Smoking Bans

Should Smoking be Banned in Businesses?

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I worked my way through university in restaurants and the like. Smoking was permitted and I had to deal with that. It's not like I had a choice here. This was back home in my parent's house in the middle of the countryside, jobs for uni students at xmas, easter, summer time and nothing else don't grow on trees. I needed the money, and besides, every other job had the same situation, people smoked in them.

You either have a ban, or you don't. You allow choice for owners, it's not really much of a choice, because they need to compete with those who choose to allow smoking.
Smoking is a choice
Breathing is not a choice

So, who should be inconvenienced?
Ummmm, your going to have to prove that, and of course, unless you follow someone 24/7/365, monitoring lifestyles, you can't.

Although, I have a feeling your the type that would enjoy that

As it happens I know one of the injured people quite well and everything about her lifestyle. She went from distance running/non-smoker ever, to coughing up blood and asthma within just two years of working at the casino. All at the tender age of 20. One of her coworkers went from non-smoking to dead from a breathing attack as someone was rushing her to the hospital from the casino. The other dozen or so were mostly non-smokers who are struggling to breath each night, going from a normal status before working there. Some of them require oxygen as they sleep, the older ones.

At these casinos, the smoke idles constantly. Whereas smokers choose to light up or not, employees at a smoking establishment have no choice. Essentially on an 8-hour shift, they are doing the equivalent of smoking nonstop for the entire 8 hours. Like I said, the gal I know went from distance running to coughing up blood JUST in the time she worked at the casino. After her injury she had to give up running.

Anyone who tries to deny the obvious effects of forced smoke ingestion is a fucking idiot. Hell I can feel my own pulse start racing right away. Then even if you get away there's that stench broadcasting itself off your skin and clothes...

Some one forced you to be around it?

So sorry about that

When I'm around things I don't like, I leave

And that's always possible on your planet, is it?
Do let me know when that's invented here.

Did you know it used to be you could smoke on a plane? Imagine that.
"Smokers on a Plane". Coming this Hallowe'en to a theater near you. Hey, don't like it? There's the door.

I am so sorry your fears run your lift.

Btw, when was the last time you had your home tested for radon?
And that's always possible on your planet, is it?
Do let me know when that's invented here.

Did you know it used to be you could smoke on a plane? Imagine that.
"Smokers on a Plane". Coming this Hallowe'en to a theater near you. Hey, don't like it? There's the door.

I remember taking flights on a plane with people smoking inside the cabin. One was across the pond for many hours. It was a fog of smoke. It made me airsick worse than anything.
And that's always possible on your planet, is it?
Do let me know when that's invented here.

Did you know it used to be you could smoke on a plane? Imagine that.
"Smokers on a Plane". Coming this Hallowe'en to a theater near you. Hey, don't like it? There's the door.

I remember taking flights on a plane with people smoking inside the cabin. One was across the pond for many hours. It was a fog of smoke. It made me airsick worse than anything.
My favorite memory was going to the movies and watching through a cloud of smoke
Ummmm, your going to have to prove that, and of course, unless you follow someone 24/7/365, monitoring lifestyles, you can't.

Although, I have a feeling your the type that would enjoy that

As it happens I know one of the injured people quite well and everything about her lifestyle. She went from distance running/non-smoker ever, to coughing up blood and asthma within just two years of working at the casino. All at the tender age of 20. One of her coworkers went from non-smoking to dead from a breathing attack as someone was rushing her to the hospital from the casino. The other dozen or so were mostly non-smokers who are struggling to breath each night, going from a normal status before working there. Some of them require oxygen as they sleep, the older ones.

At these casinos, the smoke idles constantly. Whereas smokers choose to light up or not, employees at a smoking establishment have no choice. Essentially on an 8-hour shift, they are doing the equivalent of smoking nonstop for the entire 8 hours. Like I said, the gal I know went from distance running to coughing up blood JUST in the time she worked at the casino. After her injury she had to give up running.

Anyone who tries to deny the obvious effects of forced smoke ingestion is a fucking idiot. Hell I can feel my own pulse start racing right away. Then even if you get away there's that stench broadcasting itself off your skin and clothes...

