Zone1 Smart Phone Users Are You Having This Issue?

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
Half the page when I go to post or reply to another post seems to be cut off and I have to either scroll down in the typing box or refresh the page to see and post and it's been freezing on me too.
Half the page when I go to post or reply to another post seems to be cut off and I have to either scroll down in the typing box or refresh the page to see and post and it's been freezing on me too.
Not having that issue. When you get older, you won't either, as it is a tiring squinting pain in the butt to use a mobile phone (even an Iphone 13 plus) to do this crap, so you will probably be using a laptop or desktop.
Not having that issue. When you get older, you won't either, as it is a tiring squinting pain in the butt to use a mobile phone (even an Iphone 13 plus) to do this crap, so you will probably be using a laptop or desktop.

Lol I do have a laptop I'm just not on it right now and this is the first time I've noticed this issue. Btw, I can view the full page until I go to post or reply.
Lol I do have a laptop I'm just not on it right now and this is the first time I've noticed this issue. Btw, I can view the full page until I go to post or reply.
Irritating, I'm sure.
Irritating, I'm sure.

Yeah but I don't think you work with tech so I don't think you can look into the issue for me. I the tech guy around here is *shudders* Taz. And I'd much rather have these issues than ask for his help. Heck I'd rather have a root canal.
Yeah but I don't think you work with tech so I don't think you can look into the issue for me. I the tech guy around here is *shudders* Taz. And I'd much rather have these issues than ask for his help. Heck I'd rather have a root canal.
Admittedly, I am not one of the tech gurus.
Admittedly, I am not one of the tech gurus.

Yeah between Taz and the glitches I'll take my chances with the glitches to spare me the nightmares from asking the daycare dropout. Sorry, hopefully that's not considered a flame because it's true. I've seen elementary school students more intelligent and mature than he is. He probably wouldn't want to help me anyways since we're sworn enemies.
Half the page when I go to post or reply to another post seems to be cut off and I have to either scroll down in the typing box or refresh the page to see and post and it's been freezing on me too.

Try using a different browser.
Half the page when I go to post or reply to another post seems to be cut off and I have to either scroll down in the typing box or refresh the page to see and post and it's been freezing on me too.
Have you checked the nut behind the screen?
Maybe I was just having a bad signal too then.
Could be. I don't get a signal at all without my outdoor antenna and indoor booster. The coverage map shows nothing where I am.
Sometimes I can turn off the signal on my phone, then turn it on 20 seconds later and it seems to reset it. I never have that issue in town, where I am today. I am in the thriving metropolis of saint johns Arizona today.
A town fully deserving of a Hee-Haw SALUTE!

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