Slavery reparations?

Are you for or against slavery reparations?

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The POTUS is descended from his mother. His mother is descended from a slave. He is in. He may donate his share but he still gets it. It would honorable of him to do so and something i believe he would do.

So someone a dozen generations removed from slavery, with perhaps 1% slave blood gets a full share?

Do you have any idea how many US citizens can claim some percentage of slave blood?

Put me in for a share.

If you got the records I see no issue with that.

Yeah right... There are so many people who could claim slave blood that the afte tax pay-out would be negligible for everyone not on welfare.
your just a fucking idiot with NO morals


when we find Nazi booty stolen in WWII its returned to the familys who originally owned it and The kids of the Nazis who stole It in the first place get nothing.

why because its black people do you want the kids of the thieves to get the stolen goods?

Back in all your glory, huh? Still no ability to debate, so you resort to name calling. There are liberals on this forum that I have befriended because they have an obvious "integrity of thought." I listen to their positions. You have neither: integrity or thought. Pure emotional shrieking.

Do we let the progeny of Nazis keep the things they plundered from the jews they persecuted?


why is it OK to Not do this with the decendants of slavemasteres?

What did white slave owners steal from black slaves?

The second question I would ask is who qualifies as progeny of slave owners? How would would you go about finding these people and what should they have to pay?
why will none of you answer that directly?

I did answer that directly, dipshit. Lemme give you another explanation.

The stuff the Nazis stole was easily identifiable baubles. Gold star of david pendant off a corpse? Grab the pendant and give it back to the family.

THe slave owners stole labor, not finite baubles. That means that, in order to figure out what should be taken and given to the slaves' descendants, you'd have to determine what percentage of the slave owners' descendants is due to slave labor.

Literally, in the time that's elapsed since slavery was ended, too many generations have happened to accurately determine what proportion of slave owners' descendants' wealth wouldn't have happened without slave labor. Most proponents of reparations are more "noble" than realistic about it and, like you, propose that we take -all- property from those descendants. Sorry, but that's not only fuckin ridiculous in terms of putting someone whose done nothing wrong into abject poverty, but most of those wealthy land owners who were buying slaves had enough wealth to be land owners to begin with. The slave labor was responsible for a portion of their profit, but by no means responsible for -all- of their wealth, or even anywhere near it.

On top of that, the Nazi baubles were being confiscated and returned while the holocaust survivors were still alive. When you knew the guy whose star of david got torn off his neck on his way to the gas chamber because he was your father, that star of david has a lot more sentimental value for you than if the guy who had it taken was just some ancestor that you were told about.

So, let's recap this DIRECT ANSWER TO WHAT YOU KEEP ASKING. The reason that was done for the Jews and can't be done for the African Americans is because what was stolen from the African Americans wasn't physical items and happened too long ago to be accurately measured.

You're also not taking into account the difference in implications. You take a collection of gold teeth ripped out of Jewish skulls from some SS officer's kid who, himself, never did anything to harm anyone, and you're not leaving an innocent person homeless or wealthless. IT's just a bauble. You take all the property from the descendant of a slave owner, you aren't just taking away some shiny bauble they didn't deserve, you're leaving them in poverty when they've done nothing wrong.
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In other words, NOTHING WAS STOLEN FROM THEM. There's NOTHING to repay.
The many billions given to Africa in aid, by Britain, the US, France and other one time slave holders more than wipe out any notional 'reparations'.

What next? 'Reparations' demanded from Danes and Norwegians for all those raped women, stolen cows, murdered monks that the Vikings were responsible for?

The foreign aid given to Africa didn't then get divied up to American descendents of slavery.

The foreign aid to Liberia did.

why cant you people remember that?

I know.

We will take Oregon, Washington and Idaho, plus parts of Florida, the English speaking parts, because Canadians need a warm place to go in the winter

Sorry, but if you get anything, you have to include the area she lives in. After all, she's the one that thinks it is deserved. She is either in Vegas or SoCal. She expects to profit from this, but if any of us have to pay, she will have to pay as well.


Yeah, well, that's most definitely NOT going to happen!

I'm free now and have no desire to make Romans and Persians pay for enslaving my ancestors.
The many billions given to Africa in aid, by Britain, the US, France and other one time slave holders more than wipe out any notional 'reparations'.

