Slip-Slidin' Away - Roman Polanski, Bill Cosby Booted From Film Academy


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
.....that would be the Liberal pollution of the culture.

Slip slidin' away
Slip slidin' away
You know the nearer your destination
The more you're slip slidin' away
Paul Simon - Slip Slidin' Away Lyrics | MetroLyrics

Remember the Liberals cheering for the pedophile rapist....assuring America that, you know....such behavior is no 'thang'....

And now.....
"Roman Polanski, Bill Cosby Booted From Film Academy
The actor and director have been expelled as "the Board continues to encourage ethical standards that require members to uphold the Academy's values of respect for human dignity," according to a statement."
Roman Polanski, Bill Cosby Booted From Film Academy

First, the Liberal elites admitted what we said all along....that Bill Clinton is a rapist....

"So the recent wave of liberals “reckoning” with Bill Clinton’s sexual offenses should be put into proper context. It is not the beginning of the end for the Clintons atop the Democratic Party. It’s just the end.

….the mea culpas from Bill’s defenders proliferating through lefty media, from the New York Times to Politico to Vox, are anything but brave. They’re convenient."


Now Polanski and Cosby are the 'burning men.'

Can Michelle Wolf be far behind????

None of this would have happened had not the American public slapped the Left in the kisser by electing Donald Trump.

.....let's hope the cleansing continues apace.
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When I saw "Slip-Slidin' Away" I thought this was going to be about The Mule's Russian Collusion Investigation
Dafuk do Roman Polanski and/or Bill Cosby's membership in AMPAS have to do with "Liberals"?

Dafuk do Roman Polanski and/or Bill Cosby's membership in AMPAS have to do with "Liberals"?


You know, or this post of yours would not be know, to assuage your hurt.

You remain high up in the ranks of ---low life lying Liberals.

(See what I did there.....)
Dafuk do Roman Polanski and/or Bill Cosby's membership in AMPAS have to do with "Liberals"?


You know, or this post of yours would not be know, to assuage your hurt.

You remain high up in the ranks of ---low life lying Liberals.

(See what I did there.....)

Sure do. "Failed to answer". Which is exactly what I expected.
Dafuk do Roman Polanski and/or Bill Cosby's membership in AMPAS have to do with "Liberals"?


You know, or this post of yours would not be know, to assuage your hurt.

You remain high up in the ranks of ---low life lying Liberals.

(See what I did there.....)

Sure do. "Failed to answer". Which is exactly what I expected.

Why do you Liberals need it explained twice??????

Remember the Liberals cheering for the pedophile rapist....assuring America that, you know....such behavior is no 'thang'....

Now get lost.
I like Meryl Streep as an actress. It irks me to no end that these idiots feel they have to spew their politics so publicly. It taints every piece of art they are involved in to the point that it over shadows their actual talents.
Dafuk do Roman Polanski and/or Bill Cosby's membership in AMPAS have to do with "Liberals"?


You know, or this post of yours would not be know, to assuage your hurt.

You remain high up in the ranks of ---low life lying Liberals.

(See what I did there.....)

Sure do. "Failed to answer". Which is exactly what I expected.

Why do you Liberals need it explained twice??????

Remember the Liberals cheering for the pedophile rapist....assuring America that, you know....such behavior is no 'thang'....

Nope, I sure don't 'remember' that.

Got a link?
Sure took them long enough. Polanski was the darling of the liberal film aficionado community. He should have been dragged out of whatever country he was hiding in and tried for the rape of that little girl.
Remember when Republicans were praising Cosby for criticizing young black men?

Shall I take that as your flaccid attempt to shield rapists?

At this point it becomes necessary for you to actually....and carefully.......say what you mean.

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