Slavery reparations?

Are you for or against slavery reparations?

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I know I frighten you but no. I just know you are a sissy and to you I am more frightening than a young Black man. Thats why you guys only go after the young babies. You couldnt possible deal with a full adult male. Thats also why you are afraid of the very word reparations.

Now you are sounding like a typical black violent criminal. Why do blacks have such a high crime rate? Why are most of them so stupid? Why do blacks have so many illegitimate children that they expect whites to support on welfare? Bad genes, that's why.

I am not afraid of reparations. There is no way you will get them. Immigrants usually view your people with more contempt than whites who were born here.
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I know I frighten you but no. I just know you are a sissy and to you I am more frightening than a young Black man. Thats why you guys only go after the young babies. You couldnt possible deal with a full adult male. Thats also why you are afraid of the very word reparations.

Now you are sounding like a typical black violent criminal. Why do blacks have such a high crime rate? Why are most of them so stupid? Why do blacks have so many illegitimate children that they expect whites to support on welfare? Bad genes, that's why.

I am not afraid of reparations. There is no way you will get them. Immigrants usually view your people with more contempt than whites who were born here.

You should save your questions for another thread and get back on topic. Why are you afraid of paying reparations to Black people? What is your specific beef with it?
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On my way to bed here, I just caught up on the thread again. And reading over the recent posts, I wonder why all those trillions of dollars spent on the so-called 'war on poverty' to date doesn't qualify as adequate reparations?
As a result of the presence of blacks in the United States, racist white people like you are scared as hell.

Anyone with sense is afraid of young black men. This is what Jesse Jackson wrote about them:

"There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.... After all we have been through. Just to think we can't walk down our own streets, how humiliating."

Remarks at a meeting of Operation PUSH in Chicago (27 November 1993). Quoted in "Crime: New Frontier - Jesse Jackson Calls It Top Civil-Rights Issue" by Mary A. Johnson, 29 November 1993, Chicago Sun-Times (ellipsis in original). Partially quoted in US News & World Report (10 March 1996)

So you and Jessie Jackson are both sissies? I'm not afraid of young Black men. They would have more to do if they were able to have reparations.

They HAVE reparations. What am I talking about ? YOU KNOW!!
I know I frighten you but no. I just know you are a sissy and to you I am more frightening than a young Black man. Thats why you guys only go after the young babies. You couldnt possible deal with a full adult male. Thats also why you are afraid of the very word reparations.

1. It was a young black boy who shot and killed a one year old white baby,shot in the face, while his mother walked him in his stroller. He was inspired by the Black Panther imbeciles, whom you praise.

2. I LIKE the word reparations. It means all the money that you need to give to me, to compensate me for your support of the racist programs of affirmative action. Come on, pull about the big money wad. Start peelin those 100s.
Go read about King Cotton. Please make sure you report back. I want at least 2 pages double spaced. Got that?

We have machines that pick cotton. We have machines that shine shoes. We don't need you people any more. We would be better off without you.

You need us. You could not possibly maintain a modern economy without us.

Who is "us," asshole? What the hell does anyone need you for?
The United States would be a far better country if blacks had not been brought here as slaves, and if they had not been allowed to move here.

The entire world would be far better off without 'people' like you and your twin Asclepias.
Blacks have been crying over reparations since 1865 and nothing has been done nor will it ever. It's way past time for blacks to stand on their own two feet and stop relying on the white man.
Blacks have been crying over reparations since 1865 and nothing has been done nor will it ever. It's way past time for blacks to stand on their own two feet and stop relying on the white man.

During the Civil War a lot of whites in the Union, including President Lincoln wanted to deport Negroes after they were freed, but they could not find a country that would take them. They were thinking about dumping them in Central America, but the Central Americans said they would declare war on us to keep them out.
Blacks have been crying over reparations since 1865 and nothing has been done nor will it ever. It's way past time for blacks to stand on their own two feet and stop relying on the white man.

During the Civil War a lot of whites in the Union, including President Lincoln wanted to deport Negroes after they were freed, but they could not find a country that would take them. They were thinking about dumping them in Central America, but the Central Americans said they would declare war on us to keep them out.

This is true and shows what type of deadbeats the white people from that era were pretending the war was fought to free slaves We know all along it was to keep the Union intact and promote free states over slave states where white people could benefit from homesteading acts that gave out land and obtain jobs without competing with free slave labor. The least they could have done was paid up at that point so we could actually obtain something to leave a legacy for. The white power structure in this country has never truly advocated the inclusion of Black people. This is just another reason why reparations should be paid.
Blacks have been crying over reparations since 1865 and nothing has been done nor will it ever. It's way past time for blacks to stand on their own two feet and stop relying on the white man.

Go tell that to your cable company the next time they cut off your service for non payment.

I don't have cable. Besides what does that have to do with the subject of reparations? I gained nothing from slavery therefore I owe nothing. I was never a slave owner, you were never a slave although you still harbor the slave mentality.
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Blacks have been crying over reparations since 1865 and nothing has been done nor will it ever. It's way past time for blacks to stand on their own two feet and stop relying on the white man.

Go tell that to your cable company the next time they cut off your service for non payment.

I don't have cable. Besides what does that have to do with the subject of reparations? I gained nothing from slavery therefore I owe nothing. I was never a slave owner, you were never a slave although you still harbor the slave mentality.

Thats right. They dont have cable in trailer parks i was told. Well go tell that to your ISP then.
Blacks have been crying over reparations since 1865 and nothing has been done nor will it ever. It's way past time for blacks to stand on their own two feet and stop relying on the white man.

During the Civil War a lot of whites in the Union, including President Lincoln wanted to deport Negroes after they were freed, but they could not find a country that would take them. They were thinking about dumping them in Central America, but the Central Americans said they would declare war on us to keep them out.

This is true and shows what type of deadbeats the white people from that era were pretending the war was fought to free slaves We know all along it was to keep the Union intact and promote free states over slave states where white people could benefit from homesteading acts that gave out land and obtain jobs without competing with free slave labor. The least they could have done was paid up at that point so we could actually obtain something to leave a legacy for. The white power structure in this country has never truly advocated the inclusion of Black people. This is just another reason why reparations should be paid.

What matters is that no one wanted you people.
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