Smoking Bans

Should Smoking be Banned in Businesses?

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What makes no sense is your lack of understanding of the entire subject. But then again, this isn't about the environment inside enclosed space. It's about you controlling others.

NO, it's about the right to breathe. I claim it. It's not something I have a choice not to claim. Now if we were all fish this wouldn't be an issue.

You don't have the right to pour hot tar down my throat; if you view that as "controlling" you, I think you need a shrink to examine said homicidal fantasies.

Businesses should have say because they own the property. It's up to you to avoid things you don't like and if you know a business allows it, then you're an idiot for going in. I never went to a local place because it was small and everyone smoked. Their business. I just went elsewhere since they have a right to do as they please on their own property.

Personally, I would ban perfume if I owned a restaurant because some people douse themselves in it and it makes me sneeze. Maybe you liberals could get right on that and ensure that I don't run into people who wear too much perfume or people with bad body odor. How well would that go over if places turned people away because they were stinky?

We weren't talking about businesses -- we got ourselves a couple of denialists here (one of whom may have left) who would have us believe forced smoking is innocuous. That's got zero to do with what anybody "likes". My mother died from lung cancer and she said she "liked" the smell of it (though she was not a smoker). It's about being fucking honest about public health hazards. We can't take step two if people are gonna stuff their heads in the sand and declare it doesn't happen when there's direct evidence that it does.

You know how completely recycled the air is on a plane? (hint: never take a flight when you feel a cold coming on) Should smokers have the "right" to light up on a plane then? What about the rights of the other passengers to breathe what little air there is? Fuck 'em, they can walk to San Diego, right?


This thread is about smoking bans dummy, that includes business

Businesses that probably have never tested for radon.

Educate yourself.

Abandoning your denialist point now? When you came in the issue was denying that secondhand smoke is hazardous to one's health. You've been trying to switch lanes ever since you were called on that. Educate yourself.


Poor Pogo, just can't admit this is about progressives need to control others. CAN'T be about health or he'd run from fear of indoor space

Smoke this shit?

No thanks.

I'm a former smoker and believe that cigarettes, cigars, pipes, etc., all forms of tobacco, including chewing, should be banned around the world, as well as anything that simulates smoking from candy ciggies to E-cigs.

It's like taking poison, thinking about taking poison, simulating taking poison, pretending to take poison, etc. Tobacco is poison. It's just that simple.

And how someone smoking a pipe in Bangladesh affect you?
NO, it's about the right to breathe. I claim it. It's not something I have a choice not to claim. Now if we were all fish this wouldn't be an issue.

You don't have the right to pour hot tar down my throat; if you view that as "controlling" you, I think you need a shrink to examine said homicidal fantasies.

Businesses should have say because they own the property. It's up to you to avoid things you don't like and if you know a business allows it, then you're an idiot for going in. I never went to a local place because it was small and everyone smoked. Their business. I just went elsewhere since they have a right to do as they please on their own property.

Personally, I would ban perfume if I owned a restaurant because some people douse themselves in it and it makes me sneeze. Maybe you liberals could get right on that and ensure that I don't run into people who wear too much perfume or people with bad body odor. How well would that go over if places turned people away because they were stinky?

We weren't talking about businesses -- we got ourselves a couple of denialists here (one of whom may have left) who would have us believe forced smoking is innocuous. That's got zero to do with what anybody "likes". My mother died from lung cancer and she said she "liked" the smell of it (though she was not a smoker). It's about being fucking honest about public health hazards. We can't take step two if people are gonna stuff their heads in the sand and declare it doesn't happen when there's direct evidence that it does.

You know how completely recycled the air is on a plane? (hint: never take a flight when you feel a cold coming on) Should smokers have the "right" to light up on a plane then? What about the rights of the other passengers to breathe what little air there is? Fuck 'em, they can walk to San Diego, right?


This thread is about smoking bans dummy, that includes business

Businesses that probably have never tested for radon.

Educate yourself.

Abandoning your denialist point now? When you came in the issue was denying that secondhand smoke is hazardous to one's health. You've been trying to switch lanes ever since you were called on that. Educate yourself.


Poor Pogo, just can't admit this is about progressives need to control others. CAN'T be about health or he'd run from fear of indoor space


Poor Poppo, desperate to change the subject he knows he can't win. Stepped right in it, and now wants radon and granite countertops and New York City to pull him out.


Once again for the slow readers -- nobody smokes radon. What that means is the presence of radon in a room isn't there because some self-indulgent asshole just had to light up to feed his own addiction and hey fuck everybody else. What it means is your attempt at deflection fails miserably. Because you're clinging to an inner tube on the River DeNial.

