Slavery reparations?

Are you for or against slavery reparations?

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I want my ancestors money. The white man doesnt have anything I want that I cant get for myself. The beauty about my business is that i dont have to do much now. I can go away for a month and pull in more than I do working from home. Dont be mad I can post all day if I so desire. :lol:

I want my ancestors money.

How much? Show all your work.

Where are you at in your acceptance of the facts? Please explain each point.

I'm still at the "mocking your premise while waiting for you to supply real numbers" stage.
Unfortunately, I've never been able to use AA or I would eagerly tell you I did just to see your reaction. AA was instituted because white men have this thing that will not let them be equal. They have to feel superior and it must be caused by some deep seated inferiority complex. Therefore they create systems where everyone is locked out of opportunity except them. AA was supposed to correct that but we now know it was just a rig up. White women take the money from those jobs back into the white mans household. Please stop whining because the spouse of a white man is making more money than he is.

Who did you show this to? It must have been a 2 year old. I'm a little more complicated than that. I dont care about what white man is harmed by it. Black people were harmed by 400 years of white AA. Stop being lazy and educate yourself to the level where AA is not a factor like I did. After you do that get a business and wean yourself off the rat race.

If you want to claim reparations for the descendants of Union soldiers be my guest. However let them wait 150 years like Black people are doing presently.

Blacks aren't waiting one minute for reparations. They've BEEN GETTING THEM for 50 years via Affirmative Action. I've already stomped your white women line. No need to get yourself stomped again.

As for me, no, I'm retired, and living on Social Security and a VA pension. And you might know that when I did educate myself to the level of a graduate school masters degree program, it was affirmative action (your reparations) that was my undoing. I also owned my own business for 12 years. Thanks for the hot tips though. It's the thought that counts.

Speaking of "thought", I'd be remiss if I didn't add that all your anti-white racist talk is what gets young black boys all charged up with hate, so they sometimes wind up dead, riddled with bullets, like Jordan Davis and Trayvon Martin, both of whom shot off a lot of nasty, racist barbs at the guys who wound up killing them. Guys who talk like you do, are a big part of the race problem in America, and much of what keeps poor blacks poor, and out of the American mainstream.

Try as you might AA is not reparations for the simple fact that other ethnicities benefit from them. You may have imagined you stomped the fact of white women being the biggest benefactor of AA but then you frequently are delusional in your thinking.

I have to tell you I dont believe a word you say about what you have done because I vividly recall you saying you were a failure due to AA. That tells me you did not educate yourself to a level where AA could not affect you. It is hilarious to think you expect someone to believe you were educated but claim AA took you down. :lol:

Guys that talk like me are frightening to you cave apes. This I understand. The fact that a Black teenager can frighten a grown man enough for him to shoot a teenager only speaks to the cowardly nature of cave apes. At least pick on a adult Black man. I think the consequences of taking on a Black man in your age range is just to frightening a prospect so you guys do what you always do. Wimp out instead of competing on an equal level.

There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.... After all we have been through. Just to think we can't walk down our own streets, how humiliating.
Oh, but you most certainly have, and continue to bring racism to the table, in the form of affirmative action discrimination against millions of white workers. And it is specifically YOU, the pusher and supporter of this racism which has brought billions$$ in damages to whites, who should pay reparations to those whites who RIGHT NOW are suffering those damages (while the blacks you mentioned never suffered slavery).

Lastly, if we are to pay any descendants of anyone who suffered in the distant past, perhaps we could send payments to the descendants of civil war union soldiers who lost arms and legs, amputated without painkillers, and those who died, fighting to free those slaves.
So you get a big You're welcome, as you thank them for that, and go to your local civil war cemetary and beg their souls forgiveness, for completely ignoring their massive sacrifices, done so you can be here now mouthing off as you are. Bye now.

Sorry but white people brought racism into the picture. Racism was used to justify slavery. Hence the retarded belief that whites were doing Africans a favor by enslaving them all in the name of racial superiority. We know the real reason was economics as history shows us. Your whining about affirmative action is pretty pathetic seeing as white women benefit from AA more than any other demographic. That is not a program specifically for Black people anyway so you bringing that into the conversation is a sad deflection of the OP.

