Slavery reparations?

Are you for or against slavery reparations?

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Well no, that's not what it says. It specifies that only immediate children, spouses and parents are included. An amendment in 1992 added non-asian spouses to the compensation list. Nothing anywhere about descendants. And there's also a cut off date. And out of 120,000 people interned, only 81,000 or so were compensated. $20K payout. No interest mentioned. The word "descendant" doesn't appear once. Sorry.

The Bible says that the sins of the fathers shall be visited upon the children even unto the fourth and fifth generations. Interpretation: what happens in previous generations can have very long term consequences..

The problem when it comes to reparations is who owes somebody else a debt? Again, I lost ancesters in a war that freed the slaves. I had no ancesters who had any part in enslaving anybody. So should I be held liable and be required to help pay reparations for people living now, almost 150 years after that war ended? Or should black people be required to compensate me for what happened to my ancesters on their behalf?

Ascepias said if a person can prove he descended from slaves he should be compensated. But by whom?

The black Africans who captured and sold people into slavery?
The British slave traders?
Those who bought or inherited the slaves in Mexico? Canada? The USA? Elsewhere including black people who owned slaves?
And should those black people who did not descend from slaves be required to pay reparations for those who did?

It all becomes quite absurd after awhile. And I think is perpetuated by silly greedy people, both black and white, who just want others to pay whether deserved or not.

Since we are only talking about the US slavery, the answer would be the US government.

1. for participating in the slave trade.
2. for continuing to enslave the children of the original slaves.
3. For benefitting to the point of becoming an economic power and not providing monetary compensation for the work of all slaves.

For benefitting to the point of becoming an economic power

You need to quantify this.
Show all your work.
He doesn't show his work. He makes outlandish claims and hopes it will stick because he's a fucktard. Just watch, he won't even try.
The Bible says that the sins of the fathers shall be visited upon the children even unto the fourth and fifth generations. Interpretation: what happens in previous generations can have very long term consequences..

The problem when it comes to reparations is who owes somebody else a debt? Again, I lost ancesters in a war that freed the slaves. I had no ancesters who had any part in enslaving anybody. So should I be held liable and be required to help pay reparations for people living now, almost 150 years after that war ended? Or should black people be required to compensate me for what happened to my ancesters on their behalf?

Ascepias said if a person can prove he descended from slaves he should be compensated. But by whom?

The black Africans who captured and sold people into slavery?
The British slave traders?
Those who bought or inherited the slaves in Mexico? Canada? The USA? Elsewhere including black people who owned slaves?
And should those black people who did not descend from slaves be required to pay reparations for those who did?

It all becomes quite absurd after awhile. And I think is perpetuated by silly greedy people, both black and white, who just want others to pay whether deserved or not.

Since we are only talking about the US slavery, the answer would be the US government.

1. for participating in the slave trade.
2. for continuing to enslave the children of the original slaves.
3. For benefitting to the point of becoming an economic power and not providing monetary compensation for the work of all slaves.

The U.S. government did not do any of that, however. The U.S. government in fact forbade any new slave states, but did not give itself the authority to require that the existing slave states free their slaves; otherwise there would be no USA as we know it and your ancestors might never have been freed at all. It was also the U.S. government who decreed that the slaves would be freed.

But again, I lost ancesters in the war to save the union and end slavery. If possibly your ancesters had not captured the slaves to sell into slavery in the first place, those ancesters would not have died young and that could have significantly changed my life.

Why shouldn't you have to pay me?

Yes they did do all of that. The made the 3/5ths clause in the constitution. They did not stop the existence of slavery at the first generation. The US rose to become an economic power due to the cotton trade. You should really read up on history. Its all there. So what they decreed the slaves be freed? 3-4 generations later?

What about your ancestors dying in a war their government started? Did any other war veterans get paid reparations? Were your ancestors mercenaries or soldiers? Why would we pay you? Your ancestors fought to keep the union together, not free slaves.
The Bible says that the sins of the fathers shall be visited upon the children even unto the fourth and fifth generations. Interpretation: what happens in previous generations can have very long term consequences..