So once again, a week later -- you have the right to put whatever you like in your body. You do NOT have the right to put it into mine. If you have a problem with that, then obviously you're the one with the control issues.
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I'm a former smoker and believe that cigarettes, cigars, pipes, etc., all forms of tobacco, including chewing, should be banned around the world, as well as anything that simulates smoking from candy ciggies to E-cigs.

It's like taking poison, thinking about taking poison, simulating taking poison, pretending to take poison, etc. Tobacco is poison. It's just that simple.

And how someone smoking a pipe in Bangladesh affect you?

Expect your reply somewhere around Christmas.
You know you're clicking on posts from early last summer, right?
Smoking is very bad. It causes cancer and emphysema as well as contributing to the development of and exacerbating other illnesses. It affects not only the smoker but those around the smoker. It is a filthy, smelly, dirty and disgusting habit. Smokers should be given ten days to quit, cold turkey. Any who don't should be shipped off to Bikini Atoll and left to fend for themselves. That's how bad it is.

Okay, I’m being sarcastic, but it should be eliminated: cigarettes and tobacco products should be banned worldwide.

Long term smokers lose 10 years of life expectancy.

Being an alcoholic and drinking increases your chance of diseases, impairs judgement, and can lead to violence against others. Should we ban alcohol too?

Oh, wait. We already tried that.

We don't ban alchohol but we restrict where you are allowed to drink it

Same as smoking

Not even close.
Businesses should have say because they own the property. It's up to you to avoid things you don't like and if you know a business allows it, then you're an idiot for going in. I never went to a local place because it was small and everyone smoked. Their business. I just went elsewhere since they have a right to do as they please on their own property.

Personally, I would ban perfume if I owned a restaurant because some people douse themselves in it and it makes me sneeze. Maybe you liberals could get right on that and ensure that I don't run into people who wear too much perfume or people with bad body odor. How well would that go over if places turned people away because they were stinky?

We weren't talking about businesses -- we got ourselves a couple of denialists here (one of whom may have left) who would have us believe forced smoking is innocuous. That's got zero to do with what anybody "likes". My mother died from lung cancer and she said she "liked" the smell of it (though she was not a smoker). It's about being fucking honest about public health hazards. We can't take step two if people are gonna stuff their heads in the sand and declare it doesn't happen when there's direct evidence that it does.

You know how completely recycled the air is on a plane? (hint: never take a flight when you feel a cold coming on) Should smokers have the "right" to light up on a plane then? What about the rights of the other passengers to breathe what little air there is? Fuck 'em, they can walk to San Diego, right?


This thread is about smoking bans dummy, that includes business

Businesses that probably have never tested for radon.

Educate yourself.

Abandoning your denialist point now? When you came in the issue was denying that secondhand smoke is hazardous to one's health. You've been trying to switch lanes ever since you were called on that. Educate yourself.


Poor Pogo, just can't admit this is about progressives need to control others. CAN'T be about health or he'd run from fear of indoor space


Poor Poppo, desperate to change the subject he knows he can't win. Stepped right in it, and now wants radon and granite countertops and New York City to pull him out.


Once again for the slow readers -- nobody smokes radon. What that means is the presence of radon in a room isn't there because some self-indulgent asshole just had to light up to feed his own addiction and hey fuck everybody else. What it means is your attempt at deflection fails miserably. Because you're clinging to an inner tube on the River DeNial.

Dumbass, you got the damn link and your clinging to your hatred.

That's what haters do I guess

Think about it

Blaming cancer deaths of people who have never smoked on second hand smoke, when radon (and this is from your beloved EPA) kills 7 times more, keeps the families of those that died fr having their homes tested for radon.

How many more die from that than second hand smoke ever will!

Anti smokers may very well be MORE responsible for those deaths than smokers.

Sil spoke of a twenty year old that died from lung cancer but never smoked. Blamed it on second hand smoke.

I hope to hell they had her childhood home tested for radon. I also know a young person who died from lung cancer. The doctors blamed second hand smoke. I loaned them my radon detector and they found dangerous levels of radon in the basement WHERE HE SLEPT!

Thank god they did the test, their only other child also slept in the basement.

Now go peddle your BS elsewhere

We weren't talking about businesses -- we got ourselves a couple of denialists here (one of whom may have left) who would have us believe forced smoking is innocuous. That's got zero to do with what anybody "likes". My mother died from lung cancer and she said she "liked" the smell of it (though she was not a smoker). It's about being fucking honest about public health hazards. We can't take step two if people are gonna stuff their heads in the sand and declare it doesn't happen when there's direct evidence that it does.

You know how completely recycled the air is on a plane? (hint: never take a flight when you feel a cold coming on) Should smokers have the "right" to light up on a plane then? What about the rights of the other passengers to breathe what little air there is? Fuck 'em, they can walk to San Diego, right?


