"Smaller government" advocates

""Smaller government" advocates'

...have failed to justify their advocacy of 'smaller government.'

It seems that way to you because you have your fingers firmly inserted into your ears, and you continually shout "Nyah, Nyah, Nyah . . . . I can't hear you!"
You're duped by big gov't lying, cheating Pubs. NEVER do what they say. Small gov't and family values my butt. Giant "Law and Order" nanny gov't and bigotry you mean.
Democrats pity the dupes, hate the lies and thievery of Pubs. ISIS would fall apart if there were JOBS. Thanks Boooshies...

ISIS would fall apart if there were jobs? Where do you get that from? Oh yeah, those dopey Democrat leaders of yours.

Well I'm willing to help ISIS get those jobs. I say let's ship Obama over there and he can work his magic. I'm sure he'll make plenty of jobs over there for ISIS.
Maybe we could open some McDonalds and a couple of Walmarts and end the middle east crisis, that's all they really want.

You have to wonder how liberals survived this far through history, don't you?.

Democrats realize many of their constituents don't have common sense, so they tell them what to think. Then their sheep repeat whatever it is they're told to say, and they never stop to question the logic.

I had to look up the dingy that makes people like Franko think the way they do, and I found it. Her name is Marie Harf and she's a State Department spokeswoman. Once she made the stupid statement that we can stop terrorist by providing jobs, she was criticized heavily for it and had no choice but to stick by her words.

That's the same kind of logic that goes behind what Nancy Piglosi believes which is welfare and unemployment stimulate the economy.

Whenever I feel a little down and bummed out, I can always thank God that he didn't give me a mind like a liberal. I could never imagine going through life thinking like that.

My brother and I joke about that too, we should be liberals and make our lives so much easier without having to think. I reality though, neither of us want to be that.

Smaller government and personal responsibility though just isn't a selling message to the gimme crowd
Funny how the brainwashed dupes of the Pub Propaganda machine think they're intellectuals, while Libs who try to sort out all media aren't thinking. Hilarious.

Republicans tend to be intellectual. They have to understand how free works while liberals don't need to grasp more than, "welfare is good".
How is it that the GOP, who refuse any solution to illegals

100 stupid!!! Republicans want a wall and thus 20 million new jobs with upward pressure on wages for Americans tomorrow!!
Pie in the sky for the dupes, while the problem they love goes on...Pass the gd bill and END it. You don't even KNOW the bill. PUBS took out the good ID that is the ONLY true solution. COMMUNISM they say. What a joke...
ISIS would fall apart if there were jobs? Where do you get that from? Oh yeah, those dopey Democrat leaders of yours.

Well I'm willing to help ISIS get those jobs. I say let's ship Obama over there and he can work his magic. I'm sure he'll make plenty of jobs over there for ISIS.
Maybe we could open some McDonalds and a couple of Walmarts and end the middle east crisis, that's all they really want.

You have to wonder how liberals survived this far through history, don't you?.

Democrats realize many of their constituents don't have common sense, so they tell them what to think. Then their sheep repeat whatever it is they're told to say, and they never stop to question the logic.

I had to look up the dingy that makes people like Franko think the way they do, and I found it. Her name is Marie Harf and she's a State Department spokeswoman. Once she made the stupid statement that we can stop terrorist by providing jobs, she was criticized heavily for it and had no choice but to stick by her words.

That's the same kind of logic that goes behind what Nancy Piglosi believes which is welfare and unemployment stimulate the economy.

Whenever I feel a little down and bummed out, I can always thank God that he didn't give me a mind like a liberal. I could never imagine going through life thinking like that.

My brother and I joke about that too, we should be liberals and make our lives so much easier without having to think. I reality though, neither of us want to be that.

Smaller government and personal responsibility though just isn't a selling message to the gimme crowd
Funny how the brainwashed dupes of the Pub Propaganda machine think they're intellectuals, while Libs who try to sort out all media aren't thinking. Hilarious.

