Six myths about the law that bans gun lawsuits

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
My guess is this will upset a few of the zealots, but the simple truth is that, even if the Democrats had a super majority in both the Hose and the Senate this law would not be changed.

Since the Newtown massacre various gun opponents, law professors and commentators have decried the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA), a 2005 law that broadly protects gun dealers and manufacturers from being sued when the firearms they sell are later used in crimes. Writers in the Washington Post, Slate, the Huffington Post and The Atlantic assailed PLCAA as a Congressional giveaway to the National Rifle Association (NRA) and an obstacle to gun safety efforts.
But many of the criticisms misstate why the law passed by such wide margins, what it was meant to accomplish, and how it works. A closer look shows why today’s Congress, and even the Obama administration, are rightly hesitant to reopen the issues PLCAA settled eight years ago.

Six myths about the law that bans gun lawsuits | Power Line
What I can't understand is why the NRA and their minions support criminals being able to walk in to any shop at any time and buy as many weapons as his or her heart desires? Rapists, child molestors, muderers and armed robbers all buying guns without background checks with the NRA blessing.

No wonder the NRA and their ilk are considered "nuts". :cuckoo:

What I can't understand is why the NRA and their minions support criminals being able to walk in to any shop at any time and buy as many weapons as his or her heart desires? Rapists, child molestors, muderers and armed robbers all buying guns without background checks with the NRA blessing.

No wonder the NRA and their ilk are considered "nuts". :cuckoo:


Because once you have backround checks, Rapists, Child Molestors, murderers and armed robbers are not going to buy from licensed dealers, they will buy from criminal black markets, like you know... drugs.

However, I have a better proposal:

Let's pass a law that requires all criminals to turn themselves in.
Great article.

Of course the gun grabbers won't beleive a word of it.

It's not a matter of belief.

Here's the problem with this issue.

Hunting is going out of fashion because people finally figured out murdering a dumb animal isn't "sport", it's sadism.

So while in 1980, 50% of households had guns in them, today that's down to 35%.

Realizing they are appealling to a shrinking market, the gun makers, instead of changing their business model into producing something useful, are doubling down on selling more guns to people than they really need, even if they shouldn't have them.

Nancy Lanza was crazy as a loon. Her son was even crazier. But they were a "prime market" for the Gun Industry.
What I can't understand is why the NRA and their minions support criminals being able to walk in to any shop at any time and buy as many weapons as his or her heart desires? Rapists, child molestors, muderers and armed robbers all buying guns without background checks with the NRA blessing.

No wonder the NRA and their ilk are considered "nuts". :cuckoo:


What I can't understand is what you think that has to do with the OP. I guess that I shouldn't expect logic from someone who went to public schools.
Great article.

Of course the gun grabbers won't beleive a word of it.

It's not a matter of belief.

Here's the problem with this issue.

Hunting is going out of fashion because people finally figured out murdering a dumb animal isn't "sport", it's sadism.

So while in 1980, 50% of households had guns in them, today that's down to 35%.

Realizing they are appealling to a shrinking market, the gun makers, instead of changing their business model into producing something useful, are doubling down on selling more guns to people than they really need, even if they shouldn't have them.

Nancy Lanza was crazy as a loon. Her son was even crazier. But they were a "prime market" for the Gun Industry.

What does any of that have to do with suing manufacturers for the misconduct of people who end up with their products?
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Suing gun manufacturers because guns are used in crimes is like suing auto makers because drunk drivers kill people with their cars. Of course, knives are the number one choice of weapon in murders. Ginsu and other companies would be out of business considering most murders are committed using knives. Stats showed that women were more compliant with rapists who held knives because they fear knives the most. They were more likely to fight back or run if the perp had a gun.

There is a thing called personal responsibility and the ones who should pay for it are the ones who actually commit the crimes. I realize this is a novel idea and many won't go for that. Who wants to blame the gang members and other degenerates roaming the streets when there are much deeper pockets to pick?