The problem when it comes to reparations is who owes somebody else a debt? Again, I lost ancesters in a war that freed the slaves. I had no ancesters who had any part in enslaving anybody. So should I be held liable and be required to help pay reparations for people living now, almost 150 years after that war ended? Or should black people be required to compensate me for what happened to my ancesters on their behalf?

Ascepias said if a person can prove he descended from slaves he should be compensated. But by whom?

The black Africans who captured and sold people into slavery?
The British slave traders?
Those who bought or inherited the slaves in Mexico? Canada? The USA? Elsewhere including black people who owned slaves?
And should those black people who did not descend from slaves be required to pay reparations for those who did?

It all becomes quite absurd after awhile. And I think is perpetuated by silly greedy people, both black and white, who just want others to pay whether deserved or not.

Since we are only talking about the US slavery, the answer would be the US government.

1. for participating in the slave trade.
2. for continuing to enslave the children of the original slaves.
3. For benefitting to the point of becoming an economic power and not providing monetary compensation for the work of all slaves.

For benefitting to the point of becoming an economic power

You need to quantify this.
Show all your work.

Go read about King Cotton. Please make sure you report back. I want at least 2 pages double spaced. Got that?
I just read it. It clearly specifies that since the payment is being made there is a expiration date. The question I asked you was if the payment was not paid out would a descendant be disallowed from claiming it? The payment was made so no one can now come and make a claim. The ex-slaves reparations payments were never made. Therefore any reparations granted would go to descendents just like in the case of the Japanese.
Well no, that's not what it says. It specifies that only immediate children, spouses and parents are included. An amendment in 1992 added non-asian spouses to the compensation list. Nothing anywhere about descendants. And there's also a cut off date. And out of 120,000 people interned, only 81,000 or so were compensated. $20K payout. No interest mentioned. The word "descendant" doesn't appear once. Sorry.

Maybe you missed the news. It makes sense to say immediate children for the Japanese because it was paid immediately. Reparations for Blacks would not say that.

For example

Senate Oks $2.1 Million For Rosewood Reparations - Sun Sentinel

The package includes $1.5 million to be divided among the 11 or so survivors of the massacre, $500,000 to compensate Rosewood families who were run out of town for the property they lost and $100,000 in college scholarships for Rosewood descendants and other minorities.

Mainly survivors got most of the money. So all the slavery survivors could cash in!!!!!! lol.

The "descendants" got $100k to split amongst themselves for school only, maybe a couple of grand each.

Looks like you lose on this deal also. :lol:
I clearly showed there is a precedent set by the Japanese. Some of the Japanese that were paid reparations were descendents of the original people that were harmed. Your refusal to digest and understand that is your problem and shows a clear lack of intelligence.

As a result of World War II internment Japanese - Americans were worse off.

As a result of slavery African - Americans are better off.

As a result of the presence of blacks in the United States, whites are worse off.
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Go read about King Cotton. Please make sure you report back. I want at least 2 pages double spaced. Got that?

We have machines that pick cotton. We have machines that shine shoes. We don't need you people any more. We would be better off without you.

You need us. You could not possibly maintain a modern economy without us.
Well no, that's not what it says. It specifies that only immediate children, spouses and parents are included. An amendment in 1992 added non-asian spouses to the compensation list. Nothing anywhere about descendants. And there's also a cut off date. And out of 120,000 people interned, only 81,000 or so were compensated. $20K payout. No interest mentioned. The word "descendant" doesn't appear once. Sorry.

Maybe you missed the news. It makes sense to say immediate children for the Japanese because it was paid immediately. Reparations for Blacks would not say that.

For example

Senate Oks $2.1 Million For Rosewood Reparations - Sun Sentinel

The package includes $1.5 million to be divided among the 11 or so survivors of the massacre, $500,000 to compensate Rosewood families who were run out of town for the property they lost and $100,000 in college scholarships for Rosewood descendants and other minorities.

Mainly survivors got most of the money. So all the slavery survivors could cash in!!!!!! lol.