Republicans tend to be intellectual. They have to understand how free works while liberals don't need to grasp more than, "welfare is good".
Pubtroll^^ lol
Maybe we could open some McDonalds and a couple of Walmarts and end the middle east crisis, that's all they really want.

You have to wonder how liberals survived this far through history, don't you?.

Democrats realize many of their constituents don't have common sense, so they tell them what to think. Then their sheep repeat whatever it is they're told to say, and they never stop to question the logic.

I had to look up the dingy that makes people like Franko think the way they do, and I found it. Her name is Marie Harf and she's a State Department spokeswoman. Once she made the stupid statement that we can stop terrorist by providing jobs, she was criticized heavily for it and had no choice but to stick by her words.

That's the same kind of logic that goes behind what Nancy Piglosi believes which is welfare and unemployment stimulate the economy.

Whenever I feel a little down and bummed out, I can always thank God that he didn't give me a mind like a liberal. I could never imagine going through life thinking like that.

My brother and I joke about that too, we should be liberals and make our lives so much easier without having to think. I reality though, neither of us want to be that.

Smaller government and personal responsibility though just isn't a selling message to the gimme crowd
Funny how the brainwashed dupes of the Pub Propaganda machine think they're intellectuals, while Libs who try to sort out all media aren't thinking. Hilarious.

Republicans tend to be intellectual. They have to understand how free works while liberals don't need to grasp more than, "welfare is good".
Pubtroll^^ lol
Republicans tend to be intellectual. They have to understand how free works while liberals don't need to grasp more than, "welfare is good"
Democrats realize many of their constituents don't have common sense, so they tell them what to think. Then their sheep repeat whatever it is they're told to say, and they never stop to question the logic.

I had to look up the dingy that makes people like Franko think the way they do, and I found it. Her name is Marie Harf and she's a State Department spokeswoman. Once she made the stupid statement that we can stop terrorist by providing jobs, she was criticized heavily for it and had no choice but to stick by her words.

That's the same kind of logic that goes behind what Nancy Piglosi believes which is welfare and unemployment stimulate the economy.

Whenever I feel a little down and bummed out, I can always thank God that he didn't give me a mind like a liberal. I could never imagine going through life thinking like that.

My brother and I joke about that too, we should be liberals and make our lives so much easier without having to think. I reality though, neither of us want to be that.

Smaller government and personal responsibility though just isn't a selling message to the gimme crowd
Funny how the brainwashed dupes of the Pub Propaganda machine think they're intellectuals, while Libs who try to sort out all media aren't thinking. Hilarious.

Republicans tend to be intellectual. They have to understand how free works while liberals don't need to grasp more than, "welfare is good".
Pubtroll^^ lol
Republicans tend to be intellectual. They have to understand how free works while liberals don't need to grasp more than, "welfare is good"

Yeah, listening to their front runner Trump or media star Sarah Palin.....I don't get the feel they are intellectual, sorry.

Heck, let's play some Louie Gohmert clips and see about that comment, lol
Small gov't and family values my butt.

