks for denying them a seat on a ride they are too fat to ride, I fully agree with you. We just don't have that today. What we have are people who have a right to complain for discrimination because an operator humiliated them in public.

Woman Kicked Off Coaster Because She Is Too Fat |

Kenlie Tiggeman, Southwest's 'Too Fat To Fly' Passenger, Sues Airline (VIDEO)

Some ride operator, usually a kid without the best judgment in the world, is supposed to know when someone is of "unique" body proportions? Or, are they just using it as an excuse to be hurtful? Whatever it is, fat riders are a deadly problem for these amusement parks and someone will have to figure it out.

Unfortunately, our justice system allows people to file lawsuits that would never win on the merits but file them anyway because they know a settlement is cheaper for the defendant than a trial. Airlines have to keep track of the weight of everything on a plane to allow it to get off the ground and since they can't weigh every passenger, they assume a maximum weight for the average person. If one passenger exceeds that weight on a full plane, then for the safety of the other passengers, they have to be allowed to prohibit that person from flying. Safety takes priority over a passengers hurt feelings.

Why don't airlines ask for passenger's weight? -

I agree that a high school kid operating a ride for minimum wage is not the person who should be making that judgment call but someone has to.

Weight is an issue with the airlines and has been for some time now. I'm not sure if they are currently requiring the obese to pay for two seats or not. But there was talk of that for a while. I do know that they have at least one accommodation for them as I rode next to one from Nashville to New York in 2009. She took up her whole seat and half of mine. I thought I would suffocate before we got there. The seatbelt wouldn't go around her so they gave her an extension for it.

I was so uncomfortable during that flight that I thought of asking for a portion of my money back. I couldn't move because the flight was full, but would have gladly done so.
Leave it to the left to try to make a political issue out of it. How about Wally world? Between 05 and 08 4 deaths and 19 injuries. A monorail driver was killed in 09, a Pirate was killed in 09. Eight people injured in a bus crash in 10 An electrician killed in 10 and a worker servicing a roller coaster was struck and killed. Not to mention the serial molesters that Disney employs. In 2011 a Disney employee was filmed molesting an 11 year old in an elevator on a Disney cruise line.
Leave it to the left to try to make a political issue out of it. How about Wally world? Between 05 and 08 4 deaths and 19 injuries. A monorail driver was killed in 09, a Pirate was killed in 09. Eight people injured in a bus crash in 10 An electrician killed in 10 and a worker servicing a roller coaster was struck and killed. Not to mention the serial molesters that Disney employs. In 2011 a Disney employee was filmed molesting an 11 year old in an elevator on a Disney cruise line.

Don't forget the woman who was killed by Orca.
Nonsense. It is legal discrimination when there is a good reason for it. Do you think it is illegal discrimination to prohibit children from buying alcohol or firearms or driving a car? Where did you get the idea that children get a discount because they can't ride every ride?

Ohhh well, if you think there should be an actual LAW prohibiting fat people from trying to shoehorn themselves into these rides, sure there should be. Now try to pass one.

There are two incontrovertible facts. Amusement parks like Six Flags, Disneyland, Magic Mountain ALL have ticket prices that reflect "adults" and "children" usually under 12. The larger rides have poles a stand and a sign that say "if you are not as tall as this sign, you may not ride". This might have some impact on midgets and dwarves but it hasn't really come up.

You're missing the point. If someone's weight makes it unsafe for that person or others, then discriminating against them is not illegal. If I turn down a person applying for a job as a bus driver because he is blind, am I discriminating against him? Yes. Is it illegal? No.

You are conflating two unlike things. Try this one. A fat person walks into your restaurant, can you refuse to serve them because in your opinion they are too fat to eat your magnificent pizza.
Ohhh well, if you think there should be an actual LAW prohibiting fat people from trying to shoehorn themselves into these rides, sure there should be. Now try to pass one.

There are two incontrovertible facts. Amusement parks like Six Flags, Disneyland, Magic Mountain ALL have ticket prices that reflect "adults" and "children" usually under 12. The larger rides have poles a stand and a sign that say "if you are not as tall as this sign, you may not ride". This might have some impact on midgets and dwarves but it hasn't really come up.

You're missing the point. If someone's weight makes it unsafe for that person or others, then discriminating against them is not illegal. If I turn down a person applying for a job as a bus driver because he is blind, am I discriminating against him? Yes. Is it illegal? No.

You are conflating two unlike things. Try this one. A fat person walks into your restaurant, can you refuse to serve them because in your opinion they are too fat to eat your magnificent pizza.

No, my example demonstrated someone being discriminated against for reasons very relevant to the task at hand. If I turn down the bus driver because he is Jewish, that is illegal because his religion has nothing to do with his ability to perform the task. His blindness does so that is legal.
If you think that overweight people should not have a cause of action to sue amusement parks for denying them a seat on a ride they are too fat to ride, I fully agree with you. We just don't have that today. What we have are people who have a right to complain for discrimination because an operator humiliated them in public.

Woman Kicked Off Coaster Because She Is Too Fat |

Kenlie Tiggeman, Southwest's 'Too Fat To Fly' Passenger, Sues Airline (VIDEO)

Some ride operator, usually a kid without the best judgment in the world, is supposed to know when someone is of "unique" body proportions? Or, are they just using it as an excuse to be hurtful? Whatever it is, fat riders are a deadly problem for these amusement parks and someone will have to figure it out.

Unfortunately, our justice system allows people to file lawsuits that would never win on the merits but file them anyway because they know a settlement is cheaper for the defendant than a trial. Airlines have to keep track of the weight of everything on a plane to allow it to get off the ground and since they can't weigh every passenger, they assume a maximum weight for the average person. If one passenger exceeds that weight on a full plane, then for the safety of the other passengers, they have to be allowed to prohibit that person from flying. Safety takes priority over a passengers hurt feelings.

Why don't airlines ask for passenger's weight? -

I agree that a high school kid operating a ride for minimum wage is not the person who should be making that judgment call but someone has to.

Weight is an issue with the airlines and has been for some time now. I'm not sure if they are currently requiring the obese to pay for two seats or not. But there was talk of that for a while. I do know that they have at least one accommodation for them as I rode next to one from Nashville to New York in 2009. She took up her whole seat and half of mine. I thought I would suffocate before we got there. The seatbelt wouldn't go around her so they gave her an extension for it.

I was so uncomfortable during that flight that I thought of asking for a portion of my money back. I couldn't move because the flight was full, but would have gladly done so.

They have to weigh the benefit of pleasing one customer if doing so pisses off another customer. I would have complained. It's bad enough to be crammed into those tiny seats like cattle (I'm 6'1" and have bad knees) but when you have someone encroaching on your tiny seat, then you're not getting what you paid for.

That brings up two pet peeves concerning the airlines.

When I am wedged into an economy seat, I get pissed off when the passenger in front of me reclines his seat into my face. Anyone else feel the same way? I never recline my seat unless the seat behind me is empty.

Another dumbass practice that pisses me off is when they are loading the plane, they load from front to back so that the first passengers getting settled are standing in the aisle and blocking everyone else. Why don't they load from back to front to avoid that problem and save time? Doesn't that make more sense? The only reason I can see for doing it the way they do is to show preferential treatment to the first class passengers who would probably get pissed off if they had to wait for the peons in economy to board first.

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