What next? 'Reparations' demanded from Danes and Norwegians for all those raped women, stolen cows, murdered monks that the Vikings were responsible for?

The foreign aid given to Africa didn't then get divied up to American descendents of slavery.

The foreign aid to Liberia did.

The "aid" was in the form of high interest loans akin to payday loans they would never be able to payback. Thats how they keep Africa in the shape its in. Any country that does not play the debt game gets bad propaganda. The money buys influence and they play different factions against each other. People should get out more or at least understand our global monetary system.
I'm free now and have no desire to make Romans and Persians pay for enslaving my ancestors.

Thats your personal choice. Dont hate on what others may want. Thats probably because the slave system they had was totally different from the one instituted later in Europe and the Americas where they enslaved their own people just like the Africans were enslaved.

That's self deception of the highest degree. Not only are we responsible for all unsuccessful, criminal, and poorly educated black people in America...we're also responsible for the fact that most black countries in Africa are a nightmare....and we aren't owed any reparation for the enslavement of our ancestors because, well, that was different.

I didn't think you had that much creativity in you, but I stand corrected!

That's self deception of the highest degree. Not only are we responsible for all unsuccessful, criminal, and poorly educated black people in America...we're also responsible for the fact that most black countries in Africa are a nightmare....and we aren't owed any reparation for the enslavement of our ancestors because, well, that was different.

I didn't think you had that much creativity in you, but I stand corrected!

You aren't responsible for anything other than not being educated about the monetary system and debt slavery. You get a pass but at least try to learn. You may want reparations but you said you didnt. I just pointed out their slave system at that time was different and people often sold themselves into slavery to pay debts. They never lost their humanity and it was not generational. Their are many stories of slaves rising up and becoming wealthy free men.
Debt slavery?

Pffft...lololol...You ARE creative!

wacko alert.
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Debt slavery seems to be a popular term bandied about by cranks and conspiracy theorists, especially on personal finance websites, since the credit crunch of 2008. It comes from the peculiar idea that everyone is enslaved by evil debt holders (rich people, banks, corporations, the Rothschilds, etc.) and if people all stop paying their debts to financial institutions that were run up during the housing boom the economy will reset, everyone will have jobs again, and everyone will be absolved of their debts while keeping all the stuff they bought."

Debt slavery - RationalWiki
Debt slavery seems to be a popular term bandied about by cranks and conspiracy theorists, especially on personal finance websites, since the credit crunch of 2008. It comes from the peculiar idea that everyone is enslaved by evil debt holders (rich people, banks, corporations, the Rothschilds, etc.) and if people all stop paying their debts to financial institutions that were run up during the housing boom the economy will reset, everyone will have jobs again, and everyone will be absolved of their debts while keeping all the stuff they bought."

Debt slavery - RationalWiki

I have to admit they do sound like cranks but you still are clueless. Find out how banking works then come back and talk to me about debt slavery. I guess you missed this part though.

Coincidentally, debt slavery on a macro level has been a major government concern in many corrupt third world nations since World War II.[7] This is where the ruling dictatorship takes out massive loans from the World Bank, deposits them into their bank accounts, then pleads poverty and debt tyranny by the wealthy nations that provided funds expecting them to be paid back.[8]

This is where people need to think long and hard about the information being presented. Third world dictator taking out loans? Did he rob the world bank or did they willing loan it to him? What happened when he defaulted? How many guessed correctly they simply wrote him a new loan to pay the interest on the old one?
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Hey, I've got English dna too!
Awesome! Look out Rome..and by extension..Italy?

Fo shizzle. Who cares if some of the current Italians are descendents of Thracian Slaves captured by Romans...They Should All Pay!
Thanks Sunni for the idea (sorta) re: 40 acres and a mule. :)


We kidnapped them, enslaved them, should pay backwages. Fair's fair.

idk, should slave owners be compensated for their loss of property and lost earnings as a result
In other words, NOTHING WAS STOLEN FROM THEM. There's NOTHING to repay.

How much is the generational loss of your freedom going for nowadays?

Everyone on this planet has ancestors that owned slaves.

Everyone on this planet has ancestors that were enslaved.

If you think somebody owes you something because of those facts feel free to collect it from yourself.
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