How many criminals buy guns legally? How easy is it to buy a gun on the streets? Anyone with an iota of common sense must realize that any dangerous individual who wants to murder or use guns in their crimes will find a way and laws are completely meaningless.

Yes, we should pass a law demanding all criminals turn themselves in. I'm surprised Feinstein hasn't suggested that yet. That makes just as much sense as gun-free zones and banning certain weapons. How crazy are some people that they believe forcing law abiding citizens to give up rights will even affect criminals?

Do those who want gun manufacturers held responsible for criminals gaining access to guns believe that the manufacturers are to blame for Obama's Fast and Furious operation? We should hold the makers liable and not the fucking idiots who allowed it to happen?
Great article.

Of course the gun grabbers won't beleive a word of it.

It's not a matter of belief.

Here's the problem with this issue.

Hunting is going out of fashion because people finally figured out murdering a dumb animal isn't "sport", it's sadism.

So while in 1980, 50% of households had guns in them, today that's down to 35%.

Realizing they are appealling to a shrinking market, the gun makers, instead of changing their business model into producing something useful, are doubling down on selling more guns to people than they really need, even if they shouldn't have them.

Nancy Lanza was crazy as a loon. Her son was even crazier. But they were a "prime market" for the Gun Industry.


Do you even know the definition?

If anything, hunting, like fishing, is one of the greatest past-times available to man today.

I would bet that you have never killed your own meat in your life have you?
Great article.

Of course the gun grabbers won't beleive a word of it.

It's not a matter of belief.

Here's the problem with this issue.

Hunting is going out of fashion because people finally figured out murdering a dumb animal isn't "sport", it's sadism.

So while in 1980, 50% of households had guns in them, today that's down to 35%.

Realizing they are appealling to a shrinking market, the gun makers, instead of changing their business model into producing something useful, are doubling down on selling more guns to people than they really need, even if they shouldn't have them.

Nancy Lanza was crazy as a loon. Her son was even crazier. But they were a "prime market" for the Gun Industry.


Do you even know the definition?

If anything, hunting, like fishing, is one of the greatest past-times available to man today.

I would bet that you have never killed your own meat in your life have you?

I know hunters who literally hunt their own food and they actually fill up their freezers. Ever have deer jerky? I know some liberals will go into shock at the thought of that, but I swear it's true. Not everyone prefers their meat pre-killed, pre-cut and served up on neat little styrofoam trays. I know it's unbelievable!!! I like fishing and I really love eating fish, which is why I go fishing. It's not sport, I just get hungry for fish and I don't like paying store prices for fresh catfish and trout. Same damn reason I have a garden every summer and spend time at harvest canning my own veggies and jams. I make my own spaghetti sauce, too. And I can make homemade bread and noodles. I grew up that way. We always liked homemade better than "store bought".

Fuck liberals if they can't appreciate those who do for themselves and save money in the process. It's all about survival and the truth is that many of us would do okay if suddenly there were no stores to buy our food at. Sure, I'd miss my Cheetos and soda, but I wouldn't starve. :)
It's not a matter of belief.

Here's the problem with this issue.

Hunting is going out of fashion because people finally figured out murdering a dumb animal isn't "sport", it's sadism.

So while in 1980, 50% of households had guns in them, today that's down to 35%.

Realizing they are appealling to a shrinking market, the gun makers, instead of changing their business model into producing something useful, are doubling down on selling more guns to people than they really need, even if they shouldn't have them.

Nancy Lanza was crazy as a loon. Her son was even crazier. But they were a "prime market" for the Gun Industry.


Do you even know the definition?

If anything, hunting, like fishing, is one of the greatest past-times available to man today.

I would bet that you have never killed your own meat in your life have you?