The "descendants" got $100k to split amongst themselves for school only, maybe a couple of grand each.

Looks like you lose on this deal also. :lol:

Your reading comprehension aside, (or maybe you were trying to pretend you forgot the point?) that is another example setting a precedent of descendents getting the reparations. You may as well give up on the precedent angle. Its there.
I clearly showed there is a precedent set by the Japanese. Some of the Japanese that were paid reparations were descendents of the original people that were harmed. Your refusal to digest and understand that is your problem and shows a clear lack of intelligence.

As a result of World War II internment Japanese - Americans were worse off.

As a result of slavery African - Americans are better off.

As a result of the presence of blacks in the United States, whites are worse off.

As a result of inbreds like you - human kind is worse off.

As a result of Africans - Europeans were able to finally establish a country.

As a result of the presence of blacks in the United States, racist white people like you are scared as hell.
Go read about King Cotton. Please make sure you report back. I want at least 2 pages double spaced. Got that?

We have machines that pick cotton. We have machines that shine shoes. We don't need you people any more. We would be better off without you.

You need us. You could not possibly maintain a modern economy without us.

We dont need you. We were here long before you lost your ability to produce melanin and we will be here when your sunscreen ceases to work. Your type has brought nothing but destruction to the world. Without us you would not know what day it is or be able to type a sentence on this messageboard. Without us you would not be able to do math. Without us you would have no concept of the trinity or one god. Without us there is a great possibility your kind would still be eating each other in the caves of Europe. I could go on and on but you probably get the point now. BTW the subject of the OP is reparations. No one cares or can do anything about the fact I am here causing you anxiety.
Since we are only talking about the US slavery, the answer would be the US government.

1. for participating in the slave trade.
2. for continuing to enslave the children of the original slaves.
3. For benefitting to the point of becoming an economic power and not providing monetary compensation for the work of all slaves.

The U.S. government did not do any of that, however. The U.S. government in fact forbade any new slave states, but did not give itself the authority to require that the existing slave states free their slaves; otherwise there would be no USA as we know it and your ancestors might never have been freed at all. It was also the U.S. government who decreed that the slaves would be freed.

But again, I lost ancesters in the war to save the union and end slavery. If possibly your ancesters had not captured the slaves to sell into slavery in the first place, those ancesters would not have died young and that could have significantly changed my life.

Why shouldn't you have to pay me?

Yes they did do all of that. The made the 3/5ths clause in the constitution. They did not stop the existence of slavery at the first generation. The US rose to become an economic power due to the cotton trade. You should really read up on history. Its all there. So what they decreed the slaves be freed? 3-4 generations later?

What about your ancestors dying in a war their government started? Did any other war veterans get paid reparations? Were your ancestors mercenaries or soldiers? Why would we pay you? Your ancestors fought to keep the union together, not free slaves.

The 3/5th clause was to establish a census. It had zero to do with slavery. If anybody was culpable in slavery being in America in the first place, it was the British who brought them here and allowed people to own slaves. Why don't you run this past Parliament and see how it flies there?

And my goodness, after years with most folks on your side of the aisle insisting that the Civil War was all about slavery, now, that it is convenient, the Civil War was to preserve the union? I wish ya'll would make up your mind.

But I see. My ancesters who did what they could to end slavery, end segregation, end discrimination don't count and I am still liable. But the black people, perhaps your ancesters, who sold black people into slavery in the first place aren't liable.

Surely you see a problem with that logic.
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Go read about King Cotton. Please make sure you report back. I want at least 2 pages double spaced. Got that?

We have machines that pick cotton. We have machines that shine shoes. We don't need you people any more. We would be better off without you.

You need us. You could not possibly maintain a modern economy without us.

