Six months paid maternity leave for everyone! Then, maternity leave for non-parents too!

ALSO with small businesses required to pay maternity leave, they may just forfeit hiring child bearing age women? I know that is not EOA but how can they all be monitored and checked?
Yes, treating our fellow human beings with respect and compassion is so damn outrageous. There's bleepin money to be made dammit!!. USA! USA! USA!

You damn right.


The four corporations that I have worked for in my lifetime all gave the mother 6 weeks PAID Maternity leave and the last Corp gave the fathers 2 weeks as was no money out of the company's pocket, it was built in to the price of the products we manufactured or acquired, and sold...pennies if even that on the item price when you figure how few women that worked for the company and got pregnant...and how many items we sold a year....

The negatives on a basic maternity benefit comes with tiny/small mom and pop businesses, who are unable to sell a lot of items/merchandise to spread the cost of maternity benefits, and making the price of the mom and pop's goods not competitive enough to sell them at the same turn rate...basically pricing them out of the market, that they were already close to being priced out of due to not being able to buy bulk discounted goods out of China, Viet Man, Indonesia, Mexico, Brazil, Korea, the Philippines, Taiwan etc that the corps I worked for or the Wal-Mart's of the world can do.

Well, so much for the Morality aspect... it's only a good idea if you can afford it? According to some on this board, that shouldn't matter. You know, nutters like Paulie. Everyone is obligated to suffer so someone else is comfy.
ALSO with small businesses required to pay maternity leave, they may just forfeit hiring child bearing age women? I know that is not EOA but how can they all be monitored and checked?

They can't. It's the law of unintended consequences.
You white Republican dudes really are just scared, greedy, hateful people. You're not 'Good Christians.' You rarely practice Jesus Christ's teachings. That's the sad truth.

I know what you mean.





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Yes, treating our fellow human beings with respect and compassion is so damn outrageous. We don't need to become an enlightened compassionate species. We just need to continue hating each other and treating each other as badly as possible. So to hell with the babies and their parents. There's bleepin money to be made dammit!!. USA! USA! USA!
Not the point. And you once again expose yourself as a fake. By virtue of your support of a government mandated paid leave, you expose yourself as a fake. You're not Libertarian, as you claim to be
Yes, treating our fellow human beings with respect and compassion is so damn outrageous. We don't need to become an enlightened compassionate species. We just need to continue hating each other and treating each other as badly as possible. So to hell with the babies and their parents. There's bleepin money to be made dammit!!. USA! USA! USA!

You're damned right. She needs to be clocking back in 24 hours after that baby is crowning.

Can't tell whether you're joking or not. But most greedy white Republican dudes do pretty much feel that way. Why be respectful and compassionate to our fellow human beings? That shit's just insane. We need to continue to hate and abuse our fellow human beings. That makes much more sense.
Yeas. ALL employers are greedy white guys.
What a schmuck
But most greedy white Republican dudes do pretty much feel that way.

Oh, bull fucking shit! Nobody has ever denied the need for parental leave subsequent to having a baby. The problem is that morons like you are demanding that businesses be legally forced to provide unreasonable amounts of leave, and that they pay individuals who are on leave. Which is absolute horse shit!

Hey, if a company chooses to offer 12 months of paid parental leave as a benefit to its employees, then by all means go right ahead. But there's no fucking justification to legislatively mandate it.

Right wingers really are primitive, greedy, miserly and regressive.

The smart economics of Norway’s parental leave, and why the U.S. should consider it

The smart economics of Norway’s parental leave, and why the U.S. should consider it

""""In Norway, parents are entitled to 46 weeks at full salary, or 56 weeks at 80 percent pay. In France, I had four months of paid maternity leave, plus an additional paid month for breastfeeding (not to mention the nice cheese selection in the maternity ward and the fully-covered ‘re-education’ sessions for my nether regions). Both Norway and France also offer highly-subsidized early child care.

Had I stayed at my federal government job in Washington, D.C., I would have had zero paid maternity leave. I would have had to apply for “disability” pay – capped at four weeks, and unpaid. What incentive did this provide for me to start my family in my mother country?

A report on the State of the World’s Mothers notes that the U.S. has the “least generous maternity leave policy of any wealthy nation.” American women are resigning in numbers that far outpace men, in part for reasons of motherhood. Where is the best place to be a mother? Not the U.S.""""