Republicans have supported 30 BBA's since Jefferson's first to make debt illegal in America. Democrats have killed every effort. Sorry to rock your world.
BBAs are ridiculous propaganda. Clinton balanced the budget. Nixon, Reagan and Booosh wrecked it.
Acronym Definition
BBA British Bankers Association
BBA Bachelor of Business Administration
BBA Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (French)
BBA Balanced Budget Act of 1997
BBA Boston Bar Association
BBA British Board of Agrément (EOTA member)
BBA Bordj Bou Arréridj (French; Algerian province)
BBA Big Brother Award
BBA Black Business Association
BBA Broadband Adapter
BBA Built By ATI
BBA Bankruptcy Bar Association
BBA Big Brass Alliance
BBA Budget Balance Available (finance)
BBA Beam-Based Alignment (imaging)
BBA Brabantsche Buurtspoorwegen en Autodiensten (Tilburg, Netherlands)
BBA Belgian Bioindustries Association (trade group)
BBA Basic Banking Account (finance)
BBA Beyblade Battle Association (gaming)
BBA Bajuwarische Befreiungsarmee (Bavarian Liberation Army; terrorist group in Austria)
BBA Blood Bank of Alaska
BBA Brass Band Aid
BBA Belgian Boomerang Association
BBA Basic Belief Assignment
BBA Budget Balancing Assistance (Australia)
BBA Baroda Bar Association (India)
BBA Belgian Bankers' Association (est. 1997)
BBA Blood Brothers Alliance (gaming clan)
BBA Beyblade Arena
BBA Back Bay Association (Boston, Massachusetts)
BBA Bucket Brigade Algorithm
BBA Borrel Bouvard Arthaud (French uniform accessories manufacturer)
BBA Big Brothers of America
BBA Budget By Account
BBA Basic Build Analysis
BBA Bressuire Bocage Animations (French event planning company)
BBA Best Bitter Ale (beer style UK)
BBA Bernard Bourgois Automobiles (French automobile dealership)
BBA Blue Band Amplifier (DWDM)
BBA Budget Activity Account
BBA Bembridge Business Association (UK)
BBA Browser-Based Authentication (computing)
BBA Beck, Bogert & Appice (band)
BBA Balkan Bulgarian Airlines
BBA Balanced Budget Agreement

And more than doubled the cost of bankruptcies under Booosh....thanks, dupe.
My brother and I joke about that too, we should be liberals and make our lives so much easier without having to think. I reality though, neither of us want to be that.

Smaller government and personal responsibility though just isn't a selling message to the gimme crowd
Funny how the brainwashed dupes of the Pub Propaganda machine think they're intellectuals, while Libs who try to sort out all media aren't thinking. Hilarious.

Republicans tend to be intellectual. They have to understand how free works while liberals don't need to grasp more than, "welfare is good".
Pubtroll^^ lol
Republicans tend to be intellectual. They have to understand how free works while liberals don't need to grasp more than, "welfare is good"

Yeah, listening to their front runner Trump or media star Sarah Palin.....I don't get the feel they are intellectual, sorry.

Heck, let's play some Louie Gohmert clips and see about that comment, lol

if they support freedom as our Founders did they must be smarter than those who support "welfare is good."
Good point

Wealth does not go anywhere....it is distributed

Guess who gets to decide how it is distributed? The wealthy

Is this a great country or what?

Wrong, moron, wealth is produced and earned by those who produce it. Your welfare check, on the other hand, was stolen from the people who earned the money.
Wealth is produced by the workers
It is distributed by the Capitalists

No, wealth is not produced by the workers. Work is produced by the workers. Wealth is produced by taking a manufactured product (or service) and selling it at a profit. Workers don't do that, companies and CEO's do that.
Labor and management together produce wealth. Neither can be successful without the other. Without labor, there is no product. Without management there is no one to market the product.
Management gets fucked only slightly less than labor but they get nicer parking spaces

The ones who reap the rewards are the capitalists for moving money from point A to point B

GOP hedge funders are $%&%E$W@.
Funny how the brainwashed dupes of the Pub Propaganda machine think they're intellectuals, while Libs who try to sort out all media aren't thinking. Hilarious.

Republicans tend to be intellectual. They have to understand how free works while liberals don't need to grasp more than, "welfare is good".
Pubtroll^^ lol
Republicans tend to be intellectual. They have to understand how free works while liberals don't need to grasp more than, "welfare is good"

Yeah, listening to their front runner Trump or media star Sarah Palin.....I don't get the feel they are intellectual, sorry.

Heck, let's play some Louie Gohmert clips and see about that comment, lol

if they support freedom as our Founders did they must be smarter than those who support "welfare is good."
Nobody says Welfare is good, just sometimes necessary. Especially when Pubs wreck the economy AGAIN. Your head is full of Pub con.
The only thing that has been reduced is the artificial power given by government to workers. Workers are as free or more than ever to unite and negotiate on actual market power
Actually, Republican laws like right to work ( right to get paid less) erode the power of workers to negotiate. Throw in attacks on collective bargaining and you have workers right where the wealthy need them....hungry and desperate
'Right to work' is the 'right' to get paid less, the 'right' to be denied full-time employment, the 'right' to be deny benefits, and the 'right' to lose your job for any reason through no fault of your own.