Some one forced you to be around it?

So sorry about that

When I'm around things I don't like, I leave

And that's always possible on your planet, is it?
Do let me know when that's invented here.

Did you know it used to be you could smoke on a plane? Imagine that.
"Smokers on a Plane". Coming this Hallowe'en to a theater near you. Hey, don't like it? There's the door.

I am so sorry your fears run your lift.

Btw, when was the last time you had your home tested for radon?

Fears don't run my lift. A guy named Otis runs it.

It's not "fears"; it's common fucking sense. You don't grab a hot stove, you don't run across an interstate highway and you don't suck carcinogenic smoke into your lungs. That's a choice I get to make for myself --- not some self-absorbed asshole who's addicted making it for me.

Sorry, I still have the right to breathe air, and nobody has the right to take that away from me. You don't like it? Find your own fucking atmosphere. This one's taken.
As it happens I know one of the injured people quite well and everything about her lifestyle. She went from distance running/non-smoker ever, to coughing up blood and asthma within just two years of working at the casino. All at the tender age of 20. One of her coworkers went from non-smoking to dead from a breathing attack as someone was rushing her to the hospital from the casino. The other dozen or so were mostly non-smokers who are struggling to breath each night, going from a normal status before working there. Some of them require oxygen as they sleep, the older ones.

At these casinos, the smoke idles constantly. Whereas smokers choose to light up or not, employees at a smoking establishment have no choice. Essentially on an 8-hour shift, they are doing the equivalent of smoking nonstop for the entire 8 hours. Like I said, the gal I know went from distance running to coughing up blood JUST in the time she worked at the casino. After her injury she had to give up running.

Anyone who tries to deny the obvious effects of forced smoke ingestion is a fucking idiot. Hell I can feel my own pulse start racing right away. Then even if you get away there's that stench broadcasting itself off your skin and clothes...

Some one forced you to be around it?

So sorry about that

When I'm around things I don't like, I leave

And that's always possible on your planet, is it?
Do let me know when that's invented here.

Did you know it used to be you could smoke on a plane? Imagine that.
"Smokers on a Plane". Coming this Hallowe'en to a theater near you. Hey, don't like it? There's the door.

I am so sorry your fears run your lift.

Btw, when was the last time you had your home tested for radon?

Fears don't run my lift. A guy named Otis runs it.

It's not "fears"; it's common fucking sense. You don't grab a hot stove, you don't run across an interstate highway and you don't suck carcinogenic smoke into your lungs. That's a choice I get to make for myself --- not some self-absorbed asshole who's addicted making it for me.

Sorry, I still have the right to breathe air, and nobody has the right to take that away from me. You don't like it? Find your own fucking atmosphere. This one's taken.

Yet you would probably visit NYC in a heartbeat. That's some atmosphere!

Plus I know almost no one that's had there home tested for radon, but then claim every lung cancer death on second hand smoke?

Might want to google radon. And while your at it, granite countertops and radiation.

Honestly, I don't care that MOST public buildings are smoke free, but to say bars should be is absurd. Deaths that can be directly attributed to the product sold in them takes zero guesswork.
Anyone who tries to deny the obvious effects of forced smoke ingestion is a fucking idiot. Hell I can feel my own pulse start racing right away. Then even if you get away there's that stench broadcasting itself off your skin and clothes...

Some one forced you to be around it?

So sorry about that

When I'm around things I don't like, I leave

And that's always possible on your planet, is it?
Do let me know when that's invented here.

Did you know it used to be you could smoke on a plane? Imagine that.
"Smokers on a Plane". Coming this Hallowe'en to a theater near you. Hey, don't like it? There's the door.

I am so sorry your fears run your lift.

Btw, when was the last time you had your home tested for radon?

Fears don't run my lift. A guy named Otis runs it.

It's not "fears"; it's common fucking sense. You don't grab a hot stove, you don't run across an interstate highway and you don't suck carcinogenic smoke into your lungs. That's a choice I get to make for myself --- not some self-absorbed asshole who's addicted making it for me.