This thread is about smoking bans dummy, that includes business

Businesses that probably have never tested for radon.

Educate yourself.

Abandoning your denialist point now? When you came in the issue was denying that secondhand smoke is hazardous to one's health. You've been trying to switch lanes ever since you were called on that. Educate yourself.


Poor Pogo, just can't admit this is about progressives need to control others. CAN'T be about health or he'd run from fear of indoor space


Poor Poppo, desperate to change the subject he knows he can't win. Stepped right in it, and now wants radon and granite countertops and New York City to pull him out.


Once again for the slow readers -- nobody smokes radon. What that means is the presence of radon in a room isn't there because some self-indulgent asshole just had to light up to feed his own addiction and hey fuck everybody else. What it means is your attempt at deflection fails miserably. Because you're clinging to an inner tube on the River DeNial.

Dumbass, you got the damn link and your clinging to your hatred.

That's what haters do I guess

Think about it

Blaming cancer deaths of people who have never smoked on second hand smoke, when radon (and this is from your beloved EPA) kills 7 times more, keeps the families of those that died fr having their homes tested for radon.

How many more die from that than second hand smoke ever will!

Anti smokers may very well be MORE responsible for those deaths than smokers.

Sil spoke of a twenty year old that died from lung cancer but never smoked. Blamed it on second hand smoke.

I hope to hell they had her childhood home tested for radon. I also know a young person who died from lung cancer. The doctors blamed second hand smoke. I loaned them my radon detector and they found dangerous levels of radon in the basement WHERE HE SLEPT!

Thank god they did the test, their only other child also slept in the basement.

Now go peddle your BS elsewhere


Poor Poppo -- gone troppo.

Guess I'm still posting too fast for the slow readers. Maybe big words.

Radon is IRRELEVANT here. K? Nothing about some shithead's sociopathic self-centred assholicity dumping his carcinogenic waste product into other people's lungs has anything in the world to do with radon.


Once again, we're back to this...
You have the right to put whatever you want in your own body. You own it. I have the same right.
What you DON'T have the right to do is put whatever you want into MY body.
And again, neither of those rights have anything to do with radon in the home --- which no one smokes.

If you only know how stupid you're looking right now.... :dig:
Your opinion.

But you still haven't told me how a privately owned business operated on private property allowing smoking would be of any danger to you.

You keep wet-dreaming on Business Almighty rhetorical porn and leaving out the inconvenient part. That is, you still haven't 'splained what gives a smoker the right to force others to smoke who may not choose to. That's taking away their right to breathe.

Why are you against freedom of choice?

Patrons of a business that allows smoking would be aware of the fact. It is thus their choice to visit the establishment. It is their choice to enter a property that has smoke. By freely entering the smoke-filled premises, they fully accept the potential dangers involved.

As it has been said repeatedly: if Coffee Shop A allows smoking, visit Coffee Shop B. If there is no Coffee Shop B, then A has a monopoly and can do whatever they like.

Unfortunately life cannot be reduced to an illusion where everything is reduced to either a coffee shop or a cigar bar, as this thread has deteriorated to.

You're again too young to know this but there was a time you could smoke on a plane. I don't know if you've been on a plane but today you'll get kicked off the plane for lighting up. And yet, there was a time that if you didn't want to breathe smoke and needed to fly, hey you just had to take another airline that didn't allow smoking. Except there weren't any, so you were screwed.

Now smoking is banned on planes altogether. Was it wrong to do that?


It depends if is business or political decision.
I'd support a smoking and non-smoking sections.

But growing up in Vegas, I remember coughing my lungs out as a kid when my family went to any buffet or out to eat at all.

Non smoking sections don't do jack. The smoke from the smoking sections wafts over and ruins your meal. Over here now, most restaurants and pubs have a no smoking policy. You want to smoke, you eat outside in the cold.

Smokers have no business sharing space with non-smokers

It is the smoker who is engaging in offensive behavior. All inconvenience should be borne by the smoker

It goes both ways.
Restaurants casinos and bars should have the freedom to allow smoking sections or not. People should have the freedom to eat in those restaurants. Freedoms are what we are about.

What about the freedom to breathe?

It ain't about the "rights" of the business owner --- it's about the rights of the breather.


And what rights are those exactly?
Restaurants casinos and bars should have the freedom to allow smoking sections or not. People should have the freedom to eat in those restaurants. Freedoms are what we are about.

What about the freedom to breathe?

It ain't about the "rights" of the business owner --- it's about the rights of the breather.


The people can choose to go to a no smoking restaurant or bar. I don't smoke and that may be my choice. But just because I don't smoke, I don't expect others to go without their cigarettes.

"Can choose to go to a non-smoking (whatever)" is the same as denial of the right to breathe.
Prove it's not.