With so many 'rights' it's impossible for many Americans to find a full-time job or make a living wage.
That is the way the one percent want it. Keep the workers unstable, in fear for their jobs. Fire those who dare to stand up for themselves.
of course the beauty of capitalism is that you have to provide the best possible jobs and products just to survive. A liberal will lack the IQ to understand even the basics that a child can understand. Liberals make no more sense that Nazi fascists monarchs and despots. They are merely the latest stupid, violent people in human history
Unrestrained capitalism leads to a breakdown of the working class

Unrestrained capitalism led to the wealthiest society the world has ever seen.
Whose role is it to change that?
Good question
It used to be strong unions who fought for the workers. But with Republicans steadily degrading the influence of unions, it has become every man for himself......just like the one percent want

So, it seems like only the government has the power to stand up for workers

The only thing that has been reduced is the artificial power given by government to workers. Workers are as free or more than ever to unite and negotiate on actual market power
Actually, Republican laws like right to work ( right to get paid less) erode the power of workers to negotiate. Throw in attacks on collective bargaining and you have workers right where the wealthy need them....hungry and desperate

That's only true if flipping burgers is your only skill and you have to compete with cheap labor the Democrats have imported from Mexico.

Democrats are the true enemy of the working man. They are fucking traitors.
How is it that the GOP, who refuse any solution to illegals that works and love cheap, easily bullied labor, are the friend of the working man? Just insane. The New BS GOP has wrecked the nonrich the last 30 years. see sig

Donald Trump has been proposing a solution and you and your ilk are calling him a racist.

No one believes Dims actually want to solve the illegal alien problem.
""Smaller government" advocates'

...have failed to justify their advocacy of 'smaller government.'

It seems that way to you because you have your fingers firmly inserted into your ears, and you continually shout "Nyah, Nyah, Nyah . . . . I can't hear you!"
You're duped by big gov't lying, cheating Pubs. NEVER do what they say. Small gov't and family values my butt. Giant "Law and Order" nanny gov't and bigotry you mean.

"Nyah, Nyah, Nyah! . . . ."
I don't get people who say they want smaller government.

Mainly because I don't believe they want smaller government.

You are crazy.

I want much smaller government.

I want government to do the few necessary things like defense, police, protecting the border, courts etc.

I do not want it to provide any entitlements.

I do not want it to provide any welfare and that includes foreign welfare.

I do not want it to provide any subsidies to anybody.

I do not want it to provide bailouts to anybody.

I want the filthy ass government to stay out of the business of taking money from one person and giving it to another.

I do not want the government to create protected classes like queers and Negroes.

I want the government to tax the smalest amount possible to do the minimal necessary things.

I do not want the government ever to borrow money unless it absolutely necessary for national defense in a time of war.

I want it to stay out of the business of regulating my life and curtailing my liberties.
My brother and I joke about that too, we should be liberals and make our lives so much easier without having to think. I reality though, neither of us want to be that.

Smaller government and personal responsibility though just isn't a selling message to the gimme crowd
Funny how the brainwashed dupes of the Pub Propaganda machine think they're intellectuals, while Libs who try to sort out all media aren't thinking. Hilarious.

Republicans tend to be intellectual. They have to understand how free works while liberals don't need to grasp more than, "welfare is good".
Pubtroll^^ lol
Republicans tend to be intellectual. They have to understand how free works while liberals don't need to grasp more than, "welfare is good"

Yeah, listening to their front runner Trump or media star Sarah Palin.....I don't get the feel they are intellectual, sorry.

Heck, let's play some Louie Gohmert clips and see about that comment, lol

oh so I bet you swooned over Obama claiming how he was: going to stop the seas rising and heal thy planet? Sarah Palin speaks to the people on their level. not over them with gibberish such as I posted from that idiot in chief. the man couldn't even take the time to learn how to say: corpsman and he is charge of our Military.

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