You should really read some of my replies to FoxFyre. Union soldiers were doing as ordered by the government. They were not mercenaries that were supposed to be paid by Black people to free them. Where in the history of this country has reparations ever been paid to soldiers doing their duty? As far as their sacrifice? It is noted but not at the level you wish because we all know the North fought the war to maintain the Union and not to free slaves. They certainly didn't fight it so I could "mouth off". The only people that fought for my right to be uppity are the freedom fighters in the 60's. I know you wish you could stop that legally or had the courage to do it physically but we all know those days are long gone. Dont we?


I've long ago showed that white women are not the biggest beneficiaries of affirmative action, that being a FALSE talking point employed by AA scoundrels. For every white woman gaining from AA, there are 10 whose husband, father, or son is harmed by it, harming them as well.


You never proved any such thing. What you have is an opinion.
The best value to be gained from the historical past (regardless of the era or the specific circumstances) is knowledge. Much can be learned from past mistakes. Knowledge and growth trump temporal or material things.

The USA is nearly bankrupt as it is and can't afford to siphon any more cash from the already fragile tax base. All of America (including blacks) will be harmed if America's economy finally implodes. Sometimes we all need to be happy that we have what we have and we all need to stop finding ways to gain at the expense of others. I've been wronged before but I let it go and moved on with my life. Dwelling on past wrongs is more harmful to me that it is anyone else. Just learn, grow, and try to be the best we can be.
Your reading comprehension aside, (or maybe you were trying to pretend you forgot the point?) that is another example setting a precedent of descendents getting the reparations. You may as well give up on the precedent angle. Its there.

Sorry, but just because the word reparation was used sets no precedent for your particular situation. It's 2 totally different situations. The descendants in this case only got a few thou for schools, which sets no precedent for slavery descendants getting anything, except maybe a few thou for school, which the guvmint probably already gives blacks. Please try again.

Yeah it actually does. Do you know what precedent means?

an earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide to be considered in subsequent similar circumstances.

In the event reparations are paid. We have these earlier examples of descendants being paid when the original harmed party has passed. This is done because people that use common sense understand the principle of legacy. What does legacy mean?

something (such as property or money) that is received from someone who has died

Since my ancestors never received reparations then they were unable to pass any property purchased with those funds or those funds saved on to me. Again it is important to note that what the facts are is that the money was never paid. Any wild conjecture as to what would have been done with the money is speculative and not part of this debate. Any silly posts regarding that speculation is an admission that you have nothing at all with which to argue the facts.
Your ancestors never even asked for reparations, so why should you? But anyways, so where is this reparations case at, is it coming along? I've not heard anything about this.
Damn! One of you buffoons finally caught me. You retards are stupid. I got you so riled up
your dumb cave ape asses couldn't even think straight for pages and pages. Nice playing with you guys. Try and think before getting emotional next time.


AssClap gets smoked having made a simply stupid statement predicated on his boundless supply of misinformation.

And what does the pussy do?

Rather than own it or even own up to it, the bitch tries (in a particularly transparent way) to turn HIS massive fuck-up around on the one who exposed his ignorance.

AssClap is very emotionally invested in his clearly unsupportable position. ["Reparations!" :lmao: ]

Poor deluded loser asshole cock-smoking pussy that he is. He is presently in full meltdown mode.


It remains pretty funny to observe.

This must have been particularly galling for you weird named guy. That statement was up for grabs and your dumb ass never saw it. Cursing as hard as you can at me only highlights your frustration.

^ AssClap's is not just in full melt down mode, but he is now evincing a high degree of delusional thought.


It's funny how one word can set him off so badly but make me literally laugh out loud:


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Who asked to experience it? That suggestion came from you. I'm not complaining about anything. Me pointing out the merits of reparations bothers you. I get it. Dont call it complaining though.

Except you haven't pointed out the merits of paying people who not only didn't suffer, but who actually benefitted from their ancestors having been brought over here. You just constantly whine about some fictitious number you want to be paid.