We dont need you. We were here long before you lost your ability to produce melanin and we will be here when your sunscreen ceases to work. Your type has brought nothing but destruction to the world. Without us you would not know what day it is or be able to type a sentence on this messageboard. Without us you would not be able to do math. Without us you would have no concept of the trinity or one god. Without us there is a great possibility your kind would still be eating each other in the caves of Europe. I could go on and on but you probably get the point now. BTW the subject of the OP is reparations. No one cares or can do anything about the fact I am here causing you anxiety.
It's very odd indeed that the greatest "civilization" according to you is also by far the world's most backward. I am sure you will come up with some regaling reasons.
The U.S. government did not do any of that, however. The U.S. government in fact forbade any new slave states, but did not give itself the authority to require that the existing slave states free their slaves; otherwise there would be no USA as we know it and your ancestors might never have been freed at all. It was also the U.S. government who decreed that the slaves would be freed.

But again, I lost ancesters in the war to save the union and end slavery. If possibly your ancesters had not captured the slaves to sell into slavery in the first place, those ancesters would not have died young and that could have significantly changed my life.

Why shouldn't you have to pay me?

Yes they did do all of that. The made the 3/5ths clause in the constitution. They did not stop the existence of slavery at the first generation. The US rose to become an economic power due to the cotton trade. You should really read up on history. Its all there. So what they decreed the slaves be freed? 3-4 generations later?

What about your ancestors dying in a war their government started? Did any other war veterans get paid reparations? Were your ancestors mercenaries or soldiers? Why would we pay you? Your ancestors fought to keep the union together, not free slaves.

The 3/5th clause was to establish a census. It had zero to do with slavery. If anybody was culpable in slavery being in America in the first place, it was the British who brought them here and allowed people to own slaves. Why don't you run this past Parliament and see how it flies there?

And my goodness, after years with most folks on your side of the aisle insisting that the Civil War was all about slavery, now, that it is convenient, the Civil War was to preserve the union? I wish ya'll would make up your mind.

But I see. My ancesters who did what they could to end slavery, end segregation, end discrimination don't count and I am still liable. But the black people, perhaps your ancesters, who sold black people into slavery in the first place aren't liable.

Surely you see a problem with that logic.

Were you laughing as you typed that or were you serious? A census deals with whole human beings, not fractions. That one act solidified slavery as an institution and put the perception in many whites minds that Black people.....were not whole people. It was a rationale for slavery. Bringing up Britain is a deflection just like bringing up Africa. Has nothing to do with continued slavery in the states.

Most folks on my side? I dont know very many Blacks laboring under the illusion the Civil War was fought to free them. You can take a basic African American history course and figure that one out.

If your ancestors truly fought to end slavery and that was their primary motive they are to be commended. Truth is however, I think that was a very rare scenario. Again I ask were your ancestors mercenaries or soldiers? No one gets paid "reparations" for fighting in a war. Thats their duty as citizens. Otherwise they are called cowards, traitors, and draft dodgers. If their has been an instance where American soldiers have been paid "reparations" by anyone but the government for fighting in a war please link to it as this is news to me.

The African nations that participated in the Maafa have made reparations available to Black Americans. Again that is a deflection on your part as the issue is about the US paying for its participation in the Maafa and subsequent years of enslavement of the descendents of the original slaves brought over here on slave ships like the "Desire", "Hope", and the "Jesus of Lübeck". Lets stay on track. No I dont see a problem with my logic. I see a problem with yours.
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Yes they did do all of that. The made the 3/5ths clause in the constitution. They did not stop the existence of slavery at the first generation. The US rose to become an economic power due to the cotton trade. You should really read up on history. Its all there. So what they decreed the slaves be freed? 3-4 generations later?

What about your ancestors dying in a war their government started? Did any other war veterans get paid reparations? Were your ancestors mercenaries or soldiers? Why would we pay you? Your ancestors fought to keep the union together, not free slaves.

The 3/5th clause was to establish a census. It had zero to do with slavery. If anybody was culpable in slavery being in America in the first place, it was the British who brought them here and allowed people to own slaves. Why don't you run this past Parliament and see how it flies there?

And my goodness, after years with most folks on your side of the aisle insisting that the Civil War was all about slavery, now, that it is convenient, the Civil War was to preserve the union? I wish ya'll would make up your mind.

