''Smart, Subsatntive' New Hillary' Ad - aka 'SEXIST New Hillary Ad'

Vote for me, because I have a stanky vagina!
I didn't think that kind of thing bothered people who still think poopy-pants Reagan was a hero.
He was, why are you trying to rewrite history?
Hero or poopy-pants?
He brought down the USSR. What has Obama done, scaring issis at the global warming summit?
The Soviet people brought down the USSR. Reagan wasn't even in office at the time. Obama had bin Laden killed. Reagan had Osama's buddies in for tea.

I appreciate your post BECAUSE in the past I alluded MANY TIMES to the fact
that the TALIBAN were painted up as HEROES in the USA---in the POPULAR
MEDIA in the 1980s It was not until circa 1990 that a glimmer of their filth became manifest and came into the popular media ----a little. Reagan here actually acted according to popular belief at that time.
True--he had little insight-----I am going to correctly CLAIM that
I had a bit more-----I understood them for what they were and are----CALIPHATIST PIGS ----but only because I knew them to be ardent islamicists by the model
of islamicist that I came to know by working with Pakistanis. It is unfortunate
that the people who advise our presidents are SO DIM.
For the record----for all you ASSAD lovers out there----Baathists are also
caliphatist pigs. For the record----Putin is an imperialist pig utterly willing to
kiss calipha ass for FAVORS
Gorbachev tear down this wall! Quit rewriting history.
I'm not. You are. Gorbachev didn't tear down the wall. The German people did it themselves 2 years later.
I love how Liberals run from the 'point', such as it was Reagan who was responsible for the wall coming down, and focus instead on the minute detail of the specific individual who did the work, all in attempt to deny Reagan the credit he deserves.
I love how Liberals run from the 'point', such as it was Reagan who was responsible for the wall coming down, and focus instead on the minute detail of the specific individual who did the work, all in attempt to deny Reagan the credit he deserves.
It took no bravery to make a speech. The German people ran the risk of being shot. Who's really having their credit stolen?
Gorbachev tear down this wall! Quit rewriting history.
I'm not. You are. Gorbachev didn't tear down the wall. The German people did it themselves 2 years later.
I love how Liberals run from the 'point', such as it was Reagan who was responsible for the wall coming down, and focus instead on the minute detail of the specific individual who did the work, all in attempt to deny Reagan the credit he deserves.
It took no bravery to make a speech. The German people ran the risk of being shot. Who's really having their credit stolen?
Yes Obama has proven that especially when he mocks the united states over seas. After that speech Reagan did on the wall. Democrats shit their pants. Lol
It took no bravery to make a speech. The German people ran the risk of being shot. Who's really having their credit stolen?

Yeah, Obama proves all the time it takes no courage to give a speech. Reagan proved it takes courage to stand up against your enemy, to be able to call them just that, and NOT to back down, like Obama does. Unlike Obama, who promised the people of Iran he would be with them then abandoned them when they revolted, Reagan stood with the people of Germany.

But your Liberal hate for ..and envy of ...Reagan is understandable. Democrats have not had such a President since Kennedy. Instead they have had pathological lying, sexual deviant, enemy/terrorist sympathizing, Red Line-cowering Oval Office residents.
You mean like the average Hillary-hater on the board?

You liberal hypocrites would have an aneurism if one of the GOP candidates ran an ad that said '1 woman in the WH is one too many'.

You would hurt yourselves trying to jump out of your chairs and go hoarse screaming 'War on women', but Hillary disparaging others based on their sex is fine with you.
LINK: Smart, substantive new Hillary ad: “44 boys is too many”

The media has begun to tout Hillary's new campaign ad as 'Smart, Substantive'.

'44 BOYS is too many'

Where I am from and how I grew up, we don't PRAISE that as 'smart' and 'substantive' - we call that 'divisive', 'sexist'. Hillary will, however, pull the 'feminist/sex' card and any other card she can to try to win...and the media will beck her all the way.

I personally believe what it is in your heart and between your ears is more important than what color your skin is or what is between (or not) your legs.
It was only a matter of time before Clinton's campaign would go down the road of identity politics.
Just as Obama used race in his campaign, something he said he would not do, Clinton will use her gender. Presumably her campaign will attempt to appeal to females voters that it is "her turn" because she is a woman.
Once again, we are faced with another unqualified extremist left wing candidate that will use 'identity' to get elected. Sad.
I don't personally hate Hillary, I hate incompetence. In which Hillary has proven that's what she we bring to the white house.
Incompetence, corruption, ignorance, self-serving, pathologically lying...
I don't personally hate Hillary, I hate incompetence. In which Hillary has proven that's what she we bring to the white house.
Incompetence, corruption, ignorance, self-serving, pathologically lying...

Yup ----that's Hillary------My impression was confirmed by the MONICA case---my impression was that Monica and Hillary are of one personality-----self-seeking
LINK: Smart, substantive new Hillary ad: “44 boys is too many”

The media has begun to tout Hillary's new campaign ad as 'Smart, Substantive'.

'44 BOYS is too many'

Where I am from and how I grew up, we don't PRAISE that as 'smart' and 'substantive' - we call that 'divisive', 'sexist'. Hillary will, however, pull the 'feminist/sex' card and any other card she can to try to win...and the media will beck her all the way.

I personally believe what it is in your heart and between your ears is more important than what color your skin is or what is between (or not) your legs.
It was only a matter of time before Clinton's campaign would go down the road of identity politics.
Just as Obama used race in his campaign, something he said he would not do, Clinton will use her gender. Presumably her campaign will attempt to appeal to females voters that it is "her turn" because she is a woman.
Once again, we are faced with another unqualified extremist left wing candidate that will use 'identity' to get elected. Sad.

we can pray that it does not pan out for her
Obama is a nice guy IN OVER HIS HEAD----he has lousy advisors
He had a lousy tutor - Communist Frank Marshall Davis
He had lousy Influences - Socialist Saul Alynski
He had a lousy Mentor - Racist, hate-spewing, anti-American Pastor Jeremiah Wright
He had lousy Friends - domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, who bombed his own country and killed cops
He has lousy advisors - Muslim Brotherhood associated-members as 'advisors'

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