I know hunters who literally hunt their own food and they actually fill up their freezers. Ever have deer jerky? I know some liberals will go into shock at the thought of that, but I swear it's true. Not everyone prefers their meat pre-killed, pre-cut and served up on neat little styrofoam trays. I know it's unbelievable!!! I like fishing and I really love eating fish, which is why I go fishing. It's not sport, I just get hungry for fish and I don't like paying store prices for fresh catfish and trout. Same damn reason I have a garden every summer and spend time at harvest canning my own veggies and jams. I make my own spaghetti sauce, too. And I can make homemade bread and noodles. I grew up that way. We always liked homemade better than "store bought".

Fuck liberals if they can't appreciate those who do for themselves and save money in the process. It's all about survival and the truth is that many of us would do okay if suddenly there were no stores to buy our food at. Sure, I'd miss my Cheetos and soda, but I wouldn't starve. :)

Fuck you too. I'm a Liberal and I have hunted, killed, skinned and eaten deer, rabbit, squirrel, quail, pheasant, coon and beaver. And I do most of it by stepping out my back door. You sound rather proud to have actually eaten deer jerky. Around my area it's almost a staple. I also fish, garden and can. I could teach you a lot.

But that doesn't mean I think we should do away with background checks and allow rapists, child molestors, muderers and armed robbers to buy guns without challenge.

Do you even know the definition?

If anything, hunting, like fishing, is one of the greatest past-times available to man today.

I would bet that you have never killed your own meat in your life have you?

I know hunters who literally hunt their own food and they actually fill up their freezers. Ever have deer jerky? I know some liberals will go into shock at the thought of that, but I swear it's true. Not everyone prefers their meat pre-killed, pre-cut and served up on neat little styrofoam trays. I know it's unbelievable!!! I like fishing and I really love eating fish, which is why I go fishing. It's not sport, I just get hungry for fish and I don't like paying store prices for fresh catfish and trout. Same damn reason I have a garden every summer and spend time at harvest canning my own veggies and jams. I make my own spaghetti sauce, too. And I can make homemade bread and noodles. I grew up that way. We always liked homemade better than "store bought".

Fuck liberals if they can't appreciate those who do for themselves and save money in the process. It's all about survival and the truth is that many of us would do okay if suddenly there were no stores to buy our food at. Sure, I'd miss my Cheetos and soda, but I wouldn't starve. :)

Fuck you too. I'm a Liberal and I have hunted, killed, skinned and eaten deer, rabbit, squirrel, quail, pheasant, coon and beaver. And I do most of it by stepping out my back door. You sound rather proud to have actually eaten deer jerky. Around my area it's almost a staple. I also fish, garden and can. I could teach you a lot.

But that doesn't mean I think we should do away with background checks and allow rapists, child molestors, muderers and armed robbers to buy guns without challenge.

The problem with that theory is that background checks, demonstrably, only slow down law abiding citizens who need a gun.

And, it has absolutely nothing to do with the OP.
Great article.

Of course the gun grabbers won't beleive a word of it.

It's not a matter of belief.

Here's the problem with this issue.

Hunting is going out of fashion because people finally figured out murdering a dumb animal isn't "sport", it's sadism.

So while in 1980, 50% of households had guns in them, today that's down to 35%.

Realizing they are appealling to a shrinking market, the gun makers, instead of changing their business model into producing something useful, are doubling down on selling more guns to people than they really need, even if they shouldn't have them.

Nancy Lanza was crazy as a loon. Her son was even crazier. But they were a "prime market" for the Gun Industry.

What does any of that have to do with suing manufacturers for the misconduct of people who end up with their products?

Everything. The Gun Lobby got congress to slip this abortion in while no one was looking, and then became more irresponsible for their business practices.

Imagine the Sandy Hook Parents suing Bushmaster and the Deep Pockets of the Cerberus Group. Imagine their slick lawyer trying to argue that the guns weren't defective, and the lawyer for the parents slamming down crime scene photos on the Jury Well in a true "Law and Order" moment!
Great article.

Of course the gun grabbers won't beleive a word of it.

It's not a matter of belief.

Here's the problem with this issue.

Hunting is going out of fashion because people finally figured out murdering a dumb animal isn't "sport", it's sadism.