But I see. My ancesters who did what they could to end slavery, end segregation, end discrimination don't count and I am still liable. But the black people, perhaps your ancesters, who sold black people into slavery in the first place aren't liable.

Surely you see a problem with that logic.

Were you laughing as you typed that or were you serious? A census deals with whole human beings, not fractions. That one act solidified slavery as an institution and put the perception in many whites minds that Black people.....were not whole people. It was a rationale for slavery. Bringing up Britain is a deflection just like bringing up Africa. Has nothing to do with continued slavery in the states.

Most folks on my side? I dont know very many Blacks laboring under the illusion the Civil War was fought to free them. You can take a basic African American history course and figure that one out.

If your ancestors truly fought to end slavery and that was their primary motive they are to be commended. Truth is however, I think that was a very rare scenario. Again I ask were your ancestors mercenaries or soldiers? No one gets paid "reparations" for fighting in a war. Thats their duty as citizens. Otherwise they are called cowards, traitors, and draft dodgers. If their has been an instance where American soldiers have been paid "reparations" by anyone but the government for fighting in a war please link to it as this is news to me.

The African nations that participated in the Maafa have made reparations available to Black Americans. Again that is a deflection on your part as the issue is about the US paying for its participation in the Maafa and subsequent years of enslavement of the descendents of the original slaves brought over here on slave ships like the "Desire", "Hope", and the "Jesus of Lübeck". Lets stay on track. No I dont see a problem with my logic. I see a problem with yours.

There are none so blind (or irrationally fanatical) as those who will not see. Most especially if there are profits to be made. I'm sure you have credible citations for everything you have posted here (cough), but I'm afraid your logic (and memory) is lacking to those who are able to read and understand history and who are interested in seeing racism disappear into the history books rather than keep it alive and well for fun and profit.

I will stand on my previous observations as valid in this discussion, and do wish you a great day.
Maybe you missed the news. It makes sense to say immediate children for the Japanese because it was paid immediately. Reparations for Blacks would not say that.

For example

Senate Oks $2.1 Million For Rosewood Reparations - Sun Sentinel

Mainly survivors got most of the money. So all the slavery survivors could cash in!!!!!! lol.

The "descendants" got $100k to split amongst themselves for school only, maybe a couple of grand each.

Looks like you lose on this deal also. :lol:

Your reading comprehension aside, (or maybe you were trying to pretend you forgot the point?) that is another example setting a precedent of descendents getting the reparations. You may as well give up on the precedent angle. Its there.

Sorry, but just because the word reparation was used sets no precedent for your particular situation. It's 2 totally different situations. The descendants in this case only got a few thou for schools, which sets no precedent for slavery descendants getting anything, except maybe a few thou for school, which the guvmint probably already gives blacks. Please try again.
Thanks Sunni for the idea (sorta) re: 40 acres and a mule. :)


We kidnapped them, enslaved them, should pay backwages. Fair's fair.

Maybe YOU kidnapped them, enslaved them. I did no such thing. So if you think YOU did those things YOU go ahead and pay them. I have no objection.

As for what HAS happened (for 50 years) during my lifetime, White people have been deprived of jobs, promotions, college admissions, college financial aid, etc by affirmative action. Every white person who has been in the workforce for the past 50 years, should be paid reparations for that, to compensate for those damages (to be paid only by the supporters and pushers of the affirmative action)
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The 3/5th clause was to establish a census. It had zero to do with slavery. If anybody was culpable in slavery being in America in the first place, it was the British who brought them here and allowed people to own slaves. Why don't you run this past Parliament and see how it flies there?

And my goodness, after years with most folks on your side of the aisle insisting that the Civil War was all about slavery, now, that it is convenient, the Civil War was to preserve the union? I wish ya'll would make up your mind.

But I see. My ancesters who did what they could to end slavery, end segregation, end discrimination don't count and I am still liable. But the black people, perhaps your ancesters, who sold black people into slavery in the first place aren't liable.

Surely you see a problem with that logic.

