Slut teacher pregnant by 13 year old student

Disgusting, and something is seriously wrong with this woman. For what reason would a grown woman be interested in a little boy who has probably not even gone through puberty yet? Yikes. This is a sick, sick world we live in.
What if a pretty woman had seduced me at thirteen? Hmm...

Everyone Has their "Summer of 42". :biggrin:

Disgusting, and something is seriously wrong with this woman. For what reason would a grown woman be interested in a little boy who has probably not even gone through puberty yet? Yikes. This is a sick, sick world we live in.

And the parents of the child approve of it.
Disgusting, and something is seriously wrong with this woman. For what reason would a grown woman be interested in a little boy who has probably not even gone through puberty yet? Yikes. This is a sick, sick world we live in.

And the parents of the child approve of it.

Well, some parents are terrible parents, unfortunately. If that was my son, I would be pissed, and I would want to know what this woman wanted with my child. Obviously it isn't sex!
What if a pretty woman had seduced me at thirteen? Hmm...
I have very fond memories of that.

No wonder why you're so weird. Lol.
It is not weird for a 13 year old boy to want to get laid, especially by a real woman rather than some giddy little girlfriend near is own age.

Wait, weren't you like 7? What would some woman want with a little boy? Lol. Something is wrong with her.
Rape is rape; the predator raped a child.


Now, now, let's not be so hasty. According to Whoopi Goldberg there's rape and then there's rape rape.


Who the hell is "Whoopi" to make such a statement? Rape is rape. Violence with rape is even more disgusting if that is possible but the rape of one person by another has NO DEGREE!! Adding further physical violence adds another crime. (of course; bloody stupid Goldberg)!!

I suppose she means that if it's done by a Clinton then it is "pass".........

Disgusting, and something is seriously wrong with this woman. For what reason would a grown woman be interested in a little boy who has probably not even gone through puberty yet? Yikes. This is a sick, sick world we live in.

ChrisL; females can be pedophiles as well as males. I can only assume that the reasons are similar. Downright EVIL!!

Disgusting, and something is seriously wrong with this woman. For what reason would a grown woman be interested in a little boy who has probably not even gone through puberty yet? Yikes. This is a sick, sick world we live in.

The world is wonderful but has a few weeping sores!!

Disgusting, and something is seriously wrong with this woman. For what reason would a grown woman be interested in a little boy who has probably not even gone through puberty yet? Yikes. This is a sick, sick world we live in.

ChrisL; females can be pedophiles as well as males. I can only assume that the reasons are similar. Downright EVIL!!


For the life of me, I can't figure out why an adult woman would want to have a sexual relationship with a child. It's really messed up. She should be treated the exact same way as any male sexual predator, IMO. If that was MY child, I would be livid. We've all seen the news reports where some women will start "affairs" with these young impressionable boys and then they coerce them into killing their husbands or whatever. It's all about coercion and power.

Also, these little boys probably fall "in love" (or what THEY think is love) with these women. How selfish and horrible!
Damn, nice! Oh I mean, how horrible.
But....he (the 13 year old) can be held accountable for child support until the baby she is carrying is 18. That is not okay.
This right here is what I don't get about people like her. She has gotten herself pregnant by a male who isn't even old enough to get himself a job yet. Until he is, if she isn't thrown in jail and is allowed to keep the baby, how will the baby be provided for if her paycheck is not enough and that is if she gets to keep her job too?

God bless you and the baby always!!!


P.S. I have another question. What makes people think that they can get away with such bull crap?

I read somewhere that she had an abortion.
Damn, nice! Oh I mean, how horrible.
But....he (the 13 year old) can be held accountable for child support until the baby she is carrying is 18. That is not okay.
This right here is what I don't get about people like her. She has gotten herself pregnant by a male who isn't even old enough to get himself a job yet. Until he is, if she isn't thrown in jail and is allowed to keep the baby, how will the baby be provided for if her paycheck is not enough and that is if she gets to keep her job too?

God bless you and the baby always!!!


P.S. I have another question. What makes people think that they can get away with such bull crap?

I read somewhere that she had an abortion.

She should have had a lobotomy instead.
Rape is rape; the predator raped a child.


Now, now, let's not be so hasty. According to Whoopi Goldberg there's rape and then there's rape rape.


Who the hell is "Whoopi" to make such a statement? Rape is rape. Violence with rape is even more disgusting if that is possible but the rape of one person by another has NO DEGREE!! Adding further physical violence adds another crime. (of course; bloody stupid Goldberg)!!

I suppose she means that if it's done by a Clinton then it is "pass".........


Actually Roman Polanski. See, if it's done by a crackhead, it's rape. If it's done by a famous Hollywood type, it's not really rape, even when the victim is 13 and drugged.
I would never have breathed a word about her indiscretion......unless she told me it was over.
I figure I'd have that shit till I was tired of it.
And she damn well better put in her best effort or my tongue might start wagging.
Rape is rape; the predator raped a child.


Now, now, let's not be so hasty. According to Whoopi Goldberg there's rape and then there's rape rape.


Who the hell is "Whoopi" to make such a statement? Rape is rape. Violence with rape is even more disgusting if that is possible but the rape of one person by another has NO DEGREE!! Adding further physical violence adds another crime. (of course; bloody stupid Goldberg)!!

I suppose she means that if it's done by a Clinton then it is "pass".........


Actually Roman Polanski. See, if it's done by a crackhead, it's rape. If it's done by a famous Hollywood type, it's not really rape, even when the victim is 13 and drugged.

What a disgusting pig that guy is! Then you've got Hollyweird supporting this guy. I don't know what is going on in this world.
I would never have breathed a word about her indiscretion......unless she told me it was over.
I figure I'd have that shit till I was tired of it.
And she damn well better put in her best effort or my tongue might start wagging.
She might like that, too.

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