Sorry, I still have the right to breathe air, and nobody has the right to take that away from me. You don't like it? Find your own fucking atmosphere. This one's taken.

Yet you would probably visit NYC in a heartbeat. That's some atmosphere!

Plus I know almost no one that's had there home tested for radon, but then claim every lung cancer death on second hand smoke?

Might want to google radon. And while your at it, granite countertops and radiation.

Honestly, I don't care that MOST public buildings are smoke free, but to say bars should be is absurd. Deaths that can be directly attributed to the product sold in them takes zero guesswork.
I spent two years in Manila, Philippines. The pollution there makes New York look like fresh mountain air. Never had any major breathing issues there. Conversely, I spent 15 minutes surrounded by smokers and almost ended up in the E.R.

Let's please not pretend that cigarette smoke is healthy.
Ummmm, your going to have to prove that, and of course, unless you follow someone 24/7/365, monitoring lifestyles, you can't.

Although, I have a feeling your the type that would enjoy that

As it happens I know one of the injured people quite well and everything about her lifestyle. She went from distance running/non-smoker ever, to coughing up blood and asthma within just two years of working at the casino. All at the tender age of 20. One of her coworkers went from non-smoking to dead from a breathing attack as someone was rushing her to the hospital from the casino. The other dozen or so were mostly non-smokers who are struggling to breath each night, going from a normal status before working there. Some of them require oxygen as they sleep, the older ones.

At these casinos, the smoke idles constantly. Whereas smokers choose to light up or not, employees at a smoking establishment have no choice. Essentially on an 8-hour shift, they are doing the equivalent of smoking nonstop for the entire 8 hours. Like I said, the gal I know went from distance running to coughing up blood JUST in the time she worked at the casino. After her injury she had to give up running.

Anyone who tries to deny the obvious effects of forced smoke ingestion is a fucking idiot. Hell I can feel my own pulse start racing right away. Then even if you get away there's that stench broadcasting itself off your skin and clothes...

Some one forced you to be around it?

So sorry about that

When I'm around things I don't like, I leave

And that's always possible on your planet, is it?
Do let me know when that's invented here.

Did you know it used to be you could smoke on a plane? Imagine that.
"Smokers on a Plane". Coming this Hallowe'en to a theater near you. Hey, don't like it? There's the door.
yaa, and you liber liars said, "WE JUST WANT YOU SMOKERS TO STOP SMOKING ON AIRPLANES", look at where smokers are now banned nearly everywhere :up:

the next time i trust what a liberliar says.., you can bet HELL jus froze over. :lmao:
Anyone who tries to deny the obvious effects of forced smoke ingestion is a fucking idiot. Hell I can feel my own pulse start racing right away. Then even if you get away there's that stench broadcasting itself off your skin and clothes...

Some one forced you to be around it?

So sorry about that

When I'm around things I don't like, I leave

And that's always possible on your planet, is it?
Do let me know when that's invented here.

Did you know it used to be you could smoke on a plane? Imagine that.
"Smokers on a Plane". Coming this Hallowe'en to a theater near you. Hey, don't like it? There's the door.

I am so sorry your fears run your lift.

Btw, when was the last time you had your home tested for radon?

Fears don't run my lift. A guy named Otis runs it.

It's not "fears"; it's common fucking sense. You don't grab a hot stove, you don't run across an interstate highway and you don't suck carcinogenic smoke into your lungs. That's a choice I get to make for myself --- not some self-absorbed asshole who's addicted making it for me.

Sorry, I still have the right to breathe air, and nobody has the right to take that away from me. You don't like it? Find your own fucking atmosphere. This one's taken.

Yet you would probably visit NYC in a heartbeat. That's some atmosphere!

Plus I know almost no one that's had there home tested for radon, but then claim every lung cancer death on second hand smoke?

Might want to google radon. And while your at it, granite countertops and radiation.

Honestly, I don't care that MOST public buildings are smoke free, but to say bars should be is absurd. Deaths that can be directly attributed to the product sold in them takes zero guesswork.

NYC has clean air.