Whether smokers go with or without their cigarettes, who cares, that's on them. But once they impinge on my ability to breathe, shit's gonna hit the fan. Why should they get breath rights and I don't?

No its not.

To non smoker, any smoker is a problem. Even when it doesn't affect non smoker at all.
Restaurants casinos and bars should have the freedom to allow smoking sections or not. People should have the freedom to eat in those restaurants. Freedoms are what we are about.
You have no right to force others to breathe your filth
You are absolutely right. They do not have to give that restaurant, bar or casino their business.
You just don't get it...

Smokers are the ones engaging in offensive behavior. It is the SMOKER who must be inconvenienced

If smokers are in smoking area, they are not offending anyone. Problem is, you wanna be with them, but smoke bothers you. You don't feel accepted... and only way to do so is to start smoking or make them quit. So you can hang out and listen to their stories. You ban smoking, but they manage to find another area where they can smoke. You still feel you don't belong with them, you're outsider.
Restaurants casinos and bars should have the freedom to allow smoking sections or not. People should have the freedom to eat in those restaurants. Freedoms are what we are about.
You have no right to force others to breathe your filth
You are absolutely right. They do not have to give that restaurant, bar or casino their business.
You just don't get it...

Smokers are the ones engaging in offensive behavior. It is the SMOKER who must be inconvenienced

You just don't get it. It is the business owner who has the right to decide what he wants in his business. He is the one who is taking the risk. Putting up the money, getting licenses, and promoting his business.

Liberal would say, you didn't build that.
I've grown so fearful of violent backlash from non-smokers I don't even smoke in my car if there's a chance I will stop next to a non-smoker's car. I relegate my smoking to out in my backyard with no one around.
That's okay, that's when I put together my most devious plans. Non-smokers beware. ;)

Thanks for that. Driving behind a smoker is damn disgusting. Gotta roll all the windows up. Fuck that.

What are you, bloodhound?
Smokers are no longer welcome in our society

No need to coddle their filthy habit
Of course not but hit that bong as you condemn them.

Ugly bitches are no longer welcome either but we tolerate them. Dumbass liberals have done far more damage than my smoking ever will but we tolerate your stupid ass as well.

Fuck off douchebag

Ugly bitches have always been welcome in bars. After a few drinks they don't look so bad

But ugly bitches are more socially acceptable than smokers

How desperate you have to be to get laid...
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As it happens I know one of the injured people quite well and everything about her lifestyle. She went from distance running/non-smoker ever, to coughing up blood and asthma within just two years of working at the casino. All at the tender age of 20. One of her coworkers went from non-smoking to dead from a breathing attack as someone was rushing her to the hospital from the casino. The other dozen or so were mostly non-smokers who are struggling to breath each night, going from a normal status before working there. Some of them require oxygen as they sleep, the older ones.

At these casinos, the smoke idles constantly. Whereas smokers choose to light up or not, employees at a smoking establishment have no choice. Essentially on an 8-hour shift, they are doing the equivalent of smoking nonstop for the entire 8 hours. Like I said, the gal I know went from distance running to coughing up blood JUST in the time she worked at the casino. After her injury she had to give up running.

Anyone who tries to deny the obvious effects of forced smoke ingestion is a fucking idiot. Hell I can feel my own pulse start racing right away. Then even if you get away there's that stench broadcasting itself off your skin and clothes...

Some one forced you to be around it?

So sorry about that

When I'm around things I don't like, I leave

And that's always possible on your planet, is it?
Do let me know when that's invented here.

Did you know it used to be you could smoke on a plane? Imagine that.
"Smokers on a Plane". Coming this Hallowe'en to a theater near you. Hey, don't like it? There's the door.
yaa, and you liber liars said, "WE JUST WANT YOU SMOKERS TO STOP SMOKING ON AIRPLANES", look at where smokers are now banned nearly everywhere :up:

the next time i trust what a liberliar says.., you can bet HELL jus froze over. :lmao:

Who ever said...."just on airplanes"?

Only in your sick mind
you apparently are not old enough or too stupid to recall, THAT was the original whine from liberwhiners.., after you liberwhiners got that banned you all started to whine about other areas to ban smoking, e.g., in private homes, automobiles and 10,000 miles from any other human :lmao: .......... :up:

:fu: ................... :asshole:
I'm a former smoker and believe that cigarettes, cigars, pipes, etc., all forms of tobacco, including chewing, should be banned around the world, as well as anything that simulates smoking from candy ciggies to E-cigs.

It's like taking poison, thinking about taking poison, simulating taking poison, pretending to take poison, etc. Tobacco is poison. It's just that simple.

And how someone smoking a pipe in Bangladesh affect you?

Expect your reply somewhere around Christmas.
You know you're clicking on posts from early last summer, right?

Sure do. It's still an active topic, started from the top.

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