But I did. I clearly showed there is a precedent set by the Japanese. Some of the Japanese that were paid reparations were descendents of the original people that were harmed. Your refusal to digest and understand that is your problem and shows a clear lack of intelligence.

No no, AssClap. You cited a case "as" precedent even though, upon inspection, it has no effective value as precedent.

You shouldn't imagine that your weak-ass sophistry has any hint of persuasive power. It doesn't.

Reparations. :lmao:
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AssClap gets smoked having made a simply stupid statement predicated on his boundless supply of misinformation.

And what does the pussy do?

Rather than own it or even own up to it, the bitch tries (in a particularly transparent way) to turn HIS massive fuck-up around on the one who exposed his ignorance.

AssClap is very emotionally invested in his clearly unsupportable position. ["Reparations!" :lmao: ]

Poor deluded loser asshole cock-smoking pussy that he is. He is presently in full meltdown mode.


It remains pretty funny to observe.

Hes such a fucktard, and he doesn't even have the courage to admit his mistake. Asclepias is pathetic, ignorant and weak. Hes a pitiful excuse for a man.

Dont be mad your dumbass didnt catch it and toddpatriot did. You fools were in such a tizzy over reparations you couldnt even think straight.

^ AssClap still is stubbornly unable to just simply admit his own obvious and rather ignorant mistake. It's ok, though. Everyone else sees through the transparent effort he offers. :lmao:
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The ancestors of the present day American Indians had the land on which they lived more or less taken from them.

There is a claim, therefore, to return the continent to the folks who were here prior to the arrival of those from Europe.

It's a form of reparations. "We took it. You are entitled to have it back. Here take it. We'll be leaving, now."

Granted, it aint never gonna happen. But if it did, it would qualify as reparations.

Sadly for the progeny of those prior generations of American Indians, the application for "reparations" is time-barred.
Blacks aren't waiting one minute for reparations. They've BEEN GETTING THEM for 50 years via Affirmative Action. I've already stomped your white women line. No need to get yourself stomped again.

As for me, no, I'm retired, and living on Social Security and a VA pension. And you might know that when I did educate myself to the level of a graduate school masters degree program, it was affirmative action (your reparations) that was my undoing. I also owned my own business for 12 years. Thanks for the hot tips though. It's the thought that counts.

Speaking of "thought", I'd be remiss if I didn't add that all your anti-white racist talk is what gets young black boys all charged up with hate, so they sometimes wind up dead, riddled with bullets, like Jordan Davis and Trayvon Martin, both of whom shot off a lot of nasty, racist barbs at the guys who wound up killing them. Guys who talk like you do, are a big part of the race problem in America, and much of what keeps poor blacks poor, and out of the American mainstream.

Try as you might AA is not reparations for the simple fact that other ethnicities benefit from them. You may have imagined you stomped the fact of white women being the biggest benefactor of AA but then you frequently are delusional in your thinking.

I have to tell you I dont believe a word you say about what you have done because I vividly recall you saying you were a failure due to AA. That tells me you did not educate yourself to a level where AA could not affect you. It is hilarious to think you expect someone to believe you were educated but claim AA took you down. :lol:

Guys that talk like me are frightening to you cave apes. This I understand. The fact that a Black teenager can frighten a grown man enough for him to shoot a teenager only speaks to the cowardly nature of cave apes. At least pick on a adult Black man. I think the consequences of taking on a Black man in your age range is just to frightening a prospect so you guys do what you always do. Wimp out instead of competing on an equal level.

There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.... After all we have been through. Just to think we can't walk down our own streets, how humiliating.

Sure you can. Just get a CCW permit, and a nice little Keltec .32 or .380, with a full clip of hollow points, and if the trashbags come at you, BANG!, they're dead. No problem.
Sorry but white people brought racism into the picture. Racism was used to justify slavery. Hence the retarded belief that whites were doing Africans a favor by enslaving them all in the name of racial superiority. We know the real reason was economics as history shows us. Your whining about affirmative action is pretty pathetic seeing as white women benefit from AA more than any other demographic. That is not a program specifically for Black people anyway so you bringing that into the conversation is a sad deflection of the OP.