Norway's standard of living compared to other countries? Top ten regardless of which source you refer to.
Standard of Living by Country

Sadly, i tend to agree for the most part. They live out the ugliest of human nature behavior. For them, helping a fellow human being = 'Evil Communism.' They're scared, greedy, hateful souls.

Yet most greedy white Republican dudes consider themselves 'Good Christians.' But they rarely live Jesus Christ's teachings. Helping our Mothers and Fathers actually advances humanity as a whole. Our children are our future.

I don't recall Jesus promulgating the idea that employers are obligated to pay people to sit home and raise their children.

You should read up on the old Buddhist saying about teaching people to fish.
"Sit home and raise your children"
I'm guessing you're a guy? The first four months after giving birth were the most exhausted I've ever been in my life. Sleep? Sure, for maybe four hours at a time, if you're lucky. The first month or two I had one hell of a sore ass, a five week long period, serious anemia, and breasts too tender to touch, as well. You have a mewling, puking infant tied to your hip for every quick trip to the store, the laundromat, whatever. So you don't go out much. Being a mom is a very special thing, but I can't imagine trying to drag myself back to work in order to pay the bills during those first few months. Whoever wrote that OP calling for Meternity Time has no idea what she's talking about. Neither do people who think maternity leave is to "sit home" at your leisure, having a 'vacation.' Giving birth and caring for a newborn IS work. A lot of work. We all started out as newborns with someone who took the time to care for us. Perhaps it's time our society placed some sort of value on that. Maybe not as much as Norway--we don't want to pay Norway's taxes. Just value newborns and their caretakers some way.
Yes, treating our fellow human beings with respect and compassion is so damn outrageous. We don't need to become an enlightened compassionate species. We just need to continue hating each other and treating each other as badly as possible. So to hell with the babies and their parents. There's bleepin money to be made dammit!!. USA! USA! USA!

You're damned right. She needs to be clocking back in 24 hours after that baby is crowning.

Can't tell whether you're joking or not. But most greedy white Republican dudes do pretty much feel that way. Why be respectful and compassionate to our fellow human beings? That shit's just insane. We need to continue to hate and abuse our fellow human beings. That makes much more sense.
Yeas. ALL employers are greedy white guys.
What a schmuck

He's got the biggest entitlement mentality I've ever witnessed. He's also very bitter.
Maternity Leaves are usually unpaid leaves. All the businesses are doing, is promising not to fire the Mother. And it took years of bitter fighting to get them to agree to that. Very few if any businesses pay for Maternity Leaves.

It would be nice if we could evolve as a species and start showing our Mothers & Fathers some respect and compassion. But i know humanity as a whole, isn't ready for that. Hate & greed still rule humanity. Maybe someday we'll change though.
You are so busy throwing out the term "hate" it is apparent you have no understanding of the meaning of the word
But most greedy white Republican dudes do pretty much feel that way.

Oh, bull fucking shit! Nobody has ever denied the need for parental leave subsequent to having a baby. The problem is that morons like you are demanding that businesses be legally forced to provide unreasonable amounts of leave, and that they pay individuals who are on leave. Which is absolute horse shit!

Hey, if a company chooses to offer 12 months of paid parental leave as a benefit to its employees, then by all means go right ahead. But there's no fucking justification to legislatively mandate it.

Right wingers really are primitive, greedy, miserly and regressive.

The smart economics of Norway’s parental leave, and why the U.S. should consider it

The smart economics of Norway’s parental leave, and why the U.S. should consider it

""""In Norway, parents are entitled to 46 weeks at full salary, or 56 weeks at 80 percent pay. In France, I had four months of paid maternity leave, plus an additional paid month for breastfeeding (not to mention the nice cheese selection in the maternity ward and the fully-covered ‘re-education’ sessions for my nether regions). Both Norway and France also offer highly-subsidized early child care.

Had I stayed at my federal government job in Washington, D.C., I would have had zero paid maternity leave. I would have had to apply for “disability” pay – capped at four weeks, and unpaid. What incentive did this provide for me to start my family in my mother country?

A report on the State of the World’s Mothers notes that the U.S. has the “least generous maternity leave policy of any wealthy nation.” American women are resigning in numbers that far outpace men, in part for reasons of motherhood. Where is the best place to be a mother? Not the U.S.""""

