Slavery reparations?

Are you for or against slavery reparations?

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You must be either nervous or mad. You felt the need to tell me to hold my breath. What did you tell me to do that for? We dont turn blue when we hold our breath like you palefaces do. :lol: You cant stop anything you have no power son.

Nough said

Ain't gonna happen son, you're beatin a dead horse, but I guess everyone needs a hobby.

I guess your hobby is dreaming and wishing that it wont. Face it. You cant do a damn thing if the POTUS orders it. Just wait. :lol:

Go ahead, hold your breath until it happens.

Are you a fool or something? Why would I do that? I dont have time to wait but when it comes it will just be gravy. Dont be mad white brethren.

Judging by the results of this poll, you won't even get gravy from us. :lol:

You better stop paying taxes then. Somehow I doubt you are stupid enough to do that. Practically everyone knows that its coming pretty soon. Dont hate sissyboy.

People yawn when they are nervous. Dogs do too. It relieves stress.

Or when they're flat out bored.

Bravo, you've attained the level of boring seldom seen in the history of mankind!


My work here is done

Movin on

Definitely a nervous reaction. If you were as bored as you claim you would not have to write a diary for me. Move on clown and make it snappy. You never should have said anything in the first place dummy. :lol:
Gimme dat money whitey!

Gimme dat! Gimme Dat!

OOK OOK EEEK EEK skeet skeet
In other words, NOTHING WAS STOLEN FROM THEM. There's NOTHING to repay.

How much is the generational loss of your freedom going for nowadays?

Umm. . . hate to point out the blatantly obvious, but you didn't lose your freedom for a generation. Your ancestors did. You weren't here.

Why are you owed?

Because my ancestors were not given reparations. How is this confusing? Heirs get what the person injured did not receive. You guys are making it complicated. Its really very simple.
Welfare recipients do not pay taxes.

And single mothers working low paying jobs do not pay taxes.
And residents of prisons do not pay taxes. Nor do unemployed drug dealers and gang members.

Of the black population, who does that leave to pay taxes??
Blacks should pay whites for the damage they have caused our country. Blacks sold blacks to whites - whites faught whites, and freed the blacks. Blacks are a net societal deficit!
How much is the generational loss of your freedom going for nowadays?

Umm. . . hate to point out the blatantly obvious, but you didn't lose your freedom for a generation. Your ancestors did. You weren't here.

Why are you owed?

Because my ancestors were not given reparations. How is this confusing? Heirs get what the person injured did not receive. You guys are making it complicated. Its really very simple.

It's not simple, because the people who owed your ancestors are long dead and gone. If it were simple, we wouldn't disagree on the following crux:

Those who did not commit the crime are not responsible for compensating those against whom the crime was perpetrated, and -certainly- aren't responsible for compensating people against whom the crime was -not- perpetrated.

I'm sorry that you feel like "the world" owes you, or "society" owes you, but at some point those reparations have to come out of real peoples' pockets, and no real people who are alive to have pockets today had anything to do with enslaving your ancestors.

Sometimes shit happens and you're left without recourse. That doesn't give you carte blanche to decide on which innocent parties to fuck over to right the wrongs that you choose. You start charging other people because they're the same race as the enslavers were and you're no better than any other racist prick out there.
Why would I be mad at the doomed idea?

Get real cause you ain't getting the cash

You must be either nervous or mad. You felt the need to tell me to hold my breath. What did you tell me to do that for? We dont turn blue when we hold our breath like you palefaces do. :lol: You cant stop anything you have no power son.

Nough said

Ain't gonna happen son, you're beatin a dead horse, but I guess everyone needs a hobby.

They got away with shoving Obamacare up our asses and you really believe they can't do it with reparations? You and L_L are too optimistic if you ask me.

Blacks should pay whites for the damage they have caused our country. Blacks sold blacks to whites - whites faught whites, and freed the blacks. Blacks are a net societal deficit!

Are you illiterate or was that a typo? Whites kidnapped Blacks and enslaved them. Go sell the BS to someone that doesn't know any better dumbass.
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