It’s Just A Matter Of Time

Glad you're now admitting that Iran was guaranteed nuclear weapons.

a. Why did Hussein push a deal that had no inspections???

b. Could Hussein have prevented Iran from ever getting nukes?

Try your best to be honest.....(snigger-snigger)
Iran was guaranteed nuclear weapons by which of the nuclear powers? Any of the 5 could make the guarantee.

Why did Hussein push a deal that had no inspections? Maybe it was the best deal all the parties would agree to.

Could Hussein have prevented Iran from ever getting nukes? Ever is a very long time. Could anyone do that or do you imply that Obama was a god?

"Why did Hussein push a deal that had no inspections? Maybe it was the best deal all the parties would agree to."

a. Why allow them any deal?

b. Why lie to the American public and claim that here were stringent inspection regimens???

A Muslim President hell bent on guaranteeing a Muslim nation a Muslim nuclear arsenal.
Glad you're now admitting that Iran was guaranteed nuclear weapons.

a. Why did Hussein push a deal that had no inspections???

b. Could Hussein have prevented Iran from ever getting nukes?

Try your best to be honest.....(snigger-snigger)
Iran was guaranteed nuclear weapons by which of the nuclear powers? Any of the 5 could make the guarantee.

Why did Hussein push a deal that had no inspections? Maybe it was the best deal all the parties would agree to.

Could Hussein have prevented Iran from ever getting nukes? Ever is a very long time. Could anyone do that or do you imply that Obama was a god?

"Could Hussein have prevented Iran from ever getting nukes? Ever is a very long time. Could anyone do that or do you imply that Obama was a god?"

Was Reagan a god?

He defeated a far bigger, greater and more threatening enemy.

Obama could have done what Reagan did, had he actually intended to end Iran's support for terror and Islamofascism and its desire for nuclear weapons:

"...the president [Reagan] signed National Security Decision Directive (NSDD) 32, which....called for aid to Solidarity, counter-propaganda in Poland, tightening of sanctions on the Soviet Union, and covert activities to achieve these objectives.

Reagan sent out 328 such 'Top Secret' directives to the diplomatic, military, and intelligence agencies during his presidency."
The President, the Pope, And the Prime Minister: Three Who Changed the World," p. , p.185

"Reagan .... thought the aim of American foreign policy should be not to get along with the Communist powers but to hasten their end.

He opposed the Helsinki accords because he thought they codified the captive status of Moscow's East European satellites. He believed détente conferred a false legitimacy upon states whose governments were not installed by the consent of the governed.

He agreed with Churchill and with the Democrats' mid-century presidents that the best way to avoid a war was to be ready to fight one, and he quoted in one of his radio addresses the phrase "No nation ever saved its freedom by disarming itself in the hope of placating an enemy," from NSC-68, one of the Cold War founding documents of the Truman administration.

Thirty years earlier, these beliefs were the views of politicians of both major parties, .... Reagan's aim was to restore these views to the national dialogue, and in time he did."Reagan in Opposition

Obama's aim was always to nuclear arm the worst of western civilization's enemies.
And he did.

But, then, Reagan wasn't Muslim, and owed his allegiance to America, not to the ummah.
"...Iran now has officially declared that they will no longer comply with some of the provisions in the coveted international nuclear agreement that was touted by the Obama administration. It was a trash agreement. It always was—and it didn’t prevent the nation from acquiring nuclear weapons.

On the contrary, once the deal expired in 10-15 years, the country could get back on track to obtaining nuclear arms. This was even admitted as fact by former President Barack Obama.

All this agreement did was give Barry time to avoid bombing the country or taking any military action that would cripple their nuclear ambitions. Even after the agreement was signed, German intelligence was quite clear that Iran still pursued banned missile and nuclear components. "
This Is How Iran Just Trashed Another Obama Foreign Policy Initiative

You know why.....'s what fanatic Islamofascists do for their pals.

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