Norway's standard of living compared to other countries? Top ten regardless of which source you refer to.
Standard of Living by Country

Sadly, i tend to agree for the most part. They live out the ugliest of human nature behavior. For them, helping a fellow human being = 'Evil Communism.' They're scared, greedy, hateful souls.

Yet most greedy white Republican dudes consider themselves 'Good Christians.' But they rarely live Jesus Christ's teachings. Helping our Mothers and Fathers actually advances humanity as a whole. Our children are our future.

I don't recall Jesus promulgating the idea that employers are obligated to pay people to sit home and raise their children.

You should read up on the old Buddhist saying about teaching people to fish.
"Sit home and raise your children"
I'm guessing you're a guy? The first four months after giving birth were the most exhausted I've ever been in my life. Sleep? Sure, for maybe four hours at a time, if you're lucky. The first month or two I had one hell of a sore ass, a five week long period, serious anemia, and breasts too tender to touch, as well. You have a mewling, puking infant tied to your hip for every quick trip to the store, the laundromat, whatever. So you don't go out much. Being a mom is a very special thing, but I can't imagine trying to drag myself back to work in order to pay the bills during those first few months. Whoever wrote that OP calling for Meternity Time has no idea what she's talking about. Neither do people who think maternity leave is to "sit home" at your leisure, having a 'vacation.' Giving birth and caring for a newborn IS work. A lot of work. We all started out as newborns with someone who took the time to care for us. Perhaps it's time our society placed some sort of value on that. Maybe not as much as Norway--we don't want to pay Norway's taxes. Just value newborns and their caretakers some way.

I know, I went through this with my wife. But, at the end of the day, nothing new here... been going on forever. We made the decision to suck it up and forego the extravagances and have her stay home until the kids were older. It wasn't easy, but it can be done.
The four corporations that I have worked for in my lifetime all gave the mother 6 weeks PAID Maternity leave and the last Corp gave the fathers 2 weeks as was no money out of the company's pocket, it was built in to the price of the products we manufactured or acquired, and sold...pennies if even that on the item price when you figure how few women that worked for the company and got pregnant...and how many items we sold a year....

The negatives on a basic maternity benefit comes with tiny/small mom and pop businesses, who are unable to sell a lot of items/merchandise to spread the cost of maternity benefits, and making the price of the mom and pop's goods not competitive enough to sell them at the same turn rate...basically pricing them out of the market, that they were already close to being priced out of due to not being able to buy bulk discounted goods out of China, Viet Man, Indonesia, Mexico, Brazil, Korea, the Philippines, Taiwan etc that the corps I worked for or the Wal-Mart's of the world can do.

Well, so much for the Morality aspect... it's only a good idea if you can afford it? According to some on this board, that shouldn't matter. You know, nutters like Paulie. Everyone is obligated to suffer so someone else is comfy.
Maybe there are some things that could be written in to the tax code, like double the deduction for a pregnant woman's yearly salary for the small businesses which could help in getting us there... "there" as in getting our Nation to the point of all other westernized nations that care about their nation's future, which lies with the children born today? This simply would allow these businesses to "keep their own money" as many on the right aisle claim....No?
Yes, treating our fellow human beings with respect and compassion is so damn outrageous. We don't need to become an enlightened compassionate species. We just need to continue hating each other and treating each other as badly as possible. So to hell with the babies and their parents. There's bleepin money to be made dammit!!. USA! USA! USA!

You're damned right. She needs to be clocking back in 24 hours after that baby is crowning.

Maybe if there also was a father, she could take time off, without stealing money from others via government...

Ah, but that would require having some respect towards the children. We can't afford that as regressives! That is rather clear as the person thinks that the maternity leave should be expanded to women without children (absolutely ridiculous). I bet she thinks your kids should be on the hook for her retirement too. Classic loser personality.

Let using kids as ATMs continue!

Right On! To hell with parents and their babies. Money's the only thing that matters. They should just STFU and get to work.
Pay for your own fucking kids

So respectful and compassionate. You really are endearing yourselves to the Electorate. Congrats Hillary Clinton on your landslide victory.
ALSO with small businesses required to pay maternity leave, they may just forfeit hiring child bearing age women? I know that is not EOA but how can they all be monitored and checked?
Back in the day, prospective employers asked women if they were married, since unmarried women very rarely got pregnant. Employers didn't want a woman getting pregnant and leaving, so married women weren't number one on the list for some jobs.
I wonder if the leave law could apply only to businesses with so-many employees, leaving the mom and pops out of it? It would be a terrible burden for small business.
But most greedy white Republican dudes do pretty much feel that way.