Were you laughing as you typed that or were you serious? A census deals with whole human beings, not fractions. That one act solidified slavery as an institution and put the perception in many whites minds that Black people.....were not whole people. It was a rationale for slavery. Bringing up Britain is a deflection just like bringing up Africa. Has nothing to do with continued slavery in the states.

Most folks on my side? I dont know very many Blacks laboring under the illusion the Civil War was fought to free them. You can take a basic African American history course and figure that one out.

If your ancestors truly fought to end slavery and that was their primary motive they are to be commended. Truth is however, I think that was a very rare scenario. Again I ask were your ancestors mercenaries or soldiers? No one gets paid "reparations" for fighting in a war. Thats their duty as citizens. Otherwise they are called cowards, traitors, and draft dodgers. If their has been an instance where American soldiers have been paid "reparations" by anyone but the government for fighting in a war please link to it as this is news to me.

The African nations that participated in the Maafa have made reparations available to Black Americans. Again that is a deflection on your part as the issue is about the US paying for its participation in the Maafa and subsequent years of enslavement of the descendents of the original slaves brought over here on slave ships like the "Desire", "Hope", and the "Jesus of Lübeck". Lets stay on track. No I dont see a problem with my logic. I see a problem with yours.

There are none so blind (or irrationally fanatical) as those who will not see. Most especially if there are profits to be made. I'm sure you have credible citations for everything you have posted here (cough), but I'm afraid your logic (and memory) is lacking to those who are able to read and understand history and who are interested in seeing racism disappear into the history books rather than keep it alive and well for fun and profit.

I will stand on my previous observations as valid in this discussion, and do wish you a great day.

I agree that there are none so blind (or irrationally fanatical) as those who will not see. Most especially if there are profits to be made. That was the whole reason slavery existed. People were blinded by profits instead of living by the tenets of the Declaration of Independence. Instead our country decided to not include Black people in this ideology so they could have a rationale to keep raking in the profits. My memory nor logic is the issue here. I too would love to see racism disappear into the history books. Problem is that my side is not the ones that brought it to the table. Until whites recognize and address this there will always be a bitterness as slavery is frantically dismissed as being worthy of reparations. The bitterness is even more pronounced when you see that there is no logical reason for it. As long as people like you and the others who think reparations are not owed feel that way your wishes will never come true in our lifetime. You have a good day as well.
Were you laughing as you typed that or were you serious? A census deals with whole human beings, not fractions. That one act solidified slavery as an institution and put the perception in many whites minds that Black people.....were not whole people. It was a rationale for slavery. Bringing up Britain is a deflection just like bringing up Africa. Has nothing to do with continued slavery in the states.

Most folks on my side? I dont know very many Blacks laboring under the illusion the Civil War was fought to free them. You can take a basic African American history course and figure that one out.

If your ancestors truly fought to end slavery and that was their primary motive they are to be commended. Truth is however, I think that was a very rare scenario. Again I ask were your ancestors mercenaries or soldiers? No one gets paid "reparations" for fighting in a war. Thats their duty as citizens. Otherwise they are called cowards, traitors, and draft dodgers. If their has been an instance where American soldiers have been paid "reparations" by anyone but the government for fighting in a war please link to it as this is news to me.

The African nations that participated in the Maafa have made reparations available to Black Americans. Again that is a deflection on your part as the issue is about the US paying for its participation in the Maafa and subsequent years of enslavement of the descendents of the original slaves brought over here on slave ships like the "Desire", "Hope", and the "Jesus of Lübeck". Lets stay on track. No I dont see a problem with my logic. I see a problem with yours.

There are none so blind (or irrationally fanatical) as those who will not see. Most especially if there are profits to be made. I'm sure you have credible citations for everything you have posted here (cough), but I'm afraid your logic (and memory) is lacking to those who are able to read and understand history and who are interested in seeing racism disappear into the history books rather than keep it alive and well for fun and profit.

I will stand on my previous observations as valid in this discussion, and do wish you a great day.