You should really read some of my replies to FoxFyre. Union soldiers were doing as ordered by the government. They were not mercenaries that were supposed to be paid by Black people to free them. Where in the history of this country has reparations ever been paid to soldiers doing their duty? As far as their sacrifice? It is noted but not at the level you wish because we all know the North fought the war to maintain the Union and not to free slaves. They certainly didn't fight it so I could "mouth off". The only people that fought for my right to be uppity are the freedom fighters in the 60's. I know you wish you could stop that legally or had the courage to do it physically but we all know those days are long gone. Dont we?


I've long ago showed that white women are not the biggest beneficiaries of affirmative action, that being a FALSE talking point employed by AA scoundrels. For every white woman gaining from AA, there are 10 whose husband, father, or son is harmed by it, harming them as well.

You never proved any such thing. What you have is an opinion.

Not really. Since ALL white workers are up against AA, and the overwhelming majority are men, it's about impossible to say that there aren't many more white women (wives, daughters, mothers, sisters) harmed by AA than are helped by it. This is the critical point, not the exact ratio numbers.
When holocaust survivors got money from Germany they had to prove actual damages. It certainly doesn't exist for an entire race.

Since there is no one alive that has been a slave in America legally, then no one can show damage because of slavery.
Blacks aren't waiting one minute for reparations. They've BEEN GETTING THEM for 50 years via Affirmative Action. I've already stomped your white women line. No need to get yourself stomped again.

As for me, no, I'm retired, and living on Social Security and a VA pension. And you might know that when I did educate myself to the level of a graduate school masters degree program, it was affirmative action (your reparations) that was my undoing. I also owned my own business for 12 years. Thanks for the hot tips though. It's the thought that counts.

Speaking of "thought", I'd be remiss if I didn't add that all your anti-white racist talk is what gets young black boys all charged up with hate, so they sometimes wind up dead, riddled with bullets, like Jordan Davis and Trayvon Martin, both of whom shot off a lot of nasty, racist barbs at the guys who wound up killing them. Guys who talk like you do, are a big part of the race problem in America, and much of what keeps poor blacks poor, and out of the American mainstream.

Try as you might AA is not reparations for the simple fact that other ethnicities benefit from them. You may have imagined you stomped the fact of white women being the biggest benefactor of AA but then you frequently are delusional in your thinking.

I have to tell you I dont believe a word you say about what you have done because I vividly recall you saying you were a failure due to AA. That tells me you did not educate yourself to a level where AA could not affect you. It is hilarious to think you expect someone to believe you were educated but claim AA took you down. :lol:

Guys that talk like me are frightening to you cave apes. This I understand. The fact that a Black teenager can frighten a grown man enough for him to shoot a teenager only speaks to the cowardly nature of cave apes. At least pick on a adult Black man. I think the consequences of taking on a Black man in your age range is just to frightening a prospect so you guys do what you always do. Wimp out instead of competing on an equal level.

This pile of unintelligible idiocy is so wacked out, it's almost impossible to understand. I guess that's what happens to a person's mind when they are steeped in race hatred for all their life. Everything I said in the post you quoted, still stands 100%.

As for all your tough black guy, weak white guy talk, just watch MMA/UFC once in a while, and see all the white guys handing black guys their ass, which is just what they'd do to you right now, if you talked like this to them in person. As for your dumb "cave apes" phrase, you think is so cool, I shot that down long ago with a list of dozens of white people who created the great things of our modern technological world, while blacks were busy throwing spears at monkeys, and trying to catch fish with their bare hands, having never heard of a fishing reel. And don't try to lay that imbecile Egyptian trip on us again either. The only blacks in ancient Egypt were slaves/laborers.
And I never said I was a failure. You (STUPIDLY) said that.

You are beginning to implode. Get yourself together. :lol:

I want my ancestors money.

How much? Show all your work.

Where are you at in your acceptance of the facts? Please explain each point.