Oh, bull fucking shit! Nobody has ever denied the need for parental leave subsequent to having a baby. The problem is that morons like you are demanding that businesses be legally forced to provide unreasonable amounts of leave, and that they pay individuals who are on leave. Which is absolute horse shit!

Hey, if a company chooses to offer 12 months of paid parental leave as a benefit to its employees, then by all means go right ahead. But there's no fucking justification to legislatively mandate it.

Right wingers really are primitive, greedy, miserly and regressive.

The smart economics of Norway’s parental leave, and why the U.S. should consider it

The smart economics of Norway’s parental leave, and why the U.S. should consider it

""""In Norway, parents are entitled to 46 weeks at full salary, or 56 weeks at 80 percent pay. In France, I had four months of paid maternity leave, plus an additional paid month for breastfeeding (not to mention the nice cheese selection in the maternity ward and the fully-covered ‘re-education’ sessions for my nether regions). Both Norway and France also offer highly-subsidized early child care.

Had I stayed at my federal government job in Washington, D.C., I would have had zero paid maternity leave. I would have had to apply for “disability” pay – capped at four weeks, and unpaid. What incentive did this provide for me to start my family in my mother country?

A report on the State of the World’s Mothers notes that the U.S. has the “least generous maternity leave policy of any wealthy nation.” American women are resigning in numbers that far outpace men, in part for reasons of motherhood. Where is the best place to be a mother? Not the U.S.""""

Norway's standard of living compared to other countries? Top ten regardless of which source you refer to.
Standard of Living by Country

Sadly, i tend to agree for the most part. They live out the ugliest of human nature behavior. For them, helping a fellow human being = 'Evil Communism.' They're scared, greedy, hateful souls.

Yet most greedy white Republican dudes consider themselves 'Good Christians.' But they rarely live Jesus Christ's teachings. Helping our Mothers and Fathers actually advances humanity as a whole. Our children are our future.

I don't recall Jesus promulgating the idea that employers are obligated to pay people to sit home and raise their children.

You should read up on the old Buddhist saying about teaching people to fish.
"Sit home and raise your children"
I'm guessing you're a guy? The first four months after giving birth were the most exhausted I've ever been in my life. Sleep? Sure, for maybe four hours at a time, if you're lucky. The first month or two I had one hell of a sore ass, a five week long period, serious anemia, and breasts too tender to touch, as well. You have a mewling, puking infant tied to your hip for every quick trip to the store, the laundromat, whatever. So you don't go out much. Being a mom is a very special thing, but I can't imagine trying to drag myself back to work in order to pay the bills during those first few months. Whoever wrote that OP calling for Meternity Time has no idea what she's talking about. Neither do people who think maternity leave is to "sit home" at your leisure, having a 'vacation.' Giving birth and caring for a newborn IS work. A lot of work. We all started out as newborns with someone who took the time to care for us. Perhaps it's time our society placed some sort of value on that. Maybe not as much as Norway--we don't want to pay Norway's taxes. Just value newborns and their caretakers some way.
Oh stop complaining. My Mom did this three times. She never complained.
Biology dictates our place in life.
For my parent's generation, having children was not only socially acceptable, it was a social expectation. No one complained.
Now having children is a choice many couples make. With that in mind, once that choice is made, most deal with the ups and downs. But there is now a vocal minority who find it necessary to bitch and moan about every aspect of pregnancy and post natal care.
Ya know what? This is part of being an adult.
No one said pregnancy and child bearing/rearing was not work. it is . However, we as adults make a conscious choice to do this. Once that choice is made, there is no room for complaining. No one wants to hear it.
Me-ternity? Please. This is someone trying to stir the pot.
Although. The writer just may be on to something.
The theory I have is this is a tongue in cheek shot at this pervasive notion of equality of outcome. That if a certain interest group wants a certain benefit, yet that benefit is not extended to all, it just isn't fair.
Some may ask why it is the just because a coworker decided to pump out a kid, why they get to have a 12 week period of full pay and not having to come to the job, while others whop make the choice NOT to produce children get to come to work everyday..
He says playing Devil's advocate.
But most greedy white Republican dudes do pretty much feel that way.