I agree that there are none so blind (or irrationally fanatical) as those who will not see. Most especially if there are profits to be made. That was the whole reason slavery existed. People were blinded by profits instead of living by the tenets of the Declaration of Independence. Instead our country decided to not include Black people in this ideology so they could have a rationale to keep raking in the profits. My memory nor logic is the issue here. I too would love to see racism disappear into the history books. Problem is that my side is not the ones that brought it to the table. Until whites recognize and address this there will always be a bitterness as slavery is frantically dismissed as being worthy of reparations. The bitterness is even more pronounced when you see that there is no logical reason for it. As long as people like you and the others who think reparations are not owed feel that way your wishes will never come true in our lifetime. You have a good day as well.

Oh, but you most certainly have, and continue to bring racism to the table, in the form of affirmative action discrimination against millions of white workers. And it is specifically YOU, the pusher and supporter of this racism which has brought billions$$ in damages to whites, who should pay reparations to those whites who RIGHT NOW are suffering those damages (while the blacks you mentioned never suffered slavery).

Lastly, if we are to pay any descendants of anyone who suffered in the distant past, perhaps we could send payments to the descendants of civil war union soldiers who lost arms and legs, amputated without painkillers, and those who died, fighting to free those slaves.
So you get a big You're welcome, as you thank them for that, and go to your local civil war cemetary and beg their souls forgiveness, for completely ignoring their massive sacrifices, done so you can be here now mouthing off as you are. Bye now.
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There are none so blind (or irrationally fanatical) as those who will not see. Most especially if there are profits to be made. I'm sure you have credible citations for everything you have posted here (cough), but I'm afraid your logic (and memory) is lacking to those who are able to read and understand history and who are interested in seeing racism disappear into the history books rather than keep it alive and well for fun and profit.

I will stand on my previous observations as valid in this discussion, and do wish you a great day.

I agree that there are none so blind (or irrationally fanatical) as those who will not see. Most especially if there are profits to be made. That was the whole reason slavery existed. People were blinded by profits instead of living by the tenets of the Declaration of Independence. Instead our country decided to not include Black people in this ideology so they could have a rationale to keep raking in the profits. My memory nor logic is the issue here. I too would love to see racism disappear into the history books. Problem is that my side is not the ones that brought it to the table. Until whites recognize and address this there will always be a bitterness as slavery is frantically dismissed as being worthy of reparations. The bitterness is even more pronounced when you see that there is no logical reason for it. As long as people like you and the others who think reparations are not owed feel that way your wishes will never come true in our lifetime. You have a good day as well.

Oh, but you most certainly have, and continue to bring racism to the table, in the form of affirmative action discrimination against millions of white workers. And it is specifically YOU, the pusher and supporter of this racism which has brought billions$$ in damages to whites, who should pay reparations to those whites who RIGHT NOW are suffering those damages (while the blacks you mentioned never suffered slavery).

Lastly, if we are to pay any descendants of anyone who suffered in the distant past, perhaps we could send payments to the descendants of civil war union soldiers who lost arms and legs, amputated without painkillers, and those who died, fighting to free those slaves.
So you get a big You're welcome, as you thank them for that, and go to your local civil war cemetary and beg their souls forgiveness, for completely ignoring their massive sacrifices, done so you can be here now mouthing off as you are. Bye now.

Sorry but white people brought racism into the picture. Racism was used to justify slavery. Hence the retarded belief that whites were doing Africans a favor by enslaving them all in the name of racial superiority. We know the real reason was economics as history shows us. Your whining about affirmative action is pretty pathetic seeing as white women benefit from AA more than any other demographic. That is not a program specifically for Black people anyway so you bringing that into the conversation is a sad deflection of the OP.

You should really read some of my replies to FoxFyre. Union soldiers were doing as ordered by the government. They were not mercenaries that were supposed to be paid by Black people to free them. Where in the history of this country has reparations ever been paid to soldiers doing their duty? As far as their sacrifice? It is noted but not at the level you wish because we all know the North fought the war to maintain the Union and not to free slaves. They certainly didnt fight it so i could "mouth off". The only people that fought for my right to be uppity are the freedom fighters in the 60's. I know you wish you could stop that legally or had the courage to do it physically but we all know those days are long gone. Dont we?
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