Smoking causes a hazardous environment for customers and employees, but smokers still got to spew their filth
Ummmm, your going to have to prove that, and of course, unless you follow someone 24/7/365, monitoring lifestyles, you can't.

Although, I have a feeling your the type that would enjoy that

As it happens I know one of the injured people quite well and everything about her lifestyle. She went from distance running/non-smoker ever, to coughing up blood and asthma within just two years of working at the casino. All at the tender age of 20. One of her coworkers went from non-smoking to dead from a breathing attack as someone was rushing her to the hospital from the casino. The other dozen or so were mostly non-smokers who are struggling to breath each night, going from a normal status before working there. Some of them require oxygen as they sleep, the older ones.

At these casinos, the smoke idles constantly. Whereas smokers choose to light up or not, employees at a smoking establishment have no choice. Essentially on an 8-hour shift, they are doing the equivalent of smoking nonstop for the entire 8 hours. Like I said, the gal I know went from distance running to coughing up blood JUST in the time she worked at the casino. After her injury she had to give up running.

Anyone who tries to deny the obvious effects of forced smoke ingestion is a fucking idiot. Hell I can feel my own pulse start racing right away. Then even if you get away there's that stench broadcasting itself off your skin and clothes...

Some one forced you to be around it?

So sorry about that

When I'm around things I don't like, I leave

And that's always possible on your planet, is it?
Do let me know when that's invented here.

Did you know it used to be you could smoke on a plane? Imagine that.
"Smokers on a Plane". Coming this Hallowe'en to a theater near you. Hey, don't like it? There's the door.
yaa, and you liber liars said, "WE JUST WANT YOU SMOKERS TO STOP SMOKING ON AIRPLANES", look at where smokers are now banned nearly everywhere :up:

the next time i trust what a liberliar says.., you can bet HELL jus froze over. :lmao:

Who ever said...."just on airplanes"?

Only in your sick mind
Anyone who tries to deny the obvious effects of forced smoke ingestion is a fucking idiot. Hell I can feel my own pulse start racing right away. Then even if you get away there's that stench broadcasting itself off your skin and clothes...

Some one forced you to be around it?

So sorry about that

When I'm around things I don't like, I leave

And that's always possible on your planet, is it?
Do let me know when that's invented here.

Did you know it used to be you could smoke on a plane? Imagine that.
"Smokers on a Plane". Coming this Hallowe'en to a theater near you. Hey, don't like it? There's the door.

I am so sorry your fears run your lift.

Btw, when was the last time you had your home tested for radon?

Fears don't run my lift. A guy named Otis runs it.

It's not "fears"; it's common fucking sense. You don't grab a hot stove, you don't run across an interstate highway and you don't suck carcinogenic smoke into your lungs. That's a choice I get to make for myself --- not some self-absorbed asshole who's addicted making it for me.

Sorry, I still have the right to breathe air, and nobody has the right to take that away from me. You don't like it? Find your own fucking atmosphere. This one's taken.

Yet you would probably visit NYC in a heartbeat. That's some atmosphere!

Plus I know almost no one that's had there home tested for radon, but then claim every lung cancer death on second hand smoke?

Might want to google radon. And while your at it, granite countertops and radiation.

Honestly, I don't care that MOST public buildings are smoke free, but to say bars should be is absurd. Deaths that can be directly attributed to the product sold in them takes zero guesswork.

Is somebody losing a bad argument by so much that he's gotta shift the topic to radon, granite countertops and visiting New York Fucking City?



There's an easy way out dood. Just essplain to the class the reasoning in which some joker who wants to pollute his own lungs has the right to pollute mine as well. Then we'll be done.
It is the smokers who are engaging in offensive behavior

They are the ones who should have to isolate themselves. Non-smokers spent 150 years breathing in their filth.....let the smokers breathe some of our clean air for a change
Some one forced you to be around it?

So sorry about that

When I'm around things I don't like, I leave

And that's always possible on your planet, is it?
Do let me know when that's invented here.

Did you know it used to be you could smoke on a plane? Imagine that.
"Smokers on a Plane". Coming this Hallowe'en to a theater near you. Hey, don't like it? There's the door.