So while in 1980, 50% of households had guns in them, today that's down to 35%.

Realizing they are appealling to a shrinking market, the gun makers, instead of changing their business model into producing something useful, are doubling down on selling more guns to people than they really need, even if they shouldn't have them.

Nancy Lanza was crazy as a loon. Her son was even crazier. But they were a "prime market" for the Gun Industry.


Do you even know the definition?

If anything, hunting, like fishing, is one of the greatest past-times available to man today.

I would bet that you have never killed your own meat in your life have you?


But it stands that if you are the kind of person who makes an animal suffer and considers that sport, you are a sadist.
It's not a matter of belief.

Here's the problem with this issue.

Hunting is going out of fashion because people finally figured out murdering a dumb animal isn't "sport", it's sadism.

So while in 1980, 50% of households had guns in them, today that's down to 35%.

Realizing they are appealling to a shrinking market, the gun makers, instead of changing their business model into producing something useful, are doubling down on selling more guns to people than they really need, even if they shouldn't have them.

Nancy Lanza was crazy as a loon. Her son was even crazier. But they were a "prime market" for the Gun Industry.


Do you even know the definition?

If anything, hunting, like fishing, is one of the greatest past-times available to man today.

I would bet that you have never killed your own meat in your life have you?


But it stands that if you are the kind of person who makes an animal suffer and considers that sport, you are a sadist.

I have never met a hunter or a fisher who wanted their target to suffer.

Every one I have ever met wanted that one shot kill on their prey.
Joe B131:

I have an excellent idea that will solve 99.9% of all future crime; we should pass a law that demands that all criminals turn themselves in to the proper authorities.

If our death rate from guns was just limited to "criminals", we wouldn't have a problem.

Most gun deaths are suicides or incidents where the victims knows their murderer (family, friend, etc.)
It's not a matter of belief.

Here's the problem with this issue.

Hunting is going out of fashion because people finally figured out murdering a dumb animal isn't "sport", it's sadism.

So while in 1980, 50% of households had guns in them, today that's down to 35%.

Realizing they are appealling to a shrinking market, the gun makers, instead of changing their business model into producing something useful, are doubling down on selling more guns to people than they really need, even if they shouldn't have them.

Nancy Lanza was crazy as a loon. Her son was even crazier. But they were a "prime market" for the Gun Industry.

What does any of that have to do with suing manufacturers for the misconduct of people who end up with their products?

Everything. The Gun Lobby got congress to slip this abortion in while no one was looking, and then became more irresponsible for their business practices.

Imagine the Sandy Hook Parents suing Bushmaster and the Deep Pockets of the Cerberus Group. Imagine their slick lawyer trying to argue that the guns weren't defective, and the lawyer for the parents slamming down crime scene photos on the Jury Well in a true "Law and Order" moment!

I love it when people don't even read the article linked in one of my posts. Let me help you by quoting the pertinent part to refute your claim.

But the successful bill drew on a far broader coalition than that. It included a united business community — the Chamber, NAM, NFIB, National Association of Wholesalers-Distributors — which saw the gun-suit onslaught as the cutting edge of a movement to bypass the democratic lawmaking process and impose regulation through litigation on other industries. The general furor in the business community helps explain why the act had 61 Senate co-sponsors, including 12 Democrats and many moderate Republicans, and why it drew 59 Democratic votes on its way to passing by a 2-1 margin in the House.

In other words, every business group in the country saw these lawsuits as a way to drive anyone out of business simply because some group didn't like them, and united against the tactic. The bill had 61 cosponsors in the Senate, including a couple of people with piss poor gun ratings.

As for the Sandy Hook parents, why the fuck should they be able to sue Bushmaster? The guns were legally bought, and legally owned, for years. Not once during that time did they go out and shoot anyone, including any children, It wasn't until a crazy guy snapped, killed the legal owner, and stole them that they were used illegally. Why should anyone other than the guy who did it be held responsible?

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