Smithsonian: How to Talk with Evangelicals about Evolution

Not possible for micro machines
False. Go to the religion section, to make stuff up. This is the science section.
Are you even listening to what you are saying? Are you seriously applying natural selection to the micro machines of a cell?
Not just me. The entire global scientific community. Yes, you are wrong and nuts.
Show me then.
Show you what? Trillions of trillions of chemical reactions over billions of years? Sorry fetishist...your request is not rational or reasonable.
Not possible for micro machines
False. Go to the religion section, to make stuff up. This is the science section.
Are you even listening to what you are saying? Are you seriously applying natural selection to the micro machines of a cell?
Not just me. The entire global scientific community. Yes, you are wrong and nuts.
Show me then.
Show you what? Trillions of trillions of chemical reactions over billions of years? Sorry fetishist...your request is not rational or reasonable.
No. Show me where this has been discussed. I can be convinced but not just because you say so.

Show me where the scientific community has discussed natural selection with regard to the inner working of a cell.
Not possible for micro machines
False. Go to the religion section, to make stuff up. This is the science section.
Are you even listening to what you are saying? Are you seriously applying natural selection to the micro machines of a cell?
Not just me. The entire global scientific community. Yes, you are wrong and nuts.
Show me then.
Show you what? Trillions of trillions of chemical reactions over billions of years? Sorry fetishist...your request is not rational or reasonable.
Look, these animations were made by the scientific community. So show me how they think these micro machines evolved through natural selection and successive slight iterations as you claimed.
Show me where this has been discussed.
In every university and lab in the world. Selection of some form produced every physical system found in life. It is considered fact, in the global scientific community. . Welcome to 2021, enjoy your stay.
Show me where this has been discussed.
In every university and lab in the world. Selection of some form produced every physical system found in life. It is considered fact, in the global scientific community. . Welcome to 2021, enjoy your stay.
Dude, you made a claim you can't back up. I'm not arguing anything magical here. You already know I believe evolution is compatible with a creator. But I'm not going to suspend reason and make silly assumptions like you do because you worship science like a mindless drone. We already know that Darwin got transference wrong. In a 15 years I'm sure we will discover other things he got wrong as well. I've already discussed one of them with you; en mass genetic mutations. I honestly do not see how these wonderfully amazing micro machines could have evolved according to natural selection / successive slight iterations.

You have literally made an assumption with no data to support it. I on the other hand have questioned how these micro machines could have evolved according to natural selection. This is a fair challenge. You on the other hand are acting like an idiot making claim you can't back up.

So put up or shut up. If yo can prove what you say, I will be the first to good job. But until you do that I suggest you check yourself lest I make it my mission to make you look more stupid than you already do.
Dude, you made a claim you can't back up.
Of course i can. How absurd. Its literally the basis of all biology. Nor have you offered any other reason the scientific community posits for the formation of cells amd their workings. You cant, because there isn't any. You can go into ding masturbation spam mode now, and stay there all night, and you will have made no progress in the morning. Sorry.

Don't waste my time with this dusty old creationist horseshit. Publish your research paper. Get back to me when it is published. Thanks!
Dude, you made a claim you can't back up.
Of course i can. How absurd. Its literally the basis of all biology. Nor have you offered any other reason the scientific community posits for the formation of cells amd their workings. You can go into ding masturbation spam mode now, and stay there all night, and you will have made no progress in the morning. Sorry.

Don't waste my time with this dusty old creationist horseshit. Publish your research paper. Get back to me when it is published. Thanks!
Here, dick head, learn what Darwin got wrong, you fucking stooge.

Dude, you made a claim you can't back up.
Of course i can. How absurd. Its literally the basis of all biology. Nor have you offered any other reason the scientific community posits for the formation of cells amd their workings. You cant, because there isn't any. You can go into ding masturbation spam mode now, and stay there all night, and you will have made no progress in the morning. Sorry.

Don't waste my time with this dusty old creationist horseshit. Publish your research paper. Get back to me when it is published. Thanks!
Here, dick head, something else you should read so you won't be such a religious fanatic about natural selection, you disingenuous fuck.

Dude, you made a claim you can't back up.
Of course i can. How absurd. Its literally the basis of all biology. Nor have you offered any other reason the scientific community posits for the formation of cells amd their workings. You cant, because there isn't any. You can go into ding masturbation spam mode now, and stay there all night, and you will have made no progress in the morning. Sorry.

Don't waste my time with this dusty old creationist horseshit. Publish your research paper. Get back to me when it is published. Thanks!
Here you go, dick head, some more reading for you.

Dude, you made a claim you can't back up.
Of course i can. How absurd. Its literally the basis of all biology. Nor have you offered any other reason the scientific community posits for the formation of cells amd their workings. You cant, because there isn't any. You can go into ding masturbation spam mode now, and stay there all night, and you will have made no progress in the morning. Sorry.

Don't waste my time with this dusty old creationist horseshit. Publish your research paper. Get back to me when it is published. Thanks!
Here, dick head, something else you should read so you won't be such a religious fanatic about natural selection, you disingenuous fuck.

Sorry, i don't see any modern scientific theories about how cells and their mechanisms were formed in any of your blubbering. Nor will i, because there is only one, and it is accepted fact.. Like i said....spam masturbation mode....
Dude, you made a claim you can't back up.
Of course i can. How absurd. Its literally the basis of all biology. Nor have you offered any other reason the scientific community posits for the formation of cells amd their workings. You cant, because there isn't any. You can go into ding masturbation spam mode now, and stay there all night, and you will have made no progress in the morning. Sorry.