I am so sorry your fears run your lift.

Btw, when was the last time you had your home tested for radon?

Fears don't run my lift. A guy named Otis runs it.

It's not "fears"; it's common fucking sense. You don't grab a hot stove, you don't run across an interstate highway and you don't suck carcinogenic smoke into your lungs. That's a choice I get to make for myself --- not some self-absorbed asshole who's addicted making it for me.

Sorry, I still have the right to breathe air, and nobody has the right to take that away from me. You don't like it? Find your own fucking atmosphere. This one's taken.

Yet you would probably visit NYC in a heartbeat. That's some atmosphere!

Plus I know almost no one that's had there home tested for radon, but then claim every lung cancer death on second hand smoke?

Might want to google radon. And while your at it, granite countertops and radiation.

Honestly, I don't care that MOST public buildings are smoke free, but to say bars should be is absurd. Deaths that can be directly attributed to the product sold in them takes zero guesswork.

Is somebody losing a bad argument by so much that he's gotta shift the topic to radon, granite countertops and visiting New York Fucking City?



There's an easy way out dood. Just essplain to the class the reasoning in which some joker who wants to pollute his own lungs has the right to pollute mine as well. Then we'll be done.

Poor hater dude. So damn worried about his health he can't address whether he's had his house, OR FOR THAT MATTER, the businesses he works in or frequents tested for radon.

Hypocrite much?

But, then again, the gubment gave you doofuses a license to spew hate and you're just goin wid da flow aye?
And that's always possible on your planet, is it?
Do let me know when that's invented here.

Did you know it used to be you could smoke on a plane? Imagine that.
"Smokers on a Plane". Coming this Hallowe'en to a theater near you. Hey, don't like it? There's the door.

I am so sorry your fears run your lift.

Btw, when was the last time you had your home tested for radon?

Fears don't run my lift. A guy named Otis runs it.

It's not "fears"; it's common fucking sense. You don't grab a hot stove, you don't run across an interstate highway and you don't suck carcinogenic smoke into your lungs. That's a choice I get to make for myself --- not some self-absorbed asshole who's addicted making it for me.

Sorry, I still have the right to breathe air, and nobody has the right to take that away from me. You don't like it? Find your own fucking atmosphere. This one's taken.

Yet you would probably visit NYC in a heartbeat. That's some atmosphere!

Plus I know almost no one that's had there home tested for radon, but then claim every lung cancer death on second hand smoke?

Might want to google radon. And while your at it, granite countertops and radiation.

Honestly, I don't care that MOST public buildings are smoke free, but to say bars should be is absurd. Deaths that can be directly attributed to the product sold in them takes zero guesswork.

Is somebody losing a bad argument by so much that he's gotta shift the topic to radon, granite countertops and visiting New York Fucking City?



There's an easy way out dood. Just essplain to the class the reasoning in which some joker who wants to pollute his own lungs has the right to pollute mine as well. Then we'll be done.

Poor hater dude. So damn worried about his health he can't address whether he's had his house, OR FOR THAT MATTER, the businesses he works in or frequents tested for radon.

Hypocrite much?

But, then again, the gubment gave you doofuses a license to spew hate and you're just goin wid da flow aye?

Care to show the class where "radon" appears in the topic? Or "New York City"? Or "radiation? Or "granite countertops"?
Care to show how any of these, even a single one -- represent some clown's self-indulgence forced on other people?

No, of course you don't.
Perhaps there are other irrelevant tangents as yet untouched.
Bigfoot... the heartbreak of psoriasis.... can zombies be far behind?

DeNialism -- it's a deep river of shit.
Oh, and I thought your support was for health reasons.

Appears not

It appears anything that simply upsets a nanny must be banished from society

How very exciting for you

And I thought you were serious, for what, the first time?
Oh, and I thought your support was for health reasons.

Appears not

It appears anything that simply upsets a nanny must be banished from society

How very exciting for you

And I thought you were serious, for what, the first time?

Smoking is offensive and dangerous. It is no longer welcome in society

No great loss

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