Oh, bull fucking shit! Nobody has ever denied the need for parental leave subsequent to having a baby. The problem is that morons like you are demanding that businesses be legally forced to provide unreasonable amounts of leave, and that they pay individuals who are on leave. Which is absolute horse shit!

Hey, if a company chooses to offer 12 months of paid parental leave as a benefit to its employees, then by all means go right ahead. But there's no fucking justification to legislatively mandate it.

'Nobody?' You really should rethink that reply. Do some research. Until they were pressured into doing the right thing, most businesses refused to help struggling Mothers. And even at this point, Maternity Leaves only assure the Mother that she won't be fired. Very few if any businesses pay for Maternity Leaves.
Oh, bull fucking shit! Nobody has ever denied the need for parental leave subsequent to having a baby. The problem is that morons like you are demanding that businesses be legally forced to provide unreasonable amounts of leave, and that they pay individuals who are on leave. Which is absolute horse shit!

Hey, if a company chooses to offer 12 months of paid parental leave as a benefit to its employees, then by all means go right ahead. But there's no fucking justification to legislatively mandate it.

Right wingers really are primitive, greedy, miserly and regressive.

The smart economics of Norway’s parental leave, and why the U.S. should consider it

The smart economics of Norway’s parental leave, and why the U.S. should consider it

""""In Norway, parents are entitled to 46 weeks at full salary, or 56 weeks at 80 percent pay. In France, I had four months of paid maternity leave, plus an additional paid month for breastfeeding (not to mention the nice cheese selection in the maternity ward and the fully-covered ‘re-education’ sessions for my nether regions). Both Norway and France also offer highly-subsidized early child care.

Had I stayed at my federal government job in Washington, D.C., I would have had zero paid maternity leave. I would have had to apply for “disability” pay – capped at four weeks, and unpaid. What incentive did this provide for me to start my family in my mother country?

A report on the State of the World’s Mothers notes that the U.S. has the “least generous maternity leave policy of any wealthy nation.” American women are resigning in numbers that far outpace men, in part for reasons of motherhood. Where is the best place to be a mother? Not the U.S.""""

Norway's standard of living compared to other countries? Top ten regardless of which source you refer to.
Standard of Living by Country

Sadly, i tend to agree for the most part. They live out the ugliest of human nature behavior. For them, helping a fellow human being = 'Evil Communism.' They're scared, greedy, hateful souls.

Yet most greedy white Republican dudes consider themselves 'Good Christians.' But they rarely live Jesus Christ's teachings. Helping our Mothers and Fathers actually advances humanity as a whole. Our children are our future.

I don't recall Jesus promulgating the idea that employers are obligated to pay people to sit home and raise their children.

You should read up on the old Buddhist saying about teaching people to fish.

You white Republican dudes really are just scared, greedy, hateful people. You're not 'Good Christians.' You rarely practice Jesus Christ's teachings. That's the sad truth.

You're mentally ill. You parade around as a libertarian yet your whole mantra is about trying to separate people from their property so as to give it someone else. Charity at the point of a gun barrel.

You're a complete fraud.

I'm not a Libertarian. I can't be labelled.
Yes, treating our fellow human beings with respect and compassion is so damn outrageous. We don't need to become an enlightened compassionate species. We just need to continue hating each other and treating each other as badly as possible. So to hell with the babies and their parents. There's bleepin money to be made dammit!!. USA! USA! USA!
Not the point. And you once again expose yourself as a fake. By virtue of your support of a government mandated paid leave, you expose yourself as a fake. You're not Libertarian, as you claim to be

I'm not a Libertarian.
Yes, treating our fellow human beings with respect and compassion is so damn outrageous. We don't need to become an enlightened compassionate species. We just need to continue hating each other and treating each other as badly as possible. So to hell with the babies and their parents. There's bleepin money to be made dammit!!. USA! USA! USA!

You're damned right. She needs to be clocking back in 24 hours after that baby is crowning.

Can't tell whether you're joking or not. But most greedy white Republican dudes do pretty much feel that way. Why be respectful and compassionate to our fellow human beings? That shit's just insane. We need to continue to hate and abuse our fellow human beings. That makes much more sense.
Yeas. ALL employers are greedy white guys.
What a schmuck

The most greedy evil ones are.

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