I'm still at the "mocking your premise while waiting for you to supply real numbers" stage.

If you are mocking instead of debating that explains why you havent come with anything solid. You should try harder debating the points instead of mocking them. Mocking them only tells me the facts are incontrovertible. You have to have something better to offer if you want me to waste time giving you numbers. Get with the program or you will be ignored.
The best value to be gained from the historical past (regardless of the era or the specific circumstances) is knowledge. Much can be learned from past mistakes. Knowledge and growth trump temporal or material things.

The USA is nearly bankrupt as it is and can't afford to siphon any more cash from the already fragile tax base. All of America (including blacks) will be harmed if America's economy finally implodes. Sometimes we all need to be happy that we have what we have and we all need to stop finding ways to gain at the expense of others. I've been wronged before but I let it go and moved on with my life. Dwelling on past wrongs is more harmful to me that it is anyone else. Just learn, grow, and try to be the best we can be.

Thats not really true if you understand how our monetary system works. Where do you think the money comes from to finance wars? They print it with nothing to back it. Then they use taxes to cover it. If they can finance wars they can finance reparations. I dont buy that it will hurt anyone anymore than paying for a war will.

I'm not dwelling on past wrongs. I am debating the OP. I would not be successful if I dwelt on past wrongs. To me that line of thinking doesn't make sense if someone owes you money. Every company with unpaid bills tries to collect that money. I as a Black person I will never be duped by the "let it go" ruse. While I will not dwell on it, the existence of that unpaid debt will always leave a nasty feeling in my consciousness. I suspect most Black people feel the same.
Sorry, but just because the word reparation was used sets no precedent for your particular situation. It's 2 totally different situations. The descendants in this case only got a few thou for schools, which sets no precedent for slavery descendants getting anything, except maybe a few thou for school, which the guvmint probably already gives blacks. Please try again.

Yeah it actually does. Do you know what precedent means?

In the event reparations are paid. We have these earlier examples of descendants being paid when the original harmed party has passed. This is done because people that use common sense understand the principle of legacy. What does legacy mean?

something (such as property or money) that is received from someone who has died

Since my ancestors never received reparations then they were unable to pass any property purchased with those funds or those funds saved on to me. Again it is important to note that what the facts are is that the money was never paid. Any wild conjecture as to what would have been done with the money is speculative and not part of this debate. Any silly posts regarding that speculation is an admission that you have nothing at all with which to argue the facts.
Your ancestors never even asked for reparations, so why should you? But anyways, so where is this reparations case at, is it coming along? I've not heard anything about this.

Who told you that whopper and why did you believe them? The case is still in its infancy. No one has been able to get past the first facts nor the precedent already set. You guys need to hire someone that can debate my facts and not try to divert the issue to something else.
When holocaust survivors got money from Germany they had to prove actual damages. It certainly doesn't exist for an entire race.

Since there is no one alive that has been a slave in America legally, then no one can show damage because of slavery.

But they can. Just because you say they cant doesnt make it true. Holocaust survivors had to prove they were damaged just like anyone else would. Black people would have to prove they were descended from people that were enslaved. Same thing.
Where are you at in your acceptance of the facts? Please explain each point.

I'm still at the "mocking your premise while waiting for you to supply real numbers" stage.

If you are mocking instead of debating that explains why you havent come with anything solid. You should try harder debating the points instead of mocking them. Mocking them only tells me the facts are incontrovertible. You have to have something better to offer if you want me to waste time giving you numbers. Get with the program or you will be ignored.

Yes, still mocking your premise.

If you ever come up with your numbers, I'll be happy to debate them.
I'm still at the "mocking your premise while waiting for you to supply real numbers" stage.

If you are mocking instead of debating that explains why you havent come with anything solid. You should try harder debating the points instead of mocking them. Mocking them only tells me the facts are incontrovertible. You have to have something better to offer if you want me to waste time giving you numbers. Get with the program or you will be ignored.

Yes, still mocking your premise.

If you ever come up with your numbers, I'll be happy to debate them.

You first have to debate and or agree with the merits. I've already instructed you on how this will go.
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