Don't waste my time with this dusty old creationist horseshit. Publish your research paper. Get back to me when it is published. Thanks!
Here, dick head, something else you should read so you won't be such a religious fanatic about natural selection, you disingenuous fuck.

Sorry, i don't see any modern scientific theories about how cells and their mechanisms were formed in any of your blubbering. Nor will i, because there is only one, and it is accepted fact.. Like i said....spam masturbation mode....
You don't know shit about science, dude. You are a fucking joke.
Dude, you made a claim you can't back up.
Of course i can. How absurd. Its literally the basis of all biology. Nor have you offered any other reason the scientific community posits for the formation of cells amd their workings. You cant, because there isn't any. You can go into ding masturbation spam mode now, and stay there all night, and you will have made no progress in the morning. Sorry.

Don't waste my time with this dusty old creationist horseshit. Publish your research paper. Get back to me when it is published. Thanks!
Here, dick head, something else you should read so you won't be such a religious fanatic about natural selection, you disingenuous fuck.

Sorry, i don't see any modern scientific theories about how cells and their mechanisms were formed in any of your blubbering. Nor will i, because there is only one, and it is accepted fact.. Like i said....spam masturbation mode....
Everything you type is spam because you are a fake. You don't know jack shit about anything.
abu afak is STILL stuck on Darwin's primitive idea that a cell is sausage packing encasing an amorphous blob of protoplasm. Nothing could be further from the Truth! Each of the hundreds and thousands of organelles that make up a single cell are themselves complicated and intricate.

The idea that inorganic molecules and atoms collided and made perfectly functioning organelles which in turn randomly assembled into a working cell is laughable
Explained what? Nobody is going to watch that. Sum it up in a couple sentences.

Excerpt from my article "
A biogenesis: The Unholy Grail of Atheism":

The Miller-Urey experiments showed that under the right conditions nature might be able to build some of life’s amino acids; later discoveries in space and here on Earth confirmed that. But that in and of itself was not the rhyme or the reason of the experiments’ underlying hypothesis, and beyond that, what have these experiments shown us? Well, not much about that which was expected, but plenty about that which is obvious.​
The natural occurrence of amino acids is light years away from life, and there exists no consistently coherent or demonstrable explanation for how they aggregated and combined via the rudimentary, self-ordering properties of mere chemistry to form the complex proteins we find in life. And even if such a thing were possible, we’d still not be there.​
How did the many thousands of mindless proteins, which can only function within a very narrow range of conditions, aggregate and combine in the exact sequences required to build the hundreds of intricately complex and interdependent pieces of machinery minimally required by the simplest microorganisms? The process could not have been accumulative, but had to have been instantaneously synchronous for obvious reasons. All these things evince a certain set of preconditions and necessities which stupid materialist layman will never understand and agenda-driven scientists rarely acknowledge.​
If one allows that an intelligent agent was required to create the simplest lifeform, one opens the door to a world wherein the regnant theory for the development of the other, more complex lifeforms might unravel. If an intelligent agent did it once, what would prevent him from doing it again and again?​
We now know that life arose much earlier than was ever thought possible, and the ramifications of this are devastating for the prospects of abiogenesis, which just keeps running into wall after wall after wall. And the more apparent the complexity of the genome and the infrastructural machinery and processes of the cell become, the denser the walls become.​
Ultimately, we really don’t have a clue about how to explain any of this without considering the necessity of a preexisting intelligence, which is precisely why an increasing number of biologists are hesitantly going where most are ill-disposed to go… . While it still wouldn’t scientifically resolve the problem of ultimate origins concerning the known lifeforms on Earth, at the very least the evidence points to intelligent extraterrestrials. And that is precisely the point ID scientists have been making for years. (Also, the various hypotheses of panspermia typically serve to further confuse the matter in the minds of many, as the ultimate problem is not the potentially more favorable conditions of other planetary systems in the past and in space, but, as we shall see more clearly, information.)​
Atheism is poisoning science. Intellectual fascists are arbitrarily asserting scientific materialism against the evidence.​
You're done/Lost here.
Just like all the other boards you've Failed on.
You have nothing but repeats/re-posts (Your 10th of the above on this board alone?)

All you do beside SPAM your fallacious blog speech is one line idiot trolling with poems.
Do yourself a favor, try and find any remaining message boards that might have escaped so far.

Did you have a real argument and forgot to make it or did you start to make a real argument and lost your way?
Dude, you made a claim you can't back up.
Of course i can. How absurd. Its literally the basis of all biology. Nor have you offered any other reason the scientific community posits for the formation of cells amd their workings. You cant, because there isn't any. You can go into ding masturbation spam mode now, and stay there all night, and you will have made no progress in the morning. Sorry.

Don't waste my time with this dusty old creationist horseshit. Publish your research paper. Get back to me when it is published. Thanks!
Here, dick head, something else you should read so you won't be such a religious fanatic about natural selection, you disingenuous fuck.

Sorry, i don't see any modern scientific theories about how cells and their mechanisms were formed in any of your blubbering. Nor will i, because there is only one, and it is accepted fact.. Like i said....spam masturbation mode....
I'm not the one who made the claim, dick head. You did. A claim you can't back up and makes no sense at all.

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